wxformbuilder doesn't add validators on textctrl to code - wxwidgets

I'm trying to make some app using wxwidgets. I created a bit of GUI using wxformbuilder and now I want one of my textctrl to use numeric validator. I set it up in wxformbuilder like this:
So I made validator_type wxTextValidator, checked validator_style: wxFILTER_NUMERIC and unchecked wxFILTER_NONE. And set validator_data_type to wxString.
But it seems that there's no code related to validators in generated files.
Here's all code that works with that textctrl:
m_textCtrl5 = new wxTextCtrl( m_panel9, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_RIGHT );
fgSizer9->Add( m_textCtrl5, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
I tried to make it earlier and I had the same problem. I generated inherited class and made it work by simply writing that validator code myself but I don't want to do the same thing now.
Am I doing something wrong or is this thing just not working?

To add a numeric validator, you also need to assign a string variable to hold the contents being validated. In wxFormbuilder you just need to fill in the "validator_variable" area like so:


Keyboard shortcuts on Flutter web

I'm adding keyboard shortcuts to a Flutter web application.
I have a form within a custom FocusableActionDetector where the shortcut has form like this:
and action is like:
CustomActivateIntent: CallbackAction<CustomActivateIntent>(
onInvoke: (intent) { provider.value = "2"; },)
In the same form I have a couple of numeric TextFormFields. To permit writing the character "2" I have to put these text fields inside some new FocusableActionDetector, otherwise the previous detector catches the command and the text field loses the "2" character, and this is already quite weird... Moreover, after writing in any of the text fields the form focus detector doesn't work anymore.
I think this could be related to the focus system, which is yet not that clear to me.
Can anyone help find a clean solution?
I found a workaround: the FocusableActionDetector is now preceded by an if statement. The code looks like the following:
// I extract the form to a widget to make it clearer
var searchWidget = SearchWidget();
child: textEditingInProgress
? searchWidget
: FocusableActionDetector(
child: searchWidget,
The textEditingInProgress bool is a field in a provider and is controlled by the FocusNodes belonging to the TextControllers.
Still this is not a perfect solution, in particular I'd like to understand why the previous approach was not working.

How can I create the resource string without a big string?

In After Effects scripts, if you want your script to be able to be docked in the program's workspace, the only way to do it as far as I know is to use a resource string like this:
var res = "Group{orientation:'column', alignment:['fill', 'fill'], alignChildren:['fill', 'fill'],\
group1: Group{orientation:'column', alignment:['fill', ''], alignChildren:['fill', ''],\
button1: Button{text: 'Button'},\
myPanel.grp = myPanel.add(res);
The above code creates a script UI with one button ("button1") inside a group ("group1").
I would like to know other ways to create the same resource string. Is it possible to make it using a JSON object and then stringifying it??
I know it can be done somehow, because I have inspected the Duik Bassel script that is dockable and, for example, adds elements like this:
var button1 = myPal.add( 'button' );
but I cannot understand how to do it myself.
TL;DR: I want to make a dockable scriptUI without writing a giant string all at once, but bit by bit, like a floating script.
UI container elements have an add() method which allows you to add other UI elements to them, and you can treat them as normal objects.
var grp = myPanel.add("group");
grp.orientation = "column";
grp.alignment = ['fill', 'fill'];
grp.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill'];
var group1 = grp.add("group");
var button1 = group1.add("button");
button1.text = 'Button'
More details and examples here: https://extendscript.docsforadobe.dev/user-interface-tools/types-of-controls.html#containers
Also worth checking out https://scriptui.joonas.me/ which is a visual scriptUI interface builder. You have to do some work on the code it produces to get panels for AE, but it's not hard.
extendscript still uses a 20th century version of javaScript, which doesn't have JSON built-in, but I have successfully used a JSON polyfill with it.
I used json2.js to get structured data in and out of Illustrator, and it worked beautifully, but I can see there's now a json3.js which might be better for whatever reason. This stackoverflow question addresses the differences.
To load another .js file (such as a polyfill) into your script, you need to do something like
var scriptsFolder = (new File($.fileName)).parent; // hacky but effective
$.evalFile(scriptsFolder + "/lib/json2.js"); // load JSON polyfill
These file locations may differ in other Adobe apps. Not sure what it would be in AfterEffects. I seem to remember that InDesign has a different location for scripts. You can also hardcode the path, of course.
Good luck!

Opencart shows variable instead text

my store suddenly starts to show just the variables, instead the text of the variable.
i already check the controller, and it looks okay.
the footer shows like this:
and the content of theses variables is
$_['text_address'] = 'Endereço';
$_['text_address_cnt'] = 'Endereço da sua loja';
the controller looks like:
$data['text_address'] = $this->language->get('text_address');
$data['text_address_cnt'] = $this->language->get('text_address_cnt');
anyone went through this?
ps: store version 2.0.2
I made a new store and works ok... Still don't know why this has happened.

django-autocomplete-light doesn't show 'add-another' button

I wasted a lot of time trying to solve this problem but didn't find any solution. I wanted to use django-autocomplete-light in Admin-interface not only selecting values existing in another table but adding new values. If I use it like this:
class MeaningAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin):
form = autocomplete_light.modelform_factory( Meaning)
everything is Ok and I can see and use 'add-another'-button on the form, but when I use it like following:
class MeaningAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin):
form = MeaningForm
'add-another'-button disappears. Does anybody know how to force get this button back in the 2nd case?

angularJS dynamic login page

My code is here: http://plnkr.co/edit/2WDK0b
Is it possible that when I enter an existing username, the message in the "help-block" span will change dynamically?
Just wrap your existing checking code in a function in the controller. Like $scope.checkUsername = function() { //your existing code }
Now on your username input put ng-change="checkUsername()" and then it will work.
Before you get too much further make sure to read the validation bits from the Angular Form's guide: http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/forms
Here's a fiddle of your code working: http://plnkr.co/edit/LwMJGq?p=preview Although I think the logic for the name checking needs a bit of work.