API Access in Medallia - api

How can I get client id and client secret for accessing API in Medallia?
I am only having access to the app that is created in medalllia. What to do get api access in medallia.


Xamarin forms with Azure AD B2C getting 401 Unauthorized while calling web api

i have implemented Azure B2C Attentication in Xamarin using Microsoft.Identity.Client nuget package.
after successful login it returning me a Id_Token and if I use this Id token to fetch the web api then the unAuthorid 401 error.Im using this scope
You need to create two applications in the Azure AD B2C portal, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, then use the user to log in to the client application, and use the client application to access the api application.
First, you need to expose the api of the api application:
Next, go to the client application, add the scope exposed by the api application to the client application (you can find your exposed api permissions in My APIs), so that the client can access the api, and then grant the admin consent for the permission.
Finally, I use the ROPC user flow to obtain the token.
Parse the token:

API Gateway with Cognito and LoginWithAmazon

I am creating a REST API on API Gateway and want to use Cognito (User Pool) with LWA for authentication.
Anyone calling the API should be able to use their Amazon account credentials to get access token from Cognito and pass the access token while calling API gateway.
I want to know is it possible for callers to use a curl command or use postman to generate access token via Cognito? I checked that once the access token are generated we can call API gateway using Postman.
Any suggestion/idea on this would be helpful.

How to secure Web API with Auth0 without exposing ClientId & ClientSecret to client?

I am creating a new .Net Core Web API that is consumed by a new React client-side app. Both the client-side app and the Web API are on different hosts and protected by Auth0. I set up both the client-side app and the Web API in Auth0, and then I created a machine-to-machine app in Auth0 to be able to communicate with the Web API silently (without a user interface). The security flow works like this:
User tries to access client-side app.
User is re-directed to Auth0 to provide credentials.
Auth0 authenticates the credentials and returns user info (including user ID + access token) to client-side app.
Client-side app stores user info in local storage for future use until it expires.
Any calls to 3rd party APIs are routed through my own Web API, so 3rd party API keys are sitting in a safe place on the server, not on the client-side.
User accesses a page that requires a call to my Web API but we don't have an access token for my Web API yet.
Client-side app reads the ClientId & ClientSecret (hard-coded values) from .env file and makes a POST request to Auth0 to fetch an access token for my Web API (this is Auth0's recommended way of getting the access token for the Web API silently except they don't specify where the ClientId & ClientSecret would be stored).
Auth0 returns an access token for my Web API.
Client-side app stores the Web API access token in local storage for future use until it expires.
Client-side app invokes my Web API with newly acquired access token as the bearer token in the header.
Web API receives the access token, authenticates with Auth0 and fulfills the request.
All of the above is working for me but I am concerned about storing the Auth0 ClientSecret of my Web API in the client-side app. Although it is not visible on the screen or in a cookie anywhere, any capable user would be able to get at it by inspecting the network traffic.
Many people on the Internet seem to be fine with storing 3rd party API keys in .env files while others advise routing 3rd party API access through your own Web API ... and I am doing the latter. But I still need the Auth0 ClientSecret to get to my own Web API and I cannot figure out a better place way to get to it without storing them somewhere on the client-side.
One last-ditch solution I can think of is to not protect my Web API through Auth0 and instead every call from the client-side app to my Web API should include something unique (like the user ID from Auth0) that can be validated by the Web API. Thankfully, the user ID from Auth0 will be stored in our database when the user is set up initially, so this is actually possible.
Does Auth0 have any other way for me to get the Web API access token without providing the ClientSecret given that I already have the client-side app's access token? I am curious to know how others have secured both their client-side app and their Web API through Auth0.
You are correct, you should not include the client secret in your client-side app. Do not use a client credentials flow, instead use a auth code + PKCE or implicit flow.
With that being said, Auth0 should handle most of that if you are using a library or SDK.
You have two options for getting the token:
When requesting the initial access token and ID token add the Web API as an audience and request the related scopes.
Make a silent request using the checkSession function for Auth0.js or getTokenSilently for auth0-spa-js
Take a look at this:

Azure AD connect multiple apps to single Web API

I have a Web API written using asp.net core. This API will be used to communicate with several other services registered in AAD, which all could be made using different technologies like an MVC application written in asp.net core or a single page application written in Vue.JS. The latter is causing me issues as the SPA won't be run by an application web server and rather something like nginx or apache and therefor won't be able to use a client secret.
I have added API permissions for my API to my apps.
How would I achieve this? I'm currently sending an access token using the Authorization: Bearer access_token header from the client app to the API, but since the client app and the API aren't the same app in the AAD, it's causing issues.
Here's the flow I'm trying to achieve:
All of the requested apps require you to login to the AAD and when requesting data from the API, they'll send the JWT token, which then should validate the token before returning the requested resource back to the client application.
It seems you misunderstand something . You can register your each client as independent application in Azure AD , and assign access permission for your web api .
The latter is causing me issues as the SPA won't be run by an application web server and rather something like nginx or apache and therefor won't be able to use a client secret.
SPA application use Implicit grant flow , so that it doesn't need the client secret when acquiring token .SPA could be independent app , you should provide client id when making authentication with AAD. After getting access token , you could create http request with Authorization: Bearer access_tokenheader for accessing your web api .
Each client(web/spa/native) will acquire access token for accessing web api . On web api side , you just need to validate the token .Validate the claims(issuer,audience) and signature .

How to Authenticate to Azure Active Directory Graph API on a Users behalf?

I have setup an AD in Windows Azure and created some users as well. I have also registered/created an application inside AD for third party application to access API(using Client and Secret ID).
I have followed the steps listed in the below links for authenticating to Graph API :
Authenticating to the Graph API
Getting an Application ID and Password for Authenticating to the Graph API
But when i tried with my client and Secret ID i am getting "Invalid Client error" message .
Error validating credentials. Invalid client secret is provided.
Also is it possible to Authenticate to Graph API on a Users behalf (By providing Client Credentials of a User inside AD).
Any help is appreciated.
The response from Azure ActiveDirectory will contain an id_token that contains the user's email in the UPN field. If you use the ADAL library or the libraries from Office 365 API tools http://blogs.msdn.com/b/officeapps/archive/2014/03/12/announcing-office-365-api-tools-for-visual-studio-preview.aspx, this information is available in the object model.