One database, multiple names in SQL Server - sql

I have an old ERP, which handled many organizations in a single db with a suffix on the tables. Lets say the db name is ORG and the tables look like CLIENTS01, CLIENTS02, CLIENTS03.
The new ERP connects to one database per organization.
The sad thing is I need to use both ERPs, so I need to replicate SAME DB WITH MULTIPLE NAMES: ORG01, ORG02, ORG03.
I was thinking for mirroring but this will increase database workload.
I looked for aliases but didn't find the way to make it work on the same instance.
I tried to create new database and then attach same file MDF file without success.
What would be the simplest way to just create 3 new databases connecting to the same database (1 database, multiple names)?


SQL Server Merge with two tables from different azure SQL Database from same Azure SQL SERVER

I need to merge with 2 different tables from 2 different azure SQL databases where as these two azure sql database are from same azure sql server.
also for performance imporvement purpose, what I need to do is bulk insert and/or bulk update. also, this will be continous activity. for very first time I have to merge all data which is huge. and then whenever respective topic recivies message, I need to add/update that single record only.
what are the different options to do the same. for both processes.
please help. thanks.
You can use Azure SQL Data Sync to merge those tables located on 2 different databases into a third and new database. You just need to create the table with no records, then use Azure SQL Data Sync with one-way sync from those 2 databases (member databases) to the newly created table on the new database (hub database). On the first sync data will be merged on the new table located on the hub database. Every time a record gets updated, deleted or new record arrive on the member databases then that data change is replicated to the hub database and to the merged table.
To know more about the free Azure SQL Data Sync please read here.

Getting data from different database on different server with one SQL Server query

Server1: Prod, hosting DB1
Server2: Dev hosting DB2
Is there a way to query databases living on 2 different server with a same select query? I need to bring all the new rows from Prod to dev, using a query
like below. I will be using SQL Server DTS (import export data utility)to do this thing.
Insert into Dev.db1.table1
Select *
from Prod.db1.table1
where table1.PK not in (Select table1.PK from Dev.db1.table1)
Creating a linked server is the only approach that I am aware of for this to occur. If you are simply trying to add all new rows from prod to dev then why not just create a backup of that one particular table and pull it into the dev environment then write the query from the same server and database?
Granted this is a one time use and a pain for re-occuring instances but if it is a one time thing then I would recommend doing that. Otherwise make a linked server between the two.
To backup a single table in SQL use the SQl Server import and export wizard. Select the prod database as your datasource and then select only the prod table as your source table and make a new table in the dev environment for your destination table.
This should get you what you are looking for.
You say you're using DTS; the modern equivalent would be SSIS.
Typically you'd use a data flow task in an SSIS package to pull all the information from the live system into a staging table on the target, then load it from there. This is a pretty standard operation when data warehousing.
There are plenty of different approaches to save you copying all the data across (e.g. use a timestamp, use rowversion, use Change Data Capture, make use of the fact your primary key only ever gets bigger, etc. etc.) Or you could just do what you want with a lookup flow directly in SSIS...
The best approach will depend on many things: how much data you've got, what data transfer speed you have between the servers, your key types, etc.
When your servers are all in one Active Directory, and when you use Windows Authentification, then all you need is an account which has proper rights on all the databases!
You can then simply reference all tables like server.database.schema.table
For example:
insert into server1.db1.dbo.tblData1 (...)
select ... from server2.db2.dbo.tblData2;

SSRS Report Data Source for Query with Multiple Databases

I have a dataset that pulls from multiple databases on the same server. Historically (without doing research) in this case I would set the data source to ReportServer (the database that houses the execution log for the server, ect.) and noticed the dataset doesn't seem to care what the data source is.
I did a few hours of digging and couldn't find an answer. When using (or in my case, unioning) multiple data bases in a dataset, what should the dataset data source be in Visual Studio?
Specifying the database in the connection string sets the starting, default database for the query. If your permissions are adequate, then there is nothing to stop you from accessing other databases.
The database in the connection string will give your query the context that is used when you don't specify a database name as part of a table. If your query is simply:
SELECT * FROM vw_Interactions
then this will run against the database specified in your connection string.
For your case, when using a table with the same name across multiple databases, the default database doesn't matter much, as long as the data access account has permissions that let the query work.

How can i combine more then one database's data in one database with same schema

I have a 5 database with same schema, i want to copy all data in one database with same schema
or how can i copy data from *.mdf files in database.
i am using sql server 2005
Copy Database with T-SQL:
Copy Database with Wizard:
I'd suggest taking a look at Red Gate SQL Data Compare. That will enable you to merge the data between the two databases and directly control which one wins in any given situation.
As mentioned above you need to deal with the Primary Keys as well...
One way to deal with this to add a "Database ID" to all the tables in the single central version. The central PKs become the PK from the source table, plus the "Database ID". This way you have unique PKs in the central version AND you can tell which database the row came from. This is what sql-hub does - there is a free licence which will let you do this as a one-off task - or you could do the inserts for each database and table in SQL.

SQL Server Schema to Schema Migration

I would like to know which one is the best approach for migrating existing DB data to another new DB with entirely different structure. I want to copy the data from my old DB and need to insert the data in new DB. For me the table names and column names of new DB is entirely different. I am using SQL Server 2008.
You should treat this as an ETL problem, not a migration, as the two schemas are entirely different. The proper tool for this is SSIS. SSIS allows you to create dataflows that map columns from one table to another, add derived sources, perform splits, merges, etc. If possible you should create source queries that return results close to the schema of the target database so you need fewer transformations.
In this you have to migrate most of the parts manually by running scripts. AFAIK automatically it will not synchronize. But using SSMS you Map tables of two different db's. hope that will help.