Word VBA macro on parentheticals - vba

I have been using the following macro to pull out items in parenthesis to comments in word:
' CommentBubble Macro
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
searchtext = "\(*\)"
With myRange.Find
.MatchWildcards = True
Do While .Execute(findText:=searchtext, Forward:=True) = True
If Len(myRange.Text) > 4 Then
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add myRange, myRange.Text
myRange.Text = ""
End If
End With
End Sub
The reason I have the length of the text be > 4 is because these are legal documents and I don't want to isolate strings that have things like "in the following conditions: (i) condition 1, (ii) condition 2, etc."
However, here is a snippet of text for which the above code breaks:
This is sample text (with some additional text) that does stuff (with more stuff) and represents 39.4% of shares on the effective date (before giving effect, with some conditions such as ( some stuff (i) and some stuff (ii) with final stuff) and more final stuff) which is subject to (some conditions here) and conclude here.
If you run this you will get the following result:
This is sample text that does stuff and represents 39.4% of shares on the effective date and some stuff (ii) with final stuff) and more final stuff) which is subject to and conclude here.
As you can see the nested parenthesis cause some trouble. Any advice?

You are trying to match parentheses which in Word is a difficult and thankless task as Word only sees opening and closing parentheses as individual characters and not automatically matched by word. The code below finds matching parentheses, eliminates trailing spaces, habdles the case of no parentheses being present, and errors out if you have unbalanced errors. I've left in debugging statements so that you can uncomment them to see what is happening.
Option Explicit
Public Sub ttest()
Dim myRange As Word.Range
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdMainTextStory)
myRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseStart
Set myRange = NextParenRange(myRange)
Do Until myRange Is Nothing
Debug.Print myRange.Text
Dim myDupRange As Word.Range
Set myDupRange = myRange.Duplicate
myRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
If myDupRange.Characters.Last.Next.Text = " " Then myDupRange.MoveEnd Count:=1
Set myRange = NextParenRange(myRange)
End Sub
Public Function NextParenRange(ByVal ipRange As Word.Range) As Word.Range
Const OpenP As String = "("
Const CloseP As String = ")"
Dim myRange As Word.Range
Set myRange = ipRange.Duplicate
'If myRange.Start <> myRange.End Then myRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseStart
'exit if no parentheses exist
'Debug.Print myRange.Start
If myRange.MoveUntil(cset:=OpenP) = 0 Then
Set NextParenRange = Nothing
Exit Function
'Debug.Print myRange.Start
Dim myParenCount As Long
myParenCount = 1
myRange.MoveEnd Count:=1
End If
Do Until myParenCount = 0
' allows VBA to respond to a break key press
' if we run out of parentheses before we get back to zero then flag an error
If myRange.MoveEndUntil(cset:=OpenP & CloseP) = 0 Then
VBA.Err.Raise 17, "Unbalanced parentheses in document"
End If
myRange.MoveEnd Count:=1
'Debug.Print myRange.Characters.Last.Text
'Debug.Print myRange.Characters.Last.Next.Text
myParenCount = myParenCount + IIf(myRange.Characters.Last.Text = OpenP, 1, -1)
Set NextParenRange = myRange.Duplicate
End Function


How to delete ALL empty paragraphs only at the START of a Word file

I am trying to delete ALL empty paragraphs at the start of a Word file. I am using the following to delete just the FIRST paragraph but I need to delete all empty paragraphs in a row, so that if you have 5 empty lines, they will all be deleted.
here is the code:
Dim MyRange As Range
Set MyRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
If MyRange.Text = vbCr Then MyRange.Delete
I've tried adding a loop and for statement, but to no avail.
thanks in advance.
Collapse to the start of the document, then extend the range whilst 'empty characters' are found.
Here is your starter for 10
Dim MyRange As Range
Set MyRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
MyRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseStart
MyRange.MoveEndWhile cset:=" " & vbCrLf ' & any other invisible characters that may be present
Each paragraph must have at least one character - the paragraph mark itself. So all we need to do is to check if the paragraph contains only 1 character.
Simple like this:
Sub ClearEmptyPargraphAtStartOfDocument()
While (ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range.Characters.Count = 1)
End Sub
This seems to work for me
Public Sub SOCheck()
Dim MyRange As Range, CarryOn As Boolean
CarryOn = True
While CarryOn
Set MyRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
If MyRange.Text = vbCr Then
CarryOn = False
End If
'MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
It's just a loop around your own code

Finding a "Heading" Style in a Word Document

I have a Word macro that allows to put his/her cursor anywhere in a Word document and it finds and saves the Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3 text that is above the text selected by the user in order capture the chapter, section and sub-section that is associated with any sentence in the document.
I am currently using the code below which moves up the document line-by-line until it finds a style that contains "Heading x". When I have completed this task I move down the number of lines that I moved up to get to Heading 1, which may be many pages.
As you can imagine this is awkward, takes a long time (sometimes 60+ seconds) and is visually disturbing.
The code below is that subroutine that identifies the heading.
Dim str_heading_txt, hdgn_STYLE As String
Dim SELECTION_PG_NO as Integer
hdng_STYLE = Selection.Style
Do Until Left(hdng_STYLE, 7) = "Heading"
Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, COUNT:=1
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
hdng_STYLE = Selection.Style
'reached first page without finding heading
SELECTION_PG_NO = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
If SELECTION_PG_NO = 1 Then 'exit if on first page
a_stop = True
Exit Sub
End If
str_heading_txt = Selection.Sentences(1)
I tried another approach below in order to eliminate the scrolling and performance issues using the Range.Find command below.
I am having trouble getting the selection range to move to the text with the "Heading 1" style. The code selects the sentence at the initial selection, not the text with the "Heading 1" style.
Ideally the Find command would take me to any style that contained "Heading" but, if required, I can code separately for "Heading 1", "Heading 2" and "Heading 3".
What changes to the code are required so that "Heading 1" is selected or, alternatively, that "Heading" is selected?
Dim str_heading_txt, hdgn_STYLE As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Fnd As Boolean
Set Rng = Selection.Range
With Rng.Find
.Style = "Heading 1"
.Forward = False
Fnd = .Found
End With
If Fnd = True Then
With Rng
hdng_STYLE = Selection.Style
str_heading_txt = Selection.Sentences(1)
End With
End If
Any assistance is sincerely appreciated.
You can use the range.GoTo() method.
Dim rngHead As Range, str_heading_txt As String, hdgn_STYLE As String
Set rngHead = Selection.GoTo(wdGoToHeading, wdGoToPrevious)
'Grab the entire text - headers are considered a paragraph
rngHead.Expand wdParagraph
' Read the text of your heading
str_heading_txt = rngHead.Text
' Read the style (name) of your heading
hdgn_STYLE = rngHead.Style
I noticed that you used Selection.Sentences(1) to grab the text, but headings are already essentially a paragraph by itself - so you can just use the range.Expand() method and expand using wdParagraph
Also, a bit of advice:
When declaring variables such as:
Dim str_heading_txt, hdgn_STYLE As String
Your intent was good, but str_heading_txt was actually declared as type Variant. Unfortunately with VBA, if you want your variables to have a specific data type, you much declare so individually:
Dim str_heading_txt As String, hdgn_STYLE As String
Or some data types even have "Shorthand" methods known as Type Characters:
Dim str_heading_txt$, hdgn_STYLE$
Notice how the $ was appended to the end of your variable? This just declared it as a String without requiring the As String.
Some Common Type-Characters:
$ String
& Long
% Integer
! Single
# Double
You can even append these to the actual value:
Dim a
a = 5
Debug.Print TypeName(a) 'Prints Integer (default)
a = 5!
Debug.Print TypeName(a) 'Prints Single
Try something based on:
Sub Demo()
Dim Rng As Range, StrHd As String, s As Long
s = 10
With Selection
Set Rng = .Range
Set Rng = Rng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\HeadingLevel")
StrHd = Rng.Paragraphs.First.Range.Text
Do While Right(Rng.Paragraphs.First.Style, 1) > 1
Rng.End = Rng.Start - 1
Set Rng = Rng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\HeadingLevel")
With Rng.Paragraphs.First
If Right(.Style, 1) < s Then
s = Right(.Style, 1)
StrHd = .Range.Text & StrHd
End If
End With
MsgBox StrHd
End With
End Sub

Smart quotations aren't recognized by InStr()

I have a code like so:
Sub MoveToBeginningSentence()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim selectedWords As Range
Dim selectedText As String
Const punctuation As String = " & Chr(145) & "
On Error GoTo ErrorReport
' Cancel macro when there's no text selected
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdSentence, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
Set selectedWords = Selection.Range
selectedText = selectedWords
If InStr(selectedText, punctuation) = 0 Then
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdSentence, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdSentence, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
End If
End Sub
Basically, it help me move whatever text I have selected to the beginning of the sentence in Word. If there's no quotation mark, then paste once. If there is a quote mark, paste 4 times.
The problem is regardless of whether there's any quotation there or not, it will only paste once. If I set the macro to detect any other character, it will work fine. But every single time I try to force it to detect smart quotations, it will fail.
Is there any way to fix it?
Working with the Selection object is always a bit chancy; on the whole, it's better to work with a Range object. You can have only one Selection; you can have as many Ranges as you need.
Because your code uses the Selection object it's not 100% clear what the code does. Based on my best guess, I put together the following example which you can tweak if it's not exactly right.
At the beginning, I check whether there's something in the selection, or it's a blinking insertion point. If no text is selected, the macro ends. This is better than invoking Error handling, then not handling anything: If other problems crop up in your code, you wouldn't know about them.
A Range object is instantiated for the selection - there's no need to "cut" it, as you'll see further along. Based on this, the entire sentence is also assigned to a Range object. The text of the sentence is picked up, then the sentence's Range is "collapsed" to its starting point. (Think of this like pressing the left arrow on the keyboard.)
Now the sentence's text is checked for the character Chr(145). If it's not there, the original selection's text (including formatting) is added at the beginning of the sentence. If it's there, then it's added four times.
Finally, the original selection is deleted.
Sub MoveToBeginningSentence()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim selectedText As String
Dim punctuation As String
punctuation = Chr(145) ' ‘ "smart" apostrophe
Dim selRange As word.Range
Dim curSentence As word.Range
Dim i As Long
' Cancel macro when there's no text selected
If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then Exit Sub
Set selRange = Selection.Range
Set curSentence = selRange.Sentences(1)
selectedText = curSentence.Text
curSentence.Collapse wdCollapseStart
If InStr(selectedText, punctuation) = 0 Then
curSentence.FormattedText = selRange.FormattedText
For i = 1 To 4
curSentence.FormattedText = selRange.FormattedText
curSentence.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End If
End Sub
Please check out this code.
Sub MoveToBeginningSentence()
' 19 Jan 2018
Dim Rng As Range
Dim SelText As String
Dim Repeats As Integer
Dim i As Integer
With Selection.Range
SelText = .Text ' copy the selected text
Set Rng = .Sentences(1) ' identify the current sentence
End With
If Len(SelText) Then ' Skip when no text is selected
With Rng
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Selection.Range.Text = "" ' delete the selected text
Repeats = IIf(IsQuote(.Text), 4, 1)
If Repeats = 4 Then .MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
For i = 1 To Repeats
.Text = SelText & .Text
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
MsgBox "Please select some text.", _
vbExclamation, "Selection is empty"
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsQuote(Txt As String) As Boolean
' 19 Jan 2018
Dim Quotes
Dim Ch As Long
Dim i As Long
Quotes = Array(34, 147, 148, -24143, -24144)
Ch = Asc(Txt)
' Debug.Print Ch ' read ASCII code of first character
For i = 0 To UBound(Quotes)
If Ch = Quotes(i) Then Exit For
Next i
IsQuote = (i <= UBound(Quotes))
End Function
The approach taken is to identify the first character of the selected sentence using the ASC() function. For a normal quotation mark that would be 34. In my test I came up with -24143 and -24144 (opening and closing). I couldn't identify Chr(145) but found MS stating that curly quotation marks are Chr(147) and Chr(148) respectively. Therefore I added a function that checks all of them. If you enable the line Debug.Print Ch in the function the character code actually found will be printed to the immediate window. You might add more character codes to the array Quotes.
The code itself doesn't consider spaces between words. Perhaps Word will take care of that, and perhaps you don't need it.
You need to supply InStr with the starting position as a first parameter:
If InStr(1, selectedText, punctuation) = 0 Then
Const punctuation As String = " & Chr(145) & "
is going to search for space-ampersand-space-Chr(145)-space-ampersand-space. If you want to search for the smart quote character then use
Const punctuation As String = Chr(145)
Hope that helps.

Macro to insert comments on keywords in selected text in a Word doc?

I'm new to VBA and would greatly appreciate some help on a problem.
I have long Word documents where I need to apply standard comments to the same set of keywords, but only in selected sections of the document. The following macro worked to find a keyword and apply a comment (from question here https://superuser.com/questions/547710/macro-to-insert-comment-bubbles-in-microsoft-word):
Sub label_items()
' label_items Macro
Do While Selection.Find.Execute("keyword1") = True
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add range:=Selection.range, Text:="comment for keyword 1"
End Sub
The two modifications are:
1) only apply the comments to user selected text, not the whole document. I tried a "With Selection.Range.Find" approach but I don't think comments can be added this way (??)
2) repeat this for 20+ keywords in the selected text. The keywords aren't totally standard and have names like P_1HAI10, P_1HAI20, P_2HAI60, P_HFS10, etc.
EDIT: I have tried to combine code from similar questions ( Word VBA: finding a set of words and inserting predefined comments and Word macro, storing the current selection (VBA)) but my current attempt (below) only runs for the first keyword and comment and runs over the entire document, not just the text I have highlighted/selected.
Sub label_items()
' label_items Macro
Dim selbkup As range
Set selbkup = ActiveDocument.range(Selection.range.Start, Selection.range.End)
Set range = selbkup
Do While range.Find.Execute("keyword 1") = True
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add range, "comment for keyword 1"
Set range = selbkup
Do While range.Find.Execute("keyword 2") = True
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add range, "comment for keyword 2"
'I would repeat this process for all of my keywords
End Sub
I've combed through previous questions and the Office Dev Center and am stuck. Any help/guidance is greatly appreciated!
It's a matter of adding a loop and a means of Finding the next keyword you're looking for. There are a few suggestions in the code example below, so please adjust it as necessary to fit your requirements.
Option Explicit
Sub label_items()
Dim myDoc As Document
Dim targetRange As Range
Set myDoc = ActiveDocument
Set targetRange = Selection.Range
'--- drop a bookmark to return the cursor to it's original location
Const RETURN_BM = "OrigCursorLoc"
myDoc.Bookmarks.Add Name:=RETURN_BM, Range:=Selection.Range
'--- if nothing is selected, then search the whole document
If Selection.Start = Selection.End Then
Selection.Start = 0
targetRange.Start = 0
targetRange.End = myDoc.Range.End
End If
'--- build list of keywords to search
Dim keywords() As String
keywords = Split("SMS,HTTP,SMTP", ",", , vbTextCompare)
'--- search for all keywords within the user selected range
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(keywords)
'--- set the cursor back to the beginning of the
' originally selected range
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=RETURN_BM
With Selection.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Text = keywords(i)
If .Found Then
If (Selection.Start < targetRange.End) Then
Selection.Comments.Add Selection.Range, _
Text:="Found the " & keywords(i) & " keyword"
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
End With
Next i
'--- set the cursor back to the beginning of the
' originally selected range
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=RETURN_BM
End Sub

VBA loop won't stop/doesn't find the "\EndofDoc" marker

I am writing a vba macro to search a word document line by line and trying to find certain names in the document. The looping works fine except for when it gets to the end of the document, it just continues from the top and starts over. Here is the code:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer, Rng As Range
With ActiveDocument.Range
With .Find
.Text = "?"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchWildcards = True
End With
Do While .Find.found
i = i + 1
Set Rng = .Duplicate
Set Rng = Rng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\line")
MsgBox "Line " & i & vbTab & Rng.Text
If Rng.Bookmarks.Exists("\EndOfDoc") Then Exit Do
.start = Rng.End
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
Set Rng = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have also tried this piece of code:
Dim appWD As Word.Application
Dim docWD As Word.Document
Dim rngWD As Word.Range
Dim strDoc As String
Dim intVal As Integer
Dim strLine As String
Dim bolEOF As Boolean
bolEOF = False
' Set strDoc here to include the full
' file path and file name
On Error Resume Next
Set appWD = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set appWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strDoc = "c:\KenGraves\Project2\output\master.doc"
Set docWD = appWD.Documents.Open(strDoc)
appWD.Visible = True
appWD.Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
strLine = appWD.Selection.Text
Debug.Print strLine
intVal = LineContainsDescendant(strLine)
If intVal = 1 Then
MsgBox strLine
End If
appWD.Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
If appWD.Selection.Bookmarks.Exists("\EndOfDoc") Then bolEOF = True
Loop Until bolEOF = True
Neither seem to recognize the bookmark ("\EndOfDoc"). It doesn't matter which one gets working. Is it possible that my document does not contain this bookmark?
Not terribly elegant, but this change to one line of your first procedure seems to stop it at the appropriate time. I believe you actually have to insert bookmarks into your document if you want to reference them. They aren't automatically generated.
If i >= ActiveDocument.BuiltInProperties("NUMBER OF LINES") Then Exit Do
Cheers, LC
Unless you have a corrupted document, all Word documents should have the \EndOfDoc bookmark. You can check using simply ActiveDocument.Range.Bookmarks("\EndOfDoc").Exists. If it doesn't then you'll need to supply more details on the version of Word and if possible supply a sample document via Dropbox or the like.
I'm not sure why you're looping to the start of the Word document, when I run the code it works fine. However, if I put a footnote at the end of the document it runs into an endless loop, depending on your documents you may run into additional situations like this where your code fails to handle the document setup.
I would suggest modifying slightly how you check for the end of the document to make your code a bit more robust. I'd still use the bookmark "\EndOfDoc", however I'd check the limits of the range against your current search range.
So at the top of your code declare a range variable and set it to range of the end of the document eg:
Dim rEnd As Range
Set rEnd = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("\EndOfDoc").Range
and then in your loop, instead of this line:
If Rng.Bookmarks.Exists("\EndOfDoc") Then Exit Do
use this line:
If Rng.End >= rEnd.End Then Exit Do