Azure SQL slow first query - azure-sql-database

We are experiencing that the first execution of a query against an index is very slow. It's like there is a cold start of the index. The table is big with millions of rows.
execution: 30+sec
execution: 4ms
Database script:
[Timestamp] datetime2 NOT NULL,
[PackageUid] nvarchar(450) NOT NULL,
[DeviceUid] nvarchar(450) NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX [IX_Audits_DeviceUid] ON [Audits] ([DeviceUid]);
CREATE INDEX [IX_Audits_PackageUid] ON [Audits] ([PackageUid]);
CREATE INDEX [IX_Audits_Timestamp] ON [Audits] ([Timestamp]);
FROM [Audits] AS [f]
WHERE [f].[DeviceUid] = "04B6481955104083"
ORDER BY [f].[Timestamp] DESC
FROM [Audits] AS [f]
WHERE [f].[DeviceUid] = "04B6481955104083"
ORDER BY [f].[Timestamp] DESC
Possible causes:
nvarchar is to big for the index to work quickly enough. I could change it down to 50.
Missing index on DeviceUid and Timestamp

We are experiencing that the first execution of a query against an index is very slow. It's like there is a cold start of the index. The table is big with millions of rows.
SQL Server query plans always read data from the page cache in memory. If a query needs a page that's not in memory, it enters an PAGEIOLATCH wait while the page is fetched from disk. Once database pages are in the page cache they stay there until they are aged out by more recently/frequently used page via the LRU-K page replacement algorithm.
If you have a very large number of rows with WHERE [f].[DeviceUid] = "04B6481955104083" then it could take some time for all those pages to be read from the index for the count(*). But all those pages might fit in your page cache, so the next run doesn't require any physical IO.
If you look at the actual execution plan, it will have the CPU, IO and Wait stats.
And memory management in serverless Azure SQL Database is a bit different than provisioned VCore or DTU model (or regular SQL Server).
Memory for serverless databases is reclaimed more frequently than for
provisioned compute databases. This behavior is important to control
costs in serverless and can impact performance.
Serverless Overview - Memory Management
So you will more often be in a cold-cache scenario in serverless.


Non-clustered index creation on SQL Azure takes up insane amount of storage space

I thought that a non-clustered / logical index consisted only of pointers to the actual records.
I have a table with a clustered index on the primary key (id), a datetime, and a varchar (and a few other columns I'm not indexing).
I used the command:
CREATE INDEX Index_CreatedDesc_AccountAsc ON MyTable (Created desc, Account asc)
The table has 500 million records. I'm watching on the Azure database metrics in real time as it creates the index (it's ran for about 1 hour 30 minutes so far).
It started at 111GB, and now the table has increased in size to 120GB. Why is it taking up so much space if it only needs to create pointers to the physical records/data pages?
It is not just pointers. In reality, Azure SQL database and SQL Server are creating a balanced tree or b-tree (more exactly a B-Plus tree) as is explained on SQL Server Internals book. B-trees start small and perfectly formed and grow nicely to enormous sizes. If you don't defragment them regulary they may get fragmented and consume more space as explained here.

Does a covering index pay off when the data is in order of the clustered index?

I my scenario, I have posts, which are grouped in categories. For an overview list of categories I want to display a summary of the top 10 posts with the categories (as opposed to the detail view of a category, that displays the full data). The top 10 posts are determined by a score, which comes from another table (actually an indexed view - but that doesn't matter here).
The table structure is the following:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Categories]
[Key] CHAR(10) CONSTRAINT [UK_Categories_Key] UNIQUE,
[Caption] NVARCHAR(500) NOT NULL,
[Description] NVARCHAR(4000) NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Posts]
[CategoryId] INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [FK_Posts_Category] FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES [dbo].[Categories] ([Id]),
[Text] NVARCHAR(4000) NULL,
[SummaryText] AS
CASE WHEN LEN([Text]) <= 400
ELSE CAST(SUBSTRING([Text], 0, 399) + NCHAR(8230) AS NVARCHAR(400)) --First 399 characters and ellipsis
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Scores] (
[CategoryId] INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [FK_Scores_Category] FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES [dbo].[Categories] ([Id]),
CREATE INDEX [IX_Scores_CategoryId_Value_PostId]
ON [dbo].[Scores] ([CategoryId], [Value] DESC, [PostId])
I can now use a view to get the top ten posts of each category:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[TopPosts]
SELECT c.Id AS [CategoryId], cp.PostId, p.[Key], p.SummaryText, cp.Value AS [Score]
FROM [dbo].[Categories] c
SELECT TOP 10 s.PostId, s.Value
FROM [dbo].[Scores] s
WHERE s.CategoryId = c.Id
) AS cp
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Posts] p ON cp.PostId = p.Id
I understand that the CROSS APPLY will use the covering index IX_Scores_CategoryId_Value_PostId, because it contains the category ID (for the WHERE) the value (for the ORDER BY and the SELECT) and the post ID (for the SELECT) and thus will be reasonably fast.
The question is now: what about the INNER JOIN? The join predicate uses the post ID, which is the key of the Post table's clustered index (the primary key). When I create a covering index that includes all the fields of the SELECT (see below), can I significantly increase query performance (with a better execution plan, reduced I/O, index caching etc.), even though accessing the clustered index is already a pretty fast operation?
The covering index would look like this:
CREATE INDEX [IX_Posts_Covering]
ON [dbo].[Posts] ([Id], [Key], [SummaryText])
Since the direction of my question doesn't seem entirely clear, let me put down my thoughts in more detail. I am wondering if the covering index (or index with included columns) could be faster for the following reasons (and the performance gain woul be worth it):
Hard drive access. The second index would be considerably smaller than the clustered index, SQL Server would have to go through less pages on the HD, which would yield better read performance. Is that correct and would you see the difference?
Memory consumption. To load the data into the memory, I assume SQL Server would have to load the entire row into memory and then pick the columns it needs. Wouldn't that increase memory consumption?
CPU. My assumption is that you wouldn't see a measurable difference in CPU usage, since extracting the row from the columns is not per se a CPU operation. Correct?
Caching. My understanding is that you won't see much difference in caching, because SQL Server would only cache the data it returns, not the entire row. Or am I wrong?
These are basically (more or less educated) assumptions. I would appreciate it a lot if someone could enlighten me about this admittedly very specific issue.
This is a fun question because all four sub-questions you raise can be answered with "it depends", which is usually a good sign that the subject matter is interesting.
First of all, if you have an unhealthy fascination with how SQL Server works under the covers (like I do) the go-to source is "Microsoft SQL Server Internals", by Delaney et al. You don't need to read all ~1000 pages, the chapters on the storage engine are interesting enough on their own.
I won't touch the question of whether this particular covering index is useful in this particular case, because I think the other answers have covered that nicely (no pun intended), including the recommendation to use INCLUDE for columns that don't need to be indexed themselves.
The second index would be considerably smaller than the clustered
index, SQL Server would have to go through less pages on the HD, which
would yield better read performance. Is that correct and would you see
the difference?
If you assume the choice is either between reading pages of the clustered index or pages of the covering index, the covering index is smaller1, which means less I/O, better performance, all that niceness. But queries don't execute in a vacuum -- if this is not the only query on the table, the buffer pool may already contain most or all of the clustered index, in which case disk read performance could be negatively affected by having to read the less-frequently used covering index as well. Overall performance may also be decreased by the total increase in data pages. The optimizer considers only individual queries; it will not carefully tune buffer pool usage based on all queries combined (dropping pages happens through a simple LRU policy). So if you create indexes excessively, especially indexes that are used infrequently, overall performance will suffer. And that's not even considering the intrinsic overhead of indexes when data is inserted or updated.
Even if we assume the covering index is a net benefit, the question "would you see the difference" (as in, does performance measurably increase) can only be effectively answered empirically. SET STATISTICS IO ON is your friend here (as well as DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS, in a test environment). You can try and guess based on assumptions, but since the outcome depends on the execution plan, the size of your indexes, the amount of memory SQL Server has in total, I/O characteristics, the load on all databases and the query patterns of applications, I wouldn't do this beyond a ballpark guess of whether the index could possibly be useful. In general, sure, if you have a very wide table and a small covering index, it's not hard to see how this pays off. And in general, you will sooner see bad performance from not enough indexes than from too many indexes. But real databases don't run on generalizations.
To load the data into the memory, I assume SQL Server would have to
load the entire row into memory and then pick the columns it needs.
Wouldn't that increase memory consumption?
See above. The clustered index takes up more pages than the covering index, but whether memory usage is affected positively or negatively depends on how each index is used. In the very worst case, the clustered index is used intensively by other queries that don't profit from your covering index, while the covering index is only of help to a rare query, so all the covering index does is cause buffer pool churn that slows down the majority of your workload. This would be unusual and a sign your server could do with a memory upgrade, but it's certainly possible.
My assumption is that you wouldn't see a measurable difference in CPU
usage, since extracting the row from the columns is not per se a CPU
operation. Correct?
CPU usage is typically not measurably affected by row size. Execution time is (and that, in turn, does affect usage depending on how many queries you want to run in parallel). Once you've covered the I/O bottleneck by giving your server plenty of memory, there's still the matter of scanning the data in memory.
My understanding is that you won't see much difference in caching,
because SQL Server would only cache the data it returns, not the
entire row. Or am I wrong?
Rows are stored on pages, and SQL Server caches the pages it reads in the buffer pool. It does not cache result sets, or any intermediate data generated as part of the query execution, or individual rows. If you execute a query twice on an initially empty buffer pool, the second one is typically faster because the pages it needs are already in memory, but that's the only source of speedup.
With that in mind, see the answer to your first question -- yes, caching is affected because the pages of your covering index, if used, are cached separately from the pages of the clustered index, if used.
1 A covering index may not actually be smaller if it's heavily fragmented due to page splits. But this is an academic point, because it's not really about what index is physically larger but how much pages of each are actually accessed.
No, you do not need this covering index.
Limit the number of indexes for each table: A table can have any number of indexes. However, the more indexes there are, the more overhead is incurred as the table is modified. Thus, there is a trade-off between the speed of retrieving data from a table and the speed of updating the table.
Your scenario is more likely as an OLTP system instead of Data Warehouse, it will have large numbers of on-line transactions(insert, update, delete). So creating this covering index will slow down your modification operations.
Yes,there will be 10 posts per each category. So if you have N category types, the return result set is at most 10*N post records.
Another Guideline about Index: Create an index if you frequently want to retrieve less than 15 percent of the rows in a large table. (My SQL Tuning instructor suggests us 5 percent) If greater than 15 percent, the final execution plan will not be optimal when we use Index.
Let's consider two extreme cases about your POST table:
Post table just has 10*N records and every category type is hit by post record 10 times. So the final execution plan will full scan POST table instead of using any index.
The number of Post table is greater than (10 * N / 15%), so it will retrieve less than 15% of rows in Post table. The Optimizer will use Post ID field to do join operation. And it should be a hash join.
So even you have created a covering index, the Optimizer will never use it unless you use a hint.
Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes Described
Your nonclustered covering index might give you a nominal added performance benefit over the clustered index, but it is going to depend on the size of the data you are querying. If the number of rows is relatively small, then there will likely be no useful advantage.
Taking a step back, given that your join predicate is only the [Posts].[Id], adding the [Key] and [SummaryText] columns as key columns in the index is unnecessary. They should instead be added as nonkey columns:
ON [dbo].[Posts] ([Id])
INCLUDE ([Key], [SummaryText])
Per Microsoft: MSDN - Create Indexes with Included Columns
Redesign nonclustered indexes with a large index key size so that only columns used for searching and lookups are key columns. Make all other columns that cover the query into nonkey columns. In this way, you will have all columns needed to cover the query, but the index key itself is small and efficient.
Include nonkey columns in a nonclustered index to avoid exceeding the current index size limitations of a maximum of 16 key columns and a maximum index key size of 900 bytes. The Database Engine does not consider nonkey columns when calculating the number of index key columns or index key size.
Essentially, the covering index makes a duplicate of the [dbo].[Posts] table excluding the [CategoryId] and [Text] columns. Because you will have fewer columns in the covering index, SQL should be able to stuff in more rows per index page. Based on that assumption (which, admittedly, may need scrutiny), as SQL traverses the b-tree, seeking across pages to find the matching rows, it might perform nominally better on the covering index because it has fewer pages to load and look through.
Regardless of the index choice, you might also consider placing your join to the [Posts] table into the cross apply. That would likely force a seek, though the makeup of your data would determine the efficiency.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[TopPosts]
SELECT c.[Id] AS [CategoryId], cp.[PostId],
cp.[Key], cp.[SummaryText], cp.[Value] AS [Score]
FROM [dbo].[Categories] c
SELECT TOP 10 s.[PostId], s.[Value], p.[Key], p.[SummaryText]
FROM [dbo].[Scores] s
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Posts] p ON s.[PostId] = p.[Id]
WHERE s.[CategoryId] = c.[Id]
) AS cp
At the end of the day, it is going to depend on the size of your data, disk IO, RAM, etc. You will have to decide if the additional space used by the covering index will justify the nominal performance gain, if any.
A great breakdown of index usage:

SQL Server choice wrong execution plan

When this query is executed, SQL Server chooses a wrong execution plan, why?
SELECT top 10 AccountNumber , AVERAGE
FROM [M].[dbo].[Account]
WHERE [Code] = 9201
SELECT top 10 AccountNumber , AVERAGE
FROM [M].[dbo].[Account] with (index(IX_Account))
WHERE [Code] = 9201
SQL Server chooses the clustered PK index for this query and elapsed time = 78254 ms, but if I force SQL Server to choose a non-clustered index then elapsed time is 2 ms, Stats Account table is updated.
It's usually down to having bad statistics on the various indexes. Even with correct stats, an index can only hold so many samples and occasionally when there is a massive skew in the values then the optimiser can think that it won't find a sufficiently small number.
Also you can sometimes have a massive amount of [almost] empty blocks to read through with data values only at "the end". This can sometimes mean where you have a couple of otherwise close variations, one will require drastically more IO to burn through the holes. Likewise if you don't actually have 10 values for 9201 it will have to do an entire table scan if it choses the PK/CI rather than a more fitting index. This is more prevalent when you've done plenty of deletes.
Try updating the stats on the various indexes and things like that & see if it changes anything. 78 seconds is a lot of IO on a single table scan.

SQL server : XML : Data Base Table Optimization

I have a SQL server DB , which have a Table , which Log every Exceptions with details along with 2 XML's (1 for Request , 1 for Response).
These 2 XML's are Compressed.
Now as the Data volume is high , I need to clean the Table in every 3-4 month.
What are the Optimization technique , I can use to avoid Data Clean up's.
Create Indexes on all columns that require searching.
Run optimize table tablename (or similar according to your RDBMS) through cron job every day.
Probably the best thing you can look into is table partitioning, which will allow you to quickly remove data when it needs age out. Also, make sure that you cluster your index on a monotonically increasing value (either a surrogate identity value or a datetime column, like dateofreciept); this will reduce fragmentation on the clustered index.

SQL Server Indexes - Initial slow performance after creation

Using SQL Server 2005. This is something I've noticed while doing some performance analysis.
I have a large table with about 100 million rows. I'm comparing the performance of different indexes on the table, to see what the most optimal is for my test scenario which is doing about 10,000 inserts on that table, among other things on other tables. While my test is running, I'm capturing an SQL Profiler trace which I load in to an SQL table when the test has finished so I can analyse the stats.
The first test run after recreating a different set of indexes on the table is very noticeably slower than subsequent runs - typically about 10-15 times slower for the inserts on this table on the first run after the index creation.
Each time, I clear the data and execution plan cache before the test.
What I want to know, is the reason for this initial poorer performance with a newly created set of indexes?
Is there a way I can monitor what is happening to cause this for the first run?
One possibility is that the default fill factor of zero is coming in to play.
This means that there's 'no room' in the index to accommodate your inserts. When you insert, a page split in the index is needed, which adds some empty space to store the new index information. As you carry out more inserts, more space is created in the index. After a while the rate of splitting will go down, because your inserts are hitting pages that are not fully filled, so splits are not needed. An insert requiring page splits is more expensive than one that doesn't.
You can set the fill factor when you create the index. Its a classic trade off between space used and performance of different operations.
I'm going go include a link to some Sybase ASE docs, 'cos they are nicely written and mostly applicable to SQL Server too.
Just to clarify:
1) You build an index on a table with 100m pre-existing rows.
2) You insert 10k rows into the table
3) You insert another 10k rows into the table
Step 3 is 10x faster than step 2?
What kind of index is the new index - not clustered, right? Because inserts on a clustered index will cause very different behavior. In addition, is there any significant difference in the profile of the 2 inserts, because depending on the clustered index, they will have different behavior. Typically, it should either have no clustered index or be clustered on an increasing key.