Add parameter in Firebase Dynamic Link created thru console - react-native

I have an Expo/React Native app and I'm trying to implement Firebase Dynamic Links so that I can connect two users. So, user A would provide a dynamic link to user B. If user B doesn't have the app already installed, the link would send the user to App Store or Google Play for it to be installed. Once the installation is completed, the app would open up and retrieve user A's ID. If user B already has the app installed, the dynamic link would simply open the app and retrieve user A's ID.
Here's my question: if I define a dynamic link through the Firebase console, can I add parameters to it in my app? In other words, simply use the dynamic link on the console and add user A's ID to it.
Or if I need to send parameters that will depend on the user, do I need to generate them through the REST API?
I'm currently trying the REST API but keep getting 401 error. I simply make a POST call with the following request object to the{MyWebAPIKey}. And here's my request object:
"dynamicLinkInfo": {
"domainUriPrefix": "",
"link": "",
"androidInfo": {
"androidPackageName": ""
"iosInfo": {
"iosBundleId": ""
My is hosted by Firebase and is used only for dynamic linking purposes and when I go to the Dynamic Links console, it shows as my URL prefix.
So, I'm trying to understand:
If I'll simply add a user ID as a parameter, can I use the dynamic link I create through the console or do I need to generate a dynamic link programmatically -- in my case through the REST API?
If I need to do it through the REST API, what am I doing wrong in my code?
PS: Interestingly, when I try the POST call to Shortlinks API using Postman, it actually works and gives me a shortlink. When I try the same thing in my Expo app, I get a 401 error.


How can a webhook identify USER_IDs?

I'm developing a webhook, and I want it to be able to #mention specific users. The simple message format specifies using the format of <users/123456789012345> to #mention a specific users. Since this is not a bot, it is not processing an incoming message and cannot pull the from the sender field, as suggested in the note on the developer site linked above.
How can I get the USER_ID of a user on my domain?
I am in the same boat as you. Trying to use a Webhook to mention a user.
If you inspect the HTML on, using web/dev tools, you can actually see user ID under tag data-member-id="user/bot/123456789012345"
Using the above I tried to form a webhook that mentioned the user (in my case another bot).
Unfortunately it didn't work. Passing in the string <users/123456789012345> please test came through to chat as a string literal.
It's strange because the html links and markup DO get interpreted. As mentioned here. Edit: so does <users/all>.
I'm leaving this here since your question asks for how to elicit the ID. While it may not be pretty, or much automatable, it helped me get the user ID at least.
Edit 2: It works, just not to mention my other bot for some reason. But using this method I was able to mention a human user :)
I use this for find the USER_ID but if you have another way let me know
Right click on the user and select inspect
Search for data-member-id this is your USER_ID
A webhook will not be able to pull the USER_ID of a user. As a workaround for this, you can create a service account and a bot that has access to the room and use the REST API spaces.members.list() and spaces.members.get() method.
Note: The bot will need to be added to the room.
Okay, so in order to get the UserID without having to do all of the things that you're trying to do here you need to use the Admin SDK API in google app script. Basically what you'll want to do is use your google app script as an intermediary for what you're trying to do. So you'll post something to google app script via their web exec functions on a deployed app and then have that app communicate to the google chat API via something like this:
var googlewebhookurl = '';
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify({ text: "<users/000000000001> I see you!" })
UrlFetchApp.fetch(googlewebhookurl, options);
To start, you'll need to add the Admin SDK API to the services in your google app script services area. So click the plus next to "Services" and then select the Admin SDK API and click add to add it to the services, it winds up showing up in the list as "AdminDirectory" once it has been added to the services.
This is an image showing what it looks like once you've added it to the services.
Here is a link to the documentation for the Admin SDK API getting user information:
You should be able to copy and paste that example function to get the information you're looking for regarding the user. I'm pasting the example code below in case something happens to this link:
* Get a user by their email address and logs all of their data as a JSON string.
function getUser() {
var userEmail = '';
var user = AdminDirectory.Users.get(userEmail);
Logger.log('User data:\n %s', JSON.stringify(user, null, 2));
In order to get the user id, take the user variable that comes back and access and voila! You have the ID you're looking for. From there just plaster it into a text message in google chat and you should be in business. I haven't gotten it to work with cards at all yet. I'm not seeing any documentation saying that it's supported in cards at all. For more information regarding chat messages and cards take a look at these:

How do I pass data from login to another page

I am new to react-native and redux. I have successfully created a login function which calls a post-request api. The credentials insert by a user are matric no and password. I have another post-method api need to be called to display a list of data in another page after the user successfully logged on. However I dunno how to pass the matric no to another page since there is no event that ought to trigger the user to enter their matric no i order to call the post-method api. Can somebody help me how to solve this?
Use Redux Store or AsyncStorage to store important login information like token or your matrix no.
Retrieve on next page in componentWillMount() and send to Ajax to validate and get data.
ref :
you might want to use react redux. Using this u can acess anything from anywhere fast and simple.
Its a little hard to setup but once u have setup its easy to manage and u get info anywhere in the app refer this link: Getting started with Redux.
It covers different aspects of using redux. Starting off with a simple example of counter. It also deals with how to manage an api call where the result can be accessed anywhere from the app.
Good luck!

How to apply cron jobs to Api methods that requires authntication?

Hello frinds presently i am doing manually authentication and getting user tweets and post form various api like instagram,tweeter,youtube but it requires authentication .
Now i want to automate the process and wish to run cron so i can fetch data every hour with authentication.
I know it is possible by passing access token in url methods but no idea how to do it.
first of all you need to have those access tokens. I'll explain the YouTube API and will also write other API's links. Process is similar in almost every API first you get the token then you pass it in URL.
YouTube API :
Here is a document about YouTube API which will help you create your own access key. After creating it just pass the key in URL with key=YOUR_API_KEY. You can retrieve datas from these links they might also give you an idea about how to use the api key : Videos , Channels (There are examples in the documents for JAVA, PHP and Python ). If you are using PHP you can use this curl function for authentication and retrieving datas.

Rally: Seeing information about the current user from a web client

I'm writing a Rally app using REST service calls and JQuery. I'd like to customize app behavior to the current user, i.e., show their default project. Is there a way to get a username or ID for the current auth session? The closest I've found is this website url, which redirects to the userid (if you request it while logged in).
But is there a real way to do it? A REST call would be nice, but I guess that's not RESTful?
You can make a request to and it will return results for the currently logged in user.
Include UserProfile and DefaultProject in your fetch and any other fields on Project, Workspace, WorkspaceConfiguration and UserProfile objects and you should be able to get most of the info you're looking for.
If you're using SDK 2 some of this information is already available in the current context:

Replace "via Graph API Explorer" label by my application name

I am quite new in Facebook application development. I was playing the all day with "how to post a message on the wall of a page?". I finally succeeded but each message got "via Graph API Explorer". I tried to find how to change it to my application name without success. I tried to see if I could force the value of application in the api command but it did not take it into account. Maybe I miss something :( If someone can help, that would be great!
I am still quite confused. Let me try to explain what I want to do: I would like to automatically publish on a page (as the page) some event that are defined on a website (in a kind of agenda). What I miss, I think, is how everything is working together on Facebook side:
1. the login process: as the application will run in a cron, this should not display a login dialog box.
2. the access token: application or page one?
3. the permissions: from my understanding, I need manage_pages (and publish_stream) but not clear how this should be set.
Thx for any clarification and maybe a clear example :o)
You need the user to authorise your own App using one of the Login flows and grant you one of the publishing Permissions -
If it says 'via Graph API Explorer' on the posts your app makes you're using the access token you retrieved when you were testing the API using the Graph API Explorer tool, not one produced by your own app
OK I think I have finally found the way to do it. I needed a page access code and not an application access code. The token must be generated outside the application as a long live one.
Get a code using:{app_id}&redirect_uri={my_url}&scope=manage_pages,publish_stream
app_id is your application ID
my_url is your application URL
scope is the permission you want to be granted
In the redirected URL, you will have a code parameter. Copy it.
Generate the user access code using:{app_id}&redirect_uri={my_url}&client_secret={app_secret}&code={code}
app_secret is your application secret key
code is the code from step 1
You will get as output the user access token. This one is a short live one.
convert the short live to a long live user access token using:{app_id}&client_secret={app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={short live access token}
Replace the "short live access token" by the one you got on step 2
You will get as output the infinite user access token.
Get the page access token (this one will be infinite access token as
the user access token is now an infinite access token too):{infinite user access token}
Replace the "infinite user access token" with the value you got on step 3.
This command will list all the pages you administer. The output contains the page access token you need in field "access_token". You can so use this token in any API command in your application.
The best of the best is to do all those steps via a server side program (PHP for me) as the application secret key should remain "secret".