Watch triggers only once - vue3 - vue.js

Vue3 newbie here. I am trying to toggle a string value, but watch triggers only once.
<div className="create-date-label">
<p>Create Date</p>
? 'fa fa-arrow-down'
: 'fa fa-arrow-up'
import Navbar from "../components/Navbar.vue";
import ConfigurationRow from "../components/ConfigurationRow.vue";
const SORT_DIRECTIONS = Object.freeze({
export default {
name: "Home",
components: {
data() {
return {
configurations: [],
sortDirection: '',
methods: {
toggleSortDate() {
if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING;
if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING;
watch: {
sortDirection: function (newDirection) {
console.log("watch sort direction", newDirection); //Prints ASCENDING once
if (newDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING)
this.configurations = this.configurations.sort(
(a, b) => -
else if (newDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING)
this.configurations = this.configurations.sort(
(a, b) => -
deep: true, //Tried with removing this too, same result
created() {
this.configurations = [
key: "some_key",
value: "",
description: "This is a kind of a long description",
date: new Date(),
key: "another_key",
value: "1.2",
description: "Desc",
date: new Date(),
key: "min_value",
value: "13",
"This is a kind of a long description This is a kind of a long description This is a kind of a long description ",
date: new Date(),
].sort((a, b) => -;
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING;
I am using vue3 but do I have to use ref or reactive to achieve this? Anybody have an idea on how this triggers once but not again?

Try this:
toggleSortDate() {
if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING;
else if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING;


How to make nested properties reactive in Vue

I hava a component with complex nested props:
<a-tree :tree-data="data" :selected-keys="[selectedKey]" #select="onSelect" />
<a-input v-model="sheet[selectedKey].tableName" />
<ux-grid ref="previewTable">
<ux-table-column v-for="field in sheet[selectedKey].fields"
:key="" :field="">
<a-input slot="header" v-model="field.label" />
export default {
props: {
previewData: { type: Array, default: () => [] }
data () {
return {
data: this.previewData,
selectedKey: '0-0-0',
sheet: { 'none': { tableName: null, fields: [] } }
created () {, fid) => {
file.sheets.forEach((sheet, sid) => {
this.$set(this.sheet, `0-${fid}-${sid}`, {
tableName: sheet.label,
fields: => ({ ...field }))
mounted () {
methods: {
onSelect ([ key ], { node }) {
if (key !== undefined && 'fields' in node.dataRef) {
this.selectedKey = key
} else {
this.selectedKey = 'none'
And previewData props is something like:
name: "example.xlsx",
filename: "80b8519f-f7f1-4524-9d63-a8b6c92152b8.xlsx",
sheets: [{
name: "example",
label: "example",
{ label: "col1", name: "col1", type: "NUMBER" },
{ label: "col2", name: "col2", type: "STRING" }
This component allows user to edit the label properties. I have to make Object sheet reactive to user input, and I tried $set and Object.assign, it works for sheets.label but fields[].label is still not reactive.
I wish to know what would be the declarative (and optimal) solution for it
You might need a watcher or computed property in React for previewData to be changed.

Dynamic index of array

I;m new on Vuejs and I'm currently working with composition API so I have an array like this:
const tabs = ref([
id: 1,
pdf: 'name1',
id: 2,
pdf: 'name2',
id: 3,
pdf: 'name3',
Then I have a div like this:
v-for="tab in tabs"
class="px-12 pt-8 flex flex-col"
:class="[tab.current || 'hidden']"
<div v-if="pdf != ''">
<div class="pt-4 font-bold underline">
<a :href="pdfSrc" target="_blank">See PDF</a>
And then I use computed to get current href value as:
props: {
tabs: {
type: Array as PropType<Array<any>>,
required: true,
computed: {
pdfSrc(): string {
return `/img/modal/pdf/${encodeURIComponent(this.tabs[0].pdf)}.pdf`
As you can see I always use tabs[0] so pdf value is always value name1 and I want to get depending of the selected tab
The tab method:
setup(props) {
const changeTab = (selectedTab: { id: number }) => {
props.tabs?.map((t) => { === ? (t.current = true) : (t.current = false)
return {
How can I change static index 0 to dynamic one depending on the current tab?
I would suggest creating a new variable for tracking the selected tab.
const selectedTabId = ref(0);
Similar to tabs, this could be passed down in array and the value updated in changeTab function.
props: {
tabs: {
type: Array as PropType<Array<any>>,
required: true,
selectedTabId: {
type: Number
setup(props) {
const changeTab = (selectedTab: { id: number }) => {
selectedTabId =
props.tabs?.map((t) => { === ? (t.current = true) : (t.current = false)
return {
Finally in the computed use selectedTabId
computed: {
pdfSrc(): string {
return `/img/modal/pdf/${encodeURIComponent(this.tabs[this.selectedTabId].pdf)}.pdf`

Vue.js: Child Component mutates state, parent displays property as undefined

I have a parent component that lists all the tasks:
<div class="tasks-wrapper">
<div class="tasks-header">
<h4>{{ $t('client.taskListingTitle') }}</h4>
<b-button variant="custom" #click="showAddTaskModal">{{ $t('client.addTask') }}</b-button>
<AddTaskModal />
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import AddTaskModal from '#/components/modals/AddTaskModal'
import moment from 'moment'
export default {
name: 'TaskListing',
components: {
data () {
return {
tasks: [],
fields: [
{ key: 'createdOn', label: this.$t(''), formatter: 'formatDate' },
{ key: 'domain', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.task') },
{ key: 'comment', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.comment') },
{ key: 'status', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.status') }
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
formatDate: function (date) {
return moment.utc(date).local().format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm')
showAddTaskModal () {
async mounted () {
const currUserId = this.$
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
Inside this component there is a child which adds a task modal.
<form ref="form" #submit.stop.prevent="handleSubmit">
required />
<b-button-group class="float-right">
<b-button variant="danger" #click="$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal')">{{ $t('common.cancel') }}</b-button>
<b-button #click="addTask">{{ $t('modals.addTask.sendMail') }}</b-button>
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'AddTaskModal',
data () {
return {
comment: '',
commentState: null,
taskTypesOptions: [
{ value: null, text: this.$t('modals.addTask.taskType') },
{ value: 'OnBoarding', text: 'Onboarding' },
{ value: 'Accounts', text: 'Accounts' },
{ value: 'TopUp', text: 'Topup' },
{ value: 'Overdraft', text: 'Overdraft' },
{ value: 'Aml', text: 'Aml' },
{ value: 'Transfers', text: 'Transfers' },
{ value: 'Consultation', text: 'Consultation' },
{ value: 'TechnicalSupport', text: 'TechnicalSupport' },
{ value: 'UnblockPin', text: 'UnblockPin' },
{ value: 'Other', text: 'Other' }
taskType: null,
taskTypeState: null
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user']),
...mapGetters('tasks', ['tasks'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['addNewTask', 'fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
async addTask (bvModalEvt) {
if (!this.checkFormValidity()) { return }
const currUserId = this.$
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
const data = {
clientPhone: this.user.phoneNumber,
comment: this.comment,
clientReferenceNumber: this.user.clientNumber,
domain: this.taskType
await this.addNewTask(data)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
// this.tasks may be useless here
this.$nextTick(() => { this.$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal') })
checkFormValidity () {
const valid = this.$refs.form.checkValidity()
this.commentState = valid
this.taskTypeState = valid
return valid
resetModal () {
this.comment = ''
this.commentState = null
this.taskTypeState = null
When I add a task I call getalltasks to mutate the store so all the tasks are added. Then I want to render them. They are rendered but the property createdOn on the last task is InvalidDate and when I console log it is undefined.
The reason I need to call gettasks again in the modal is that the response on adding a task does not return the property createdOn. I do not want to set it on the front-end, I want to get it from the database.
I logged the store and all the tasks are added to the store.
Why is my parent component not rendering this particular createdOn property?
If I refresh the page everything is rendering fine.
If you add anything into a list of items that are displayed by v-for, you have to set a unique key. Based on your explanation, I assume that your key is the index and when you add a new item, you mess with the current indexes. Keys must be unique and unmutateable. What you need to do is to create a unique id for each element.
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000)
When you create a new task, use the same code to generate a new id, and use id as key. If this doesn't help, share your d-table and related vuex code too.

How to change prop dynamically in vue-status-indicator?

I am new to VueJS and after reading this doc section and this question, I can't figure how to change dynamically the prop active|positive|intermediary|negative and pulse of the following component (it could be another): vue-status-indicator
eg: with user.status = positive and the following wrong code :
<span v-for="user in users" :key="">
<status-indicator {{ user.status }}></status-indicator>
What is the correct syntax to set theses type of props ?
You could do something like this.. I had to write a wrapper for it to make it functional..
[CodePen Mirror]
Edit To be clear - you cannot interpolate inside an attribute.. This has to do with boolean attributes in Vue..
<status-indicator active pulse /> the same exact thing as doing this:
<status-indicator :active="true" :pulse="true" />
The "wrapper" component I wrote allows you to supply a string to set the status (like you are wanting to do):
<v-indicator status="active" pulse></v-indicator>
<!-- OR -->
<v-indicator status="positive" pulse></v-indicator>
<!-- OR -->
<v-indicator status="intermediary" pulse></v-indicator>
<!-- OR -->
<v-indicator status="negative" pulse></v-indicator>
Here is the full "wrapper" component, in .vue format: (added a validator for the 'status' prop)
export default {
props: {
status: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: (prop) => [
pulse: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false,
data() {
return {
indicatorStatus: {
active: false,
positive: false,
intermediary: false,
negative: false,
watch: {
status() {
methods: {
handleStatusChange(newStatus) {
Object.keys(this.indicatorStatus).forEach(v => this.indicatorStatus[v] = false);
this.indicatorStatus[newStatus] = true;
mounted() {
const vIndicator = {
template: "#v-indicator",
props: {
status: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: (prop) => [
pulse: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
data() {
return {
indicatorStatus: {
active: false,
positive: false,
intermediary: false,
negative: false,
watch: {
status() {
methods: {
handleStatusChange(newStatus) {
Object.keys(this.indicatorStatus).forEach(v => this.indicatorStatus[v] = false);
this.indicatorStatus[newStatus] = true;
mounted() {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
data: {
currentStatus: '',
isPulse: '',
computed: {
currentJson() {
let cj = {
currentStatus: this.currentStatus,
isPulse: this.isPulse,
return JSON.stringify(cj, null, 2);
mounted() {
let statuses = ["active", "positive", "intermediary","negative"];
let c = 0;
let t = 0;
this.currentStatus = statuses[c];
this.isPulse = true;
setInterval(() => {
t = c + 1 > 3 ? t + 1 : t;
c = c + 1 > 3 ? 0 : c + 1;
this.currentStatus = statuses[c];
this.isPulse = (t % 2 == 0) ? true : false;
}, 2000)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="app">
<p>Will alternate status as well as pulsing (pulse changes after each full loop)</p>
<v-indicator :status="currentStatus" :pulse="isPulse"></v-indicator>
<pre>{{ currentJson }}</pre>
<script type="text/x-template" id="v-indicator">

Vue - Update Data on Bootstrap Table Custom Component

I am attempting to make a custom component in Vue 2.0 that extends the existing functionality of the Bootstrap Vue library <b-table>. It mostly works how I would like it to except that the removeRow and resetData functions defined in the index.jsp don't work how I'd like them to.
removeRow does visually remove the row, and removes it from the data prop but the row reappears after the next interaction (sort, filter, etc.). So it's not actually updating the right thing. I'm trying to use a v-model as a shallow copy of items so that I can make deletions to it without affecting the original set of data but I'm just missing something.
resetData does set the data in the table back correctly, but doesn't re-render the table so you can't see the re-added rows, until you do a separate interaction (sort, filter, etc.), in which case they reappear.
So I know I'm somewhat close but would really appreciate any insight on how to get this working correctly and ways I could improve any part of this component.
const OreillyTable = {
inheritAttrs: false,
data: function () {
return {
filter: null,
sortDesc: false,
hideEmpty: false,
isBusy: false,
currentPage: 1,
data: null
mounted: function () {
let filtered = this.slots.filter(function(value, index, arr){
return value.customRender;
this.slots = filtered;
methods: {
oreillyTableSort (a, b, key) {
if (a[key] === null || b[key] === null) {
return a[key] === null && b[key] !== null ? -1 : (a[key] !== null && b[key] === null ? 1 : 0);
} else if (typeof a[key] === 'number' && typeof b[key] === 'number') {
// If both compared fields are native numbers
return a[key] < b[key] ? -1 : (a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : 0)
} else {
// Stringify the field data and use String.localeCompare
return this.toString(a[key]).localeCompare(this.toString(b[key]), undefined, {
numeric: true
toString (val) {
return typeof val !== "undefined" && val != null ? val.toString() : '';
oreillyFilter (filteredItems) {
this.totalRows = filteredItems.length;
this.currentPage = 1;
props: {
fields: {
type: Array
items: {
type: Array,
required: true
hideEmpty: {
type: Boolean
filterPlaceholder: {
type: String,
default: "Filter"
sortFunction: {
type: Function,
default: null
filterFunction: {
type: Function,
default: null
slots: {
type: Array
sortBy: {
type: String,
default: null
perPage: {
type: Number,
default: 10
value: {
template: `<div :class="{ 'no-events' : isBusy }">
<b-col md="12">
<b-form-group class="mb-2 col-md-3 float-right pr-0">
<b-form-input v-model="filter" :placeholder="filterPlaceholder" class="form-control" />
<div class="position-relative">
<div v-if="isBusy" class="loader"></div>
<b-table stacked="md" outlined responsive striped hover
:sort-compare="sortFunction === null ? this.oreillyTableSort : sortFunction"
#filtered="filterFunction === null ? this.oreillyFilter : filterFunction">
<template :slot="slot.key" slot-scope="row" v-for="slot in slots">
<slot :name="slot.key" :data="row"></slot>
<b-row v-if="items.length > perPage">
<b-col sm="12">
<b-pagination size="md" :total-rows="items.length" v-model="currentPage" :per-page="perPage"></b-pagination>
Vue.component('oreilly-table', OreillyTable);
const dashboardItems = [
{ id: 12, firstName: "John", lastName: "Adams", tmNumber: "588999", team: "Corporate", flapjackCount: 4, enrollDate: "2018-11-05" },
{ id: 13, firstName: "George", lastName: "Washington", tmNumber: "422111", team: "America", flapjackCount: 28, enrollDate: "2018-10-01" },
{ id: 14, firstName: "Abraham", lastName: "Lincoln", tmNumber: "358789", team: "America", flapjackCount: 16, enrollDate: "2017-09-02" },
{ id: 15, firstName: "Jimmy", lastName: "Carter", tmNumber: "225763", team: "Core", flapjackCount: 9, enrollDate: "2018-03-02" },
{ id: 16, firstName: "Thomas", lastName: "Jefferson", tmNumber: "169796", team: "Core", flapjackCount: 14, enrollDate: "2018-05-01" }
const Dashboard = {
template: `<jsp:include page="dashboard.jsp"/>`,
data: function(){
return {
notification: {
text: "The Great Flapjack Contest will be held on December 25, 2018.",
variant: "primary",
timer: true
fields: [
{ key: "name", label: "Name", sortable: true, customRender: true },
{ key: "team", label: "Team", sortable: true },
{ key: "enrollDate", label: "Enrollment Date", sortable: true, formatter: (value) => {return new Date(value).toLocaleDateString();} },
{ key: "flapjackCount", sortable: true },
{ key: "id", label: "", 'class': 'text-center', customRender: true }
methods: {
removeRow: function(id) {
this.$refs.table.isBusy = true;
setTimeout(() => { console.log("Ajax Request Here"); this.$refs.table.isBusy = false; }, 1000);
const index = this.$ => === id)
if (~index)
this.$, 1)
resetData: function() {
this.$ = dashboardItems;
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: "/ProjectTemplate/flapjack",
routes: [
{ path: '/enroll', component: Enroll },
{ path: '/', component: Dashboard },
{ path: '/404', component: NotFound },
{ path: '*', redirect: '/404' }
new Vue({router}).$mount('#app');
<oreilly-table ref="table" :items="dashboardItems" :slots="fields" :fields="fields">
<template slot="name" slot-scope="row">
{{ }} {{ }} ({{ }})
<template slot="id" slot-scope="row">
<footer class="footer position-sticky fixed-bottom bg-light">
<div class="container text-center">
<router-link tag="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" id="button" to="/enroll">Enroll</router-link>
<b-button #click.prevent="resetData" size="md" variant="outline-danger">Reset</b-button>
I tried to reproduce your problem with a simple example (see: and I came across the same problem you have. Just like the others already said, I agree that the easiest way to reset original data is to make a copy. I wrote two methods to remove and reset data.
methods: {
removeRow(id) {
const index = this.records.findIndex(item => item.index === id);
this.records.splice(index, 1);
resetData() {
this.records = this.copyOfOrigin.slice(0);
On mount I execute a function that makes a copy of the data. This is done with slice because otherwise it makes only a reference to the original array (note that normally JS is pass-by-value, but as stated in the vue documentation with objects, and thus internally in vue it is pass by reference (see: Vue docs scroll to the red marked text)).
mounted: function() {
this.copyOfOrigin = this.records.slice(0);
Now you can simple remove a record but also reset all the data.
I hope this fixes your issue and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.