Dynamic index of array - vue.js

I;m new on Vuejs and I'm currently working with composition API so I have an array like this:
const tabs = ref([
id: 1,
pdf: 'name1',
id: 2,
pdf: 'name2',
id: 3,
pdf: 'name3',
Then I have a div like this:
v-for="tab in tabs"
class="px-12 pt-8 flex flex-col"
:class="[tab.current || 'hidden']"
<div v-if="pdf != ''">
<div class="pt-4 font-bold underline">
<a :href="pdfSrc" target="_blank">See PDF</a>
And then I use computed to get current href value as:
props: {
tabs: {
type: Array as PropType<Array<any>>,
required: true,
computed: {
pdfSrc(): string {
return `/img/modal/pdf/${encodeURIComponent(this.tabs[0].pdf)}.pdf`
As you can see I always use tabs[0] so pdf value is always value name1 and I want to get depending of the selected tab
The tab method:
setup(props) {
const changeTab = (selectedTab: { id: number }) => {
props.tabs?.map((t) => {
t.id === selectedTab.id ? (t.current = true) : (t.current = false)
return {
How can I change static index 0 to dynamic one depending on the current tab?

I would suggest creating a new variable for tracking the selected tab.
const selectedTabId = ref(0);
Similar to tabs, this could be passed down in array and the value updated in changeTab function.
props: {
tabs: {
type: Array as PropType<Array<any>>,
required: true,
selectedTabId: {
type: Number
setup(props) {
const changeTab = (selectedTab: { id: number }) => {
selectedTabId = selectedTab.id
props.tabs?.map((t) => {
t.id === selectedTab.id ? (t.current = true) : (t.current = false)
return {
Finally in the computed use selectedTabId
computed: {
pdfSrc(): string {
return `/img/modal/pdf/${encodeURIComponent(this.tabs[this.selectedTabId].pdf)}.pdf`


Watch triggers only once - vue3

Vue3 newbie here. I am trying to toggle a string value, but watch triggers only once.
<div className="create-date-label">
<p>Create Date</p>
? 'fa fa-arrow-down'
: 'fa fa-arrow-up'
import Navbar from "../components/Navbar.vue";
import ConfigurationRow from "../components/ConfigurationRow.vue";
const SORT_DIRECTIONS = Object.freeze({
export default {
name: "Home",
components: {
data() {
return {
configurations: [],
sortDirection: '',
methods: {
toggleSortDate() {
if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING;
if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING;
watch: {
sortDirection: function (newDirection) {
console.log("watch sort direction", newDirection); //Prints ASCENDING once
if (newDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING)
this.configurations = this.configurations.sort(
(a, b) => a.date.getTime() - b.date.getTime()
else if (newDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING)
this.configurations = this.configurations.sort(
(a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime()
deep: true, //Tried with removing this too, same result
created() {
this.configurations = [
key: "some_key",
value: "",
description: "This is a kind of a long description",
date: new Date(),
key: "another_key",
value: "1.2",
description: "Desc",
date: new Date(),
key: "min_value",
value: "13",
"This is a kind of a long description This is a kind of a long description This is a kind of a long description ",
date: new Date(),
].sort((a, b) => a.date.getTime() - b.date.getTime());
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING;
I am using vue3 but do I have to use ref or reactive to achieve this? Anybody have an idea on how this triggers once but not again?
Try this:
toggleSortDate() {
if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING;
else if (this.sortDirection === this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.DESCENDING)
this.sortDirection = this.SORT_DIRECTIONS.ASCENDING;

Vuejs - Resolve deep nested v-model property at runtime

I have a dynamic form where the v-model of the input control is resolved at runtime. It works for simple 0 or 1 level deep objects. But I do not know how to get it working for nested properties that are more than 1 level deep.
My HTML is like:
<div v-for="element in elements" v-bind:key="element.name">
<q-input v-model="inputdata[element.model]"></q-input>
export default {
data () {
return {
inputdata: {
account: {
name: '',
address: {
street: ''
Array with data:
elements: [
type: 'text',
hint: 'Address',
label: 'Street',
model: 'account.address.street', // does not work. i want to be able to set any level deep property
name: 'street'
As long as I try to set the property at 0 or 1st level (inputdata or inputdata.account), it works.
How to get a property as deep as inputdata.account.name or inputdata.account.address.street to work?
maybe you can use custom iterative methods instead of v-model
const getValueByModel = (model, data) => {
model = model.split('.');
let key = model.shift();
return getValueByModel(model.join('.'), data[key]);
return data[model];
const setValueByModel = (model, oldObject, newValue) => {
model = model.split('.');
let key = model.shift();
oldObject[key] = setValueByModel(model.join('.'), oldObject[key], newValue);
oldObject[model] = newValue;
return oldObject;
const getValueByModel = (model, data) => {
model = model.split('.');
let key = model.shift();
return getValueByModel(model.join('.'), data[key]);
return data[model];
const setValueByModel = (model, oldObject, newValue) => {
model = model.split('.');
let key = model.shift();
oldObject[key] = setValueByModel(model.join('.'), oldObject[key], newValue);
oldObject[model] = newValue;
return oldObject;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
inputdata: {
account: {
name: '',
address: {
street: ''
elements: [
type: 'text',
hint: 'Name',
label: 'Name',
model: 'account.name',
name: 'name'
type: 'text',
hint: 'Address',
label: 'Street',
model: 'account.address.street',
name: 'street'
methods: {
return getValueByModel(model, this.inputdata);
updateInputValue(model, event){
let newValue = event.target.value;
this.inputdata = {...setValueByModel(model, this.inputdata, newValue)};
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<main id="app">
<div v-for="element in elements" v-bind:key="element.name">
<input :value="getInputValue(element.model)"
#input="updateInputValue(element.model, $event)"
{{ inputdata }}

Vuejs Reactivity on Set Value

I have a custom table with actions via a modal popup that set values on Rows. Things are mostly working great (Updates to Foo and Bar get sent to the backend and are set in a database, reload of the page pulls the data from the database and shows foo/bar were correctly set). The only not-great part is on setting of Foo, the value in the table does not get updated. Bar gets updated/is reactive. (the template uses foo.name and bar.id). Does anyone have any ideas on how to get Foo to update in the table? I've changed the moustache template to use {{ foo.id }} and it updates, but I need foo.name.
title="Set Foo"
#cancel="foo_modal = null">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" v-model="foo_modal.thing.foo.id">
<option v-for="foo in foos" :key="foo.id" :value="foo.id">{{ foo.name }}</option>
title="Set Rod/Stick"
#cancel="bar_modal = null">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" v-model="bar_modal.thing.rod.id">
<option v-for="bar in bars" :key="bar.id" :value="bar.id" v-if="bar.type === 'rod'">{{ bar.id }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" v-model="bar_modal.thing.stick.id">
<option v-for="bar in bars" :key="bar.id" :value="bar.id" v-if="bar.type === 'stick'">{{ bar.id }}</option>
import fooModal from '../../components/fooModal.vue';
import barModal from '../../components/barModal.vue';
import CTablePaginated from "../../components/custom/cTable/cTablePaginated";
import cTooltip from '../../components/custom/cTooltip/cTooltip.vue';
import cDialog from '../../components/custom/cDialog/cDialog.vue';
import moment from 'moment';
export default {
components: { CTablePaginated, cTooltip, cDialog },
methods: {
loadData() {
let that = this;
that.$http.get('/things', { params: that.param || {} })
.then(function (things) {
that.things = things.data;
that.grid.data = that.things;
setBar(thing_id, options, cb) {
let that = this;
this.$http.patch(`/things/${thing_id}`, { rod_id: options.rod, stick_id: options.stick })
.then(function () {
setFoo(thing_id, options, cb) {
let that = this;
this.$http.patch(`/things/${thing_id}`, { foo_id: options.foo_id })
.then(function () {
data() {
return {
componentKey: 0,
things: null,
foos: [],
bars: [],
foo_modal: null,
foo_modal_options: {
actions: [
label: "Save",
class: "btn-primary",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
const thing = ctx.foo_modal.thing;
const options = {
foo_id: thing.foo.id,
ctx.setFoo(thing.id, options, function () {
ctx.foo_modal = null;
label: "Cancel",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
ctx.foo_modal = null;
bar_modal: null,
bar_modal_options: {
actions: [
label: "Save",
class: "btn-primary",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
const thing = ctx.bar_modal.thing;
const options = {
rod: thing.rod.id,
stick: thing.stick.id
ctx.setBar(thing.id, options, function () {
ctx.bar_modal = null;
label: "Cancel",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
ctx.bar_modal = null;
grid: {
data: [],
columns: [
label: "Foo",
value: function (row) {
if (!row.foo) return "No foo set";
return `${row.foo.name }`;
label: "Rod/Stick",
value: function (row) {
if (!row.rod && !row.stick) return "No rod/stick set";
if (!row.rod) return `No rod set/${row.stick.id}`;
if (!row.stick) return `${row.rod.id}/no stick set`;
return `${row.rod.id}/${row.stick.id}`;
actions: [
label: "Set Foo",
visible: function (thing) {
return !thing.active;
action: (function (ctx) {
return function (thing) {
if (!thing.foo) thing.foo = {};
ctx.foo_modal = {
thing: thing
label: "Set Bar",
visible: function (thing) {
return !thing.active;
action: (function (ctx) {
return function (thing) {
if (!thing.rod) thing.rod = {};
if (!thing.stick) thing.stick = {};
ctx.bar_modal = {
thing: thing
props: {
title: {
type: String
param: {
type: Object,
required: true
events: {
type: Object,
required: true
created() {
let that = this;
.then(function (bars) {
that.bars = bars.data;
.then(function (foos) {
that.foos = foos.data;
There are two possibilities you can try both if any one of them can help you.
You can set value by using Vuejs this.$set method for deep reactivity. Click here.
You can use this.$nextTick(()=>{ // set your variable here }). Click here.

Reset Vue Bootstrap Table

i am using vue-bootstrap4-table in my application i have a custom input though which i search and populate the data,now i need to build a feature in which their is a cross button inside the search field and on clicking on it it should reset the table to empty state here is my code
placeholder="Enter Customer name"
:styles="{width: 'calc(100% - 10px)'}"
<template slot-scope="{ hit }">
{{ hit.customer.company && hit.customer.company + ' - ' }}{{ hit.customer.fname }}
{{ hit.customer.lname }}
<i class="fas fa-times" #click="clearTable()" v-show="selectedCustomer"></i>
import http from "../../helpers/api.js";
import AutoComplete from "../autocomplete/Autocomplete";
import axios from "axios";
import VueBootstrap4Table from "vue-bootstrap4-table";
export default {
components: {
"auto-complete": AutoComplete,
computed: {},
data() {
return {
value: "",
selectedCustomer: "",
selectedFirstName: "",
selectedLastName: "",
selectedFields: [
{ name: "Invoice", value: "invoices" },
name: "Estimate",
value: "workorder_estimates"
filters: [
{ is_checked: true, value: "invoices", name: "Invoice" },
{ is_checked: true, value: "workorder_estimates", name: "Estimate" }
selectedFilters: [],
estimateChecked: false,
invoiceChecked: false,
config: {
card_mode: false,
show_refresh_button: false,
show_reset_button: false,
global_search: {
placeholder: "Enter custom Search text",
visibility: false,
case_sensitive: false
pagination: true,
pagination_info: false,
per_page: 10,
rows_selectable: true,
server_mode: true,
preservePageOnDataChange: true,
classes: {},
rows: [],
columns: [
label: "TYPE",
name: "type"
label: "ID",
name: "distinction_id"
name: "full_name"
label: "SERVICE DATE",
name: "service_date"
label: "ADDRESS",
name: "address1"
label: "CREATE DATE",
name: "created_at"
queryParams: {
sort: [],
filters: [],
global_search: "",
per_page: 10,
page: 1
selected_rows: [],
total_rows: 0
methods: {
onNameSearch() {
this.selectedFilters = ["invoices", "workorder_estimates"];
onChangeQuery(queryParams) {
this.queryParams = queryParams;
onRowClick(payload) {
setCustomer(selectedResult) {
this.selectedCustomer = selectedResult.customer.company
? `${selectedResult.customer.company + " - "}${
} ${selectedResult.customer.lname}`
: `${selectedResult.customer.fname} ${selectedResult.customer.lname}`;
this.selectedFirstName = selectedResult.customer.fname;
this.selectedLastName = selectedResult.customer.lname;
changeCheck(event, index, value) {
var checked = event.target.checked;
switch (value) {
case "invoices":
if (checked) {
this.selectedFields.push({ name: "Invoice", value: "invoices" });
this.invoiceChecked = true;
var data = this.filters[index];
data.is_checked = true;
Vue.set(this.filters, data, index);
} else {
var index = this.selectedFields.findIndex(
item => item.value === value
this.selectedFields.splice(index, 1);
this.invoiceChecked = false;
var data = this.filters[index];
data.is_checked = false;
Vue.set(this.filters, data, index);
case "workorder_estimates":
if (checked) {
name: "Estimate",
value: "workorder_estimates"
var data = this.filters[index];
data.is_checked = true;
Vue.set(this.filters, data, index);
} else {
var index = this.selectedFields.findIndex(
item => item.value === value
this.selectedFields.splice(index, 1);
this.estimateChecked = false;
var data = this.filters[index];
data.is_checked = false;
Vue.set(this.filters, data, index);
removeFilter(index, value) {
switch (value) {
case "workorder_estimates":
this.selectedFields.splice(index, 1);
this.estimateChecked = false;
var i = this.filters.findIndex(item => item.value === value);
var data = this.filters[i];
data.is_checked = false;
Vue.set(this.filters, data, i);
case "invoices":
this.selectedFields.splice(index, 1);
this.invoiceChecked = false;
var i = this.filters.findIndex(item => item.value === value);
var data = this.filters[i];
data.is_checked = false;
Vue.set(this.filters, data, i);
updateFilters() {
this.selectedFilters = [];
this.selectedFields.forEach(element => {
if(this.selectedFilters.length == 0){
this.selectedFilters = ['invoices', 'workorder_estimates'];
async fetchData() {
var final = [];
try {
var result = await http.post("/estimate-invoice-search", {
type: this.selectedFilters,
search: {
value: this.selectedFirstName + " " + this.selectedLastName
per_page: this.queryParams.per_page,
page: this.queryParams.page,
sort: this.queryParams.sort
this.total_rows = result.recordsFiltered;
result.data.forEach(element => {
element.full_name = element.first_name + " " + element.last_name;
this.rows = final;
} catch (error) {
mounted() {}
now the method named clearTable here i want to reset my table to the point lie we see on page refresh in the method i used this.rows=[]; this clears all the rows which is exactly what i want but the text which shows the number of rows is still their and i cant seem to remove it please view the below image for clarification
i read the documentation on link but cant seem to find a solution for hiding the text, is their any way?
It looks like you're using total_rows as the variable for the number of rows in your template here:
<span>{{total_rows}}</span> Result(s)
The only spot in code that you set this value is in fetchData() where you set:
this.total_rows = result.recordsFiltered;
You can either:
1) Make total_rows a computed property (recommended) that returns the length of rows (I believe rows is always the same length as total_rows from your code)
2) Just set this.total_rows = 0; in your clearTable() function

How to change prop dynamically in vue-status-indicator?

I am new to VueJS and after reading this doc section and this question, I can't figure how to change dynamically the prop active|positive|intermediary|negative and pulse of the following component (it could be another): vue-status-indicator
eg: with user.status = positive and the following wrong code :
<span v-for="user in users" :key="user.id">
<status-indicator {{ user.status }}></status-indicator>
What is the correct syntax to set theses type of props ?
You could do something like this.. I had to write a wrapper for it to make it functional..
[CodePen Mirror]
Edit To be clear - you cannot interpolate inside an attribute.. This has to do with boolean attributes in Vue..
<status-indicator active pulse />
...is the same exact thing as doing this:
<status-indicator :active="true" :pulse="true" />
The "wrapper" component I wrote allows you to supply a string to set the status (like you are wanting to do):
<v-indicator status="active" pulse></v-indicator>
<!-- OR -->
<v-indicator status="positive" pulse></v-indicator>
<!-- OR -->
<v-indicator status="intermediary" pulse></v-indicator>
<!-- OR -->
<v-indicator status="negative" pulse></v-indicator>
Here is the full "wrapper" component, in .vue format: (added a validator for the 'status' prop)
export default {
props: {
status: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: (prop) => [
pulse: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false,
data() {
return {
indicatorStatus: {
active: false,
positive: false,
intermediary: false,
negative: false,
watch: {
status() {
methods: {
handleStatusChange(newStatus) {
Object.keys(this.indicatorStatus).forEach(v => this.indicatorStatus[v] = false);
this.indicatorStatus[newStatus] = true;
mounted() {
const vIndicator = {
template: "#v-indicator",
props: {
status: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: (prop) => [
pulse: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
data() {
return {
indicatorStatus: {
active: false,
positive: false,
intermediary: false,
negative: false,
watch: {
status() {
methods: {
handleStatusChange(newStatus) {
Object.keys(this.indicatorStatus).forEach(v => this.indicatorStatus[v] = false);
this.indicatorStatus[newStatus] = true;
mounted() {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
data: {
currentStatus: '',
isPulse: '',
computed: {
currentJson() {
let cj = {
currentStatus: this.currentStatus,
isPulse: this.isPulse,
return JSON.stringify(cj, null, 2);
mounted() {
let statuses = ["active", "positive", "intermediary","negative"];
let c = 0;
let t = 0;
this.currentStatus = statuses[c];
this.isPulse = true;
setInterval(() => {
t = c + 1 > 3 ? t + 1 : t;
c = c + 1 > 3 ? 0 : c + 1;
this.currentStatus = statuses[c];
this.isPulse = (t % 2 == 0) ? true : false;
}, 2000)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.6.10/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-status-indicator#latest/dist/vue-status-indicator.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://unpkg.com/vue-status-indicator#latest/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="app">
<p>Will alternate status as well as pulsing (pulse changes after each full loop)</p>
<v-indicator :status="currentStatus" :pulse="isPulse"></v-indicator>
<pre>{{ currentJson }}</pre>
<script type="text/x-template" id="v-indicator">