how innerHTML property works on sublime text 3 - innerhtml

var a;
a = document.querySelector(".header").innerHTML;

innerHTML is a DOM API property which is used to get or set the HTML markup inside an element. Sublime 3 is just a text editor.
Your code should be like this:
var a;
const b = document.querySelector(".header")
b.innerHTML = 'WOW'
a = document.querySelector(".header").innerHTML;
<div class='header'></div>


Find text with Selenium in Chrome

How can I get the text 200 in this case:
<p style="margin:0">
You can get <big class="tooltip">200</big> more</p>
I'm trying using:
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> list = _driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[contains(#class, 'tooltip')]"));
But can not get the text because the .Text property returns an empty string :(
Any thoughts?
You are using ClassName() with Xpath
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> list = _driver.FindElements(By.Xpath("//*[#class=\"tooltip\"]/big"));
However, I would use CssSelector in this case since css is always preferred over xpath
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> list = _driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("big.tooltip"));
Considering the element is not inside any iframe since it is not throwing any error, I am assuming the wait is needed. Try the following
By byCss = By.CssSelector("big.tooltip");
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
IWebElement myDynamicElement = wait.Until<IWebElement>((d) =>
return d.FindElement(byCss);
var text = myDynamicElement.Text;
Looks the element is hidden. So JavaScript is probably your best try.
var text = ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("return document.querySelector('.tooltip_health_limit').innerHTML;") as string;
To get the text after you find the element:
string text = currentElement.Text;

how remove tag html when show text(froala editor)

iam use editor froala when insert text then show text iam see tag html in text
plese see text
<B><p class="fr-tag">test
testttt good<br></p></B>
iam use this code for show and remove tag
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.FTxtnews)
var val = $('textarea').val();
val = val.replace("</p><p class="fr-tag">", '<p class="clear">');
iam sloved this problem with use #Html.Raw
try assigning your HTML string to an element and get text of it by removing all child elements like this,
var dummyString = '<B><p class="fr-tag">test testttt good<br></p></B>';
var val = $("#dummyDiv")
.clone() //clone the element
.children() //select all the children
.remove() //remove all the children
.end() //again go back to selected element
Have a DIV in your page (possibly hide it) with id 'dummyDiv'.
Hope it works. Thank you.

<xe:djextNameTextBox> how to programmatically add a new entry?

I have a name picker attached to the input but also want to allow type-ahead in a second field attached to the name picker, and then add the selected entry in the type-ahead control to the dojo name text box control.
In the typeahead onchange event, I can get the value of it and I can get the values in the Name Text Box control, but each entry in the NameTextBox is a spanned link like this:
<SPAN tabIndex=0 val="**abbreviatedNotesName**"><A class=lotusFilter tabIndex=-1 href="javascript:;">**commonNotesName**<SPAN class=lotusClose>x</SPAN></A></SPAN>
Do I need to re-write the innerHTML of the NameTextBox, and guess at the commonname from the typeahead result? Or, is there a better way? Thanks for any help/suggestions.
Here's the code:
<div id="copyToRow">
<div class="namePickerContainer">
<xe:namePicker id="namePicker1" for="fld_copyto_recipients">
<xe:dominoNABNamePicker addressBookSel="all"
<xe:dominoViewNamePicker labelColumn="$1"
viewName="($VIMPeople)" databaseName="#{javascript:viewScope.personalNAB;}"
<xp:div id="copyToContainer" styleClass="addresseeContainer">
<xe:djextNameTextBox id="fld_copyto_recipients"
value="#{sendFilesDoc.file_CopyToRecipients}" multipleSeparator=","
style="min-height:1.5em;" multipleTrim="true">
<xp:inputTextarea id="copyto_typeahead">
<xp:typeAhead mode="partial" minChars="1"
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="copyToRow">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var copyTo = XSP.getElementById("#{id:copyto_typeahead}");
var result = XSP.getElementById("#{id:copyToTA}");
var newEntry = '<SPAN tabIndex=0 val="' + copyTo.value + '"><A class=lotusFilter tabIndex=-1 href="javascript:;">' + copyTo.value + '<SPAN class=lotusClose>x</SPAN></A></SPAN>';
//Format: <SPAN tabIndex=0 val="<abbreviated NotesName>"><A class=lotusFilter tabIndex=-1 href="javascript:;">common NotesName<SPAN class=lotusClose>x</SPAN></A></SPAN>
result.value = copyTo.value;
var copyToRecipients = XSP.getElementById("#{id:fld_copyto_recipients}");
//<INPUT style="MIN-HEIGHT: 1.5em" id=view:_id1:include1:fld_copyto_recipients type=text name=view:_id1:include1:fld_copyto_recipients dojoType="extlib.dijit.NameTextBox">
var copyToValue = copyToRecipients.innerHTML;
alert('copytorecipients innerHTML = ' + copyToValue);
alert('copytorecipients value = ' + document.getElementById("#{id:fld_copyto_recipients}").value); <-- undefined
var copyToArray = new Array();
var a = document.getElementsByName("#{id:fld_copyto_recipients}");
copyToArray = (a[0].value.split(','));
//copyToRecipients.value = copyToArray.join(','); <-- this does not work
alert('copyToArray value = ' + copyToArray.join(','));
result.value = copyToArray.join(',');
copyTo.value = "";
<xp:inputText id="copyToTA">
What I think was tripping me up was required validation on the NameTextBox seemed to prevent the onchange event in the typeahead from firing. Who knows? Went through a lot of iterations ... I ended up adding Tommy Valand's JS function to control when validation is triggered & that seemed to fix things.
Bound the NameTextBox to the datasource field. Bound the typeahead to a requestScope variable. The typeahead onchange event code below also does a partial refresh on a container panel that wraps the 2 inputs.
/* append the typeahead name to those already selected */
var curVals:java.util.Vector = sendFilesDoc.getItemValue("file_SendToRecipients");
requestScope.sendToTypeAhead = null;
Then in the NameTextBox onChange event that also partial refreshes the container panel:
remove duplicates that can be picked if the format of the displayed name in the right panel of the
name picker dialog doesn't match the column returned from the picker -- for instance, this will
happen on internet-style names stored in the user's personal names.nsf
e.g. FName LName <>
var thisField:javax.faces.component.UIInput = getComponent("fld_sendto_recipients");
var theNames = #Unique(thisField.getValue());
thisField.value = theNames;
So you end up with something similar to how MSN hotmail works. Just have one final issue to try to resolve and that's how to get the cursor to return to the typeahead field after either using the namepicker or making a typeahead choice. Added this code as per this post on the client onchange event of the NameTextBox but the cursor just jumps into the typeahead field but then immediately jumps out:
/* set focus back on the typeahead input -- the input is a child of the typeahead dojo widget */
/* matches any <input> that is a child of the .dijitInputField class of the <div> for the typeahead */
var el = dojo.query('div[widgetid*="sendto_typeahead"] .dijitInputField > input').at(-1)[0].focus();
Any help??? Or, suggestions for solution improvement??

Alternative to innerHTML for IE

I create HTML documents that include proprietary tags for links that get transformed into standard HTML when they go through our publishing system. For example:
<LinkTag contents="Link Text" answer_id="ID" title="Tooltip"></LinkTag>
When I'm authoring and reviewing these documents, I need to be able to test these links in a browser, before they get published. I wrote the following JavaScript to read the attributes and write them into an <a> tag:
var LinkCount = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag').length;
for (i=0; i<LinkCount; i++) {
var LinkText = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('contents');
var articleID = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('answer_id');
var articleTitle = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('title');
document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].innerHTML = '' + LinkText + '';
This works great in Firefox, but not in IE. I've read about the innerHTML issue with IE and imagine that's the problem here, but I haven't been able to figure a way around it. I thought perhaps jQuery might be the way to go, but I'm not that well versed in it.
This would be a huge productivity boost if I could get this working in IE. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
innerHTML only works for things INSIDE of the open/close tags. So for instance if your LinkTag[i] is an <a> element, then putting innerHTML="<a .... > </a> would put that literally between the <a tag=LinkTag> and </a>.
You would need to put that in a DIV. Perhaps use your code to draw from links, then place the corresponding HTML code into a div.
var LinkCount = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag').length;
for (i=0; i<LinkCount; i++) {
var LinkText = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('contents');
var articleID = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('answer_id');
var articleTitle = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('title');
document.getElementsById('MyDisplayDiv')[i].innerHTML = '' + LinkText + '';
This should produce your HTML results within a div. You could also simply append the other LinkTag elements to a single DIV to produce a sort of "Preview of Website" within the div.
document.getElementsById('MyDisplayDiv').innerHTML += '' + LinkText + '';
Note the +=. Should append your HTML fabrication to the DIV with ID "MyDisplayDiv". Your list of LinkTag elements would be converted into a list of HTML elements within the div.
DOM functions might be considered more "clean" (and faster) than simply replacing the innerHTML in cases like this. Something like this may work better for you:
// where el is the element you want to wrap with <a link.
newel = document.createElement('a')
el = prop.parentNode.removeChild(prop);
Similar code worked fine for me in Firebug, it should wrap the element with <a> ... </a>.
I wrote a script I have on my blog which you can find here: anyways take it a look it automatically fixes ie innerHTML errors in ie8 and ie9 by hijacking ie's innerHTML property which is "read-only" for table elements and replacing it with my own.
I have this xmlObject:
<c:value i:type="b:AccessRights">ReadAccess WriteAccess AppendAccess AppendToAccess CreateAccess DeleteAccess ShareAccess AssignAccess</c:value>
I find value use this: responseXML.getElementsByTagNameNS("",'value')[0]
This one is the best : elm.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', str );
In case your element size is very small :elm.innerHTML += str;

How can I move the selection in dijit editor?

I have a problem with dijit editor of dojo:
I used execCommand to insert html content at the cursor in editor like :
var ed = dijit.byId('myEditor');
var myDiv = "<div id='myDiv'> This is content of div </div>"
ed.execCommand("inserthtml", myDiv);
myDiv is inserted successfully into the editor, but when I type other content in the editor, that content is within myDiv. So could you tell me how can I move the selection to be after that div ?
Thank you for help !
If you mean you want to place cursor after your inserted div , then try:
var ed = dijit.byId('myEditor');
var myDiv = " This is content of div "
ed.execCommand("inserthtml", myDiv);
ed.execCommand("inserthtml", "<br />"); //add a break tag after your new div
ed.placeCursorAtEnd(); // places cursor at the end
Did you mean something like this