Best way to upgrade a site from Bootstrap 4.0.0 to latest 4.3.1? - twitter-bootstrap-3

I want to upgrade a Bootstrap 4 html/css website from Bootstrap 4.0.0 to the latest version (currently 4.3.1). I have googled this and only see instructions for upgrading from 3.x.x to 4.x.x. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I agree with the lack of resources provided. However unlike the migration from 3.x.x to 4.x.x, there isn't any loss of component here. But you will see some nasty changes, that will just break things. I would suggest going through the examples for version 4.0.0 and then cross referencing them with the ones for 4.3.1 .This will not solve your problems but it will definitely point you in the right direction.

You found nothing, because there is not much to say (There should be no breaking changes).
So you simple need to update (replace) the library files (CSS, JS, Probably Fonts).
Note: In current days we use Package Managers like NPM and install our frameworks as Packages. In case of NPM, you can find bootstrap here.


Publishing a previous major version to npm with no tag and avoiding latest

Is there a best way to publish a previous major version of an npm package without adding a tag for it? Our current major version is 3.x (v3) so we npm publish that version to automatically give it the latest tag. When we publish updates to the 2.x version (v2) we have to give it a tag so that it doesn't automatically grab the latest tag from v3.
We could do something like previous, though the meaning of that is subjective. Really we don't need a tag for v2 at all. Semver works great if people want to install v2. Is there a better solution to not add unnecessary tags than publishing it with a tag and adding a postpublish script that deletes the tag? (That sounds ridiculous as I write it)
Looking at this comment from 2015, "Every publish must be associated with a dist-tag, by design." And I don't see a way to bypass the tag in the current code of libnpmpublish and npm, unfortunately.
Thus, I think you have the best options laid out already: publish under another tag, whether that tag is temporary or not.
However, if I could make a suggestion...
Instead of the subjective previous tag, you could consider publishing the previous versions under a tag called v2. This is a pattern that I've noticed the Angular team uses for LTS releases, for example:
While I think it's of minimal use to a consumer since they could just npm install #angular/core#11 instead of npm install #angular/core#v11-lts, nonetheless it might be a cleaner approach to publish.

Mikro-orm different package versions compatability

How does different mikro-orm packages versions correspond to each other? Could I possibly use #mikro-orm/core 4.0.0 and #mikro-orm/nestjs 3.1.0 or other variations of different #mikro-orm packages and their versions? Should all #mikro-orm packages be installed with same version?
It's 3 questions but I feel they are pretty much the same since they try to clarify concept of version matching in mikro-orm for me.
All packages that come from the main repository are released together, you should always align their versions.
The rest is not dependent on exact version, but in general, use the most up to date one. There are currently 3 packages that live outside of the main repo, the nest adapter you mentioned and 2 highlighters.
Btw there is no such release as #mikro-orm/nestjs 3.1.0, first release was 4.0.0 and current is 4.2.0.
edit: apparently lerna is aligning only minor/feature releases, so it can happen that some packages are not on the very latest patch version, example of that are mongo and reflection packages, that are still on 4.1.0, while the rest is on 4.1.1. but again, use the latest everywhere and you will be fine. Your IDE should guide you in knowing the latest versions.

Publish Elm19 package, which first version was published as 18 package at a time Elm19 was already out

Some time after the release of Elm19 I published a library, which I needed for an Elm18 code base: thought2/elm-wikimedia-commons.
This worked well, it's listed in the community driven Elm18 package database:, can be installed and all good. Except the fact that the documentation is not shown in the package details, but that I heard is a known bug there. (But still I think this is very bad)
But the main problem is now, how to migrate the library to Elm 19: The actual migration steps are done and live in the master branch of the repo:
The Elm18 versions proceeded to 1.1.0 in the meanwhile and after the migration there had to be done an API change, so I'd assume the latest version to become 2.0.0. If I add this to elm.json, the command elm publish tells me that this would be the first version and I should change this. Which is not right.
After a bit of research, I found out that the package (among other 18 ones that have been published in the same time period) is not listed in this json: This should contain all packages regardless of versions.
Any ideas what to do? This is really blocking my development, as I'm stuck in both lands now: 18 and 19. Would appreciate a lot if someone has some hints or solutions for me!
You shouldn't need to mess with the version number specified in elm.json.
If you set it back to the version of the package that is already published and run elm bump the elm program will look at the changes you've made to the package's API and set the new version accordingly.
Looking at it doesn't look like any of your upgrade changes were breaking changes to your package API so the version won't be a 2.x.x, it will be a 1.x.x.
You'll need to remove the 2.0.0 git tag as well and instead add a tag for the version that elm bump tells you that your package is.

CXF Bundles: Whats the difference?

I'm using maven, but I dont understand the difference between following dependencies:
Option 2 seems newer, but can I use it?
At the moment I use "", but I want to upgrade to V. 3.x.x
I haven't found any informations about the cxf-bundle/3.0.0-milestone2 yet, but perhaps someone knows, whre to find more informations about this one.
The big monolithic bundle was removed in 3.0. Use the individual bundles that you need for your application.

Update OSGi Bundle in Apache Geronimo

I am an absolute novice with Apache Geronimo, so my forgive my obvious ignorance.
Apache Geronimo ships with older versions of the HTTPCore and HTTPClient libraries. The current version of OpenID requires at least v4.1 of both HTTPCore and HTTPClient. I have found the OSGi Bundle page in the Geronimo Console, and see how to use this to install a new bundle. I also see that existing bundles have an "update" option, although this does not seem to update either of these bundles to the latest version.
Is there an easy magical way to just update these? If I need to download bundles for the appropriate version, where, exactly, would I go to download them? I've located and downloaded JARs for these two libraries, and have included them in my project and been able to package it with Maven, but this doesn't (apparently) deploy the updated versions into Geronimo (i.e., it loads the old versions and I get runtime errors).
If I had bundles for the later version, the UI is pretty obvious as to how to install them - will that replace the existing version, or will I then have both versions installed? Will this present a runtime issue? If so, how do I remove the exiting bundle (I see no way via the UI to accomplish this).
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
David Mullin