Failed to find worker. Code 404. When I invoke Stop Recording Restful API -

When I invoke Stop Recording Restful API,<yourappid>/cloud_recording/resourceid/<resourceid>/sid/<sid>/mode/individual/stop I am getting following error:
I am trying to record audio only and have enabled Amazon S3 with credentials.

Have you configured the storage with all your AWS credentials when sending the /api/start/ call?
"storageConfig": {
"accessKey": "AKIA********",
"region": xy,
"bucket": "bucket-name",
"secretKey": "WpbL*****************",
"vendor": 1,
"fileNamePrefix": ["directory1","directory2"]
accessKey , bucket and secretKey You will find from your AWS console.
region , vendor (1 for S3 i'm sure) you can find the region(int) from this table here when the vendor is s3. You can check out the
documentation if you're using some other storage option.
0: US_EAST_1
1: US_EAST_2
2: US_WEST_1
3: US_WEST_2
4: EU_WEST_1
5: EU_WEST_2
6: EU_WEST_3
12: SA_EAST_1
14: AP_SOUTH_1
15: CN_NORTH_1
fileNamePrefix will basically just store your audio file in main_directory/directory1/directory2/file_name
If you've configured this in the previous start call before the stop call, then ideally there shouldn't be a Failed to find worker error :)


Failed to send notification.: Internal server error. No devices

I am getting the error below when sending push notification to android devices
{ code: 'FPWSE0009E',
message: 'Internal server error. No devices found.',
productVersion: ''
I have done the following verification:
1: Verify that the device show up in the MFP console
2: Verify that the device is register by executing the rest call ->https://myservre/mfpadmin/management-apis/2.0/runtimes/mfp/devices and
3: The below activity is in the manifest file
<activity android:name="" android:theme="#android:style/Theme.NoDisplay" />
4: Added the scope 'push.mobileclient'
This issue only happens for Android devices . I can send push notification to iOS phones..
Thanks for your help
I do not see listed a step saying that you visited the FCM console, copied from there the project identifier and senderId values and added those in the MobileFirst Console.
This step is part of the instructions, here:
Once you do that, delete the app from the device and reinstall it.
If it fails still then also add the full LogCat log from when you open the device until after you get the error in the console.

deploying sample application endeca

I’m trying to deploy the sample application in endeca:
./ –app
I keep getting the below error :
./ 41: ./
/common/endeca/PlatformServices/6.1.4/perl/bin/: Permission denied
Need help on how to fix this.

Push Notification Error in Amazon EC2

I am getting following error on sending push notification, I think there is some permission access problem.
I am using this following link code.
iPhone Push Notification Problem with c#
getting error on line:
sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(apsHost, certs, SslProtocols.Default, false);
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized\r\n at System.Net.SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle(SSPIInterface SecModule, String package, CredentialUse intent, SecureCredential scc)
Please start service from services.msc:
1) click on run command and enter services.msc or open services .
2) start service and stratup type is automatic mode for all below services :
a) Cryptographic Services
b) ASP.NET State Service
c) Credential Manager
d) Health Key and Certificate Management

Elasticsearch Writes Into S3 Bucket for Metadata But Doesn't Write Into S3 Bucket For Scheduled Snapshots?

According to the documents at, I have included the respective API Access Key ID with its secret access key and Elasticsearch is able to write into the S3 bucket as follows:
[2012-08-02 04:21:38,793][DEBUG][gateway.s3] [Schultz, Herman] writing to gateway org.elasticsearch.gateway.shared.SharedStorageGateway$2#4e64f6fe ...
[2012-08-02 04:21:39,337][DEBUG][gateway.s3] [Schultz, Herman] wrote to gateway org.elasticsearch.gateway.shared.SharedStorageGateway$2#4e64f6fe, took 543ms
However when it comes to writing snapshots into the S3 bucket, out comes the following error:
[2012-08-02 04:25:37,303][WARN ][index.gateway.s3] [Schultz, Herman] [plumbline_2012.08.02][3] failed to read commit point [commit-i] Failed to get [commit-i]
Caused by: Status Code: 403, AWS Service: Amazon S3, AWS Request ID: E084E2ED1E68E710, AWS Error Code: InvalidAccessKeyId, AWS Error Message: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
[2012-08-02 04:36:06,696][WARN ][index.gateway] [Schultz, Herman] [plumbline_2012.08.02][0] failed to snapshot (scheduled) org.elasticsearch.index.gateway.IndexShardGatewaySnapshotFailedException: [plumbline_2012.08.02][0] Failed to perform snapshot (index files)
Is there a reason why this is happening since the access keys I have provided is able to write metadata and not creating snapshots?

Hosting a WCF Service

So i am new to WCF Services and I need to create a dulplex service (working on it) however I cannot figure out where/how to host it (external). Right now I am using for my hosting, which works fine, but i am having trouble geting a wcf service application working.
I found this example which i will be using to help get my service working. I tried to just upload the service to aspspider, but i get an error.
Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
Source Error:
Line 29: ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
Line 30: -->
>>>Line 31: <authentication mode="Windows"/>
Line 32: <!--
Line 33: <customErrors> section enables configuration
The service works fine locally, so i just need help to get it working on aspspider (or if you have a better option).
I use as my host and never had any issues with them.