Kotlin 5.21 in IntelliJ IDEA - kotlin

I have imported an existing Maven project into IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2. The Maven project uses Kotlin version 1.5.21. However, I get a warning that the version in Maven is incompatible with the version of the IntelliJ plugin, which is 1.5.10 and is the latest available. Is there a way to use Kotlin 1.5.21 in the latest version of IDEA?

Try Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Kotlin > Update channel > Early Access Preview 1.5.x
I don't think the difference in version really matters, but this might be interesting for you.

You can't update to the newest version of Kotlin plugin on 2021.2 for now. See - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-18848


How do intellij.version and sinceBuild (untilBuild) relate to each other?

I have version in intellij block in build.gradle.kts:
intellij {
and patchPluginXml:
patchPluginXml {
here sinceBuild is set accordingly to intellij.version. but is this correct? which relations should have this properties? can I set sinceBuild lower than intellij.version?
The version in the intellij block is the version (number) of IntelliJ gradle will use to build the plugin.
As a result, this is also the IntelliJ version used for the sandbox IDE when you run gradle runIde.
The sinceBuild and untilBuild are the version numbers that specify the range of IntelliJ versions the plugin (build with version) supports.
You basically give users a guarantee that your plugin works with any IntelliJ version within this range.
When you upload a plugin to the market place, your plugin will be verified against all these versions by the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier.
You can also do this yourself with the runPluginVerifier task.
So, yes, you can set sinceBuild lower than version and probably should.
More often than not you want to test and build for the newest release while still supporting a few older versions.
With your current settings (version is 2021.2.1, sinceBuild is 212, and untilBuild is 223.*), your plugin will be built with 2021.2.1 and you promise users that your plugin will work with any IntelliJ version from 2021.2.1 until 2022.3.*.
When anyone tries to install your plugin with an IntelliJ older or newer than the specified range they will get a message saying that your plugin is not compatible with their IntelliJ version.

InteliJ desktop compose project compile issue

I am making a desktop app using Kotlin compose(IntelliJ version 2021.2.1). My project is still running but I am getting these compile errors in the kotlin compose code.
"Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies"
Here are my project configurations
As a solution, I removed cashe in .gradle and restart IDE with invalidating cashe but didn't work. and changed JDK versions and kotlin versions as well but still getting the same output.
Your project uses pretty outdated versions of both kotlin and Compose.
Check out that your Compose Multiplatform IDE Support plugin is up to date, the latest version for today is 1.0.0-alpha4-build331
Latest versions of plugins for build.gradle.kts:
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.21"
id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.0.0-alpha3"

Missing templates during Kotlin project creation

Within JetBrains tutorial is this info regarding creating new Kotlin project
But I can see only this --> i.e. without Project Template
Both the Idea and tutorial is for IntelliJ 2020.2 (I use Community Edition, but I did not find any note regarding different tutorials for different editions)
I am probably missing something... but don't know what
I would say that I have Kotlin plugin installed
Upgrade the Kotlin Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA to version 1.4. The new project wizard has been introduced in Kotlin 1.4.

how to downgrade the kotlin version

I use map_view library in flutter project
the error was
The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.2.51 and higher. Project 'map_view' is using version 1.2.50.
Try this.
Go to YourFlutterProject/android/build.gradle
Replace to.
ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.10'

IntelliJ Idea LanternaGriffon Doesn't Recognize Griffon Project

I just made my first Griffon project, using lazybones. I chose griffon-lanterna-groovy for my template, and I then removed pom.xml and maven/ as I will be using Gradle. I then run gradle build test run and everything looked good. (it ran, build succeeded, etc.)
Next, I opened the project in IntelliJ and I've tried this in a variety of ways. No matter what I do, it IntelliJ doesn't recognize that this is a Griffon project.
I am using the latest stable version of all these library's, and I'm using IntelliJ Idea Ultimate Edition. I'm to to lazybones, Griffon, and lanterna, so any help is appreciated.
Griffon 2.x applications are either regular Gradle or Maven projects, you do not need an specific Griffon IDE plugin. IntelliJ ships with a Griffon plugin that's only compatible with Griffon 1.x projects. Do not use this plugin.
Refer to http://griffon-framework.org/tutorials/1_getting_started.html#_tutorial_1_4