How to return only the first date of a sequence of dates? - sql

I'm breaking my head trying to create a query for the following situation: I'm using an oracle database, I have a job that always runs at 00 o'clock, so I will fetch the beginning of a user's recess, in the example below we see how are the dates.
22/09/21 | 1
21/09/21 | 1
20/09/21 | 1
19/09/21 | 1
18/09/21 | 1
I will need to notify him missing 10 days to the beginning of the recess, this notification will be sent only 1 time ...
So, looking at these dates with example, I should send 1 single notification on 08/09/21, I should not notify on the other days, only on the first day.
I can't send notification for every day, I should have some return just missing 10 days to start. Summarizing there's my doubt:
How to create a query, (which will be executed by a job that will run every day), and that does not bring result every day? Only when the first date is found?
For me to know what dates are missing 10 days I will take as base my current date, today + 10 days... if I find any date in this period then there I have a recess, but the return of the query should only bring something if it is date is the day 18/09/21, because there is beginning of the recess ... if today + 10 fall on the 19th I will bring nothing, because there will be the second day ...


Return date after each month cut off date in Presto SQL

I have encountered this situation where I need to return a specific date for each cut off automatically. The cut off will be 5 days before each month.
Desire output :
Start from Jan 1, the calculation of transaction will be between 2023-01-01 and 2023-01-26
eg. from this period there are 100 transactions from 10 users.
Then the date will automatically start again between 2023-01-27 and 2023-02-23
eg. from this period there are 200 transactions from 20 users.
and so on..
So, basically the data will returns on each cut off
Any help would be appreciated!

How to get the day of the week from a time stamp?

I am using Hive .14 to analyze the following input data in timestamp format (# is irrelevant to the explanation):
2022-03-01 00:13:08
2022-03-31 23:52:24
2022-02-28 23:32:40
and I want to get what day of the week in which each data took place (either by a number representing the day from 0 to 6, or the day itself) in, similar to the next format:
Day of the week
Tuesday or 2
Thursday or 4
Monday or 1
I have tried to use the unixtime command to transform the timestamp into an integer
like this:
select cast(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(datetime,'yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyyMMdd') as int) as dayint from yellowtaxi;
To later use the from_unixtime(dayint,u) query to get the day of the week in which it happened, however, this results in all the days from all the rows being equal to 20220301 and to all the days being equal to 7 when using from_unixtime(dayint,u).
What am I doing wrong, or is there an easier way to do it?
I have already tried the day_format() and the dayofweek() queries, but none of them seem to be available in my hive version.

How can I calculate the number of minutes per day between a daterange

First off I apologize I do not even know where to start and haven't been able to find anything specific to this particular question.
I have a table with datetimes (start and end) and i need to find a way to get minutes/hours between those days. It could either be a sum of the time on weekdays or a some kind of pivot on each day and grouping by the ID number. I had thought to assign a value to the number of days however the times are random and do not start/end at midnight so I am at a loss as how to approach this.
Here are some examples of the date/time format if that helps.
startdate 2018-12-14 10:53:01
enddate 2018-12-27 11:50:00
Any helps or hints would be greatly appreciated!
forgot to include I am working in SQL Server (SSMS)
Editing For Additional Clarification
Here is a sample date range with an ID number, I wanted to keep it simple.
|ID number| start time |end time
|1 |12/14/2018 10:53|12/17/2018 12:00
here is what I'm trying to achieve (the separation of each date range/ID #)
ID number| start time |end time |mins|
1 | 12/14/2018 10:53|12/14/2018 23:59|786 |
1 | 12/15/2018 0:00 |12/15/2018 23:59|1439|
1 | 12/16/2018 0:00 |12/16/2018 23:59|1439|
1 | 12/17/2018 0:00 |12/17/2018 12:00|960 |
The MINUTE parameter of the DATEDIFF function can be used to determine the difference in minutes between two datetime columns. As below, the second parameter is the start date and the third parameter is the end date, with the result being the amount of time in the specified interval (days, minutes, etc.) from the start to the end date. If you need to find the number of hours between these two columns the HOUR parameter can be used for this. Grouping can be performed as well, as in the second example.
SELECT DATEDIFF(MINUTE, StartDateColumn, EndDateColumn)
DATEDIFF with Grouping and Aggregation:
SELECT ColumnA, SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, StartDateColumn, EndDateColumn)) as DifferenceInMinutes
FROM YourSchema.YourTable

QV - Count days in a year in script

In the script I need a counter to give the same day (in different years) a number, and when a new year begin it will start from 1 again. So when I reload my script I want a table that look like this:
Date Number
01/01/2015 1
...... ...
10/30/2015 303
10/31/2015 304
11/01/2015 305
.... ...
12/31/2015 365
01/01/2016 1
01/02/2016 2
.... ....
How can I do this?
Returns the day number of the year according to a timestamp with the first millisecond of the first day of the year containing date. The function always uses years based on 366 days.
By specifying a firstmonth between 1 and 12 (1 if omitted), the beginning of the year may be moved forward to the first day of any month. If you e.g. want to work with a fiscal year starting March 1, specify firstmonth = 3.
You could try subtracting the Date from the beginning of the year of the Date
Date-makedate(year(Date),1,1)+1 as Number
You'll need a bit more maths if leap years are going to matter in you analysis.

SQL- Last 4 weeks with date column

1 1400481271
2 1400481489
3 1400486453
4 1400486525
5 1401777484
I have timemodified field, From timemodified, I need to get the rows of last 4 weeks by taking from today's date.
WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(timemodified,'%d-%m-%Y') >= curdate()
AND FROM_UNIXTIME(timemodified,'%d-%m-%Y') < curdate()-1
Your times are already in Unix timestamp format. Bear in mind that it'll be far more efficient to compare [TIMEMODIFIED] against the current date converted to a Unix timestamp. In addition, you don't need to check any upper bound unless [TIMEMODIFIED] can be in the future.
-- 60x60x24x7x4 = 2419200 seconds in four weeks
SET #unix_four_weeks_ago = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(curdate()) - 2419200;
WHERE timemodified >= #unix_four_weeks_ago;
NB. Four weeks ago (i.e. today – 28 days) was 1,437,696,000 (24th July) at the time of this answer. The latest record in the sample you provided has a timestamp going back to the 3rd June 2014, and so none of these records will be returned by the query.