Cannot access internet on Kaggle Notebook - kaggle

The error I got that prompted this question is this:
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution
which occurred when I ran the command pd.read_csv(url) on a Kaggle notebook.
Turns out the problem was that internet access was not enabled.

Make sure your Kaggle account is phone verified by clicking "Get phone verified" and following the steps
After phone verification, the full settings menu should be visible. Toggle the "Internet" switch.


Odoo Outgoing Mail Server Error: Connection Test Failed

My email, my password and everyting is correct. All of my Odoo projects have the same outgoing mail server, but in this one, I don't know what is the cause of this error. Please see the link for the image:
The error always says:
"Connection Test Failed! Here is what we got instead: -3 Temporary failure in name resolution"
I've already tried a lot of solutions including the Step 2 Verification and some online articles tutorial on ubuntu terminal to solve the problem but still I got an error. Please help me how to solve this?

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) Could not fetch resource: - Insufficient Permission

I am having trouble working through the Compute Engine Quickstart: Build a to-do app with a MongoDB tutorial. (edit: I am running the tutorial from within the compute engine console; i.e.
I SSH into the backend instance. I enter the "gcloud compute" command as copied from the tutorial. I am prompted to enter a passphrase. The following is returned:
WARNING: The public SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: The private SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: You do not have an SSH key for gcloud.
WARNING: SSH keygen will be executed to generate a key.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in
<< Identifying detail ommitted >>
**ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) Could not fetch resource:
- Insufficient Permission**
I had run through this stage of the tutorial on a previous occasion with no problems.
I am working from a Windows 10 PC with the google-cloud-sdk installed. I am using google chrome. I have tried in both regular and incognito modes.
Any help or advice greatfully received!
It looks like the attempt to SSH is recognising the instance in your project, but the user doesn't have the required permissions to access the machine.
Have you tried running:
gcloud auth login
and completing the web-based authorization to ensure you are attempting to access the machine as the correct (authenticated) user? This process ensures the Cloud SDK you are running inherits the permissions of the user specified in the web-based authorisation. See here for more information on this.
It's also worth adding the link to the tutorial you are following to your question.
Besides the accepted answer, be sure you are in the correct gcloud project
gcloud projects list
gcloud config set project <your-project>
I just ran into this for yet another reason. Google has always had poor handling of multi-user auth conflicts with their business products. Whatever you sign into a clean chrome session with 'first' gets a 'special', invisible role. I've noticed with gsuite that I get 'forced' into that first user when I try to access the admin panel, and the only way to escape is to make sure that whatever google user I use for the gsuite admin is 'first', or open an incognito window. I've seen this bug for years, can't believe it still exists.
Anyways, I ran into a similar issue. Somehow I was the wrong google user, so the link I got when copy/pasting out of 'connect with gcloud command' was implying wrong google user. Only noticed later when I just gave up and used the terminal that I was not my normal user... So, might look into that.

cannot open browser for tensorboard

I am running the mnist_wiht_summaries and running the tensorboard pointing to the same log dir. It seems like the tensorboard is running successfully it shows:
Starting TensorBoard 47 at
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
but when I open http:/ it indicates
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "" The Web Server may be down, too
busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to
requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
This is often resolved by using http://localhost:6006
I have had this issue myself several times. What you can do is access your computer at its external IP address.
Simply run ipconfig (windows) or ifconfig (linux) to find the ip adress, and then open your browser at that adress, e.g.
In some cases, it also seems that accessing localhost:6006 works.

Outlook and Registry key permission issue

I am working to fetch mail from Outlook programmatically. When I was running the program from console it was running fine. But I tried to automate it through a task scheduler by giving option to "run whether user is logged on or not" and got an error saying:
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed.
I have searched the web for it and found someone telling to add permission to the key and then I started to play around with the registry key and unchecked one checkbox by going to the Permission property and it automatically removed all the permission and now the key is not accessible to anyone. Now my console application is also giving the same error. The following are the some screen shots:
As you can see, on clicking the key it gives an error saying "Access is denied" and when I try to add permission it gives another warning. If I click OK it opens the permission popup but does not allow to add any user. How can I fix this registry key issue? Is there any way to re-register the key by removing the damaged one?
I have solved it. On the permission popup click on the advance move to Owner tab and added current login user as owner. Then it allows to modify.

How to configure Jenkins/Hudson to Use LDAP on Snow Leopard Server

We run jenkins on a mac mini server and need to have it use OpenDirectory. (I took this up again after getting Nexus to work with OD.)
I went into the Manage Jenkins tab, opened up the LDAP config panel and it attempts to connect, but I am getting an error that it can't connect. I am trying to just supply a username and password.
So the reason I couldn't connect was the Manager DN has to be the complete FQ name, e.g. uid=root,cn=users,dc=ontometrics,dc=com.
Once I got that working, I was getting LDAP Error 49: bad credentials. To solve this, I found a great LDAP browser that installed in a few minutes on the mini server: LDAP Manager. That helped me see the FQN for the root account.
One last thing: once I had the right account, it auth'ed, but then on saving the settings, I got an ERROR 500. Turned out, that was because I had a few spaces in the FQN, so do not do dc=ontometrics, dc=com. Then it worked and I logged in!
BTW, the mini server with 8 GBs of RAM runs Jenkins beautifully.