How to sync a bokeh/panel animation with a video player like dash.js? - html5-video

I am using bokeh and panel to create an animated plot together with some navigation controls like a slider, play/pause, skip 5s, etc.
At the same time, there is video footage which I would like to display in sync with that animation. I started playing around with dash.js and managed to prepare the video accordingly and display it in a standalone page. (yay!)
Since I don't know much javascript, I was wondering: Is there a solution out there for synchronizing these two things?
(A dream scenario: A panel widget for displaying and controlling a dash.js video player from python. Well, one can hope, right? But I'll take any hints, advice, ideas.)

Answering my own question, just in case it may save anyone a bit of trial&error.
After walking into a few dead ends, I wrote a small custom bokeh widget that does what I need.
Here's the code:
from import Bool, String, Float
from bokeh.models import Div
DASH_URL = <url to the dash.js lib>
JS_CODE = """
import * as p from "core/properties"
import {Div, DivView} from "models/widgets/div"
declare var dashjs: any
export type DashViewerData = {from: number, to: number}
export class DashViewerView extends DivView {
model: DashViewer
private video_el: HTMLElement
private player: any
render(): void {
this.video_el = document.createElement('video') = this.model.video_element_id
this.video_el.setAttribute('width', "1120px")
this.video_el.setAttribute('height', "630px")
this.video_el.setAttribute('controls', '')
this.player = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
this.player.initialize(this.video_el, this.model.url, this.model.is_playing);
if (this.model.is_playing){
else {
connect_signals(): void {
this.connect(, this.play_listener);
this.connect(, ()=>;
export namespace DashViewer {
export type Attrs = p.AttrsOf<Props>
export type Props = Div.Props & {
video_element_id: p.Property<string>
url: p.Property<string>
is_playing: p.Property<boolean>
time: p.Property<number>
export interface DashViewer extends DashViewer.Attrs {}
export class DashViewer extends Div {
properties: DashViewer.Props
__view_type__: DashViewerView
constructor(attrs?: Partial<DashViewer.Attrs>) {
static init_DashViewer(): void {
this.prototype.default_view = DashViewerView
video_element_id: [p.String, 'dashviewer_video'],
url: [p.String, ''],
is_playing: [p.Boolean, false],
time: [p.Number, 0.0]
class DashViewer(Div):
__implementation__ = JS_CODE
__javascript__ = [DASH_URL]
__css__ = []
video_element_id = String(default='dash_player', help="id of the video element in the DOM")
url = String(help="The URL from which to load the video. (This should point to an mpd file.)")
is_playing = Bool(default=False)
time = Float(default=0.0, help="Time in seconds. Change this to make the player jump to that time.")


Add CoreUI icon to DevExtreme dxDataGrid column header in Vue.js

Currently I am working on a new UI for a legacy API. Unfortunately, this one delivers HTML source code for a column header. This code usually creates a FontAwesome icon. This library will not be used in the new project.
I found a very similar icon in the Icon Library of CoreUI. Now it is only a matter of rendering the icon at this point. However, no approach has been successful so far. How can I replace the icon in the headerCellTemplate method?
Or maybe there is a completely different, much better approach to do this. I don't know if I am on the right track with this method approach. You can probably use static templates, but I don't know how to do that.
import { CIcon } from '#coreui/vue';
import { cilCheckCircle } from '#coreui/icons';
headerCellTemplate: (element, info) => {
element.innerHTML = curr.ColumnTitle;
if (element.firstChild.nodeName === 'I') {
//element.firstChild.innerHTML = 'Done';
//const componentClass = Vue.extend(cilCheckCircle);
//const instance = new componentClass();
return, cilCheckCircle);
I finally found a solution after revisiting this interesting article.
import Vue from 'vue';
import { CIcon } from '#coreui/vue';
import { cilCheckCircle } from '#coreui/icons';
headerCellTemplate: (element, info) => {
element.innerHTML = curr.ColumnTitle;
if (element.firstChild.nodeName === 'I') {
const cIconClass = Vue.extend(CIcon);
const instance = new cIconClass({
propsData: { content: cilCheckCircle }
I don't know, though, if this is the ideal solution. So feel free to tell me, if you have a better, less complex solution.

Custom Audio Blot in Quill - Add/Remove issue

I have tried to add "AudioBlot" in ionic 4 Mobile application using the below codes and added successfully.I can do all the manipulation in the audio.
When I am trying to remove(using keyboard) the audio, it won't get remove.
In the html(while debuging), it added like <p><audio src="agjdfj..."></audio></p>.
How to remove the audio tag as similar to the text removal from the editor?
I am trying to type, It wont add it after the audio tag.
import * as Quill from 'quill';
const BlockEmbed = Quill.import('blots/embed');
class CustomAudioBlot extends BlockEmbed {
static blotName: string;
static tagName: string;
static create(url) {
let node: any= super.create(url);
node.setAttribute('src', url);
return node;
static value(node) {
return node.getAttribute('src');
AudioBlot.blotName = 'audio';
AudioBlot.tagName = 'audio';
Adding the custom audio by using the below code
Option 1 : (data) means - Base 64 contetent
const audio = "<audio controls controlslist='nodownload' src='" + data + "'></audio>";
this.quillEditorRef.clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(this.index, audio, 'user');
Option 2:
this.quillEditorRef.insertEmbed(this.index, 'audio', data,'user');

ReactJS - app functions in different files

I'm trying to make React-based web game. I have an App component which holds pretty much all non-UX state. To avoid code duplication I also hold most functions in it and pass it down as prop to child components.
But now I'm starting to get cluttered by different functions, all in the App body. Is there any simple way to satisfactory structure this in different files? Should I already look into state management libraries?
Currently stuff looks like:
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = gameInitialize();
this.modifyState = this.modifyState.bind(this);
this.moveUnit = this.moveUnit.bind(this);
this.progressMission = this.progressMission.bind(this);
this.timeJump = this.timeJump.bind(this);
this.competenceAfterTimeJump = this.competenceAfterTimeJump.bind(this); =;
this.load = this.load.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
this.timerID = setInterval(this.modifyState, this.state.interval);
componentWillUnmount() {
save() {
localStorage.setItem("gameSave", toJson(this.state));
load() {
let state = 0;
try {
state = fromJson(localStorage.getItem("gameSave"));
} catch (error) {
return 0;
} => {
delete unit.__parent;
delete unit.attributes.__parent
return 0;
}); => delete mission.__parent);
modifyState() {
progressMission(unit) {
const mission = unit.currentMission;
let increment = unit.attributes[mission.type].total() - mission.complexity;
if (increment < 0) increment = 0;
mission.progress += increment * this.state.interval / 1000 * unit.competence / 10;
if (mission.progress >= mission.difficulty) {
mission.progress = 0;
mission.completions += 1;
moveUnit(unit, mission) {
unit.currentMission = mission;
timeJump() {
const game = this.state;
while (game.units.length > 2) {
}; (unit) {
Object.keys(unit.attributes).map((key) => { unit.attributes[key] = newAttribute() });
unit.currentMission = game.missions[0];
}); => {mission.progress = 0});
game.units[0].competence = this.competenceAfterTimeJump();
game.experience.current = 0;
competenceAfterTimeJump() {
return (10 + Math.sqrt( / 10);
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<h1 className="title">Time-traveling Hero: eventually I'll save the world, or maybe not if I don't feel it</h1>
<SaveLoad game={this} />
<Prestige game={this} />
<MissionList missions={this.state.missions} game={this} />
Available Experience: {this.state.experience.current.toFixed(1)}
Total Experience: {}
<UnitList units={this.state.units} game={this} />
function gameInitialize() {
let game = { units: [], missions: [], currentUnit: undefined };
game.interval = 10;
game.missions = generateMissions(50);
game.experience = {
current: 0, total: 0,
get: function (amount) { this.current += amount; += amount },
spend: function (amount) {
if (this.current >= amount) {
this.current -= amount;
return true;
else return false;
game.units.push({ name: "Hero", attributes: newAttributes(), competence: 10, currentMission: game.missions[0] });
game.units.push({ name: "Childhood Friend", attributes: newAttributes(), competence: 15, currentMission: game.missions[0] });
game.currentUnit = game.units[0];
game.missionsWithUnits = function () {
return game;
How should I proceed?
Yes, it's super easy to organize JS code! Use modules. Here's how to do it.
Export functions from a file
export function addTwo (number) {
return number + 2
Then use it:
This could be in a component file:
import { addTwo } from './path/to/adders.js'
console.log(addTwo(5)) // logs 7
You can organize this super well for a lot of things. If you have a group of related functions, use a module like this. here's the file structure:
You have all of your related files in the same folder and your functions exported from the individual files like above. Then set up index like this:
import * as adders from './adders.js'
// Set up your object however you want.
const MathStuff = {
export default MathStuff
Then in any component you can do this:
import MathStuff from './path/to/mathStuff'
MathStuff.addTwo(7) // 9
For even more organization, you could set your index up to have functions like this:
import * as adders from './adders.js'
import * as dividers from './dividers.js' // another math file with division functions or something
// Set up your object however you want.
const MathStuff = {
export default MathStuff
And use it like this:
import MathStuff from './path/to/mathStuff' // points to directory, NOT individual file
MathStuff.adders.addTwo(7) // 9
I would definitely suggest organizing code like this. One thing this improves is testability - it's very easy to test pure functions with no side effects.
I like to put my database code in one module and import it wherever to access all my database functions.
I like to put all of my business logic in different modules by category - for instance GameLogic or something like that.
This will also help you write more functional code. Currently, you have a lot of state modification within individual functions - you won't be able to do that in modules without binding individual functions to the this context of your react component. Instead, I would suggest passing all necessary parameters to the function and having it return a value. This moves business logic away, making it easier to manage state.
For instance, your progressMission function accesses this.state.interval. You can pass interval to the function itself.
One thing I'm noticing is that your code has a lot of dependency on each other - functions often have to access lots of things outside of itself, rather than being self-contained. It would probably help you a lot to try to refactor into a modular system, where functions are much more pure - only accessing what is passed to them, and returning values which get used. Using actual modules like above definitely helps do that - my code got better the more I did it. It helps you reason about your code better. Additionally, once/if you start implementing tests, you'll find that all of the tangled-ness of the code makes it hard to test - there are a lot of side effects.
Finally, redux and external state management probably won't help a ton in your case, but they might. Redux can help you achieve state that's easier to reason about, but it won't help you organize code better per se. I hope that helps!

Identify orientation with degrees on startup

Without a 3rd party lib, we can detect orientation changes with DeviceEventEmitter with this undocumented feature like this:
import { DeviceEventEmitter } from 'react-native'
function handleOrientationDidChange(data) {
console.log('orientation changed, data:', data)
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('namedOrientationDidChange', handleOrientationDidChange);
This gives us data that looks like this:
{ rotationDegrees: -90, isLandscape: true, name: "landscape-primary" }
Note: I tested this only on Android. It would be nice to know if it works on iOS too.
However this only works ON CHANGE. Is there a way to get this info on startup?
Have you tried this library!
Here is example usage from the repo:
componentWillMount() {
// The getOrientation method is async. It happens sometimes that
// you need the orientation at the moment the JS runtime starts running on device.
// `getInitialOrientation` returns directly because its a constant set at the
// beginning of the JS runtime.
const initial = Orientation.getInitialOrientation();
if (initial === 'PORTRAIT') {
// do something
} else {
// do something else

Aurelia Dialog and Handling Button Events

I have set up the aurelia-dialog plugin. It's working using the example in the GitHub readme, but the documentation doesn't explain anything about how to use it otherwise. I have a simple use case with a list page. I want to click an "add new" button, pop the modal dialog which has it's own VM. The modal contains a simple dropdown list. I need to select an item on the list and make an API call to save the data, but I can't seem to figure out how to wire up my save method with the save button on the dialog.
The method that opens the dialog on my list page (which works just fine):
loadAgencyDialog(id){{ viewModel: AddAgency, model: { id: id }}).then((result) => {
if (!result.wasCancelled) {
} else {
My modal add-agency.js (VM for the modal, also loads the select list just fine and yes, I have a variable named kase because case is reserved):
import {DialogController} from 'aurelia-dialog';
import {ApiClient} from 'lib/api-client';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
#inject(DialogController, apiClient)
export class AddAgency {
kase = { id: '' };
constructor(controller, apiClient){
this.controller = controller;
this.agencies = [];
this.apiClient = apiClient;
this.kase = kase;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(agencies => this.agencies =
.then(() => console.log(this.agencies)); //these load fine
addAgency() {
//Do API call to save the agency here, but how?
This is part I'm unsure about. In the example, they use controller.ok(theobjectpassedin), which returns a promise. But I don't get where I can call my addAgency method. Any ideas?
It's possible I'm misunderstanding your question, but you should be able to just call addAgency() in your HTML:
<button click.trigger="addAgency()">Add</button>
And then do what you need to do in addAgency(), finishing with a call to this.controller.ok() to wrap up the modal.
As an example, here's my modal's dialog-footer:
<button click.trigger="controller.cancel()">Cancel</button>
<button click.trigger="ok(item)">Save</button>
And in my code:
ok(item) {
Not too complex. Hope that helps.