White block when opening Javadoc`s on IntelliJ IDEA after installing theme - intellij-idea

I've updated my IntelliJ IDEA and after the update the javadoc`s became almost useless, as a big white block:
However, when I use any default theme from the IDE, it works just fine:
This is happening to any non default theme in IntelliJ IDEA.
Is there any way to fix this issue?

It's a known issue caused by the custom color scheme not inheriting Darcula and instead inheriting the white background Default scheme.
The solution is to either edit the scheme .xml file to make in inherit Darcula or to change the documentation background color:


Intellij Code completion in (s)css annoying

I am developing in IntelliJ IDEA mainly scss and js. When I want to type
th, td {
some style
Intellij autocompletes td to "text-decoration:;" (and th to text-height) which is highly annoying. I have checked all my settings and plugins and am currently lost. I have the setting "Code Completion > Insert selected suggestion" turned off under "Show suggestions as you type".
My enabled custom plugins are Emmet Everywhere, Save Actions and Vue.js. Disabling those does not solve anything.
I would honestly love to enable autocompletion per language/per extension and not as a global setting.
Any thoughts?
As #lena pointed out, Settings > Live templates > By default expand with was set on space which caused this behaviour. With so many options it can sometimes be hard to find unusual settings.

How do I change the appearance of my Xcode app?

I'm trying to create a dark mode for my application made in Xcode 8. My first though was to use Mojave's Dark Aqua, but I get many errors:
Unrecognized effect parameter type 10 encountered for effect type 1131375730. Skipping.
My next idea was to create my own .car file, using https://github.com/insidegui/AppearanceMaker. However, this did not change the background/window, even when I edited its Windows and Menus/Menu/Menu Background and its Colors/Window Background.
My third idea was to use El Capitan's Dark Theme (for the dark Menu and Dock, I'd assume). However, this changed the Aqua blue to a grey. Laaaaame.
What am I to do?
At the end of the day, Mojave's DarkAquaAppearance worked! I needed to set my NSWindow to the theme. (using yourNSWindow.appearance = [[NSAppearance alloc] initWithAppearanceNamed:#"DarkAquaAppearance" bundle:nil];, making sure that DarkAquaAppearance.car is in your "Supporting Files")
If you want to do the same, I have all the Mojave appearances in https://github.com/radzo73/Mojave-Appearances. It still will call errors about "Unrecognized effect parameter", but that's probably just the compressed assets, and I'm using an older system. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With (real) hope,

Why does IntelliJ IDEA offer css animation names?

If you write #keyframes in a css file in IntelliJ IDEA it suggests you animation names like blink, dance, fadein, fadeout etc.
Is it just a name suggestion function? Can I get the implementations behind these names somehow from IDEA? I guess you have the same functionality in Webstorm too.
WebStorm and IDEA are collecting all #keyframe names in the project during indexing. All these names are suggested in completion when you write #keyframes or animation-name:.
Showing an implementation behind a suggested name is not implemented yet (WebStorm 2016.3.3). I've filed a feature request about it, you may want to vote for it to get updates on its progress: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-25641

How to Set SystemTray Color

I was attempting to change the color of the SystemTray, but for some reason I cannot get it to work correctly. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Is this not correct?
Is the proper solution. I am using PhoneThemeManager from NuGet which automatically overrides device defaults to force either light or dark theme. Setting the SystemTray.Background using the above code is causing the Background to be white. Not sure how to fix this specific issue, but in all other cases the above code should work.

Intellij idea deprecated no strikeout/strikethrough

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA v12. When I import a project, there’s a strikeout/strikethrough line on the method which has the annotation #Deprecated, but I used alt+enter to disable it. So, how can I reactivate this feature? I want to display that strikethrough, thanks!
Open Settings -> Type Inspections to go to inspection settings -> Type Deprecated to find out all deprecated related inspection settings -> Check Deprecated API usage.
IntelliJ had a bug in 2018.3, 2018.2.2 (182.4129.33). It was fixed in builds 191.65, 183.3691.
Setting -Dide.text.effect.new.metrics=false in the .vmoptions fixes the problem.
In addition to Ionghua's answer .....
If you find that IntelliJ is still not striking out deprecated methods, even though you have enabled the inspection as above, check to make sure that your code is not ignoring deprecation warnings with #SuppressWarnings("deprecation").
In addition to longhua's answer... and vegemite4me...
Another possible source for this problem might be custom color themes.
If you are using a custom theme, make sure that it contains strikethrough. I was using monokai-sublime and there is no strikethrough for #Deprecated annotations. When I changed the color theme from monokai to darcula strikethrough worked as expected.
I found that the only thing that worked for me with version 2019.2 192.5728.98, runtime 11.0.3+12-b304.10 was to use Help | Edit VM Options and add -Dide.text.effect.new.metrics=false