String concatenation query returning wrong results - sql

Trying to automate this part of Teradata query:
c."currency" = CONCAT('FOO_', '2021') -- c."currency" = 'FOO_2021'
trying to replace the 2021 with the currently selected fiscal-year, so it is not hard-coded:
c."currency" = CONCAT('FOO_', c."fiscal-year")
c."fiscal-year" is of type VARCHAR(20).
Problem - the first query returns about 5 times more results than the second one, so I am doing something wrong, I guess. Tried with TO_CHAR(c."fiscal-year") and so on, did not succeed.


UPDATE QUERY - Sum up a value from form with value from table

I've just started using microsoft access so I don't really know how to solve this. I would like to use an update query to add a value from a form to a value on a table.
I originally used the SUM expression which gave me an error saying it was an aggregate function.
I also tried to add the two values together (e.g [field1] + [field2]) which as a result gave me a value with both numbers together instead of adding them together.
The following is the SQL I'm using:
SET Votes.NumVotes = [Votes]![NumVotes]+[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes]
WHERE (((Votes.ActID) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combacts])
AND ((Votes.RoundNum) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum]))
I want to add a value [txtnumvotes] a form to a field [NumVotes] from the table [Votes].
Could someone please help me?
You can specify the expected data type with parameters:
[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes] Short,
[Forms]![frmVote]![combacts] Long,
[Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum] Long;
Votes.NumVotes = [Votes]![NumVotes]+[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes]
(((Votes.ActID) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combacts])
((Votes.RoundNum) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum]))
Without the specification, Access has to guess, and that sometimes fails.

Using linQ to perform a simple select where

I am using VS2013 with SQL server 2012, I am developing a web application.
Let me say before I ask the question that this will probably be extremely simple for this board but I have not been able to find this through googling.
I have an SQL table that holds some data, two columns (settingName (nvarchar) and settingValue (float)). I want to do the following but using LinQ.
SELECT Settingvalue
FROM Settings
WHERE settingName = 'Name1'
I have the following so far in VB.
Dim db As New GMConnectionDataContext
Dim result = From a In db.Settings
Where a.SettingName = "Name1"
Select a.SettingValue
txtEgdon.Text = result
This doesn't work as result is a double but if I add .tostring to result then the output in the text box is the full linq query not the result I am looing for.
I just need to understand this simple query so I can build on it but I just cant get it and any help offered would be great.
This is because your result is an IQueryable and not a single value(even if you expect it to be). This is also why ToString will get you the SQL that will be run against your DB.
You need to get either the First or if you are really sure this would be a single value get Single. The OrDefaults are used in the case that no value is returned so the result will be null.
A Few options:
// You expect 1 to many results and get the first
txtEgdon.Text = result.First().ToString()
// You expect 0 to many results and get the first or null in case of zero results
txtEgdon.Text = result.FirstOrDefault().ToString()
// You expect exactly 1 result and get it (you will get an exception if no results are returned)
txtEgdon.Text = result.Single().ToString()
// You expect exactly 0 or 1 results and get null or the result
txtEgdon.Text = result.SingleOrDefault().ToString()
I would prefer the FirstOrDefault()

Simple, but most likely an incorrect Join is giving a MAX_JOIN_SIZE error

Probably a simple SQL query, but struggling as still learning
The following query runs fine:
SELECT NationalArea. *
FROM NationalArea
WHERE NationalArea.AreaCode = '01922'
This returns about 30 results.
This also runs fine:
SELECT DestinationNames.Name
FROM `DestinationNames`
WHERE DestinationNames.AreaCode = '01922'
This returns just the one
I am trying to run a query that joins the two where the National Area will give a list of area codes and the destination will match those area codes with the names of the towns. The query I have is as follows:
SELECT NationalArea.*, DestinationNames.Name
FROM NationalArea
JOIN DestinationNames
ON NationalArea.AreaCode=DestinationNames.AreaCode
WHERE NationalArea.AreaCode = '01922'
But I get the following error
1104 - The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
Thanks in advance
You can display the current value with
You can change it with:
Or skip the check entirely with (run this as a separate command before your query):
But I would first examine why your join returns more than that. It doesn't look like it should. The default value of max_join_size is 4294967295!

Logical operator sql query going weirdly wrong

I am trying to fetch results from my sqlite database by providing a date range.
I have been able to fetch results by providing 3 filters
1. Name (textfield1)
2. From (date)(textfield2)
3. To (date)(textfield3)
I am inserting these field values taken from form into a table temp using following code
Statement statement6 = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp(date,amount_bill,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) <= substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) >= substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) ");
Now if i enter the following input in my form for the above filters
It fetches date between these date ranges perfectly.
But now i want to insert values that are below and above these 2 date ranges provided.
I have tried using this code.But it doesnt show up any result.I simply cant figure where the error is
The below code is to find entries having date lesser than 01/02/2012 and greater than 28/02/2012.
Statement statementVII = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp5(date,amount_rec,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) < substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) > substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2)");
Anyone sound on this,please guide.Thanks.
you need to use an Or clause together with brackets:
WHERE name='....' AND (yourDateField<yourLowerDate OR yourDateField>yourHigherDate)

Storing Select Query result in Variable Ruby on Rails

I wanted to know how we could store the result of my select query on a variable.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').where('id=?',4)
#ppt1 = Ppt.update_all({:time2=>#ppt2},['id like ?','1'])
Here, slide_name and time2 are both text attributes of the same table ppt.
What happens on the above execution is that the time2 field in id=1 gets the value "#ppt2" whereas I want it to get the value of slide_name from id=4 which does not get stored in #ppt1.
In other words, how do I store the value of the select query in #ppt2 so that it can be used in the next line?
Any help is appreciated.
Call the slide_name method on your first result.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').find(4).slide_name