Confussed on how to rewrite the path with Traefikv2 - traefik

I have a backend Intersystems application at which I am trying to proxy to the outside world with using traefik. I'm having a hard time trying to find an example that's easy for a noob to understand. I started out with this, and it's not working.
entryPoints = ["https"]
rule = "Host(``)"
service = "poc_dash-svc"
middlewares = ["chain-basic-auth"]
certresolver = "lets-encrypt"
passHostHeader = true
url = ""
Can someone point me to the redirection and maybe explain a little or point me to a place we it is easily understandable? Thanks for all help


How to implement PersistenceQuery of ReadJournalFor in Akka.Net Hosting Model

I've worked through the documentation on Akka.Net PersistenceQuery here, but I'm struggling to figure out how I would hook up any of those queries inside an ASP.Net6 Blazor Server startup pipeline using the new Akka.Net Hosting model.
What I have in mind is to Sink such a query out to a SignalR hub that will cause views to refresh their data based on the output of a ReadForJournal stream.
Has anyone done this, and if so, please can you provide me with some guidance in this regard?
I have not done this before, much less an expert are this, but I can try to point you in the right direction! :)
If you want to run a local actor, you can spawn the ProjectionBehavior as any other Behavior. This can be useful for testing or when running a local ActorSystem without Akka Cluster.
SourceProvider<Offset, EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> sourceProvider(String tag) {
return EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag(system, CassandraReadJournal.Identifier(), tag);
Projection<EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> projection(String tag) {
return CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce(
ProjectionId.of("shopping-carts", tag), sourceProvider(tag), ShoppingCartHandler::new);
Projection<EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> projection1 = projection("carts-1");
ActorRef<ProjectionBehavior.Command> projection1Ref =
context.spawn(ProjectionBehavior.create(projection1), projection1.projectionId().id());
You can combine this with your predefined query, e.g.:
var queries = PersistenceQuery.Get(actorSystem)
var mat = ActorMaterializer.Create(actorSystem);
Source<string, NotUsed> src = queries.AllPersistenceIds();
So I was thinking maybe your queries could be linked to your ProjectionBehavior for the akka hosting model to host it.
Related sources: persistence-query
Akka projection dox
Akka hosting

How I can follow the redirections By Refresh meta tag With Python3

I know that requests module in python help to follow redirections, But if Target use Refresh Meta Tag
for Redirect user to another page requests module can't diagnose this attempt ...
For Example Redirect us to another page and requests module just can diagnose port of this page
I want fix this problem with Regular Expressions Module (re) But I think that isn't good choice for solve it!
what's your suggestion and prefer?
For example I coded like that
fopen2 = open("clean url.txt", "r")
splurl ='\n')
for i in splurl:
getthis = requests.get(i)
sop = BeautifulSoup(getthis.text, 'html.parser')
if "http-equiv=\"refresh\"" in sop:
Thanks :)

DokuWiki LDAP can't see any groups

We have just changed our domain after protracted name change (the name actually happened two years ago!) and our DokuWiki installation has stopped being able to see any groups and memberships.
The config has been updated to reflect the new server and DCs and login is working correctly, it is only the groups that aren't working.
$conf['auth']['ldap']['server'] = 'ldap://';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['binddn'] = '%{user}';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['usertree'] = 'dc=mydomain,dc=co,dc=uk';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['userfilter'] = '(userPrincipalName=%{user}';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['mapping']['name'] = 'displayname';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['mapping']['grps'] = 'array(\'memberof\' => \'/CN=(.+?),/i\')';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['grouptree'] = 'dc=mydomain,dc=co,dc=uk';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['groupfilter'] = '(&(cn=*)(Member=%{dn})(objectClass=group))';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['referrals'] = '0';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['version'] = '3';
$conf['auth']['ldap']['debug'] = 1;
Obviously I have edited the doain name there, but for the life of me I can't see what's wrong here, It all worked fine yesterday on the old domain.
I should also state that this is an old version of DokuWiki that for various reasons I can't actually update.
The debug line gives me a "ldap search: success" line, but if I add "?do=check" onto any url within the system I get "You are part of the groups"...... and nothing, it can't see any groups.
It's a massive pain as we have a pretty intricate ACL setup for the site, so it's not like I can just throw it open to all.
If anyone has any suggestions, no matter how obvious, please pass them on.
Solved it by changing the dokuwiki authentication plugin that was used, the 'authad' is more simple to use and just works with what I'm doing.
As a side bonus it also means that I have finally been able to get the install upgraded to the current version.

HttpUnit not honoring load-on-startup in web.xml

I'm still trying to navigate how the httpunit class architecture works, but I've come across an issue where I'm not seeing my "load-on-startup" directives in web.xml being honored when I use ServletRunner. Is there a standard way to make this work, or is this a bug?
Here is some proof-of-concept code I'm using to try to get a working example:
ServletRunner servletRunner = new ServletRunner(TestVariables.WEB_XML_REL_PATH);
WebConversation conv = new WebConversation();
ServletUnitClient client = servletRunner.newClient();
WebRequest request = new PostMethodWebRequest(
InvocationContext iContext = client.newInvocation(request);

What is the correct way to launch your server from vows for testing?

I have an express server which I am testing using vows. I want to run the server from within the vows test suite, so that I dont need to have it running in the background in order for the test suite to work, then I can just create a cake task which runs the server and tests it in isolation.
In I have created the (express) server, configured it, set up routes and called app.listen(port) like this:
# Express - setup
express = require 'express'
app = module.exports = express.createServer()
# Express - configure and set up routes
app.configure ->
app.set 'views', etc....
# Express - start
app.listen 3030
In my simple routes-test.js I have :
vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
server = require('../app/server/server');
// Create a Test Suite
'GET /' : respondsWith(200),
'GET /401' : respondsWith(401),
'GET /403' : respondsWith(403),
'GET /404' : respondsWith(404),
'GET /500' : respondsWith(500),
'GET /501' : respondsWith(501)
where respondsWith(code) is similar in functionality to the one in the vows doc...
When I require server in the above test, it automatically begins running the server and the tests run and pass, which is great, but I dont feel like I am doing it the 'right' way.
I dont have much control over when the server begins, and what happens if I want to configure the server to point to a 'test' environment rather than the default one, or change the default logging level for when im testing?
PS I am going to convert my vows to Coffeescript but for now its all in js as im in learning mode from the docs!
That is an interesting question because exactly last night I did what you want to do. I have a little CoffeScript Node.js app which happened to be written like the one you showed. Then, I refactored it, creating the following
# ... Imports
app = express.createServer()
# Create a helper function
exports.start = (options={port:3000, logfile:undefined})->
# A function defined in another module which configures the app
conf.configure app, options
app.get '/', index.get
# ... Other routes
console.log 'Starting...'
app.listen options.port
Now I have an (equivalent to your as simple as:
require('./app').start port:3000
Then, I wrote some tests using Jasmine-node and Zombie.js. The test framework is different but the principle is the same:
app = require('../../app')
# ...
# To avoid annoying logging during tests
logfile = require('fs').createWriteStream 'extravagant-zombie.log'
# Use the helper function to start the app
app.start port: 3000, logfile: logfile
describe "GET '/'", ->
it "should have no blog if no one was registered", ->
zombie.visit 'http://localhost:3000', (err, browser, status) ->
expect(browser.text 'title').toEqual 'My Title'
The point is: what I did and I would suggest is to create a function in a module which starts the server. Then, call this function wherever you want. I do not know if it is "good design", but it works and seems readable and practical to me.
Also, I suspect there is no "good design" in Node.js and CoffeScript yet. Those are brand new, very innovative technologies. Of course, we can "feel something is wrong" - like this situation, where two different people didn't like the design and changed it. We can feel the "wrong way", but it does not mean there is a "right way" already. Summing up, I believe we will have to invent some "right ways" in your development :)
(But it is good to ask about good ways of doing things, too. Maybe someone has a good idea and the public discussion will be helpful for other developers.)