marginal effect curve for glm logit model with clustered SE - marginal-effects

I am using glm.cluster from miceadds package to develop a cross-sectional logit model clustered by "states". I get the exact same odds ratios in the clustered model as with an unclustered model. However the standard errors change between two models, and hence the CIs. I want to develop the following for the clustered model: 1) an average marginal effect curve for one of the continuous predictors stratified by gender; and a predicted probability model for the same continuous predictor stratified by gender. I have used the margins package to do that for unclustered model. It seems this package does not support glm.cluster. Please help. I am new to R.


How to implement feature importance on nominal categorical features in tree based classifiers?

I am using SKLearn XGBoost model for my binary classification problem. My data contains nominal categorical features (such as race) for which one hot encoding should be used to feed them to the tree based models.
On the other hand, using feature_importances_ variable of XGBoost yields us the importance of each column on the trained model. So if I do the encoding and then get the features importance of columns, the result will includes names like race_2 and its importance.
What should I do to solve this problem and get a whole score for each nominal feature? Can I take the average of one hot encoded columns importance scores that belong to one feature? (like race_1, race_2 and race_3)
First of all, if your goal is to select the most useful features for later training, I would advise you to use regularization in your model. In the case of xgboost, you can tune the parameter gamma so the model would actually be more dependent on "more useful" features (i.e. tune the minimum loss reduction required for the model to add a partition leaf). Here is a good article on implementing regularization into xgboost models.
On the other hand, if you insist on doing feature importance, I would say grouping the encoded variables and simply adding them is not a good decision. This would result in feature-importance results that do not consider the relationship between these dummy variables.
My suggestion would be to take a look at the permutation tools for this. The basic idea is you take your original dataset, shuffle the values on the column in which you are going to calculate feature importance, train the model and record the score. Repeat this over different columns and the effect of each on the model performance would be a sign of their importance.
It is actually easier done than said, sklearn has this feature built-in to do for you: check out the example provided in here.

What is the added value of calculating AUC of a PLS-DA model built with only training data

I'm having trouble understanding the added value of calculating AUC of training sets in general but for this question i'm using an example with PLS-DA.
Let's say you've built a PLS-DA model to try and see whether this model can distinguish between patients with diabetes and patients without. After this, the plot and visualisation of the model shows that there is some kind of discriminatory power. Mind you, this PLS-DA model is built on ONLY trainingdata/ trainig set.
In this situation, what is the added value of using ROC curve to calculate the AUC?
And let's say you plot ROC curve and calculate an AUC of 0,9. What does this explicitly mean? I'm tempted that this would mean that this model is able to/ has the potential to distinguish between, people with diabetes and people without diabetes with an accuracy of 90%. But something tells me this isn't right because after all; the performance of my model can ONLY be assessed after plotting ROC curve and calculating AUC of a validation set and test set right? Or am I looking at this in the wrong way?

Is there a way to retrieve the weights from a GPflow GPR model?

Is there a way to retrieve the weights from a GPflow GPR model?
I do not necessarily need the explicit weights. However, I have two issues that may be solved using the weights:
I would like to compile and send a trained model to a third party. I
would like to do this without sending the training data and without
the third party having access to the training data.
I would like to be able to predict new mean values without
calculating new variances. Currently predict_f calculates both the
mean and the variance, but I only use the mean. I believe I could
speed up my prediction significantly if I didn't calculate the
I could resolve both of these issues if I could retrieve the weights from the GPR model after training. However, if it is possible to resolve these tasks without ever dealing with explicit weights, that would be even better.
It's not entirely clear what you mean by "explicit weights", but if you mean alpha = Kxx^{-1} y where Kxx is the evaluation of k(x,x') and y is the vector of observation targets, then you can get that by using the Posterior object (see, which you get by calling posterior = model.posterior(). You can then access posterior.alpha.
Re 1.: However, for predictions you still need to be able to compute Kzx the covariance between new test points and the training points, so you will also need to provide the training locations and kernel hyperparameters.
This also means that you cannot rely on this to keep your training data secret, as the third party could simply compute Kxx instead of Kzx and then get back y = Kxx # alpha. You can avoid sharing exact (x,y) training set pairs by using a sparse approximation (this would remove "individual identifiability" at least). But I still wouldn't rely on it for privacy.
Re 2.: The Posterior object already provides much faster predictions; if you only ask for full_cov=False (marginal variances, the default), then you're at worst about a factor ~3 or so slower than predicting just the mean (in practice, I would guesstimate less than 1.5x as slow). As of GPflow 2.3.0, there is no implementation within GPflow of predicting the mean only.

How can I evaluate FaceNet embeddings for face verification on LFW?

I am trying to create a script that is able to evaluate a model on lfw dataset. As a process, I am reading pair of images (using the LFW annotation list), track and crop the face, align it and pass it through a pre-trained facenet model (.pb using tensorflow) and extract the features. The feature vector size = (1,128) and the input image is (160,160).
To evaluate for the verification task, I am using a Siamese architecture. That is, I am passing a pair of images (same or different person) from two identical models ([2 x facenet] , this is equivalent like passing a batch of images with size 2 from a single network) and calculating the euclidean distance of the embeddings. Finally, I am training a linear SVM classifier to extract 0 when the embedding distance is small and 1 otherwise using pair labels. This way I am trying to learn a threshold to be used while testing.
Using this architecture I am getting a score of 60% maximum. On the other hand, using the same architecture on other models (e.g vgg-face), where the features are 4096 [fc7:0] (not embeddings) I am getting 90%. I definitely cannot replicate the scores that I see online (99.x%), but using the embeddings the score is very low. Is there something wrong with the pipeline in general ?? How can I evaluate the embeddings for verification?
Nevermind, the approach is correct, facenet model that is available online is poorly trained and that is the reason for the poor score. Since this model is trained on another dataset and not the original one that is described in the paper (obviously), verification score will be less than expected. However, if you set a constant threshold to the desired value you can probably increase true positives but by sacrificing f1 score.
You can use a similarity search engine. Either using approximated kNN search libraries such as Faiss or Nmslib, cloud-ready similarity search open-source tools such as Milvus, or production-ready managed service such as

Rating prediction in non negative matrix factorization

I was following this blog (Also attaching the matrix here)for the rating prediction using matrix factorization . Initially we have a sparse user-movie matrix R .
We then apply the MF algorithm so as to create a new matrix R' which is the product of 2 matrix P(UxK) and Q(DxK) . We then "minimize" the error in the value given in R and R' .So far so good . But in the final step , when the matrix is filled up , I am not so convinced that these are the predicted values that the user will give . Here is the final matrix:
What is the basis of justification that these are in fact the "predicted" ratings . Also , I am planning to use the P matrix (UxK) as the user's latent features . Can we somehow "justify" that these are infact user's latent features ?
The justification for using the obtained vectors for each user as latent trait vectors is that using these values of the latent latent traits will minimize the error between the predicted ratings and the actual known ratings.
If you take a look at the predicted ratings and the known ratings in the two diagrams that you posted you can see that the difference between the two matrixes in the cells that are common to both is very small. Example: U1D4 is 1 in the first diagram and 0.98 in the second.
Since the features or user latent trait vector produces good results on the known ratings we think that it would do a good job on predicting the unknown ratings. Of course, we use regularisation to avoid overfitting the training data, but that is the general idea.
To evaluate how good your latent feature vectors are you should split your data into training, validation and test.
The training set are the observed ratings that you use to learn your latent features. The validation set is used during learning to tune your model parameters, but but due learning and your test set is used to evaluate your learnt latent features once they are learnt. You can simply set aside a percentage of observed samples for validation and test. If your ratings are time stamped a natural way to select then is but using the most recent samples as validation and test.
More details on splitting your data is here