Anonymous custom login with a single guid - why not? - authentication

I wonder if I might ask for opinions on a simple authentication system I'm thinking about for a pet web site project where the overriding requirement is that the system should have no way to tell who the user is, i.e. have no way of identifying or contacting them.
The system does need to distinguish between these anonymous users of course, and prevent users pretending to be other users.
Perhaps in a strict sense it's not an authentication system at all, more like a distinguishing system.
A simple solution would be to assign a Guid to new users, which gets stored in a cookie/local storage/whatever and used to distinguish them.
Then give the user the facility to copy the Guid, and/or generate a URL that they can bookmark or otherwise store locally, which re-supplies the Guid to the site and stores it as a cookie again - to be used if the cookie is deleted or they want to authenticate from another machine - by using the generated URL or pasting the copied Guid into a 'login' page on the site.
This means there can be no 'I forgot my password' facility; if the user loses their credentials, they are forever lost, that's accepted.
Additionally, if the credentials are stolen, or the user's cookies are compromised, then the credential is stolen forever, there is no way for the real user to lock out the thief, that's also accepted.
Clearly the user would need to make damn sure they store this URL/Guid somewhere safe, that's accepted.
As an aside, there could be a feature that allows the user to regenerate the Guid, which might be used if they accidentally broadcast their Guid somehow, but that also means if somebody steals their Guid and uses the regenerate feature before the 'real' user realises, the real user will be locked out forever - maybe best it's unchangeable so at least if the Guid is compromised, the thief cannot lock out the real user - but this is an aside.
Given the requirement for complete anonymity / non-contactability, and accepting that losing the Guid is like losing a dollar bill, you lose it forever, it seems a reasonable and pleasantly simple solution.
This is essentially the same as having a user/password combination with no email address or other contact details, but more secure than user: sally123, password: mydogsname1968 or whatever just by virtue of it being a Guid, not something the user can remember or easily scribble on a post-it note and stick to a monitor.
It also has the advantage that a user who uses the same machine all the time (and doesn't delete cookies) never has to login or think about credentials at all.
The Guid could actually be two Guids stuck together or three of them interleaved byte by byte, whatever - a unique auto-generated chunk of data that reflects how unnecessarily paranoid the developer is feeling.
Can anyone tell me why this wouldn't be a good solution, given the anonymity/non-contactability requirements and the drawbacks accepted above, or perhaps suggest a better solution.
If it makes any difference to anything, it'll be a Net Core 5 / Blazor Web Assembly / MongoDb application, it's a pet project so doesn't have to pass muster with any client requirements or existing systems etc.
Thanks for any advice/help.


What credentials system should I use for an app where submissions to an API are anonymous?

I'm creating an app where user submissions (e.g. photo) are designed to be captured via crowdsourcing. The app connects to an API using an API key, and the app then submits the data anonymously.
We want to avoid the overhead of people creating user accounts and passwords.
However, it seems to me this is vulnerable to a the problem of the key getting revealed. The result is that spammy submissions could be made much more quickly via browser/wget HTTP requests. Because the app is installed on people's devices, it would take a long time for us to be able to withdraw a key and replace it with another.
The approaches to deal with this problem I can think of are:
Hope that the key stays secret. Not ideal from a risk perspective. Using HTTPS for the API endpoint would reduce this risk, but presumably the app could still be decompiled to reveal it (not that in practice anyone would really bother)
Store a fixed username and password in the app, and submit as that. That basically seems to run the same problem - if the credentials are leaked then this has the same problem as 1.
Require a first-run fetch of a token to auto-create a username and password. However, if the key is compromised then this is no more secure. Also, this means we end up with lots of junky usernames and passwords in our database that really don't mean anything.
Not considered desirable: force users to create a username/password. However, that then means a lot of messing around with accounts, and compromises the anonymity of submissions, meaning data protection implications.
Are there standard patterns dealing with this scenario?
The first time the app runs, it could get a random token from the server, store this, and use it on all subsequent requests. The server just checks that the token is one it produced itself. After each request, block the token for 5 minutes (or make a counter so 10 requests are ok but the 11th gets blocked, depending on your use case). When a token gets misused, block it, so the user will have to deinstall/reinstall your app, or, if he made a script to emulate the app, he'd have to re-register after every few posts (plus you can limit the numer of registrations per IP or something similar).
You can assume any fixed credentials will be compromised. A good attacker can and will reverse-engineer the client. On the flip-side, a username/password combo will compromise anonymity (and nothing is stopping a spammer from creating an account).
Honestly, this is a very difficult problem. The (inelegant) solution involves something like a captcha where you provide a problem that is difficult for a bot but easy for a human to solve (for the record, I think captchas are almost useless, although there have been some less annoying alternatives).
Alternatively, sites like Facebook use sophisticated algorithms to detect spam. (This is a difficult approach so I would not recommend it unless you have the manpower to dedicate to it).

How can I create, and consume a pseudo-random password?

I have an Android app that I allow users to have a password in and "lock" the app so their friends can't look inside without their password. It doesn't use a web service or anything, and the password is stored in a private file within the app. Problem is, the users like to forget their password, then email me asking me to do something about it. Right now I can't. So what I want to do is have something that creates, and consumes a random password. The user could email me, and I could give them some random key the app could recognize, and let them in so they can change their password.
It doesn't have to be anything super secure. Any help is appreciated.
I don't think its a good idea to implement a "backdoor" in your application. THis will create a very bad taste.
If i understood correctly, you want to "unlock" the application, not knowing if the user doing this is in some way authorized. I steal a device, send you an email and you take care i can see the data. Sounds bad...
All (good) safes i know rely on the user to take care of their keys. They want security and they are responsible.
You can provide a "security question".
Anything else i tried to construct for an "autonomous" password reset raises sever security questions (what are the authentication/authorization mechanics)
How far are you willing to go? Assuring the possession of something (like an SMS or mail account) may reduce the issues and give some impression of security. So you can intercept SMS or mail from a PREDEFINED (application settings) account with lets say the key word "unlock". If not set, this feature is disabled. SMS interception should no be that hard.
Why don't you just build password reset functionality in the app itself? If it's not using a web service, why do you or your server need to be involved at all?
If they don't remember their security passwords, for example, your server could store an md5 hash of their password to match up their mobile device with their record on your server so you can send them a key to reset the app.
Couple of thoughts:
Is there any sort of registration process? If so, at registration time you could randomly generate a second password that you don't tell the user but just keep on file for such contingencies. Or similarly, you could offer users a "password recovery" option -- click this button to generate a backdoor password.
You could have some algorithm that generates a password from the machine id of the device and that works as an alternate password. If you were a big organization with millions of copies of your app out there, or if the information in your app was super secret, this would be a super bad idea, as sooner or later hackers would figure out the algorithm and then they could break into any machine they wanted to. But if you're a small target, it's likely no one would work hard enough to crack it.
Do you necessarily know anything about your users? Like could you generate a password from their credit card number or their address or some such? Of course this makes you vulnerable to any hacker who could discover whatever information about a potential target.
Anything like this you do you are going to create a big potential security hole: What if someone steals someone else's device, then emails you and says they lost their password? How do you know it's the rightful owner of the data? If anybody can call or email and say, Hey, I lost my password, please let me in the back door, then you have no security any more.

What algorithm should I use for encrypting and embedding a password for an application?

What algorithm should I use for encrypting and embedding a password for an application?
It obviously is not bullet proof, but it should be good enough to thwart someone scanning the database with a hex editor, or make it hard for someone who has the skills to use a debugger to trace the code to work out, either by scanning for the encrypted password, or using a debugger to run through the decryption code.
Object Pascal would be nice.
Major Edit
I think I did not explain myself well enough. The password needs to be decrypted back into its original form and applied. The application itself uses a local SQL database and a local webserver, and the password is fixed and can't be changed by the end users. It is to ensure that changes to be made only from within the app itself. The user passwords are only to allow access to the app itself, rather than the database
If you want an easy solution just stick with a good hashing algorithm like MD5 and store just the hash inside your application. Then whenever the user inserts the password you will calculate the hash of the password and check if it's equal to the one stored.
Of course this approach is a simple solution that doesn't allow you to retrieve the password if it's lost but it should work quite fine if you just need some protection..
EDIT: I mentioned MD5 that was fair good but not anymore, of course you can choose any other stronger function like SHA-2 (512/384) that is more robust. I just wanted to explain an approach more than using a specific hashing algorithm.
SHA should be ok for you, best with salt.
I don't know Object Pascal very well, but probably this will help you:
When an application has to do password checking only, it is best to save a hash. An hash can not be decrypted, but it can be checked whether the password the user enters has the same hash.
If you want to save the password so that it can be recovered, it is best to encrypt it first, using some crypto library.
I would suggest SHA1, its one way encryption, i've used it before and by far no one has decrypted it!
If you need more information on sha1 visit and
PS: If you're using php you can simply encrypt with SHA1 using the sha1(); function!
I suspect that what you're aiming for is not storing passwords in the application, but trying to prevent the application itself from being run without the password, as a form of DRM. If that's the case, and you're looking to stymie people with debuggers, I think you're well into the realm of needing either a hardware dongle, or a network-based lock. Off the top of my head, I know SafeNet carry products that do this (and I've had some exposure to them in the past, they seem decent), but I don't know how well they compare to the rest of the market.
If you want as much real security as is possible in the scenario you're describing, you should require that when the system is installed an "administrator" enters the database password and his own administrator password; the application should then store a salted hash of the administrator's password, and it should store the database password encrypted with a differently-salted hash of the administrator's password. The database password (or information sufficient to reconstruct it) will be kept in memory while the program is running, but absent the administrator password there would be no way to retrieve when the program isn't running, even with full knowledge of the system.
If it's necessary to allow multiple users to access the database, an "add user" button could allow the addition of a user account. When the user types his password, use it to store hashed/encrypted data as with the administrator.
Any user with a debugger would be able to leverage his knowledge of a valid user account and password into knowledge of the database password, but someone who didn't have knowledge of a valid account password wouldn't be able to do anything.
If I am interpreting your question right, then you want to basically distribute your application to users, allow them to run it, and have the application update your database. At the same time, you want to prevent that person from being able to log in to the database and use it themselves directly.
If your program can be decompiled (like java, but I don't know about other languages like C, C++), then the person who has your application will be able to see the source code. Once they have that, there will most certainly be some way they can discover the user name and password. Even if your source code has stored the password using a reversible encryption algorithm, the person who holds your source code will be able to write similar code as yours to reverse the encryption and discover the password.
Even if your application cannot be decompiled, the user may be able to capture the network packets it sends to the database and determine the password from that. I don't know if you can communicate with the database over SSL.
Instead, I believe you need to split your application into client and server applications. You can write a restful web application, or use a messaging service (like JMS for example), and write a client application that uses it.
In that case, you may or may not want to have user accounts that are managed by your server side application. Let me be clear here, I am not talking about database accounts, but accounts that your application manages, and whose details happen to be stored in the database. If you do create user accounts, you can follow the pattern in my original answer shown below.
============== Hashing Approach, my original answer ============
As others have already mentioned, it's best to add salt to the password and use a digest algorithm before you store the password in your database. However, I think a little more detail is in order.
Using SHA1 or SHA2 with a salt value may be pretty strong, but there are even stronger methods. I highly recommend that you read this section of the spring security manual. I don't think you are using spring or java, but that section covers the concepts involved very well. Allow me to paraphrase:
Use at least an 8 byte salt value, up to 16 bytes would be great. The salt value should be different for every account, if it is the same then a cracker will only need to produce one rainbow table! It should be randomly generated. The documentation doesn't say this, but I also recommend using a secure random number generator, don't use a random number seed that produces a consistent sequence of numbers.
You should hash the password multiple times because it will cause brute force password hacking attempts to take increasingly more time. Indeed, you may want a slow password encoding algorithm instead of a fast one.
Store the raw salt value in the database along with the password, you can even store it in the same field/column. This is required so passwords can be verified in the future.
The BCryptPasswordEncoder is a good example of this.
One alternative approach that may or may not solve your problem is to create a database account that has limited privileges. For example, you could create a database account that can only select, update, insert, and delete on specific tables in your database. You may not find this acceptable, because you may not want to let people do those operations directly, while you may want to let the application do those operations. It depends on your specific situation.

Login for webapp, needs to be available for support staff

I know the title is a little off, but it's hard to explain the problem in a short sentence.
I am the administrator of a legacy webapp that lets users create surveys and distribute them to a group of people. We have two kinds of "users".
Authorized licenseholders which does all setup themselves.
Clients who just want to have a survey run, but still need a user (because the webapp has "User" as the top entity in a surveyenvironment.)
Sometimes users in #1 want us to do the setup for them (which we offer to do). This means that we have to login as them.
This is also how we do support: we login as them and then follow them along, guiding them.
Which brings me to my dilemma. Currently our security is below par. But this makes it simple for us to do support. We do want to increase our security, and one thing I have been considering is just doing the normal hashing to DB, however, we need to be able to login as a customer, and if they change their password without telling us, and the password is hashed in the db, we have no way of knowing it.
So I was thinking of some kind of twoway encryption for the passwords. Either that or some kind of master password.
Any suggestions?
(The platform is classic ASP... I said it was legacy...)
Both options you present sound unattractive to me.
A master password is probably even more dangerous than what you are doing right now
Encrypting (instead of hashing) passwords in the database is not good enough either IMO, as it takes only a break-in on your end to get hold of all passwords. They really should be hashed.
I assume the product, being an old legacy app, is impossible (or not economically feasible) to change in a way that administrator accounts can impersonate user accounts, which in my opinion is still the best approach to this in a real-world scenario (not everyone shares that opinion, discussion on the issue here).
How about introducing a second password column (password2) containing a hashed password that you enter? The login process of the app may be easy to tweak into looking in a second column as well. It might be easy to implement, and I can not see any additional security problems coming from it (correct me if I'm wrong of course.)
What I would do is to let the support staff login with their username/password but to chose a user to "impersonate". So in your session you will have:
logged_user - the actual user who typed in his/her username and password
impersonated user - the user (1) is acting on behalf of
Everything you do is done with the impersonated_user's permissions and preferences.
If you are not impersonating anyone impersonated_user=logged_user.
This way you have to always log any operation with both "actual" username and "impersonated" username; for example:
2010-03-09 | 11:34 am | deleted item #890 | 'George' impersonating 'Lizzie'
sounds like you want to decouple your authentication from your identity a bit. Maybe something like an administrator override page, so that after you log in as the administrator, you have a choice of which user identity you wish to assume. After selecting an identity, you continue to use the app without further authentication.
I like the solution offered by Manrico Corazzi. It reminded me that when you need support from Microsoft, there is way to hand over the control of your machine to a technician. That could be another way to achieve the impersonating mechanism. In order for an administrator account to log in, an authorized license-holders would have to explicitly allow him to join his session and act with all his privileges.

Would a login system based on digital signing be a good idea?

One of the goals of OpenID is to be resistant against the failure of any one corporation. This sounds good, but there is another problem: if the site your ID is hosted on goes down, so does your ID. I thought that there must be a login system that would be totally resistant to failure.
My idea is like this: I go to a website and I have to login. I give them my public key. The website sends me back some random data. I sign this data with my private key and send it back to them. If the signature is valid, I get logged in. This has the advantage that my ID is just my public key, so I don't rely on any external site.
To make it so that users don't have to remember there keys, the system could also optionally allow an OpenID-like system where my keys are hosted on some server and the original site redirects me there to login, and that site signs the data and sends it back to the original site, and I am logged in. This method would work similar to OpenID, but would allow me to back up my keys so if that site goes down, I can use another site.
Is this a practical system? Am I just wasting my time? Should I not reinvent the wheel and just use OpenID?
Identity cards, like Windows Cardspace, are a good alternative because they are stored on your computer and can be backed up. This is technically called the Identity Metasystem or Identity Cards.
This is different from a centralized identity service like OpenID. The good thing about the OpenID system is that the chance of everyone's identity server of going down is pretty small. However, individually, each user can possibly experience an outage.
The InfoCard system by Microsoft is a good solution, although it has not been very popular.
This is not a new problem-- email signing and encryption is a similar solution to private/public key system. GPG actually does have keystores where you can post your public keys so that people can verify your signatures.
If you're really wanting to avoid any possibility of an identity server being down(a pretty strict requirement), use CardSpace, or some other private/public key system where the users themselves have the keys, and only have to demonstrate that they have them by some challenge-response hashing algorithm.
Also, the cardspace solution is not strictly a Microsoft thing, there are plenty of applications for all operating systems. I believe it is a public standard.
This is very similar to how HTTPS works.
With your idea, you need to take good care of your private key. What if your comnputer crashes, etc. Also what about logging in from someone eleses computer? Would you trust putting a thumb drive with your private key on it into someone elses computer?
This is also very similar to what the military does with ID cards with private keys embeded on a chip that they issue to service members. A member needs to put his ID into a special reader as well as logon with a unique ID and password that must be changed periodically. This is to take care of the case where a member looses his ID and someone else trys to use it.
So I guess my answer is yes, you have a good idea, but perhaps you just need to refine it some more.
Use OpenID. It's so easy to set up and you don't have to debug it.
Windows CardSpace supports something like this. But it hasn't really taken off.
The problem with your system is that if you lose your key due to hardware problems or a system crash, you lose your only way to get to the sites you use that key for.
I would say OpenID is sufficient.
I see a couple issues with your system
I need to have that key to login. If I go out, and don't have the file on my person or hosted remotely, I'm out of luck. I also may not be able to enter it on my cell phone or some other device.
You will also need to protect the key from loss. Which likely means password protecting the key, which takes away alot of the convenience of the system.
What needs to happen for OpenID to be more resistant to ID provider failure, is for sites to allow multiple OpenIDs to be associated with an account, just like SO does. So, your idea may end being workable, but I think the effort to get it working and adopted would be much greater than the work to get widespread adoption of sites allowing multiple OpenIDs.
Also, check this link for a description of TLS Client Authentication