What is different Job as a argument at CoroutineScope and launch? - kotlin

This two code run exactly same. What is different putting Job in CoroutineScope and launch?
private val job = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
for(i in 10 downTo 0) {
Log.d("test", ": $i")
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main+job).launch{ }
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch(job) { }

Technically, both result in the same behavior, but the main point is that neither is a good way to use the CoroutineScope() factory. This is the idiomatic way to write the same thing:
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main+job) { ... }
If this raises your eyebrows ("Don't use GlobalScope!"), that's because it should — your examples are just another way to make the same mistake, with more verbose code. You construct a CoroutineScope without holding a reference to it, resulting in exactly the same unbounded and non-cancellable scope as the GlobalScope singleton.
In addition, the way you use a Job instance that is a handle to an actual coroutine, is also wrong: the job associated with a coroutine scope should be a standalone instance returned from either Job() or SupervisorJob(). Its only purpose is to serve as the central point from which to cancel the entire scope or inspect its state.

It doesn't seem like there are many differences between the two, looking at the source code. The operator fun plus documentation states
Returns a context containing elements from this context and elements
from other context. The elements from this context with the same key
as in the other one are dropped.
which explains how your first test works. For the second, calling launch with a context parameter, calls into CoroutineScope.newCoroutineContext
Creates a context for the new coroutine. It installs
Dispatchers.Default when no other dispatcher or
ContinuationInterceptor is specified, and adds optional support for
debugging facilities (when turned on).
and looking at the source code of it:
public actual fun CoroutineScope.newCoroutineContext(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext {
val combined = coroutineContext + context
val debug = if (DEBUG) combined + CoroutineId(COROUTINE_ID.incrementAndGet()) else combined
return if (combined !== Dispatchers.Default && combined[ContinuationInterceptor] == null)
debug + Dispatchers.Default else debug
We can see it also ends up using the operator fun plus.
There are some other differences that seem negligable to mention here, but ultimately the context of the launched coroutine looks to be the same in both of your tests.


Should you pass coroutineScope as function argument?

I am experimenting with coroutines and feel unsure about passing coroutineScope to plain Kotlin UseCase. Can such approach create memory leaks?
Suppose we are initialising our UseCase in VM and will try to pass viewModelScope:
class UploadUseCase(private val imagesPreparingForUploadUseCase: ImagesPreparingForUploadUseCase){
fun execute(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, bitmap: Bitmap) {
coroutineScope.launch {
val resizedBitmap = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
imagesPreparingForUploadUseCase.getResizedBitmap(bitmap, MAX_SIZE)
Is it safe code? No difference if I would declare this exact code in VM instead?If no, that means I could pass coroutineScope as constructor argument....Now I initially thought that I should create my execute method in a following way:
fun CoroutineScope.execute(bitmap: Bitmap) {
launch {
val resizedBitmap = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
imagesPreparingForUploadUseCase.getResizedBitmap(bitmap, MAX_SIZE)
As far as I understand we use extension function in order for method to use parent coroutineScope. That means, I don't need to pass coroutineScope as argument and just change method to use extension function.
However, in my surprise VM cannot see this method available! Why this method is not available from VM to call?
This is marked as red in VM:
private fun uploadPhoto(bitmap: Bitmap, isImageUploaded: Boolean) {
This is not marked red from VM:
private fun uploadPhoto(bitmap: Bitmap, isImageUploaded: Boolean) {
prepareDataForUploadingUseCase.execute(viewModelScope, bitmap)
If my understanding is wrong, why would I use CoroutineScope as extension function instead of passing coroutineScope as function argument?
Passing it as a parameter vs using it as an extension function receiver is effectively the same in the end result. Extension function receivers are basically another parameter that you are passing to the function, just with rearranged syntax for convenience. So you can't use an extension function as a "cheat" to avoid passing a receiver.
But either way, I see it as kind of a clumsy design to have to provide a scope and then hiding the coroutine setup inside the function. This results in spreading coroutine scope manipulation across both sides of the function barrier. The function that calls this function has to be aware that some coroutine is going to get called on the scope it passes, but it doesn't know whether it needs to worry about how to handle cancellation and what it's allowed to do with the scope that it passed.
In my opinion, it would be cleaner to either do this:
suspend fun execute(bitmap: Bitmap) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
imagesPreparingForUploadUseCase.getResizedBitmap(bitmap, MAX_SIZE)
so the calling function can launch the coroutine and handle the entire coroutine in one place. Or pass no coroutine scope, but have the execute function internally generate its own scope (that is dependent on lifecycleScope or viewModelScope if applicable), and handle its own cancellation behavior. Here's an example of creating a child scope of the lifecycle scope and adding it to some collection of jobs that you might want to cancel under certain circumstances.
fun execute(bitmap: Bitmap) {
lifecycleScope.launch {
bitmapScopes += coroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO) {
imagesPreparingForUploadUseCase.getResizedBitmap(bitmap, MAX_SIZE)
I am answering this specific question: "Why this method is not available from VM to call?"
The method is not available because it takes a receiver (CoroutineScope), but you already have an implicit receiver due to being inside a type declaration: UploadUseCase. Therefore, you cannot just call the second form of the method, because you would somehow have to specify two receivers.
Luckily, Kotlin provides an easy way to do exactly that, the with method.
private fun uploadPhoto(bitmap: Bitmap, isImageUploaded: Boolean) {
with(prepareDataForUploadingUseCase) {
However, I would say that this is quite weird, and agree with #Marko Novakovic that you should remove this responsibility from UseCase.
You can pass CoroutineScope as a function parameter, no problem with that. However I would advise you to remove that responsibility from UseCase. Launch coroutines from ViewModel, Presenter etc.
Extension functions are to be called on the instance of extension type. You don't need to call launch {} and withContext inside same function. Do either. launch(Dispatchers.IO) {}.
Extension functions are not just to access parent scope, you can use them for whatever you need them for, you choose.

Kotlin Coroutines - Different options for using Coroutine Scope/Context?

I'm new to Kotlin/Coroutines and I've noticed two different ways to use CoroutineScope.
Option 1 is as follows, within any function:
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
Option 2 is by implementing the CoroutineScope interface in your class, overriding the CoroutineContext, and then you can just launch coroutines easily with launch or async:
class ServiceImpl() : CoroutineScope {
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.Default + Job()
fun someFunction() {
launch {
I am currently developing a backend endpoint that will do the following:
take a request
save the request context to a database
launch a non blocking coroutine in the background to perform an expensive/lengthy operation on the request, and immediately return an http 200. (essentially, once we have the context saved, we can return a response and let the request process in the background)
What is the difference in the two use cases, and for this scenario, which is the preferred method for obtaining a CoroutineScope?
This endpoint may receive multiple requests per second, and the lengthy operation will take a minute or two, so there will definitely be multiple requests processing at the same time, originating from various requests.
Also, if it's option 2, do I want to pass the scope/context to the function that does the heavy processing? Or is that unnecessary? For example:
class ServiceImpl() : CoroutineScope {
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.Default + Job()
fun someFunction() {
launch {
private fun expensiveOperation(scope: CoroutineScope)
// perform expensive operation
This is a Spring Boot app, and I'm using version 1.3 of Kotlin.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts/suggestions on how to best structure this service class. Thanks
I would recommend option 2. It will give you chance to clearly define parent Job for all of your coroutines. That gives a chance to shut down the whole execution correctly too.
There are several more coroutine context keys to include - CoroutineName, CoroutineExceptionHandler and so one.
Lastly, the structural concurrency may work better if you pass the CoroutineScope and the associated Job explicitly.
Also, take a look the explanation on that from Roman:

Kotlin: Get Current CoroutineContext.Key without access to the CoroutineScope?

I'm trying to intercept the System.out print statements, and in a multithreaded program, I'm planning on adding these to a map using a CoroutineContext.Key as the map key, so I know which coroutine the output belongs to.
My child methods being executed don't have access to the CoroutineScope as this was kicked off on a parent method.
I was hoping for a static method along the lines of CoroutineContext.currentKey but this doesn't look like it exists.
I've achieved a similar thing in C#, using their Task.CurrentId
Is there any way for me to achieve this?
You can create your own thread-local variable to keep your own identifier of the coroutine or even directly its saved output and use ThreadLocal.asContextElement() extension function to convert it to the coroutine context element. Now, if you start your coroutine with this element, then the specified value of this thread-local variable will be automatically installed into the corresponding thread-local variable as the this coroutine hops from thread to thread. See the following example code:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
val myId = ThreadLocal<String>()
// I'm not a suspending function, yet I know what coroutine I work in
fun whereAmI() {
println("I'm in coroutine '${myId.get()}'")
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
launch(myId.asContextElement("First")) {
launch(myId.asContextElement("Second")) {

Convey intended thread type (IO, default, main) when declaring suspend function

When designing an API with a suspend function, sometimes I want to convey that this function should be called on, say, an IO thread. Other times that it is essential to do so.
Often it seems obvious; for example a database call should be called using Dispatchers.IO but if it's an interface function, then the caller cannot assume this.
What is the best approach here?
If the suspend function really must run in a specific context, then declare it directly in the function body.
suspend fun doInIO() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
If the caller should be able to change the dispatcher, the function can add the dispatcher as a default parameter.
suspend fun doInIO(context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO) = withContext(context) {
There is no strict mechanism for contracts like that, so you are flexible with choosing the mechanism that suits you and your team.
1) Always use withContext(Dispatcher.IO). This is both strict and performant, if a method is invoked from within IO context it will be fast-path'ed.
2) Naming/annotation-based conventions. You can make an agreement in the team that any method which ends with IO or has a specific annotation should be invoked with Dispatchers.IO. This approach works mostly in small teams and only for project-private API. Once you start exporting it as a library/module for other teams such contracts tend to be broken.
3) You can mix the previous approach with a validation:
suspend fun readFile(file: ...) {
require(coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor] == Dispatcher.IO) {
"Expected IO dispatcher, but has ${coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor]} instead"
// read file
But this validation works only if you are not wrapping IO dispatcher in some kind of delegate/proxy. In that case, you should make validation aware of such proxies, something like:
fun validateIoDispatcher(dispatcher: ContinuationInterceptor) {
if (dispatcher is Dispatchers.IO) return
if (dispatcher is ProjectSpecificIoDispatcher) return
if (dispatcher is ProjectSpecificWrapperDispatcher) {
} else {
error("Expected IO dispatcher, but has $dispatcher")
I want to convey that this function should be called on, say, an IO thread. Other times that it is essential to do so.
Not sure what the difference is between "should" and "essential", but having these approaches in mind you can combine it with default method parameters such as suspend fun probablyIO(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO) or more flexible naming/annotation conventions.

COROUTINE_SUSPENDED and suspendCoroutineOrReturn in Kotlin

The idea of coroutines in kotlin was to abstract the notion of suspension and callbacks and write simple sequential code. You never need to worry if the coroutine is suspended or not, similar to threads.
What is the purpose of suspendCoroutineOrReturn and COROUTINE_SUSPENDED and in what case would you use them?
The suspendCoroutineOrReturn and COROUTINE_SUSPENDED intrinsics were introduced very recently in 1.1 to address the particular stack overflow problem.
Here is an example:
fun problem() = async {
repeat(10_000) {
Where await simply waits for completion:
suspend fun <T> await(f: CompletableFuture<T>, c: Continuation<T>): Unit {
f.whenComplete { value, exception -> // <- await$lambda
if (exception != null) c.resumeWithException(exception) else
Let's have a look at the case when work doesn't really suspend, but returns the result immediately (for example, cached).
The state machine, which is what coroutines are compiled into in Kotlin, is going to make the following calls:
problem$stateMachine, await, CompletableFuture.whenComplete, await$lambda, ContinuationImpl.resume, problem$stateMachine, await, ...
In essence, nothing is ever suspended and the state machine invokes itself within the same execution thread again and again, which ends up with StackOverflowError.
A suggested solution is to allow await return a special token (COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) to distinguish whether the coroutine actually did suspend or not, so that the state machine could avoid stack overflow.
Next, suspendCoroutineOrReturn is there to control coroutine execution. Here is its declaration:
public inline suspend fun <T> suspendCoroutineOrReturn(crossinline block: (Continuation<T>) -> Any?): T
Note that it receives a block that is provided with a continuation. Basically it is a way to access the Continuation instance,
which is normally hidden away and appears only during the compilation. The block is also allowed to return any value or COROUTINE_SUSPENDED.
Since this all looks rather complicated, Kotlin tries to hide it away and recommends to use just suspendCoroutine function, which internally does all the stuff mentioned above for you.
Here's the correct await implementation which avoids StackOverflowError (side note: await is shipped in Kotlin lib, and it's actually an extension function, but it's not that important for this discussion)
suspend fun <T> await(f: CompletableFuture<T>): T =
suspendCoroutine { c ->
f.whenComplete { value, exception ->
if (exception != null) c.resumeWithException(exception) else
But if you ever want to take over fine-graned control over coroutine continuation, you should call suspendCoroutineOrReturn and return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED whenever an external call is made.