How to determine current chromium source stable version? - chromium

I want to use the Chromium source to build a stable browser version. But I do not understand how to determine stable chromium source versions because it is released several times to day, and releases have no stable or intermediate marks.
By stable version, I mean the version that is tested by some QA group and is marked as ready for production.

The daily builds that you are referring to are canary builds which are for development purposes only. If you want to check out a stable build from the Chromium repo then you need to find out the stable version.
For that you can go to and find out the current/previous stable version of Chromium/Chrome. Use channel and current_version columns as a reference.
Chromium uses tags to represent a specific version. So, for example, if the current stable version is 89.0.4389.90, execute the following git commands from your Chromium repo:
Fetch the remote tags:
git fetch --tags
List all the available tags (Optional):
git tag
Checkout the specified tag:
git checkout tags/89.0.4389.90
After checking out a specific tag, follow the commands here to pull third-party deps here


Managing feature branch versions with npm for component packages

We have a React App which uses some components written by us and published to our internal npm repository. Our code is maintained in Bitbucket Data Center, the build is done with Bamboo and the npm repository is hosted in JFrog Artifactory. We work with feature branches and pull requests for developing new features.
It happens often that a new feature in the app, requires a change in the component. In this case, each repository (the App and the component) will have its own feature branch and pull request. Many times the component interface changes, so that the App needs the pull request version of the component and not the mainline one to build and to be tested.
The build is done exclusively by the build server, so that the bundled javascript files are not committed to git.
Let's say the component has version 1.0.0. A new feature in the App needs a change in the component. In this case, the component version will incremented to 1.0.1. We don't want to publish it to Artifactory, until version 1.0.1 is tested, but at the same time, the build of the new App version needs the changes from version 1.0.1.
Our current solution is to change the package version of the component during the build of feature branches to something like 0.<Ticket #>.<Build #>. This 0.x.x version will be published to Artifactory so that the App feature branch can use it to compile.
We use 0.x.x so that the version is never bigger than the current released version. Once the component is merged to the main branch, it will compile with the right version (1.0.1) and will be published to Artifactory again.
I find this solution cumbersome, it requires some funny build scripts, making sure that the branch name always follows some convention and teaching developers about it.
I wonder if there is a better way for managing pull requests and feature branches using npm, without having to manipulate the package.json during build time, depending if it is a feature branch or the main branch.
Sounds like you are using artifactory like a secondary version / staging for the npm package, just use npm?
I am not in devops, but have worked on a few packages, testing a package that has not been released does not sound like testing the package - what about using a beta tag npm publish --tag beta, pulling that into your app npm i package#beta then testing your application in a staging environment?
As i expect you know if you apply a tag then the tag would need to be specified to be pulled into a repo so you can use it to deter users from using that version of the package - an i believe you can delete versions later if you are dead set on not having it public.
Here is a medium article which may be helpful?

What's the recommended way to get the latest sakai code to test against?

My standard route has been to go to confluence, find the docs sections, then navigate through to the install docs for the version, e.g. sakai 10:
Through one means or another I happened across the source route to this too, so starting here....
You get redirected to the latest stuff, and appended version numbers to that url gives you other docs, e.g. adding 2.8.2 or 10 to the end of the url
But the links to what I should download are quite often not there, at the time of writing the 10 tar ball and zip in the confluence links are dead and the source.sakaiproject links doesn't have the 10 docs yet (redirects to 2.9.3) presumably this is because v10 is not released yet....
So, I'd like to evaluate a new version of a sakai source install, what's the best way to do this? (considering the official documentation for install is still being formed)
Do I download the latest SVN, or the latest RC or the latest beta or??? How do I know what's best to test against without being "too" bleeding edge? Is there a recommended tar ball/zip link to test against? Is there a "latest good" SVN branch?
The latest code is always in the Sakai trunk (currently svn):
That code may very well not be stable though as it is where things are being actively developed. If you are not actively developing then you should stick to the releases as indicated on the project website here:
If you want to use something in between (say an upcoming release) then you can grab the most recent tag or maybe use a recent branch (both currently in svn, latest shown below at the time I write this):
The reality of the situation is that if you want to use something other than the release then you should really participate in the dev community for Sakai. Joining the mailing lists and the weekly calls will provide the information you are asking about and much more.

Best way to ensure latest F# FAKE?

What is the best way to ensure that all developers and the build server are using the latest version of FAKE?
If a build.cmd like the one from FSharp.Data is used, the developer will not be on the latest until they delete FAKE from the packages folder or just delete the whole packages folder.
If you add FAKE as a dependency in .nuget\packages.config, your build.fsx script must include the version information and be updated each time you change versions. You will not automatically get the latest version.
With NuGet 2.8.1 you can remove the "if not exists" parts - NuGet will check (very slowly) if the latest FAKE is installed.

How does scrapyd determine the 'latest' version of a project?

According to the documentations, when deploying a project to scrapyd, I can use the git commit hash as the version, by doing this:
$ scrapyd-deploy default -p myproject --version GIT
The documentation also says that scrapyd can keep multiple versions of the same project, but will only run spiders from the latest version.
In that case, how does scrapyd determine which version is the 'latest' to use?
I hope it doesn't sort the git commit hashes lexicographically and use that order.
As stated in their docs:
Scrapyd will use the greatest version when not specified, the version must be comparable according to distutils.version.LooseVersion.
This means that using GIT as version doesn't make much sense, which is a rather big issue

Playframework: Upgrade process -- Best Practices

I'd very much appreciate anyone sharing best-practices, patterns, anti-patterns, backup, rollback processes that you have formulated for a pain-free, foolproof, Play framework upgrade.
I'm thinking just replacing the bin/play directory with the latest version can cause problems
I'm looking for more specific version management strategies, say,
a) Do you just have /bin/play directory having the latest play version or
b) Do you keep versions like /bin/play-1.1 /bin/play-1.2 and change your $PATH to point to the latest (cons: you have to rebuild your modules, dependencies & libs; pros: gives better control over rollback)
I prefer to install play from source using git:
git clone git://
cd play
# checkout specific version
git checkout 1.2.1
cd framework
cd ..
ln -s $PWD/play ~/bin
So I have a full install including all source. Later, when play was updated to version 1.2.2 I did the following:
cd <play_home>
git pull
git checkout 1.2.2
cd framework
In your application you then do
play clean && play run
The advantage of running play from a source build is that you can always and easily roll back to the previous version or even test out features from current development. This does not solve the problem of having multiple versions of play active at the same time though.
I agree with Andre. However, if you are asking for best practice for a live project, I would do it differently.
You can have multiple version installed on your local machine. The only thing you have to change is which one is visible in the path. For instance you could have 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and depending on which one you want, you just modify your /home/youruser/.bashrc file.
The reason, why simple update of play from git or hg will not work/good idea is because, incase there are problems, you have to revert, rollback modules, or goodness know what not.
It is far better to simple swap out the play version, rebuild, test extensively, once you are ok that everything is good, then you can make the same changes in a live site.
If things don't workout, or your are hopelessly lost, all you have to do is revert the changes to your project and switch the play version. You will be back to where you started.