pentaho execute multiple sql script in sequence - pentaho

How can I execute those step in sequence?
each step create a table that the next step will use in a sub-query.

Using Job you can execute SQL statement in sequence.
You can see my sample from Here


Schedule a sequence of DML statements in BigQuery

I've created a BQ table and need to schedule a series of DML statements on it (inserts & merge). I am trying to replicate the Oracle PL/SQL functionality where you can group DML statements into a single procedure that can be scheduled.
So, the goal is (i) group a series of DML statements into a script, and (ii) schedule the script for execution. Thank you in advance for any help.
Scripting is supported in scheduled query now. However, scripting query, when being scheduled, doesn't support setting a destination table for now. You still need to use DDL/DML to make change to existing table.
CREATE OR REPLACE destinationTable AS
FROM sourceTable
WHERE date >= maxDate

How to save the last result set of SP which is returning multiple result sets into a temp table in SSIS?

I have a Stored Procedure: myProcedure returning 2 different resultset in the end like:
select * from #alldata where <condition1>
select * from #allData where <condition2>
Please note that I am not allowed to modify the SP.
What I need is to get the second (last) result set returned from the SP and save it in a temp table in SSIS 2012.
I managed to do is by using a script task including the line:
DataSet ds = db.ExecStoredProcedureDataSet("[myProcedure]", sqlFilters).Tables[1];
I wonder if there is a way to handle it by using "Execute SQL Task" instead.
When I check the topic below, it seems it would be possible if the SP returned one resultset only, but couldn't find a way in my situation where the SP returns multiple resultset and I need the last one saved in a temp table only. Any help would be appreciated.
Insert results of a stored procedure into a temporary table
Edit: It is not duplicate of the indicated topic, I need a solution that would work in Execute SQL Task process in the Control flow of SSIS.
From the docs:
If the Execute SQL task uses the Full result set result set and the
query returns multiple rowsets, the task returns only the first
rowset. If this rowset generates an error, the task reports the error.
If other rowsets generate errors, the task does not report them.
So, SSIS Execute SQL Task cannot access multiple result sets from a single proc. Only the first can be accessed.

Getting fields from SQL Server Stored Procedure

I'm trying to build a transformation in Kettle that gets FIELDS from a SQL Server Stored Procedure and inserts it in a MySql table.
The problem is that I can't find a way to get stored procedure "fields". I understand that Call DB Procedure task expects in/out params, and that's not my case, so I'm trying to use "Execute SQL Statements" with the following SQL:
exec credisfera.dbo.sp_insere_parcelas #dt_ref = '2016-05-03'
Is there a way to achieve this?
Simply put the exec statement in a Table input step. Upon execution (or "Output fields...", PDI will get the metadata from the JDBC driver.

SQL Server - SKIP DML statements from a given SQL Script file

I have a huge sql server script which has mix of ddl, dml operations and there is a requirement to create a clean db structure (with no data). Is it possible for a transaction to skip DML scripts through some parameter or some other way.
Thanks in Advance.
Out of the box: no. But you can wrap the DML statements in your script with something like:
if ($(RUNDML) = 1)
--your dml here
Where RUNDML is a sqlcmd variable. You'd invoke your script with differing values of RUNDML based on whether or not you wanted data in the database being built.
Alternatively, separate the DML out into another script (or scripts) so you can choose whether to run the data portion of the build or not.

SQL how to make a job run a job?

I'd like to call another job immediately after first one has finished, or to be more precise is it possible to call an entire sql job via a job step. I'd like to avoid merging these jobs into 1 so I wonder if this solution is possible?
Yes, you can execute a job by using this stored procedure. In your case, you can simply add a step to the end of your first job, to call the name of the job you want executed next.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'Job Name';
See sp_start_job (Transact-SQL) for more information.
create a T-SQl Step and use EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'YourJob';
Call the Jobs in the order you wish from a stored procedure.