How to add a filter name to cloudWatchLog using the serverless framework? - serverless-framework

The cloudWatch filter name picks it by its random name on the deployment.
logGroup: ‘/aws/lambda/hello-world’
filterName: ‘hello-world’
logGroup: ‘/aws/lambda/hello-world-python’
filterName: ‘hello-world-python’
enter image description here
enter image description here


how to display binary field data in website using a controller odoo 13

I was creating a controller to gets information from custom module and wonted to display the pdf or image on the website how to get the url.
I was able to download it using this
return http.send_file(maybefiel, filename='sdsdds', as_attachment=False)
but I wonted to display it can you please help
You can access a binary field using the following path:
For example, the field name of a user's profile picture is called "image", so, the URL looks like something like this:
Where 1 is the user id.

How to specify AMI Name when creating image using ImportImage

Is it possible to specify AMI Name when creating image using ImportImage API?
It is generated automatically like "import-ami-abcd1234". But I would like to give more reasonable name.
ImportImageRequest does not have "Name" parameter:
While CreateImageRequest that creates AMI from an instance does have it.
CreateImageRequest createImageRequest = new CreateImageRequest();
.withDescription("this is my ami");
Or is it possible to modify the AMI Name after the ImportImage ?
Thanks in advance.
The AMI Name could not be changed. You can:
You can do additional step to copy the image after it was imported. Using AWS Java SDK to set the name when you copy the image.
Then delete the imported image

Pentaho: Image in Pentaho form

I want to fetch image from local path (i.e: C:/Users/myname/sample.jpg).
Already tried with image icon on left of the form and set the value from the above both but the thing is i need to set the image from external . Like property file or kettle file.
please help me on using Pentaho Designer 5.3.0
thanks in advance
If you want to get the location of the image from a property file, you have to think about how to get that value and take it to the report, that you can do with a kettle transformation, that takes the value you want from the properties file and send it to a Report, in the pdi there is a step called Pentaho Reporting Ouput, which makes a call to the report, to this you will pass as parameter the location of the image that you want to be displayed (the name of the parameter in the pdi and in the Report designes must be the same), you can do the following:
Create a parameter, which will be of type string, this will be the parameter will receive the location of the image on the disk
Add an image field instead of an image, and pass the parameter you created as a value
After you can upload the image you want, just pass the physical address to the report from the pdi.
I hope I help you

Birt dynamic image uri

I have the URI to an image stored in a database. I created a dataset, which contains the image location. When choosing the location of the image I used a script which says this.uri = row[location],
however the image is not rendering and I am getting an error which says the rsource could not be reached. Is what I am trying to do possible in Birt, or is there any way to dynamically set the uri?
Thanks in Advance
You should not have to use a script to do this.
I assume this image is embedded within a table bound to the dataset. If it is not, you just have to select the dataset in the "bindings" tab of the image. When the image is correctly bound we have to:
Select the image -> properties -> reference -> edit
Set the option "select from URI", and for "Enter URI" expression don't forget to switch from "constant" to "javascript syntax".
With the expression builder select your dataset column within "Available column bindings" and here we go!
If you still have an issue check the URI generated with your web browser console.

How to localize the display name of an app for the Windows Store?

I registered a German and an English name for my Windows 8 app in the Windows Store Dashboard.
Afterwards I created two files in my solution:
Strings/de/Resources.resw with name "AppName" and value "German Title"
Strings/en/Resources.resw with name "AppName" and value "English Title"
Then I clicked on Edit App Manifest. In the display name field I entered "ms-resource:/AppName" but when I want to build my app I get an error which says that "NamedResource" cannot be found.
What am I doing wrong?
The documentation only writes: "Display Name: Specifies the friendly name for the app that is displayed to users. This string is localizable". But I have only one field (called Display name) in my app manifest to indicate my app name.
Ok. I've found it! For the "Display name" in "Package.appxmanifest" I have to enter "ms-resource:AppName". One should also enter "ms-resource:AppName" for the "Package display name" field (in tab Packaging).
I'd like to add an addendum to Benny Neugebauer's answer. If your .resw file happens to be stored in another assembly (as mine was), you might have to give it the fully qualified path to your resource name.
For example, if your AppName string was in a project named OtherProject, and a file named AppResources, and had a key of AppName, you would use the following syntax: