How to add data to firebase subcollection with vuex action? - vue.js

I have some issue accessing data from vuex action argument within the actual action. There is probably a better way to do what I'm trying to do, but for now the only way to get the doc id in which subcollection is, is to pass it inside action argument.
Doing like this, I receive a error message : "FirebaseError: Function CollectionReference.doc() requires its first argument to be of type non-empty string, but it was: undefined"
When I check in console for Vue data in component with Vue extension, is there :
So maybe I got this error because demandId is type of string? At this point I'm not sure about where to look for answers, maybe someone could direct me through possibles solutions?
Vue Component :
props: ["demand", "modalId"],
data() {
return {
meetingForm: {
status: "pending",
date: "",
time: "",
duration: null,
note: ""
submitModal(closeCallback) {
const meeting = {
demandId: this.meetingForm.demandId,
status: "Pending",
time: this.meetingForm.time,
duration: this.meetingForm.duration,
note: this.meetingForm.duration
// Dispatch action to create Meeting in DB
.dispatch("meetings/createMeeting", meeting)
.then(_ => {
this.$toasted.success("Meeting has been succesfully created!", {
duration: 3000
.catch(e => console.error(e));
Vuex action :
createMeeting( meeting) {
meeting.createdate = Timestamp.fromDate(new Date())
const demandId = meeting.demandId
return db

replace this.demandId with demandId
createMeeting( meeting) {
meeting.createdate = Timestamp.fromDate(new Date())
const demandId = meeting.demandId
return db

Vuex API
type: { [type: string]: Function }
Register actions on the store. The handler function receives a context object that exposes the following properties:
state, // same as store.state, or local state if in modules
rootState, // same as store.state, only in modules
commit, // same as store.commit
dispatch, // same as store.dispatch
getters, // same as store.getters, or local getters if in modules
rootGetters // same as store.getters, only in modules
And also receives a second payload argument if there is one.
The issue is that I didn't specified context.


Use getter in the same module in which it was created

Is it possible to initialize state's property using getter which was created in the same module? Something like this:
export const gamesModule = {
state: {
games: [],
selectedGameID: null,
playerOnTurnID: this.getters.getSelectedGame.playerData[0]
getters: {
getGames: state =>,
getselectedGameID: state => state.selectedGameID,
getSelectedGame: state => getSelectedGameById(, state.selectedGameID),
mutations: {
SET_GAMES (state, game) {;
SET_SELECTED_GAME_ID (state, id) {
state.selectedGameID = id;
SET_PLAYER_ON_TURN_ID (state, playerID) {
state.playerOnTurnID = playerID;
actions: {
async createGame({ commit }) {
try {
const { data } = await gameService.createGame();
commit('SET_GAMES', data);
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Error creating new game: ', error);
setSelectedGameID({ commit }, id) {
commit('SET_SELECTED_GAME_ID', id);
Written like this, it does not work because getters are undefined.
this does not exist in an object's context, and is only really applicable in constructor functions or classes.
I see two problems here.
First of all, you can't reference the object itself, because it hasn't been defined yet. You would have to create a local variable before declaring the object that would have the common property, in this case, the getter function.
Second of all, more importantly, I'm not sure it would help to access the getter (Reducer) function, as it has no knowledge of the state, which is passed to it as the first parameter by the underlying Vuex library when processing mutations (Actions).
Vuex is based upon the Redux pattern, Action -> Reducer -> Store, I would recommend reading it a quick introduction on how Redux works, as it will help you understand a lot better the action flow inside of Vuex.

Cant access object values in vueX in actions

I´m writing a method in VueX store to upload a object converted to a json to Firebase.
In vuex store under action I have created a method called scheduleTickets(purchase) but in the methods I cant access the value in the purchase object.
But If I commit to a mutations function and send the object to it I can access them but not from actions.
Am I doing something wrong here?
async scheduleTickets(purchase){
let documents = JSON.stringify(purchase)
for(let document of documents){
From the docs
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
count: 0
mutations: {
increment (state) {
actions: {
increment (context) {
You should have at least 2 arguments: context and second - payload. Override your method to this:
scheduleTickets(context, purchase){
let documents = JSON.stringify(purchase)
for(let document of documents){
And you can dispatch it like this:
// dispatch with a payload
store.dispatch('scheduleTickets', purchase)

Vuex state change on object does not trigger rerender

I have a variable in the vuex store called permissions. And i want my component to trigger a rerender when the getPermissions changes. In the vue devtools i clearly see that the state has changed in the store, but the component stil get the old state from getPermissions. In order for me to see changes, I have to do a refresh. Has it something to do with the way i mutate it? or the fact that it is an object?
It looks like this when populated:
permissions: {
KS1KD933KD: true,
KD9L22F732: false
I use this method to do mutations on it and a getter to get it:
const getters = {
getPermissions: state => state.permissions
const mutations = {
set_recording_permissions(state, data) {
let newList = state.permissions;
newList[data.key] = data.bool;
Vue.set(state, 'permissions', newList);
And in the component i use mapGetters to get access to it
computed: {
In order to update the permissions value i use this action (it does require a succesfull api request before updating the value) :
const actions = {
async setRecordingPermissions({ commit }, data) {
let body = {
agentId: data.userName,
callId: data.callId,
allowUseOfRecording: data.allowUseOfRecording
try {
await AgentInfoAPI.editRecordingPermissions(body).then(() => {
commit('set_recording_permissions', { key: data.callId, bool: data.allowUseOfRecording });
commit('set_agent_info_message', {
type: 'success',
text: `Endret opptaksrettigheter`
} catch (error) {
commit('set_agent_info_message', {
type: 'error',
text: `Request to ${} failed with ${error.response.status} ${}`
Since the getter only returns state variable you should use mapState, if you want to access it directly.
computed: mapState(['permissions'])
However, you can also use mapGetters, but then in your template, have to use getPermissions and not permissions.
Example template:
<ul id="permissions">
<li v-for="permission in getPermissions">
{{ permission }}
If you have done this it is probably an issue with the object reference. You use Vue.set, but you set the same object reference. You have to create a new object or set the key you want to update directly.
new object
let newList = { ...state.permissions };
Vue.set(state.permission, data.key, data.value);
I don't know what the rest of you code looks like, but you will need to use actions to correctly mutate you store.
For example:
const actions = {
setName({ commit }, name) {
commit('setName', name);

When passing data from parent component to child component via props, the data appears to be undefined in the mounted hook of the child component

In my parent component:
<UsersList :current-room="current_room" />
In the child component:
export default {
props: {
currentRoom: Object
data () {
return {
users: []
mounted () {
this.$nextTick( async () => {
console.log(this.currentRoom) // this, weirdly, has the data I expect, and id is set to 1
let url = `${process.env.VUE_APP_API_URL}/chat_room/${}/users`
console.log(url) // the result: /api/chat_room/undefined/users
let response = await this.axios.get(url)
this.users =
When I look at the page using vue-devtools, I can see the data appears:
I've run into this issue in the past – as have many others. For whatever reason, you can't rely on props being available in the component's mounted handler. I think it has to do with the point at which mounted() is called within Vue's lifecycle.
I solved my problem by watching the prop and moving my logic from mounted to the watch handler. In your case, you could watch the currentRoom property, and make your api call in the handler:
export default {
props: {
currentRoom: Object
data() {
return {
users: []
watch: {
currentRoom(room) {
this.$nextTick(async() => {
let url = `${process.env.VUE_APP_API_URL}/chat_room/${}/users`
let response = await this.axios.get(url)
this.users =
I don't think you really need to use $nextTick() here, but I left it as you had it. You could try taking that out to simplify the code.
By the way, the reason console.log(this.currentRoom); shows you the room ID is because when you pass an object to console.log(), it binds to that object until it is read. So even though the room ID is not available when console.log() is called, it becomes available before you see the result in the console.

Make Vue template wait for global object returned by AJAX call

I'm trying to wait for certain strings in a sort of dictionary containing all the text for buttons, sections, labels etc.
I start out by sending a list of default strings to a controller that registers all the strings with my CMS in case those specific values do not already exist. After that I return a new object containing my "dictionaries", but with the correct values for the current language.
I run the call with an event listener that triggers a dispatch() on window.onload, and then add the data to a Vuex module state. I then add it to a computed prop.
computed: {
cartDictionary() {
return this.$store.state.dictionaries.myDictionaries['cart']
So now here's the problem: In my template i try to get the values from the cartDictionaryprop, which is an array.
<h2 class="checkout-section__header" v-html="cartDictionary['Cart.Heading']"></h2>
But when the component renders, the prop doesn't yet have a value since it's waiting for the AJAX call to finish. And so of course I get a cannot read property of undefined error.
Any ideas on how to work around this? I would like to have the dictionaries accessible through a global object instead of passing everything down through props since it's built using atomic design and it would be insanely tedious.
Adding more code for clarification.
My module:
const dictionaryModule = {
namespaced: true,
state: {
dictionaries: []
mutations: {
setDictionaries (state, payload) {
state.dictionaries = payload
actions: {
getDictionaries ({commit}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Dictionaries.init().then(response => {
commit('setDictionaries', response)
My Store:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
cart: cartModule,
search: searchModule,
checkout: checkoutModule,
filter: filterModule,
product: productModule,
dictionaries: dictionaryModule
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
I think you can watch cartDictionary and set another data variable.
like this
<h2 class="checkout-section__header" v-html="cartHeading"></h2>
data () {
return {
cartHeading: ''
watch: {
'cartDictionary': function (after, before) {
if (after) {
this.cartHeading = after
Because this.$store.state.dictionaries.myDictionarie is undefined at the the begining, vuejs can't map myDictionarie['core']. That's why your code is not working.
You can do this also
state: {
dictionaries: {
myDictionaries: {}
and set the dictionaries key values during resolve.
I also would have liked to see some more of your code, but as i can't comment your questions (you need rep > 50), here it goes...
I have two general suggestions:
Did you setup your action correctly? Mutations are always synchronous while actions allow for asynchronous operations. So, if you http client returns a promise (axios does, for example), you should await the result in your action before calling the respective mutation. See this chapter in the official vuex-docs:
You shouldn't be using something like window.onload but use the hooks provided by Vue.js instead. Check this:
EDIT: As a third suggestion: Check, whether action and mutation are called properly. If they are handled in their own module, you have to register the module to the state.