Microsoft Access VBA - Locking a field when value in the field is not null - vba

I have fallen into a rut building a quote creation tool. I have a combo box that selects an item for the quote and will populate all of the fields for that line. In this case, I want the [Cost] field to be locked, preventing any changes. However, there are times when a user must type an item for the quote that is not in the combo box; therefore, all of the fields on that line will be null and must be typed manually.
I am trying to write a VBA event where [Cost] is locked when [Cost] is not null, preventing any change; and where [Cost] is not locked when [Cost] is Null, allowing editing.
Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.Cost) = True Then
Me.Cost.Locked = False
Me.Cost.Locked = True
End If
End Sub
The top line is in the combo box and the entire line is populated; Here I want cost to be locked
The second line is not in the combo and the line must be manually entered; Here I want lock to be disabled

Sometimes code must be in multiple events to achieve desired result. Since you will programmatically populate Cost if an item is selected from combobox list, put code in form Current event and combobox AfterUpdate event. Could have a Sub behind form that can be called by both events.
Programmatically setting control's properties will affect ALL instances of control. An alternative is to use Conditional Formatting to dynamically enable/disable a textbox or combobox.
To allow user option to edit manually entered Cost value for a new record adds complication. VBA or Conditional Formatting rule could be conditional - don't disable if focus is on a new record and service item is not in lookup table.


AfterUpdate On ComboBox: Display selection without requiring other action

I have a form with a combo box that has approval codes in it.
I created an AfterUpdate event so that when the user selects the approval code today's date will be placed in another field.
The problem is when I tab out of the combo box the date doesn't display in the field unless I click in that field or save the record.
I know I can do a Me.Refresh after the code, but I don't want to save the record until the user is done with everything they need to input.
Private Sub AppArch_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Must reference textbox name so if field and textbox have same name, then your existing code should work and new value display immediately. Apparently that is not the case. I always name controls different from field, like tbxDateRA. Then code can be:
Me.tbxDateRA = Date
Me!tbxDateRA = Date
but use the first to trigger intellisense tips.

Getting a Value if a Field and Record number is known?

Good Evening,
I am working on a Combo Search Form that is designed to search for information by criteria. The form has a combo box containing field values and a text box beside it. The selection of a field value in the combo box will fill in the text box beside it with the relevant information for that record, all the relevant information is contained in the PetTable.
I have managed to get the combo box to display the fields from the PetTable by setting the rowSource to PetTable and the sourceType to Field List... however that's where I hit my dead end.
In the Text Box beside the combo-box I tried grabbing the value of the combo box and putting it into the textbox by making the Text box control source "=ComboBox", however this just created a textbox which has a literal text string to that of the combo box.
My next thought was to make the text box Control source "=PetTable.PetComboBox" my thought was that the PetTable references the table with my information and the "PetComboBox" becomes the field a need to get. This did not work either and gave a #Name error"
What should be happening is: In the Combo-box if I selected [Pet Name], I would hope that the textbox beside it becomes "Fido" but instead it also becomes [Pet Name].
Any and all help would be appreciated!
Desired Effect
What you need to do is to change the Row Source Type of the Combo Box to "Table/Query". Then in the "Row Source" click on the "..." to open up the Query Builder. Select the table that you want. Add the columns that you want. I would suggest the table's primary key PetID, and then any other fields - in your case at least PetName. You may also want to sort by PetName to make it easier for the user to scroll through. Close the Query Builder and save the changes. Change the combo box's ColumnCount to 2, and set the Column Widths to be "0cm;6cm" (setting the first column to have a width of 0 means that it is not displayed to the user).
Now move to you TextBox, and set the Control Source to be:
Note that columns in a combox box are 0-indexed, so the first column is column 0, the second (in your case containing PetName) is column 1.
As you actually want to show the field names, rather than the data in the combo box, then you will need to set the RowSourceType to be "Field List", and then select the table name as the RowSource.
You will then need a small piece of VBA to lookup the value of that field in the table for the current record:
Sub sListFieldData()
If Not IsNull(Me!Combo0) Then
Me!Text2 = DLookup(Me!Combo0, "tblPet", "PetID=" & Me!PetID)
Me!Text2 = ""
End If
End Sub
And you will then need to call this procedure in the combo box's AfterUpdate event (to catch when it has been changed by the user) and also in the form's Current event (to catch when the user moves between records):
Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Call sListFieldData
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
Call sListFieldData
End Sub

Control Source of a text boxes set to DCount function - Refresh issue

I'm setting the control source of text fields to return the value of a function (multiple fields with different filtering conditions). The form has a combo box with a list of years: when the user selects a specific year, the on change event triggers a refresh of all the fields.
My problem is the fields don't show any values unless after combo box's On Change events. I have to click on the form/fields before the values start showing up.
I tried to do form refresh & field's requery but doesn't work.
The text field's Control Source is set to:
What I'm trying to do is when the user selects a year from a drop down, the fields values are updated & displayed by the On Change event - currently they seem to be updated but are not showing unless I click on the screen and that's when values start showing up in each field.
The method to update calculated fields is Me.Recalc (or myForm.Recalc):
Try this instead of .Refresh.
Also I think the better event to use is After Update instead of On Change for a combo box.

Setting ComboBox RowSource property to query in "GotFocus()" method leaves blank values in ComboBox Access VBA

I want to populate my ComboBox in an Access form using VBA based on data from another table. Previously to do this I did the following:
In the Property Sheet -> Data tab I filled out Row Source and Row Source Type fields with this information:
Now whenever I clicked on the dropdown for my combobox, it would populate the dropdown list with all of the names from t_people table.
This limited me however to when data changed in the t_people's name column. In order to get an updated list, I must close the form and re-open it so that the query runs again. I have limited the access to this Access file so that the user is only presented with x number of forms, and cannot close/open them or others.
My solution is to remove the query on the form load, and instead run the query every time the combobox gains focus, has a click event or something of the same sorts. I did this with the following event in VBA:
'Run when the "name" combobox gains focus
Private Sub nameCb_GotFocus()
[nameCb].RowSource = "SELECT name FROM t_people"
End Sub
I have set breakpoints and this code does run. However, the the combobox is not populated after it does. How can I get the combobox to populate with the values from a query for each time the combobox gains focus?
Set the RowSource in design and add a .Requery when entering the control.
Private Sub nameCb_Enter()
End Sub

MS Access - Disable Update on a Certain Field or Column

How do we disable update or edit on a certain column for a record. For example I have Product table with fields of ID, Description, Count. I want to disable the changes on Description only. I know how to do this in sql, but how about in a program for Access or VBA code?
If you're using a form to present the data using a text box control bound to the field, you can lock the field for edits in the field properties. The property is called "locked".
You can also use vba code to lock and unlock the field under certain conditions.
Sub form_current ()
If x = "superuser" then
End if
End Sub