Rails Active storage "identify -format %[orientation]" issue on .heic format while updating the metadata - ruby-on-rails-5

I am using Rails(5.2) Active Storage for saving attachments directly in S3.
While uploading the attachment using direct uploads, Blob will be created first and the attachments will be created in Active storage. Then background job will be enqueued for saving the metadata using analyze_blob method.
I am facing the below issue in background job while updating the metadata for .heic image formats in ActiveStorage::Blob table
MiniMagick::Error: identify -format %[orientation] /tmp/ActiveStorage20201125-18095-1ccc7me.heic[0] failed with error:
identify: no decode delegate for this image format `HEIC' #
Can somebody help on this issue? Thanks in Advance.

HEIC is a newer format, I would guess that the version of minimagick or imagemagick you're using isn't aware of that format. You might have luck upgrading to a newer version of imagemagick on the system and/or a newer version of the minimagick gem.


Save pdf file loaded in iFrame to database after edit Oracle APEX

I am trying to save a PDF file that is loaded in an iFrame after sign it, i am using the (PSPDFKit standalone) in Oracle APEX 190200 version.
I need save the is database instead of download file.
How I can get file and save file in database through AJAX callback?
You can use instance.exportPDF() to get the PDF as an ArrayBuffer. Then you can convert the ArrayBuffer to Blob and send it to the server. Hopefully, this should solve your issue.
I would suggest you to reach our support directly. We offer a blazing fast assistance and the questions are handled directly by the Web team: https://pspdfkit.com/support/request/.

Creating thumbnails for images on S3

I have quite common situation, as I suppose. I have website that is lcoated on amazon EC2 and I'd like to move all dynamic files to amazon S3. Everything seems ok, except 2 points:
I'm using library PDFNet with their WebViewer. To display pdf files in browser Webviwer use special ".xod" format. PDFNet provide functionality to convert pdf files to xod format. Let's see an example, when PDF file was upload on S3 and no xod file was created (I'm going to use Lambda to avoid it in future, but still). So in this case I have to download file to my local machine, convert it to xod file and upload xod file on S3(I don't see any other opportunities to do it, but it can take a lot of traffic)?
Second problem is almost the same, but it's linked with thumbnails. Currently I'm dynamically resize thumbnails depending on the required resolution and I'd like to keep it. Amazon Lambda is not situable in this case, what is the best way to do it?
Why do you say that Lambda is not suitable here?
For pt#1 PDFNet gives a library for Java, you can write a lambda function in java (its possible now) and use that to get infinite scale.
For pt#2: Amazons tutorial (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/with-s3-example.html) gives a detailed example of how to resize images when uploaded to S3. The example is in nodeJs, you can write a java version as well if you like.
Note that if you want to have custom logic for decision making, you can add attributes while uploading the file in S3 (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingMetadata.html#User-Defined Metadata) which you can use in your lambda function to take decisions while resizing.

File type not allowed - pdf upload - HippoCMS

While uploading .pdf files bigger than 1MB in size through assets in Hippo CMS it gives an error "File type not allowed".
I have already checked MySQL configuration and checked /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-services/assetValidationService node in hippo console, where default value is 10M.
So the specific question is:
How do you fix the error and are able to upload files bigger than 1MB in Hippo CMS of .pdf type.
Here you can see how to set the file size limit. Note that there is also possibly a wicket setting you have to be aware of. Details in the page.
Though I wouldn't expect it to return file type not allowed if the problems was the size of the file. Perhaps the file is not validating as a pdf?
The problem was actually on the server of nginx. The server was rejecting all files bigger then 1MB and after long check at the logs the setting got changed to appropriate size.
I also gave the vote to Jasper since that can also be solution and it effects the same problem.

Reprocessing S3 asset with Paperclip

I have implemented user-defined cropping on image uploads roughly as-per Ryan Bates Railscast #182.
This works when set to the :file storage method, but not when set to :s3. S3 storage was working fine before adding the intermediate cropping step.
From the server log, it appears to be looking for the source file locally:
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: /profiles/pictures/000/001/543/original/headshot.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.>
This file is present on S3, but not locally by this point, as the upload is processed before being cropped (as well as after).
My question:
How can I bring the file down from S3 to the local server before the second process step?
N.B. I have looked at other answers on SO already.
Paperclip looking for file locally for reprocessing when using S3 – seems relevant, but the only answer refers to downgrading Paperclip. I can’t do that, and besides, that answer is neither upvoted nor accepted.
Error reprocessing in Paperclip 2.3.5 – this is about an older version of Paperclip.
Other thoughts:
It has occurred to me that another approach would be to store the file locally until it has been cropped, and then use DelayedJob or something similar to upload it to S3 later on. This will be more work though, so I’d rather avoid it for now.
In order to better understand what's happening, it would be cool to see your model set up. Specifically I'm looking for the "has_attached_file" setup.
Just to cover the basics of what I'm looking for: here's an example
has_attached_file :picture,
path: <optional, default is fine.>
url: ':s3_alias_url',
s3_protocol: 'https',
s3_host_alias: 'cdn.<something>.com' (or, s3.amazonaws.com/bucketname/,
storage: :s3,
s3_credentials: Proc.new{ |a| a.instance.credentials }
When you reprocess an image, it should be brought down into a temp file and processed there, then reuploaded with these settings.
based on the profiles/pictures/000/001/543/original/headshot.jpg it almost looks like it's grabbing your path variable, but not going to your s3 bucket to get that image. so I would check the storage value, specifically.
With more info, I can update my answer appropriately.

Orchard CMS 1.7 Media with S3 Storage

Wanting to use Orchard 1.7 with Media storage on S3 (as I'm deploying to AppHarbor)
So far I'm looking at the S3 Storage provider But its a bit out of date.
Has anyone done this ? is there a better way to use S3 with the new media manager?
I've got images uploading to s3, but they don't display when I click the folder.
here is the Gist of my updated S3Provider
Missing methods for create file, rename folder, get file, and Get storage path. any help on how to complete these would be appreciated.... however stepping through the debugger in VS this doesn't seem to be the root cause of my displaying images issue above.
Looks like the file is up loading to s3 but not to the database, due to the GetFile method throwing an error...
Edit 2
Added some code to the Get file method. Now that works; (gist updated) Can up load images. However the thumbnails are still not working, they just come back as empty tags ...Think this is because the media manager is using the Open get method - which is supposed to open a file so you can write a stream to it. Don't know how to achieve this with S3... any ideas welcome
As Part of the AWSSKD NuGet package version you can access a S3FileInfo object. I've used this in my S3 Storage File and updated the S3 Storage provider.
This seem to work, need to do a bit more testing on it.
NOTE: I had to add some code on the GetFile Method to ensure the permissions where set correctly otherwise the updating of thumbnails overwrote permissions on the file.... I'm sure there is a better way to do this.