Recently I ran into a problem and solved it by degrading the android gradle version according to Update Gradle
But, I did't get why these two gradle versions are different ? can anyone explain this
After the updating the new version of Android Studio ,I am facing the error message in our Android Studio.
**> Unsupported Gradle.
> The project uses Gradle version which is incompatible with Android Studio 2021.3.
> Possible solution:
> Open Gradle wrapper settings, upgrade version to 3.0 or newer and reload the project
> **
I am try to solve bit it had not solved.
I created new project because I think it is temporary error but after all is has not solved the issue.
I would recommend updating Gradle for your project.
You can execute the follwing commands from the command line (in the root directory of your project), or you can just click on the "terminal" tab at the bottom of Android studio.
First, check your Gradle version:
./gradlew --version
You will get a lot of results, but you only care about the line that says something like this:
Gradle 7.4
Assuming you are on an earlier version of Gradle, you can update to the latest by using the following command (replacing '7.6' with the version you wish to use):
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.6
Depending on your project, that should be all you need. If you have incompatabilities with your code and the version of Gradle, Android studio should issue you further guidance.
I am making a desktop app using Kotlin compose(IntelliJ version 2021.2.1). My project is still running but I am getting these compile errors in the kotlin compose code.
"Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies"
Here are my project configurations
As a solution, I removed cashe in .gradle and restart IDE with invalidating cashe but didn't work. and changed JDK versions and kotlin versions as well but still getting the same output.
Your project uses pretty outdated versions of both kotlin and Compose.
Check out that your Compose Multiplatform IDE Support plugin is up to date, the latest version for today is 1.0.0-alpha4-build331
Latest versions of plugins for build.gradle.kts:
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.21"
id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.0.0-alpha3"
I have imported an existing Maven project into IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2. The Maven project uses Kotlin version 1.5.21. However, I get a warning that the version in Maven is incompatible with the version of the IntelliJ plugin, which is 1.5.10 and is the latest available. Is there a way to use Kotlin 1.5.21 in the latest version of IDEA?
Try Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Kotlin > Update channel > Early Access Preview 1.5.x
I don't think the difference in version really matters, but this might be interesting for you.
You can't update to the newest version of Kotlin plugin on 2021.2 for now. See -
Can't build react native app in android studio.
I tried:
Sync Project with Gradle Files, but I can't do it because of an
File -> Invalidate Caches/ Restart
Clear cache from $HOME/.gradle
Delete $HOME/.gradle
Change version on 2.3.0, because it's
the latest version in this list
(, but when I use npx react-native init projectName, used Android Plugin Version 4.1.2, but this version there isn't in this list.
Also know the difference between Gradle, Android Gradle Plugin,
Gradle Wrapper, already read I tryied to use the latest Gradle v. 6.8.2 and Android Gradle Plugin v. 4.1.2, it also didn't help to build the project.
Change distributionUrl in
Change in File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Gradle use
Gradle from Specified location and set C:/Gradle/gradle-6.8.2, it didn't help and left it at default
I know there are exactly the same questions on stackoverflow and on github, but the solutions haven't helped.
Build output:
Could not find
Searched in the following locations:
If the artifact you are trying to retrieve can be found in the repository but without metadata in 'Maven POM' format, you need to adjust the 'metadataSources { ... }' of the repository declaration.
Required by:
project :react-native-settings
Add google Maven repository and sync project
Open File
Now used:
Gradle v. 6.5
Android Gradle Plugin v. 4.1.2
gradle-wrapper 6.5-all
Android Studios 4.1.2
Android SDK Platform: Android 10, 9, 8.1, 8.0, 7.1.1, 7.0
Your google Maven library is missing. Rebuild project after adding it
We are using Dexguard and the latest Fabric Gradle Plugin version 1.25.2. However, when we run the build with Android Plugin for Gradle 2.3.3, we see the gradle task run for '{namespace}:crashlyticsUploadDeobs{flavor + buildvariant}, but with Android PLugin for Gradle 3.0.1, we don't see this gradle task run and the logs in Crashlytics are not de-obfuscated.
My assumption is that this is the task that uploads the Dexguard mapping files up to Crashlytics.
I see the Fabric Gradle Plugin version 1.24.0 changelog indicates that it addressed this very issue for Proguard. Could there be another issue for Dexguard that needs to be addressed in the Fabric Gradle Plugin?
With help from GuardSquare I was able to identify the issue. Dexguard 8.1 provides a 'dexguard-partial' plugin that let's you exclude dexguard for certain buildTypes. By excluding dexguard on debug builds, you get faster build times. However, this 'dexguard-partial' plugin does not appear to be recognized by Fabric's plugin for Gradle. Therefore, those tasks for uploading the Dexguard mapping files to Crashlytics, never run.
I was able to resolve this issue by switching from the 'dexguard-partial', back over to the 'dexguard' plugin and adding the following conditional check to ensure the plugin is only included for Release builds:
This keeps our build times down for debug builds, by excluding dexguard for those builds. And resolves the Crashlytics issue by including dexguard for release builds.