Combine two strings for file path in SAS - variables

I have two strings that I want to combine to get the file path to be used in a PROC IMPORT statement in SAS
%let TypeName = XYZ;
%let InputDirectory = \\Nam1\Nam2\Nam3\Dataset\;
%let FileType = Filing.csv;
%let Filename = &TypeName&FileType;
%put &Filename;
%let CompInputDirect = &InputDirectory&Filename;
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE= %sysfunc(&CompInputDirect)
OUT= outdata
I get an error message saying that
ERROR: Function name missing in %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC macro function reference.
How do I put a macro variable containing the full file path in the Proc Import statement? Thanks in advance.

I reckon you meant to use QUOTE function.
Or you can supply your own quotes.

Macro symbol resolution &<name> is more formally &<name>. The . is often left off when the resolution occurs where other characters or tokens break up the submit stream.
You want to be careful if you have abstracted a dot (.) filename extension. You will need double dots in order to resolve filename and dot separate the extension. A good habit when dealing with filename parts is to use the formal resolution syntax.
%let folder = \\Nam1\Nam2\Nam3\Dataset\;
%let file = XYZ;
%let ext = csv;
proc import datafile = "&folder.&file..&ext." ...


SAS -. SQL format

I am importing a dollar value form xls via SAS to SQL
Imported value:
format used in SAS:%let format_out_response_n = dollar32.2;
but I get this:
I also tried: %let format_in_response_nc = comma32.2;
But here I get:
So that is closer but still not right.
What should I use?

Automating readins in SAS to avoid truncation and properly classify numeric variables

I've run into issues with proc import and large files, so I've been trying to develop a way to automate the readin process myself. Basically, I start with a file, read in all variables as character variables with a gratuitous length, run through the data set to determine the max length the variable actually takes on, and then alters the readin to cut down the lengths. Then, it tries to determine which variables should be numeric/datetime, and then converts them. For simplicity, I'm just posting the datetime part.
I have the following dataset:
data test;
do i=1 to 10;
drop i;
I want to run through it and determine that I should convert each variable. What I do is count the number of times the input function is successful, then decide on a threshold (in this case, 90%) that it is successful. I'm assuming none of the observations are missing, but in the general case I consider that too. My code looks something like this:
proc contents data=test noprint out=test_c; run;
data test_numobs;
set test_c nobs=temp;
call symput('nobs',strip(temp));
data test2;
set test nobs=lastobs;
array vars (*) $ _ALL_;
length statement $1000;
array tempnum(&nobs.) tempnum1-tempnum&nobs.;
do i=1 to dim(vars);
if input(vars(i),anydtdtm.) ne . then tempnum(i)+1;
if _N_=lastobs then do i=1 to dim(vars);
if tempnum(i)/lastobs >=.9 then
statement=strip(statement)||" "||strip(vname(vars(i)))||'1=input('||strip(vname(vars(i)))||",anydtdtm.); format "||
strip(vname(vars(i)))||"1 datetime22.; drop "||strip(vname(vars(i)))||"; rename "||strip(vname(vars(i)))||"1="||strip(vname(vars(i)))||"; ";
if _N_=lastobs then output;
I only output the last row, which contains the line I want,
j1=input(j,anydtdtm.); format j1 datetime22.; drop j; rename j1=j; k1=input(k,anydtdtm.); format k1 datetime22.; drop k; rename k1=k; l1=input(l,anydtdtm.); format l1 datetime22.; drop l; rename l1=l;
And then send that into a macro to reformat the dataset.
This is a pretty roundabout program. I didn't include a lot of steps but I use the same idea in how to determine the proper variable lengths via generating length and input statements. My question is, does anyone have any better solutions for this type of problem?

SAS, variables order in data import

I've searched my problem in a lot of topics, but no solutions yet.
My SAS code import data from a .txt file, the problem is that the order of variables changes from a version to another (so I have to changes it back to fit my code otherwise it crushes). Here's the code importing data:
data Donnees1 ;
%let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */
infile "&source\Donnees\&data1" delimiter='09'x MISSOVER DSD
lrecl=32767 firstobs=2 ;
informat Numero $100. ;
informat NU_CLI $100. ;
informat Date $100.;
informat Code $10. ;
informat RESEAU $100.
informat TOP_SAN $10. ;
informat TOP_PRV $10. ;
format Numero $100. ;
format NU_CLI $100. ;
format Date $100.;
format Code $10. ;
format RESEAU $100.
format TOP_SAN $10. ;
format TOP_PRV $10. ;
if _ERROR_ then call symput('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */
I am looking for an option so that, if the variables changes order in the source file, it doesn't make my code crush.
I've seen solution to reorder variables with retain, but it's for changing order of variables already imported, not during the import step.
The code works perfectly with no issues, only if the data source changes in term of variables order.
Thank you for your help.
IF the variables are named in your text file you could use PROC IMPORT's GETNAMES option to get SAS to automatically name your variables. This doesn't provide you with as much granular control as datastep infile but should work as long as your input file isn't too irregular.
You should also change the order of variables in input list in data-step.
If the variable names and attributes do not change then you can dynamically generate the INPUT statement by reading the variable names from the header row of the file. Read the header line and generate a macro variable.
data _null_;
infile "&source\Donnees\&data1" obs=1;
call symputx('varnames',translate(_infile_,' ','09'x));
Then read the data lines into a dataset and use the variable list in the INPUT statement. You actually don't want to use the ugly code that PROC IMPORT creates. Do NOT attach $xx FORMATS and INFORMATS to character variables as they add no value and can cause trouble down the line if they get out of sync with the actual length of the variable.
data Donnees1;
infile "&source\Donnees\&data1" dlm='09'x TRUNCOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=2 ;
Numero $100
NU_CLI $100
Date $100
Code $10
input &varnames ;
I have found a solution but haven't tested it yet : Creating a temporary Work table where I import all the variables (the order doesn't matter) through a proc import. Then I create a data step where I keep only the variables that interest me, and this time in the correct order. I'll tell you if it works fine.
Also Tom's solution seems pretty good, I'll give it a shot.
Thank you for your help.

SAS - how to mask double quotes (e.g. "")

I am running a VBA program from SAS. The SAS code for this basically looks like:
%let worksheet =&i; *worksheet number;
%let xlsfile = %STR(""C:\Data\Excel Workbook.xlsx"");
%let csvfile = %STR(""C:\Data\CSV File..csv"");
x 'cd "C:\Data\MN2013\Alignment\Data\SAS Programs"';
x "XlsWsToCsv.vbs &xlsfile &worksheet &csvfile";
I need to be able to include two double quotes (i.e. "") at the beginning and end of the file paths in the xlsfile and csvfile for the VBA program to recognize the spaces in the file paths and run correctly.
I run this in SAS Enterprise Guide using SAS 9.3. In my log, directly after the variable definition is read in, the double quotes are underlined in red (usually indicating an error) with the number 49 below. There is no error message, but instead, in green I get the following note:
NOTE 49-169: The meaning of an identifier after a quoted string might change in a future SAS
release. Inserting white space between a quoted string and the succeeding
identifier is recommended.
To me, this says SAS is reading these double quotes. They are somehow only partially being masked. My VBA program runs, so I could continue with this; but I like clean error logs. Does anyone have any recommendations for how to completely mask my xlsfile and csvfile variables? I've tried using %STR (as shown in my example above), %BQUOTE, %SUPERQ, and a few other things to make this work.
Those pesky error messages! You were very close, but try this syntax instead:
%let xlsfile = %STR("")C:\Data\Excel Workbook.xlsx%STR("");
%let csvfile = %STR("")C:\Data\CSV File..csv%STR("");
Double double quotes inside double quotes resolve to a single double quote character, ie...
x """c:\program files\office\excel.exe"" stuff stuff stuff ""stuff"" stuff";
should work just fine. Don't worry about the 'identifier' message, that's largely saying something like
could be possible with other things. You can add a space after the last " if it's a problem to have that in the log.

SAS - Generate Variable File Name Correctly

I'm trying to generate a variable file name.
ods pdf file = "D:\FileDirectory\&&mFileNameVariable&I .pdf" notoc;
This generates a variable file name but adds a space before the extension (eg. FileName .pdf; I need FileName.pdf).
I read that you could do something like this:
ods pdf file = "D:\FileDirectory\&&mFileNameVariable&I..pdf" notoc;
To add the dot for the extension; however, when I try that macro doesn't work, I get a WYSIWYG value (eg. &&mFileNameVariable&I.pdf).
I'm assuming its because my string ends with a "&I".
Another solution I thought of, but it seams unnecessary / workaround is to trim(FilePathAndName) and, or concatinate cats(of FilePathAndName FileExtension) the values seperately.
Any insight or feedback is much appreciated, thank you in advance for your time and help.
Since you are doing two passes through the macro resolution process, you need an extra period between the filename and the extension (three total, 2 get munched during macro resolution, one to represent the separator).
%let mFileNameVariable1=myfile;
%let l=1;
ods pdf file="C:\Temp\&&mFileNameVariable&l...pdf" notoc; /*note 3 periods!!*/
On Log
NOTE: Writing ODS PDF output to DISK destination "C:\Temp\myfile.pdf", printer "PDF".