Libuse for communication through C232HM - usb

I have a problem with communication with Atmega644P. I am using C232HM Cable and avrdude. Unfortunately, every attempt of communication ends with the following comment from the command prompt: avrdude: Error: no libftdi or libusb support. Install libftdi1/libusb-1.0 or libftdi/libusb and run configure/make again. I installed following driver from Zadig 2.5: WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385) and the error still occurs. What should I do?

To get past that error message, you have to do what it says: install the library that AVRDUDE needs and then build AVRDUDE from source in a way that it detects the library and uses it. But I am not sure exactly what you are trying to do and I cannot be sure that this will ultimately work for you. If you haven't built code from sourt before, it can be a challenge.
You never said how you installed AVRDUDE, but you might try downloading a binary version from a different place before you attempt to compile it yourself. The Arduino IDE comes with a version of AVRDUDE, and there is also an AVRDUDE package in MSYS2 (which I contributed).


(m1 macbook) installing redis php extension results in wrong architecture, how can I get an arm64 architecture of

I'm trying to use redis to broadcast events on laravel but php isn't able to load this extension due to wrong architecture.
I used pecl install redis to install the extension and I'm wondering if there's a flag I can pass to build/install using a diff architecture (arm64)
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ''
no suitable image found. Did find: mach-o, but wrong architecture
running lipo -info results in is architecture: x86_64
But I think my machine (m1 macbook) requires an arm64 extension. (as I see other .so files with the correct architecture.
Any help on how I can create this would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried to download the tar file, extract and make, but on make test, the device actually crashes during the process, or overheats and just doesn't finish executing make test.
One way is to use the terminal in x86 mode on top of Rosetta 2.
Go to where the terminal application is located in the finder (Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
Click it once so it highlights then press cmd + I to open up the information tab.
Hit this:
to open the terminal in the Rosetta mode.
Open the terminal
This doesn't always work for the nature of some programs but it is worth giving it a shot.

Error coming while generating source code from STM32CubeMx to Keil V5.29

I am making LED blinking program with STM32F103C8T6 i opened the pc13 port for taking Input output
then this error is occuring while generating code what will i do please help.
This code is Successfully generated under C:/...... but MDK ARM v5.29 project generation have a problem.
I have give the right version of Keil also
I'm expecting that the code that is generated by STM32CubeMx will open on Keil (MDK ARM). It's opening before but now it's not opening in Keil.
I got rid of this error:
Creating a project in Cubes, for example, version v5-3-0 or the one that will make the project for Kill without error
Run Cubase v5-6-0 and open this project v5-3-0, when compiling, select "modernizations"
Problem fixed installation new version CubeMX V6.3.0 for Windows 10. That solved my problem with generating code for Keil.
Also, try some more solutions like reinstalling the Java version older than 11 or short the path to the storage location in CubeMX folder.
If you want to open an older project on a newer version of CubeMx, it will have the same problem. so I recommend that for older versions of the project done in CubeMX use V5.2.0.
Also, pay attention to the Firmware version of the location (Use Default Firmware Location) as some older ones may be incompatible with newer Firmware versions, which can later cause a programming and runing code problem.
By from A.R. :)

webRTC compilation windows 7 64 bit

I am trying to compile the webRTC code but I get the following error.
I am not trying with Visual Studio.
The error got is <PATH>/src/buildtools/win/gn.exe cannot start because of incompatibility of 64 bit windows version. The confusion is I am compiling on Windows 7 64 bit. The error is confusing to say the least.
Steps followed are :-
Unzipping the depot_tools from the chromium webpage and setting up the correct path.
Then for downloading the webRTC and compilation the steps were
mkdir webrtc-checkout
cd webrtc-checkout
fetch --nohooks webrtc
gclient sync
gn gen out/Default < The problem arises here >
We would need the entire trace of all the python script to give you a full answer, but it is VERY likely that you need to have MSVC 2015 (14) installed and to set the corresponding environment variable DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0. The scripts will otherwise stop working with cryptic error messages, even before the compilation. It fits your "symptoms".
See this for more answers (chromium and webrtc build instructions are shared):
If you copy paste the trace form the python scripts here, I might be able to help you more.

How to install OpenNI 1.x on a Mac?

I have a Kinect for Windows and I would like to connect it to my Mac laptop with OSX 10.7.5.
I would like to use openNI as the driver.
OpenNI's website lists "OpenNI 2.1 Beta (OS X)" however the source-code page does not list install instructions. Are they found someplace else?
There are install instructions on the OpenNI 1.x github page and on OpenNI 1.x Unstable branch page. The instructions for the two branches are slightly different, however neither have worked for me.
I originally had XCode 4.6 installed. Both instructions state they want XCode 4.3.2, which I installed, renamed XCode 4.6 and used "sudo xcode-select -switch" to switch between them.
Both instructions ask for "libusb-devel +universal" and in both cases I get:
Error: Please do not install this port since it has been replaced by 'libusb'.
Error: org.macports.configure for port libusb-devel returned:
Please see the log file for port libusb-devel for details:
Error: Processing of port libusb-devel failed
If I continue with the installation of "libusb +universal" instead, then the rest of the dependencies install fine (though I had to install GraphViz before Doxygen).
But then when I run: "./RedistMaker" I get a lot of warnings, though it does create a Final file. "sudo ./" runs fine and I'm guessing OpenNI is installed, but then I get a bunch more errors when trying to install Sensor.
Can anyone help tell where along the way should I have started to worry? Do I need to manually install libusb (which I have tried to do)?
Any help appreciated!
I fixed the installation of OpenNI by running these instructions:
> sudo rm -f /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib
> sudo port clean libusb
> sudo port install libusb +universal
Basically the Mac install instructions need to be updated and should include a warning that the short install may leave files around that will need to be deleted before installing with port.

avrdude xmega256a3 can't program usersig?

I use avrdude on osx to do development for an xmega256a3. It's wonderful, it lets me flash my target just fine. However, when I try to use it to program the usersig block, it doesn't work so well. I was initially excited by some early success with it, but found subsequent flashes weren't working.
Through testing, I determined that if my usersig file was for all 0's, it worked fine. But all FF's didn't work. Given what little I know about flash, these leads me to believe that I'm either missing an option or avrdude isn't doing a complete job for what it needs to do here.
The command I'm using is
avrdude -p atxmega256a3 -P usb -c avrispmkii -e -U usersig:w:mySig.hex
Using AVR Studio 4 on a Windows box, I am able to program any of these files to the usersig flash block.
My question boils down to is this possible? if so what option/incantation am I missing? Or am I out of luck for programming usersig for this processor with avrdude?
(I'm using version 5.11.1 from the CrossPack guys)
It turns out that old versions of avrdude indeed did not support this. It requires a page erase of usersig, and that was not supported until version 6, which is due out soon. I've tested with svn builds of it, and with a two line patch submitted to day, it does the job.