Vue router still loading previous data after changing rout - vue.js

i have a strange behavior where i load my home page that is quite heavy in terms of images/data to load then i click on a link while its loading, it load the next component in the view (through router-link) but the previous data seem to be still loading in the background + if i push the browser back button, the url change but the previous view don't load untill previous data finished to load then it load.
My code is quite complexe now so i'm not sure which part to share here but is it something common like im missing a destroy() method or so ?
Happens only on first load, after once data are cached it work all fine.


Problem with loading direct link - Vue single page app

I have problem with Vue spa.
App work fine, when I go from some page to another.
App is e commerce and when I copy direct link of some product and send to someone I take to much time lo load that page, but when I click from list of product to specific product it load immediately.
Only direct link took too much time to load - like 10 sec.
I try remove some load function from page, but it's the same problem.
Are you using lazy loading in your app? If not, Vue Router will try to load all pages when the site is first opened.
You can see browser's console on network section
If you see that the files of all pages are loaded when the site is first opened, you are not using lazy loading.
That's all I can think of from the information you provided, I hope it helps.
Vue Router Lazy Loading

Is it possible to track if a page finished loading with my current implementation of webView?

Picture of WebView
Hello, I am working on a login page for my app. Right now the webView login page works! However, there is one big issue with the current implementation.
Basically for my login I call a series of functions:
Opens hidden website with a webView,
Injects javaScript to login to website,
Changes to page of website containing data,
Extracts data,
Pushes to new view as login was successful
Now this is all working, except I had to hardcode times for each function to take place using DispatchQueue.main.async. This is of course problematic because some of the functions vary in time, for example the time it takes to load the webpage. This means my login is successful 75% of the time. I need a way to track if the webView is finished loading so I can call the next function only when it is done loading. However, every webView I have seen that has something like this, uses a completely different structure. When I have tried these other structures, I could not make certain things work like my login function that uses evaluateJavascript.
Is there anyway to have this feature by adding something to my current implementation? Thanks!

Animated blocks in AOS and NUXT JS tends to disappear whenever the page reloads

I'm working on a project and using AOS animation but all div blocks that have an animation on them disappear whenever I refresh the page. I want to trigger a function whenever the page is refreshed so I can use the AOS.refresh(). Is there any way to do this in nuxt.js or maybe a way to go around this AOS bug?
here's an example this is how the page looks before reloading:
then after reloading:
As you can see. the elements that still appear after the reloading are the ones without AOS animation.
Additionally, if you focus your eyes on the sidebar, notice I have a home page. this problem happens literally everywhere except the home page. When I go to the home page then I go back to other pages the problem basically disappears.
Not sure where is your bug coming from but so far, the homepage of the library achieves to have an animation on a page refresh. Maybe it is a lifecycle code issue at some point. Maybe post some for us to help you debug this one.
To my knowledge, there is no way of watching if your webpage is actually refreshed because there is nothing related to state before this. The only somehow useful thing that may be used sometime is this.$router.history._startLocation, which will give you the first path your webapp was loaded on.
Not sure if it may help you anyhow.
Also, you can maybe give a shot to this library in VueJS and wire it to Nuxt. Should behave pretty much the same.

Loading cached pages with different content in WindowsRT Store App

I want to enable caching for a page that loads when an ListView item is clicked. So when the user clicks a second time on the same item, the app will navigate to the previous cached page.
(I'm using LayoutAwarePages and I suspect that this should be possible if in the OnNavigatedTo method the NavigationMode parameter is different from NavigationMode.New)
Any ideas?
You affect the page caching by setting the NavigationCacheMode property of the page in its constructor. By default it is disabled, but if you enable it, you'll get the existing page instance every time you navigate to it. This means that even if the user navigates to a different item in your ListView, the same instance of the page will be reused.
I've found a library reimplementing the navigation framework to make it more like the one in Windows Phone, i.e.:
When navigating back the cached page is used.
When navigating forward a new instance of the page is created.
If I understand your question correctly, you require a different caching behavior from both of the above. To achieve that you could either base your alternative navigation framework on the one in the library I linked to or simulate the behavior by persisting just the page state for each item instead of actually caching the pages.

Sencha Touch: How to read certain record from the store?

I have an application that has 3 level of data depth:
list of presentations
presentation detail
presentation slides
Right now when user came to the app he's presented with list loaded from JSONP store. He click on one item and the callback function receives the record. It pushes it into new view - the detail and displays it. User can disclose presentation slides from there - data record is passed from detail again.
Problem is when user refreshes the page or came from URL. If he came to url like /presentations/slides/1, he wants to see the slides for presentation id:1. Problem is that as long as he wasn't at the list, data was not loaded and because it was not loaded, it was not passed to the detail and the detail didn't pass it along to the slides view. So I have no data.
But I still have the ID! Comming from the PHP's Zend Framework, I would call something like:, but I can't find any way to do this.
How do I load something from the store based on it's
To add more, store.load() seems to work asyncronously, so when I do:
It wouldn't work with JSONP store, because the data is not loaded yet. But when I use Chrome Debuger and pause the execution to let the data load, it works :(
You are correct the load is asyncronously so all you have to do is use the callback function of the store. You can find an example here How to get data from extjs 4 store