Incremental load of a full api call - sql

I have an API I where I need to get signup data into my database from and aggregate it daily. Everytime I call the API I will get a full copy of the data. Sometimes old accounts will get deleted, so the historical data will change.
This is what the data from the API looks like:
I want to aggregate it like so, to see the daily account creations and activations:
Now, what I could do is a daily import of the full data and then aggregate like this:
Current_date() as snapshot_date,
SUM(CASE WHEN accountCreateOn = current_date() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as accountCreateOn,
SUM(CASE WHEN accountActivateOn = current_date() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as accountActivateOn
FROM full_data
But this doesn't seem very failure resistant. What happens, if the pipeline fails for a couple of days? What would be the right way to solve such a problem?

The easiest and most fault-tolerant way is to store the data you are getting completely and as detailed as they are. You can't get any better information, and leaving away information - which includes aggregating it - always carries the danger that you will one day want to answer a question on those data that could have been answered on the complete dataset and can't be answered on the reduced one.
The only reason to leave this path could be datasets that are so huge that storing and processing them isn't feasible. For modern DBMS systems running on modern hardware, it's rather unlikely that you run into that problem. So I would create synthetic test data of the maximum size that I expect for my business, say 10 times the account activations per year that I dream of. If the database can handle this, it means you have one less problem to worry about.


Improve performance of deducting values of same table in SQL

for a metering project I use a simple SQL table in the following format
Timestamp: dat_Time
Metervalue: int_Counts
Meterpoint: fk_MetPoint
While this works nicely in general I have not found an efficient solution for one specific problem: There is one Meterpoint which is a submeter of another Meterpoint. I'd be interested in the Delta of those two Meterpoints to get the remaining consumption. As the registration of counts is done by one device I get datapoints for the various Meterpoints at the same Timestamp.
I think I found a solution applying a subquery which appears to be not very efficient.
(A.int_Counts- (SELECT B.int_Counts FROM tbl_Metering AS B WHERE B.fk_MetPoint=2 AND B.dat_Time=A.dat_Time)) AS Delta
FROM tbl_Metering AS A
WHERE fk_MetPoint=1
How could I improve this query?
Thanks in advance
You can try using a window function instead:
SELECT m.dat_Time,
(m.int_counts - m.int_counts_2) as delta
MAX(CASE WHEN fk.MetPoint = 2 THEN int_counts END) OVER (PARTITION BY dat_time) as int_counts_2
FROM tbl_Metering m
) m
WHERE fk_MetPoint = 1
From a query point of view, you should as a minimum change to a set-based approach instead of an inline sub-query for each row, using a group by as a minimum but it is a good candidate for a windowing query, just as suggested by the "Great" Gordon Linoff
However if this is a metering project, then we are going to expect a high volume of records, if not now, certainly over time.
I would recommend you look into altering the input such that delta is stored as it's own first class column, this moves much of the performance hit to the write process which presumably will only ever occur once for each record, where as your select will be executed many times.
This can be performed using an INSTEAD OF trigger or you could write it into the business logic, in a recent IoT project we computed or stored these additional properties with each inserted reading to greatly simplify many types of aggregate and analysis queries:
Id of the Previous sequential reading
Timestamp of the Previous sequential reading
Value Delta
Time Delta
Number of readings between this and the previous reading
The last one sounds close to your scenario, we were deliberately batching multiple sequential readings into a single record.
You could also process the received data into a separate table that includes this level of aggregation information, so as not to pollute the raw feed and to allow you to re-process it on demand.
You could redirect your analysis queries to this second table, which is now effectively a data warehouse of sorts.

Finding statistical outliers in timestamp intervals with SQL Server

We have a bunch of devices in the field (various customer sites) that "call home" at regular intervals, configurable at the device but defaulting to 4 hours.
I have a view in SQL Server that displays the following information in descending chronological order:
DeviceInstanceId uniqueidentifier not null
AccountId int not null
CheckinTimestamp datetimeoffset(7) not null
SoftwareVersion string not null
Each time the device checks in, it will report its id and current software version which we store in a SQL Server db.
Some of these devices are in places with flaky network connectivity, which obviously prevents them from operating properly. There are also a bunch in datacenters where administrators regularly forget about it and change firewall/ proxy settings, accidentally preventing outbound communication for the device. We need to proactively identify this bad connectivity so we can start investigating the issue before finding out from an unhappy customer... because even if the problem is 99% certainly on their end, they tend to feel (and as far as we are concerned, correctly) that we should know about it and be bringing it to their attention rather than vice-versa.
I am trying to come up with a way to query all distinct DeviceInstanceId that have currently not checked in for a period of 150% their normal check-in interval. For example, let's say device 87C92D22-6C31-4091-8985-AA6877AD9B40 has, for the last 1000 checkins, checked in every 4 hours or so (give or take a few seconds)... but the last time it checked in was just a little over 6 hours ago now. This is information I would like to highlight for immediate review, along with device E117C276-9DF8-431F-A1D2-7EB7812A8350 which normally checks in every 2 hours, but it's been a little over 3 hours since the last check-in.
It seems relatively straightforward to brute-force this, looping through all the devices, examining the average interval between check-ins, seeing what the last check-in was, comparing that to current time, etc... but there's thousands of these, and the device count grows larger every day. I need an efficient query to quickly generate this list of uncommunicative devices at least every hour... I just can't picture how to write that query.
Can someone help me with this? Maybe point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I am trying to come up with a way to query all distinct DeviceInstanceId that have currently not checked in for a period of 150% their normal check-in interval.
I think you can do:
select *
from (select DeviceInstanceId,
datediff(second, min(CheckinTimestamp), max(CheckinTimestamp)) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0) as avg_secs,
max(CheckinTimestamp) as max_CheckinTimestamp
from t
group by DeviceInstanceId
) t
where max_CheckinTimestamp < dateadd(second, - avg_secs * 1.5, getdate());

Limitations in using all string columns in BigQuery

I have an input table in BigQuery that has all fields stored as strings. For example, the table looks like this:
name dob age info
"tom" "11/27/2000" "45" "['one', 'two']"
And in the query, I'm currently doing the following
table AS (
"tom" AS name,
"11/27/2000" AS dob,
"45" AS age,
"['one', 'two']" AS info )
EXTRACT( year from PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob)) birth_year,
ANY_value(PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob)) bod,
ANY_VALUE(name) example_name,
EXTRACT( year from PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob))
Additionally, I tried doing a very basic group by operation casting an item to a string vs not, and I didn't see any performance degradation on a data set of ~1M rows (actually, in this particular case, casting to a string was faster):
Other than it being bad practice to "keep" this all-string table and not convert it into its proper type, what are some of the limitations (either functional or performance-wise) that I would encounter by keeping a table all-string instead of storing it as their proper type. I know there would be a slight increase in size due to storing strings instead of number/date/bool/etc., but what would be the major limitations or performance hits I'd run into if I kept it this way?
Off the top of my head, the only limitations I see are:
Queries would become more complex (though wouldn't really matter if using a query-builder).
A bit more difficult to extract non-string items from array fields.
Inserting data becomes a bit trickier (for example, need to keep track of what the date format is).
But these all seem like very small items that can be worked around. Are there are other, "bigger" reasons why using all string fields would be a huge limitation, either in limiting query-ability or having a huge performance hit in various cases?
First of all - I don't really see any bigger show-stoppers than those you already know and enlisted
though wouldn't really matter if using a query-builder ...
based on above excerpt - I wanted to touch upon some aspect of this approach (storing all as strings)
While we usually concerned about CASTing from string to native type to apply relevant functions and so on, I realized that building complex and generic query with some sort of query builder in some cases requires opposite - cast native type to string for applying function like STRING_AGG [just] as a quick example
So, my thoughts are:
When table is designed for direct user's access with trivial or even complex queries - having native types is beneficial and performance wise and being more friendly for user to understand, etc.
Meantime, if you are developing your own query builder and you design table such that it will be available to users for querying via that query builder with some generic logic being implemented - having all fields in string can be helpful in building the query builder itself.
So it is a balance - you can lose a little in performance but you can win in being able to better implement generic query builder. And such balance depend on nature of your business - both from data prospective and what kind of query you envision to support
Note: your question is quite broad and opinion based (which is btw not much respected on SO) so, obviously my answer - is totally my opinion but based on quite an experience with BigQuery
Are you OK to store string "33/02/2000" as a date in one row and "21st of December 2012" in another row and "22ое октября 2013" in another row?
Are you OK to store string "45" as age in one row and "young" in another row?
Are you OK when age "10" is less than age "9"?
Data types provide some basic data validation mechanism at the database level.
Does BigQuery databases have a notion of indexes?
If yes, then most likely these indexes become useless as soon as you start casting your strings to proper types, such as
age > 10 and age < 30
and ANY_VALUE(SAFE_CAST(age AS INT64)) < 30
It is normal that with less columns/rows you don't feel the problems. You start to feel the problems when your data gets huge.
Major concerns:
Maintenance of the code: Think of future requirements that you may receive. Every conversion for data manipulation will add extra complexity to your code. For example, if your customer asks for retrieving teenagers in future, you'll need to convert string to date to get the age and then be able to do the manupulation.
Data size: The data size has broader impacts that can not be seen at the start. For example if you have N parallel test teams which require own test systems, you'll need to allocate more disk space.
Read Performance: When you have more bytes to read in huge tables it will cost you considerable time. For example typically telco operators have a couple of billions of rows data per month.
If your code complexity increase, you'll need to replicate conversions in multiple places.
Even single of above items should push one to distance from using strings for everything.
I would think the biggest issue with this would be if there are other users of this table/data, for instance if someone is trying to write reports with it and do calculations or charts or date ranges it could be a big headache having to always cast or convert the data with whatever tool they are using. You or someone would likely get a lot of complaints about it.
And if someone decided to build a layer between this data and the reporting tool which converted all of the data, then you may as well just do it one time to the table/data and be done with it.
From the solution below, you might face some storage and performance problems, you can find some guidance in the official documentation:
The main performance problem will come from the CAST operation, remember that the BigQuery Engine will have to deal with a CAST operation for each value per row.
In order to test the compute cost of this operations, I used the following query:
Inspecting the stages executed in the execution details we are able to see the following:
FROM bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests
TO __stage00_output
Only the Read, Limit and Write operations are required. However if we execute the same query adding the the CAST operator.
CAST(street_number AS int64)
We see that a compute operation is also required in order to perform the cast operation:
FROM bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests
$10 := CAST($1 AS INT64)
TO __stage00_output
Those compute operations will consume some time, that might cause problems when escalating the operation size.
Also, remember that each time that you want to use the data type properties of each data type, you will have to cast your value, and deal with the compute operation time required.
Finally, referring to the storage performance, as you mentioned Strings do not have a fixed size, and that might cause a size increase.

tableUnavailable dependent upon size of search

I'm experiencing something rather strange with some queries that I'm performing in BigQuery.
Firstly, I'm using an externally backed table (csv.gz) with about 35 columns. The total data in the location is around 5Gb, with an average file size of 350mb. The reason I'm doing this, is that I continually add data and remove to the table on a rolling basis - to give me a view of the last 7 days of our activity.
When querying, if perform something simple like:
select * from X limit 10
everything works fine. It continues to work fine if you increase the limit up to 1 million rows. As soon as you up the limit to ten million:
select * from X limit 10000000
I end up with a tableUnavailable error "Something went wrong with the table you queried. Contact the table owner for assistance. (error code: tableUnavailable)"
Now according to to any literature on this, this usually results from using some externally owned table (I'm not). I can't find any other enlightening information for this error code.
Basically, If I do anything slightly complex on the data, I get the same result. There's a column called event that has maybe a couple hundred of different values in the entire dataset. If I perform the following:
select eventType, count(1) from X group by eventType
I get the same error.
I'm getting the feeling that this might be related to limits on external tables? Can anybody clarify or shed any light on this?
Thanks in advance!

Is Bigtable (or BigQuery) the right platform for correlation analysis of logs?

I'm faced with the challenge of analysing different system logfiles based on following requirements:
several hundred systems
millions of logs every day in different formats
Beside many other objectives my biggest challenge is a realtime correlation analysis of all incoming logs on all current system logs and also on partially historical log events.
Currently we're focusing on MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Hadoop, ... to meet this challenge.
On the other hand I've read some interesting things about Google Bigtable and Bigquery.
So my question is, is Bigtable and/or Bigquery a solution worth looking at, in order to do this realtime analysis ?
I've no experience with these two products, so I'm hoping for some tips whether these Google solutions could be an alternative for my requirements.
too broad. you need to show actual analisis you need to make. bigquery will be much much cheaper that homemade with nosql
Our goal is, to develop a system, which is able to generate warnings based on current log events (or a combination of different log events) and their past interactions on other systems behavior.
Therefore we have to be able to do fast correlation analysis for current events against huge amounts of unstructured historical data.
I know that this requirement description is probably not the most specific one, but we're right at the beginning of this project.
So my goal with this question is to get some arguments for our next team meeting, whether we should consider to take a closer look at Bigtable / Bigquery or not.
One of my favorite features of BigQuery is its ability to run correlations.
Here's a correlations with BigQuery tutorial I wrote a couple years ago:
For example, to rank and find the most correlated airports in terms of flight delays:
SELECT a.departure_state, b.departure_state, corr(a.avg, b.avg) corr, COUNT(*) c
(SELECT date, departure_state, AVG(departure_delay) avg , COUNT(*) c
) a
(SELECT date, departure_state ,
AVG(departure_delay) avg, COUNT(*) c FROM []
GROUP BY 1,2 HAVING c > 5 ) b
WHERE a.departure_state < b.departure_state
HAVING c > 5
Try it yourself in the next 5 minutes! A quick getting started tutorial: