Hibernate + SQL Server: One Transaction blocks all other transactions - sql

I am developing a server application with Spring + Hibernate + SQL-Server and i recognized that all my transactions are blocking other transaction, even if other transactions do not touch the same tables / rows and there are no relationships between this tables.
Here is a screenshot:
Transaction Report
The screenshot shows that a delete statement on table A blocks a select statement on table B. But there is no relationship between the tables.
In my understanding a transaction should only lock a table or row and another transactions that will hit the locked table or row will be blocked.
But why are all transactions blocked?
Do i missunderstand anything?

Solution was found:
The process was a copy-process. At the beginning i opened a transaction for the whole process and copy n-objects in this process. When i need to do selects while copying the selects were blocked. So i decide to open a transaction everytime i copy one object and after that copying-process close the transaction for this one object. So selects are no longer blocked. This design is like the copy-process in Windows. If you decide to cancel the copy-process the already copied files will stay. Like in my case the already copied objects will stay cause the transaction was closed and committed for every object separatly.


Delete and Insert Inside one Transaction SQL

I just want to ask if it is always the first query will be executed when encapsulate to a transaction? for example i got 500 k records to be deleted and 500 k to be inserted, is there a possibility of locking?
Actually I already test this query and it works fine but i want to make sure if my assumption is correct.
Note: this will Delete and Insert the same record with possible update on other columns.
INSERT INTO OUTPUT TABLE Values (1,2,3,4 etc)
Within a transaction all write locks (all locks acquired for modifications) must obey the strict two phase locking rule. One of the consequences is that a write (X) lock acquired in a transaction cannot be released until the transaction commits. So yes, the DELETE and INSERT will execute sequentially and all locks acquired during the DELETE will be retained while executing the INSERT.
Keep in mind that deleting 500k rows in a transaction will escalate the locks to one table lock, see Lock Escalation.
Deleting 500k rows and inserting 500k rows in a single transaction, while maybe correct, is a bad idea. You should avoid such large units of works, long transaction, if possible. Long transactions pin the log in place, create blocking and contention, increase recovery and DB startup time, increase SQL Server resource consumption (locks require memory).
You should consider doing the operation in small batches (perhaps 10000 rows at time), use MERGE instead of DELETE/INSERT (if possible) and, last but not least, consider a partitioned sliding window
implementation, see How to Implement an Automatic Sliding Window in a Partitioned Table.
From the documentation on TRANSACTION (emphasis mine):
BEGIN TRANSACTION represents a point at which the data referenced by a
connection is logically and physically consistent. If errors are
encountered, all data modifications made after the BEGIN TRANSACTION
can be rolled back to return the data to this known state of
consistency. Each transaction lasts until either it completes without
errors and COMMIT TRANSACTION is issued to make the modifications a
permanent part of the database, or errors are encountered and all
modifications are erased with a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement.
BEGIN TRANSACTION starts a local transaction for the connection
issuing the statement. Depending on the current transaction isolation
level settings, many resources acquired to support the Transact-SQL
statements issued by the connection are locked by the transaction
until it is completed with either a COMMIT TRANSACTION or ROLLBACK
TRANSACTION statement. Transactions left outstanding for long periods
of time can prevent other users from accessing these locked resources,
and also can prevent log truncation.
Although BEGIN TRANSACTION starts a local transaction, it is not
recorded in the transaction log until the application subsequently
performs an action that must be recorded in the log, such as executing
an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. An application can perform
actions such as acquiring locks to protect the transaction isolation
level of SELECT statements, but nothing is recorded in the log until
the application performs a modification action.

Why is an implicit table lock being released prior to end of transaction in RedShift?

I have an ETL process that is building dimension tables incrementally in RedShift. It performs actions in the following order:
Begins transaction
Creates a table staging_foo like foo
Copies data from external source into staging_foo
Performs mass insert/update/delete on foo so that it matches staging_foo
Drop staging_foo
Commit transaction
Individually this process works, but in order to achieve continuous streaming refreshes to foo and redundancy in the event of failure, I have several instances of the process running at the same time. And when that happens I occasionally get concurrent serialization errors. This is because both processes are replaying some of the same changes to foo from foo_staging in overlapping transactions.
What happens is that the first process creates the staging_foo table, and the second process is blocked when it attempts to create a table with the same name (this is what I want). When the first process commits its transaction (which can take several seconds) I find that the second process gets unblocked before the commit is complete. So it appears to be getting a snapshot of the foo table before the commit is in place, which causes the inserts/updates/deletes (some of which may be redundant) to fail.
I am theorizing based on the documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/c_serial_isolation.html where it says:
Concurrent transactions are invisible to each other; they cannot detect each other's changes. Each concurrent transaction will create a snapshot of the database at the beginning of the transaction. A database snapshot is created within a transaction on the first occurrence of most SELECT statements, DML commands such as COPY, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, and TRUNCATE, and the following DDL commands :
ALTER TABLE (to add or drop columns)
The documentation quoted above is somewhat confusing to me because it first says a snapshot will be created at the beginning of a transaction, but subsequently says a snapshot will be created only at the first occurrence of some specific DML/DDL operations.
I do not want to do a deep copy where I replace foo instead of incrementally updating it. I have other processes that continually query this table so there is never a time when I can replace it without interruption. Another question asks a similar question for deep copy but it will not work for me: How can I ensure synchronous DDL operations on a table that is being replaced?
Is there a way for me to perform my operations in a way that I can avoid concurrent serialization errors? I need to ensure that read access is available for foo so I can't LOCK that table.
OK, Postgres (and therefore Redshift [more or less]) uses MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control) for transaction isolation instead of a db/table/row/page locking model (as seen in SQL Server, MySQL, etc.). Simplistically every transaction operates on the data as it existed when the transaction started.
So your comment "I have several instances of the process running at the same time" explains the problem. If Process 2 starts while Process 1 is running then Process 2 has no visibility of the results from Process 1.

How to remove deadlocks in SQL Server 2005?

First of all I would like to know what is the actual root cause of deadlocks in SQL Server 2005. Is it because when two processes access the same row in a table?
Anyways, consider two tables _Table_Now_ and _Table_History_ where both having the same structure.
Suppose there is one column called NAME.
So when one process tries to UPDATE a record with NAME='BLUE' in _Table_Now_, first, it need to put the present row with NAME='BLUE' into _Table_History_ then update
_Table_Now_, and also delete previously present row from _Table_History_.
Deadlock occurs while deleting. I do not understand why?
Please guide me!
deadlock basically mean when process A is dependent on process B and process B is dependent on process A, so A will just start\continue when B finishes and B will only start\continue when A finishes
what you may be experiencing are table (or row) lock, so SQL locks the row before updating the table to make sure no other process tries to access that row while it is doing the update.
Can you be more specific on how are you doing the insert\update\delete. You shouldnt have deadlocks in this scenario.
FYI, don't use with (NOLOCK). It will yes prevent from locking but it does so by telling SQL Server to read uncommitted data, and it can end up in data inconsistencies.
Deadlock occurs when Process A is waiting for Process B to release resources and Process B is waiting for Process A to release resources.
If I understand the order of Updates correctly, it is this:
1. Read a row in Table_Now
2. Update a row in Table_History
3. Update a row in Table_Now
4. Delete a row in Table_History.
This could be a risky order if you are using transactions or locks incorrectly.
To avoid deadlocks, for each process you should execute:
1. Begin Transaction (Preferably table lock)
2. Perform all the DB operations
3. Commit the transaction (or Rollback in case any problem occurs while DB update)
This will ensure each process to lock both the tables, perform all the operations and then exit.
If you are already using transactions, what scope and level are you using? If not, introduce transactions. It should solve the problem.

When is a row actually inserted into DB?

When is a row actually inserted into the database? Is it when "INSERT" statement is finished? or when "COMMIT" statement is finished after "INSERT" statement?
Later than you think. The principles here apply generally.
The whole point of the transaction log is to ensure ACID works in case of a power failure just as the INSERT finishes. The INSERT will be rolled forward or rolled back as part of the recovery phase (in most RDBMS)
So, it's more important that the transaction log entry is acknowledged as stored on the media. Then the INSERT can commit.
The data page containing the changed row will end up on disk eventually (checkpoint etc) but not necessarily at the point of successful commit.
However, the data page is in memory and available for use.
Note, an INSERT could cause a page split, indexes to be updated, triggers to fire etc so what I've said is simplified.
And it doesn't matter one way or the other when the data ends up on disk: as long as I can get the data and it's safe in case of, say, power failure
An oldie but still relevant for SQL Server: SQL Server 2000 I/O Basics
And what I've summarized is Write Ahead Logging
If you are running inside a transaction, when the transaction is committed. Otherwise, immediately.
Depends on the database/table implementation. It might just be when the transaction log is integrated - until which time the row is only inserted in the transaction log, and in memory.

How to determine the name of a process that caused a trigger to fire

Short Version:
Does anyone know of a way --inside a SQL 2000 trigger-- of detecting which process modified the data, and exiting the trigger if a particular process is detected?
Long Version
I have a customized synchronization routine that moves data back and forth between dis-similar database schemas.
When this process grabs a modified record from Database A, it needs to transform it into a record that goes into Database B. The database are radically different, but share some of the same data such as user accounts and user activity (however even these tables are structurally different).
When data is modified in one of the pertinent tables, a trigger fires which writes the PK of that record to a "sync" table. This "sync" table is monitored by a process (a stored proc) which will grab the PK's in sequence, and copy over the related data from database A to database B, making transformations as necessary.
Both databases have triggers that fire and copy the PK to the sync table, however these triggers must ignore the sync process itself so as not to enter into "endless" loop (or less, depending on nesting limits).
In SQL 2005 and up, I use the following code in the Sync process to identify itself:
Each trigger has the following code at the beginning, to see if the process that modified the data is the sync process itself:
IF (CONTEXT_INFO() = 0xHexValueOfProcName)
-- print '## Process Sync Queue detected. This trigger is exiting! ##'
This system works great, keep chugging along, keeps the data in sync. The problem now however is that a SQL2000 server wants to join the party.
Does anyone know of a way --inside a SQL 2000 trigger-- of detecting which process modified the data, and exiting the trigger if a particular process is detected?
Thanks guys!
(As per Andriy's request, I am answering my own question.)
I put this at the top of my trigger, works like a charm.
-- How to check context info in SQL 2000
IF ((select CONTEXT_INFO from master..sysprocesses where spid = ##SPID) = 0xHexValueOfProcName)
print 'Sync Process Detected -- Exiting!'