How to save all versions of a project build with git in different repositories - repository

I'm a beginner in git, I have learned the basics of git and started working on my web project with git.
Now after a month working on it, I have created more than 10 versions and with each version, I have had a git commit.
And now wanted to save all my versions in different repositories -like every folder containing my project progress till the subsequent commit.
I've googled it but not got any relevant/working solution.
So if anyone has the answer on how to do or is there any script with which I could get all my versions in different repository.. pls help!


How to upgrade Aurelia project from version v0.24.0 to current version v1.2.3

I'm trying to upgrade a very old version of Aurelia CLI project v0.24.0 to the current version v1.2.3. I've tried to follow the steps from this link from the docs but when I try to run it I receive this error:
So my question is what is the best approach to upgrade it from such an old version to the newest one?
Just a screenshot of error is too little info to give proper advice on. And between the currently latest version of v1.2.3 and v0.24.0 (Jan, 2017) there's roughly 3 years. Fun part is, you'd be amazed at relatively how little Aurelia core itself has changed. Simply because a lot remained stable.
Most impactful changes will be in either:
aurelia_project folder, with the build and config routines
bundler config (system.js, webpack, requirejs - whichever you've used)
That being said, this does not necessarily mean that your dependencies have also remained stable in those past three years. Especially in Javascript world. To accommodate for this, I would suggest:
Create a blank, new project with the latest Aurelia CLI
Copy/paste over the /src folder from your old project to your new one
Take in consideration specifics, like package.json from your old project and migrate them by hand (reinstalling) in your new project
Again, try to keep your bundler similar and you will have relatively little changes. But if you choose you want to migrate from System.Js to Webpack, it'll be a bit more hassle. But arguably, rewarding in the end if your project needs to be kept alive for a longer while.
Considering the age of your old project, restarting with a clean setup and config is what I would consider to be "the best way" to retouch only the necessities.

Dependencies from git

I'm playing a bit with the new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity but the 3.0.0-beta2 looks very different from the current state of affairs in git. I'd like to build against he git version.
I seem to remember hearing that it possible to reference a git repository directly from the dependencies in project.json. How does one do that? What's the syntax?
There are two options:
Instead of using the NuGet feed, switch to the Nightly feed on MyGet. We produce builds on every checkin from the code in Git. The latest versions on the MyGet feed are beta4-*
Clone the repo and use global.json to point to the sources, as described in this article
Adding a reference directly to a Git repo without cloning it beforehand is not supported.

RoboCopy not included in latest MSBuild Community release?

I'm setting up a RoboCopy job using the MSBuild Community tasks. It seems however that the task has not been released, despite it being in the list of tasks on the project front page. The latest release v1.2.0.306 does not include it, but if it is present in the SVN trunk. Am I looking in the wrong place?
I know there is an MSBuild Extension project that also have a RoboCopy task, but I'm already using some of the other Community tasks, and I'd rather not make my build depend on two almost identical extension packs.
The Tigris site seems abandoned in terms of documentation, so I'm attempting to see if anyone in here knows.
In case you didn't notice it: the latest official release on the download page (v1.2.0.306, exactly what you downloaded) is nearly five years old (February 2007).
Since then, obviously a lot of stuff happened in the trunk.
You can download and compile the trunk yourself, or you can use the nightly build which you can download at the bottom of the main project page:
Download The Latest Nightly Build
The latest test binaries and source from the automated build server.
Version: Date: 9/8/2011
I'm using this version.
So...yes, you are looking in the wrong place :-)
MSBuild (latest) is also available through NuGet:
You can install it via GUI or in Package Manager Console run
Install-Package MSBuildTasks

Playframework: Upgrade process -- Best Practices

I'd very much appreciate anyone sharing best-practices, patterns, anti-patterns, backup, rollback processes that you have formulated for a pain-free, foolproof, Play framework upgrade.
I'm thinking just replacing the bin/play directory with the latest version can cause problems
I'm looking for more specific version management strategies, say,
a) Do you just have /bin/play directory having the latest play version or
b) Do you keep versions like /bin/play-1.1 /bin/play-1.2 and change your $PATH to point to the latest (cons: you have to rebuild your modules, dependencies & libs; pros: gives better control over rollback)
I prefer to install play from source using git:
git clone git://
cd play
# checkout specific version
git checkout 1.2.1
cd framework
cd ..
ln -s $PWD/play ~/bin
So I have a full install including all source. Later, when play was updated to version 1.2.2 I did the following:
cd <play_home>
git pull
git checkout 1.2.2
cd framework
In your application you then do
play clean && play run
The advantage of running play from a source build is that you can always and easily roll back to the previous version or even test out features from current development. This does not solve the problem of having multiple versions of play active at the same time though.
I agree with Andre. However, if you are asking for best practice for a live project, I would do it differently.
You can have multiple version installed on your local machine. The only thing you have to change is which one is visible in the path. For instance you could have 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and depending on which one you want, you just modify your /home/youruser/.bashrc file.
The reason, why simple update of play from git or hg will not work/good idea is because, incase there are problems, you have to revert, rollback modules, or goodness know what not.
It is far better to simple swap out the play version, rebuild, test extensively, once you are ok that everything is good, then you can make the same changes in a live site.
If things don't workout, or your are hopelessly lost, all you have to do is revert the changes to your project and switch the play version. You will be back to where you started.

Using GIT or SVN in XCode 3/4 without server

Ok, perhaps I'm trying to accomplish something not doable.
I am a single developer (not part of team).
I'm trying to get some kind of versioning system going. I had used CVS with XCode 3, but XCode 4 no longer has that as an option. I've heard that SVN and Git are better alternatives anyway.
Basically, I've wasted more than half a day trying to get XCode to work with SVN / Git out of the box. I do not have a server running, and would rather not expose my project on a server.
It doesn't make sense for me to have a separate user just to run the Git/SVN Servers, either.
I'm just trying to have version control using either one, in the simplest possible way.
I've tried to add Repo, using local file path (/Volumes/AAA/BBB/Repo) where I manually created the "Repo" directory. I've set the type as Subversion (and also tried Git). XCode says "Host is reachable". But, the Commit functionality is not there (Disabled). I can't import my working directory.
I just don't get it - must I have a server running in order to have SVN/Git, or can XCode just do it through command line? I much more prefer it being done over command line, since the server is complete overkill. Or, am I missing something? Maybe I'm putting in the wrong settings into XCode?
This isn't strictly an XCode 4 issue, I had the same issue with XCode3, but at least it had the CVS option - now it's gone.
With Git you don't need a central server or even a central repository unless you have multiple people on the project. SVN requires you to have a central repo & server running all the time, but with Git you can simply git init a new repo and start using it. If you don't have a central repo you will never use push, pull, or fetch.
Xcode's help mentions the following:
Choose Git or Subversion Xcode supports two SCM systems: Subversion
(often abbreviated svn) and Git. Subversion is always server-based and
the server is normally on a remote machine, though it is possible to
install one locally. Git can be used purely as a local repository, or
you can install a Git server on a remote machine to share files among
team members. The Xcode 4 installer installs the Git and Subversion
tools when you select System Tools. If you are working alone, it’s
generally easiest to use Git, as you don’t need to set up a server. In
fact, Xcode can automatically set up a Git repository for you when you
create a new project (see “Create a Git Repository For Your New
Project”). For a group project, the choice of Subversion or Git is
usually a matter of taste and prior experience. In so far as is
possible, Xcode provides a consistent user interface and workflow for
users of either Subversion or Git.
So the official advise is that in your case, Git is the easiest solution. I'm now in the same position as you described and will be trying Git as advised.
Previously, when working for a small company, we used a dedicated leftover MacMini as an SVN server; this was quite easy to set up, and worked like a charm for many years. Be aware that the SVN integration of Xcode 3 was better than that of Xcode 4 though, so that I ended up using Xcode 4 for development and basic SVN usage, together with Xcode 3 for SVN stuff that Xcode 4 wouldn't do anymore.