how to check hooks on React Native Debugger - react-native

When using react for web, the state of the hooks can be checked on the browser using the React dev Tools
now, on react native, I have some hooks, but can't find how to check their state on the React Native Debugger on chrome.
How to check the hooks for a react native project?

It is under the Components tab
Click on the component that contains hooks on the left side


React Native Navigation - Redux Integration with "react-native-navigation": "^6.8.0",

I am trying to setup react native navigation v6 with redux. In the react native navigation docs I can successfully set up my navigation and it works fine without redux added.
I have followed this link but i can't get successful result, so anyone kindly share some workable example for redux integration.

Navigation from native components to React Native components

I am using react-navigation for routing within the react components in the project. But I want to implement like this:
React Native -> Android Java -> React Native Component
For the first part of navigation, I am implemented an ActivityStarterModule like this example
Can someone suggest how I navigate from Java activity to specific React Component?
It has some helpers for integration between native screens and react native screens.

Can native react app code convert/rollback to native mobile code(ios and android)?

Basically the title says all - Can native react app code convert/rollback to native mobile code(ios and android)?
Background - there is a react native app and there are some bugs and I would like to export the react native code to their native app code (ios and android) which I can fix them in native apps.
No. The React Native JavaScript is never translated into Swift or Java code and then compiled - it runs within the Safari or Chrome JavaScript engines. See here for more details.
However, as its name implies, React Native does rely on native code for more complex operations. If the bugs are in those npm modules you might be able to fix them there.

map box is not working with expo react native, what is the alternative ?

I found out that map box is not yet supported in expo. Can map box be integrated in react native app without expo ? Or is there any other alternative for map box that works with expo and react native while i need to show custom routes and locations on the map ?
Expo has MapView support - check it out in Expo documentation. If you want to use Mapbox you can detach from expo and add a library from Mapbox (it has some native code, so detach is necessary).

How implement TinyMCE in React Native?

I want create HTML Editor (like TinyMCE) on React Native App.
I have read this document TinyMCE React
It seems not working. Or might anybody have any literature for implementing this on React Native App?