Firefox is launching in all plasma activites - kde-plasma

How to stop Firefox from launching in all activities and restrict it to appear only on the current activity? every time I launch Firefox -unlike other softwares- I need to manually set it to appear on that specific activity.


Many process of Google Chrome (32 bit)

When 2 tests are running in Chrome, i have observed that too many Google Chrome(32 Bit) processes are running in Task manager, Is this a correct behavior of Chome Driver
When multiple automated tests are getting executed through Google Chrome you must have observed that there are potentially dozens of Google Chrome processes running which can be observed through Windows Task Manager's Processes tab.
As per the article SOLVED: Why Google Chrome Has So Many Processes for a better user experience Google Chrome initiates a lot of windows background processes for each tab that have been opened by your Automated Tests. Google tries to keep the browser stable by separating each web page into as many processes as it deems fit to ensure that if one process fails on a page, that particular process(es) can be terminated or refreshed without needing to kill or refresh the entire page.
However, from 2018 onwards Google Chrome was actually redesigned to create a new process for each of the following entities:
HTML/ASP text on the page
Plugin those are loaded
App those are loaded
Frames within the page
In a Chromium Blog Multi-process Architecture it is mentioned:
Google Chrome takes advantage of these properties and puts web apps and plug-ins in separate processes from the browser itself. This means that a rendering engine crash in one web app won't affect the browser or other web apps. It means the OS can run web apps in parallel to increase their responsiveness, and it means the browser itself won't lock up if a particular web app or plug-in stops responding. It also means we can run the rendering engine processes in a restrictive sandbox that helps limit the damage if an exploit does occur.
As a conclusion, the many processes you are seeing is pretty much in line with the current implementation of google-chrome
You can find a relevant discussion in How to quit all the Firefox processes which gets initiated through GeckoDriver and Selenium using Python

Serenity how to keep browser only one instance through the test

I'm using Serenity jbehave to automate my webapp, and I got trouble in keeping one browser instance through the test.
My app need to login to perform any test, so I don't want to start new browser and login again and again every story.
I tried the setting below but it seem not work as expected. I am using Serenity 1.5.rc-1 with latest Firefox and Chrome, my test always open new browser every story run, if I run 5 stores, then there are 5 instance of Firefox open.
I googled for 2 weeks, but I'm still stuck.
Please help!
JBehave doesn't support using a single browser across all stories (there is no way of knowing when the suite has finished running, so no way of knowing when to shut down the browser cleanly), so the optimal setting is
serenity.restart.browser.for.each = story
This is actually a good compromise, as some WebDriver instances can become flaky when run for too long with the same browser.

Slow/incomplete page load in the browser launched by selenium webdriver

I am using selenium WebDriver using RobotFramework. The major problem we are facing is, my tests are timing out even after setting timeout as high as 10 minutes. It happen with any browser I use. These thing works much faster If I run test manually (with all browser cache/data/cookie cleared). These are the other things I have observing for few months.
Some component are never loaded (I check the call trace using BrowserMob Proxy and we found nothing unusual)
"Click Element" does not work in many cases. Clicking on element triggers some action but that action is not always trigerred in automation. Manually it works all the time.
This is happening on FF and Chrome. (IE is not working for me at all)
App server and automation suite is in LAN so latency is not an issue
No other heavy process is running at this time
Issue persist even if with firefox default profile
I tried it with different selenium versions. (2.45 - 2.52)
I took latest driver for chrome. Broweser: FF 40+ and GC 48
This does not look application issue as we spent 2 month confirming that. Let me know if you need any other detail.

Run Selenium tests in one browser while using a second browser window

I am running Selenium automation test in one browser, but at the same time, I want to open the browser in another window and do something like checking mail, googling email then active mode or focus is coming to the current working window, not the automation test run browser.
Is it possible to work on the browser while automation test is run?
In general, when doing UI automation, you cannot use the test machine to do any other tasks that involve using the keyboard or mouse.
Since WebDriver automation performs keyboard and mouse input, such as typing text and clicking items, you will be constantly interfering by taking focus away from the WebDriver instance of the browser and doing your own mouse and keyboard interaction in other applications.
This will adversely affect both you and the automation, with neither being able to do what they want to do!
You should either use a separate test machine, or setup a virtual machine using software such as VirtualBox (free).
Did you try doing that?
Selenium uses WebDriver to communicate with a specific instance of a browser, not the currently focused window. So you should be able do continue to use other instances of browser windows. The best thing to do would be try.
If it isn't working, I would recommend getting a VM up and running and using that as your test environment. Generally that is the way I work to keep everything separate.
I ran my tests on Firefox and then used chrome on the side. Otherwise, run your tests on a remote machine.
You can do 2 things
1. Use a third tool to run test cases like Jenkins. so that test will run in memory.
2. If you are using firefox you can create a seperate firefox profile so that if you use firefox at the same time there should be any issue.
To Create new FF profile use below code:
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
DesiredCapabilities dc = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
dc.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, profile);
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(dc);

Getting black images with selenium.captureScreenshot

I'm executing selenium tests with testng, that are started on a remote system with Selenium RC via hudson (with ssh connection). The remote system is windows xp with MKS Toolkit installed, hence ssh. Tests are NOT executed as a windows service.
I've tried using both captureScreenshot and captureEntirePageScreenshot methods. The first one always produces a black image. The second one creates the correct screen shot but it only works on Firefox and our tests usually pass on Firefox and fail in other browsers, so it is crucial to capture screen shots for the other browsers (mainly IE and Safari). The tests are ran in parallel, with many browser windows open at the same time. I'm not certain if this is what's causing the problem. Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Unfortunately screenshots in Selenium have been problematic from the start in browsers that are not Firefox. This is something that we Selenium Developers have been working on for a while to correct.
The latest work has been updating Snapsie to work in IE. There is a blog post at that explains what has happened.
I have noticed that if the screen isn't active, i.e. the screensaver has kicked in, it can produce black screenshots.
I just had a thought. You can always run Castro to video record your tests and then watch it play back. This is something SauceLabs use to run Selenium in the cloud.
Write a method for this and call that whereever you need to take the screenshot. Use the java.awt package which has been used in selenium. For example, check this site
After setting Windows Auto-Logon, and launching process not as Windows Service, I found how to solve the Remote Desktop with Black Screenshots problem of IEDriverServer.exe, by creating a batch file that disconnects RDP, instead of closing the RDP session with the regular X button:
%windir%\system32\tscon.exe %SESSIONNAME% /dest:console
See more details here:
(Although, I would prefer there was a way to run it as the default action, when terminating RDP session with X Windows button).