Any local privacy-oriented user authentication for mobile apps? - authentication

I'm building an app and I'm being very cautious about the user privacy on the app. I do not want to collect any data. Not even email IDs. Is there any way to do user authentication without email/phone number?
One idea for now is using biometrics on the phone itself. FaceID/TouchID etc. But that brings up challenges wrt syncing their data in case the user wants to use from a different phone. Any workarounds?

You can safely collect as much data as you like inside the app, so long as it stays there.
The problem is that you want to reliably identify a user account (though not any specific user data) without letting any of that data out. It's become quite common to use hashes (usually SHA256) of email addresses as identifiers, however, if everyone uses the same approach it's like a distributed rainbow table. You can however deploy the usual defence against such attacks by salting your hashes so that they are unique to your service.
If you encrypt the user's data on-device using a key that only they know, and only ever transmit and store encrypted data (i.e. to which you have no access), then they would be able to use the same local identifiers and their key to read the data from a different device. Because data is only ever encrypted and decrypted with the same key you can use symmetric encryption - look at using libsodium to do this.
You might want to consider some kind of 2FA to go with this as otherwise intercepting this identifier could allow unauthorised access.
Depending on the sensitivity of the traffic, you may want to try to hide meta-information such as connection dates, times, and volumes, so you could get the app to generate random data to hide the real data within.
Disclaimer - I Am Not A Cryptographer! I recommend you ask for more qualified responses on


securing credentials on front end react-native

I am creating an app using react-native. This app requires some sensitive data which must be stored securely and there are various options for that e.g, expo-secure-store.
Now i am a but confused regarding securing the data on front end.
I am using react-native-async-storage to store other data on front end.
Now it is treated as a bad practice to use the same for sensitive data.
But my question is, say i use expo-secure-store for sensitive data, but at the time of saving it like this;
SecureStore.setItemAsync(key, value);
where value is the sensitive part, isn't that still getting exposed while setting it in the code.
Please explain this and describe some better practices to store (or access) sensitive data on front end.
The documentation for the Google Maps Android SDK has instructions for restricting the API key usage to an app fingerprint:
This reduces the risk of including the key in your app by only allowing the key to be used from a source that matches the fingerprint of the app certificate.
In practice the value of a Google Maps API key is fairly low, and is not the most attractive target for a bad actor. Frontend API keys are sensitive in that you can be billed for their usage, but unless you are specifically targeted, it's not a likely attack vector.
Truly sensitive keys, like those used to generate auth credentials or payment data, should always be kept on the backend, and any decent third-party service will be set up in a way that forces this to be the case (for example, Stripe).
You may get better answers by asking how or when to store specific keys.

Should API Secrets Be Hashed?

It might sound like a silly question, because passwords of course need to be hashed and never store the original.
However, for API secrets, generally I see them displayed in the clear when signing up for them.
For example, if I go to the google api console and look at my credentials page, I can view my client secret, same for twitter.
Surely api keys are just as sensitive as passwords?
Is it just because from the provider side, you can be confident that a sufficiently strong password is being generated?
If that's the case, then that doesn't provide any protection is your database is compromised.
Or is it perhaps because if you are using token based authentication, you're either doing password grant type, which requires you to send your credentials along with the client id and secret, or a refresh token, so a user would have already had to have been compromised?
I can imagine a few possible answers to this:
In some cases, it may be required for the server to have persistent storage of the plaintext API key in order to satisfy usability requirements (Google and Twitter being examples).
In some cases, the API key alone is not enough to do much at all -- additionally one needs to have an authenticated account -- and therefore the API key by itself is of limited value (hence less value than a password).
In a number of cases, the API key is hardcoded in a client application (especially mobile applications, which almost always do this) and therefore it does not make sense to add the extra protection on the server side when the same token can be trivially extracted from the client.
The security industry is just not that mature yet. Maybe once hackers start dumping API keys, ideas like this may be taken more seriously.
BTW, I am very serious about the last point. The truth is that a lot of good ideas don't become a reality until there is a critical mass of support behind them. As an example, I once blogged about a related topic -- protecting user confidential information by hashing it in the database but in a way that it could be recovered when the legitimate user logs in. I used Ashley Madison as an example -- in that case, the hackers were more after email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses than passwords. So when the hackers snatched the database, they immediately had what they wanted, and they could care less about the bcrypt encoded passwords (in fact, some older passwords were encoded with only MD5!) Unfortunately, concepts like this do not have enough of a push to make them a reality. Even zero-knowledge web designs are very few in the real world.

How do I store an encryption/decryption key in VB.Net?

Let's say I have a program written in VB.Net with encryption code that relies on a key being set to encrypt and decrypt. How do I securely store the key in the program? If it's plain text in the code, it could be reverse engineered. If it's a setting, then it is stored as plain text in the x.exe.config file and even easier to find.
Can the x.exe.config file be set to encypt? If not, what's the safest way of hard coding the key into the program?
The method I've used is encrypted using a different method, then encode that (as it's non-ascii text) and store that in the settings, but that in turn could be decoded if the program is reverse engineered.
What do other people do in this situation?
You've set to an impossible task. The problem is that by hardcoding the key into the program, as you've noted, the user can still get the key by reverse engineering. If you put it in a file somewhere, the program needs to be able to read it, and therefore the user can also access it in the same way.
The fundamental problem you have is that the software needs to access the key, and for that, the key must be stored somewhere it's reachable by the user too. It can be within the binary or in the computer, but the binary can be analyzed and the file system can be inspected. Encrypting a file protects the key, but just recreates the problem with the new key.
This is also the very same problem that all DRM schemes face. They give users access to the the full software but want to limit it in some ways, but the user has everything in his computer to run the software. That's why it's always possible to pirate every desktop software, if enough effort is put towards it. You only can make it more difficult by obfuscating the key.
But what can you do then?
An alternative approach is to not have the user to have the DB credentials at all. Or make them useless for anything significant. I can think of two approaches here:
Have the system communicate with a webservice and never to the DB directly. This way, the user only knows the address of the server and the WS can request any authentication as needed, before going to the DB. The WS is then the only one to ever touch the DB. This is what all websites do in practice, the visitor doesn't ever sees the DB, but interacts with it though the web server.
Another option would be to give the user direct DB access, but those credentials only give permission to call some stored procedures (or access views without sensitive data) and those in turn request some sort of authentication before proceeding. This way the DB credential becomes not that sensitive as long as its permissions are kept to the bare minimum and privileged actions are properly validated before proceeding.

Securely storing encryption key in WinRT / Windows Store apps

I would like to encrypt some of my Windows 8 app data (stored in local storage folder). This is not very sensitive data, however I would like to prevent users from forging/modifying it (and was looking into encryption as a way to achieve that).
Is there any secure key store available that I could use to save my key for later reuse? What I would like to do is:
1) on the first run generate the key and store it somewhere,
2) encrypt the data using the key,
3) anytime i need to decrypt the data i would retrieve the key from the store.
Did you have a look at the PasswordVault class yet?
Basically all confidential information should go in there.
If you want to 'prevent users from forging/modifying it', the question is, how much energy you are willing to put into this.
Generally speaking, data in the PasswordVault should be secure without using additional encryption. Regarding security above that level it can be said that an attacker with physical access to the computer can do anything with it, as you'd have to store the keys on the same machine. Anything more swiftly reaches a point of diminishing returns against invested effort - i.e. just adding some obscurity instead of real security.
Be careful with the PasswordVault solution, I discovered that it is actually a problem because it is a roaming settings. If you open your application on two devices at the same time, you will get two encryptions keys, but after a day or so, the roaming setting will override the first generated encryption key.

What algorithm should I use for encrypting and embedding a password for an application?

What algorithm should I use for encrypting and embedding a password for an application?
It obviously is not bullet proof, but it should be good enough to thwart someone scanning the database with a hex editor, or make it hard for someone who has the skills to use a debugger to trace the code to work out, either by scanning for the encrypted password, or using a debugger to run through the decryption code.
Object Pascal would be nice.
Major Edit
I think I did not explain myself well enough. The password needs to be decrypted back into its original form and applied. The application itself uses a local SQL database and a local webserver, and the password is fixed and can't be changed by the end users. It is to ensure that changes to be made only from within the app itself. The user passwords are only to allow access to the app itself, rather than the database
If you want an easy solution just stick with a good hashing algorithm like MD5 and store just the hash inside your application. Then whenever the user inserts the password you will calculate the hash of the password and check if it's equal to the one stored.
Of course this approach is a simple solution that doesn't allow you to retrieve the password if it's lost but it should work quite fine if you just need some protection..
EDIT: I mentioned MD5 that was fair good but not anymore, of course you can choose any other stronger function like SHA-2 (512/384) that is more robust. I just wanted to explain an approach more than using a specific hashing algorithm.
SHA should be ok for you, best with salt.
I don't know Object Pascal very well, but probably this will help you:
When an application has to do password checking only, it is best to save a hash. An hash can not be decrypted, but it can be checked whether the password the user enters has the same hash.
If you want to save the password so that it can be recovered, it is best to encrypt it first, using some crypto library.
I would suggest SHA1, its one way encryption, i've used it before and by far no one has decrypted it!
If you need more information on sha1 visit and
PS: If you're using php you can simply encrypt with SHA1 using the sha1(); function!
I suspect that what you're aiming for is not storing passwords in the application, but trying to prevent the application itself from being run without the password, as a form of DRM. If that's the case, and you're looking to stymie people with debuggers, I think you're well into the realm of needing either a hardware dongle, or a network-based lock. Off the top of my head, I know SafeNet carry products that do this (and I've had some exposure to them in the past, they seem decent), but I don't know how well they compare to the rest of the market.
If you want as much real security as is possible in the scenario you're describing, you should require that when the system is installed an "administrator" enters the database password and his own administrator password; the application should then store a salted hash of the administrator's password, and it should store the database password encrypted with a differently-salted hash of the administrator's password. The database password (or information sufficient to reconstruct it) will be kept in memory while the program is running, but absent the administrator password there would be no way to retrieve when the program isn't running, even with full knowledge of the system.
If it's necessary to allow multiple users to access the database, an "add user" button could allow the addition of a user account. When the user types his password, use it to store hashed/encrypted data as with the administrator.
Any user with a debugger would be able to leverage his knowledge of a valid user account and password into knowledge of the database password, but someone who didn't have knowledge of a valid account password wouldn't be able to do anything.
If I am interpreting your question right, then you want to basically distribute your application to users, allow them to run it, and have the application update your database. At the same time, you want to prevent that person from being able to log in to the database and use it themselves directly.
If your program can be decompiled (like java, but I don't know about other languages like C, C++), then the person who has your application will be able to see the source code. Once they have that, there will most certainly be some way they can discover the user name and password. Even if your source code has stored the password using a reversible encryption algorithm, the person who holds your source code will be able to write similar code as yours to reverse the encryption and discover the password.
Even if your application cannot be decompiled, the user may be able to capture the network packets it sends to the database and determine the password from that. I don't know if you can communicate with the database over SSL.
Instead, I believe you need to split your application into client and server applications. You can write a restful web application, or use a messaging service (like JMS for example), and write a client application that uses it.
In that case, you may or may not want to have user accounts that are managed by your server side application. Let me be clear here, I am not talking about database accounts, but accounts that your application manages, and whose details happen to be stored in the database. If you do create user accounts, you can follow the pattern in my original answer shown below.
============== Hashing Approach, my original answer ============
As others have already mentioned, it's best to add salt to the password and use a digest algorithm before you store the password in your database. However, I think a little more detail is in order.
Using SHA1 or SHA2 with a salt value may be pretty strong, but there are even stronger methods. I highly recommend that you read this section of the spring security manual. I don't think you are using spring or java, but that section covers the concepts involved very well. Allow me to paraphrase:
Use at least an 8 byte salt value, up to 16 bytes would be great. The salt value should be different for every account, if it is the same then a cracker will only need to produce one rainbow table! It should be randomly generated. The documentation doesn't say this, but I also recommend using a secure random number generator, don't use a random number seed that produces a consistent sequence of numbers.
You should hash the password multiple times because it will cause brute force password hacking attempts to take increasingly more time. Indeed, you may want a slow password encoding algorithm instead of a fast one.
Store the raw salt value in the database along with the password, you can even store it in the same field/column. This is required so passwords can be verified in the future.
The BCryptPasswordEncoder is a good example of this.
One alternative approach that may or may not solve your problem is to create a database account that has limited privileges. For example, you could create a database account that can only select, update, insert, and delete on specific tables in your database. You may not find this acceptable, because you may not want to let people do those operations directly, while you may want to let the application do those operations. It depends on your specific situation.