What is the write SPI command for MX25R device - embedded

I want to Write data to this device and read from it.using the manual shown below.
For writing At first I though I should do those two commands:
1st command {0x06};//write enable command
2nd command {0x01,0x2F,0xEF,0xD8}; //write status register based on the table below
But then I saw The PP command which from Fig. 30 shown below which starts with 0x02.
So I assume that in order to store data on this device I need to add 0x02 to my sequence as following send MSB first )
1st command {0x06};//write enable command
2nd command {0x02,0x01,0x2F,0xEF,0xD8} // PP sequence and Write STATUS register the data 0x2F,0xEF,0xD8.
Have I assembled the sequence correctly for this command?

Page programming (PP command 0x02) is not the same as Write Status Register (WRSR command 0x01), so no clearly you don't prepend the sequence with 0x02, since it will then be a PP command and will write data to the device's flash memory, rather the the status register.
WRSR timing diagram is Fig. 15 of the data sheet you linked. PP has no relevance here if WRSR is what you want to do. Conversely if you want to program the flash memory, that is not what WRSR does.
The device has registers for controlling its operation and checking its status, and it has flash memory for storing data - and different commands for accessing these.
Your sequence: 0x02,0x01,0x2F,0xEF,0xD8 will write a single byte 0xD8 to address 0x012FEF. The data sheet says that the LSB of the address should be zero, but does explain what happens when that is not the case, so it is well defined if ill-advised and unlikly to be what you intended. But thereagain it seems likley that writing 0x2FEFD8 to the Status Register was also not what you intended.
The datasheet does have some language issues to hinder you perhaps. For example the PP section uses the word "effort" where I think it intended "effect".


writing on rfid-Tag and locking block using CoE with IO-Link Master (ifm al1330)

i have got the following issues.
I want to Read/Write on a Rfid-Tag and lock this block afterwards.
I have the following hardware:
AL1330, IFM Io-link Master https://www.ifm.com/mounting/80284123DE.pdf
DTI513, IFM IO-Link Rfid-REader/Writer https://www.ifm.com/mounting/11458695DE.pdf
Beckhoff, PLC CX5230
Rfid-Tag, ICode Slix, https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/SL2S2002_SL2S2102.pdf
I can read the Uid, can write and Read Data Bytes on the RFID.
I fail to lock the Block afterwards. I tried various ways with CoE Communication.
I divide the Problem into 3 steps:
Step 1:
Craft the CMD responsible for the Lock on the Tag.
This is specified in the responsible Norm
this are the Flags
This leads me for example to this Command
Step2 : Calculating the CRC
-For the CRC in the Norm there is one Example (CRC Iso/IEC 13239)
0x22 0x20 0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67 0x89 0xab 0x04 0xe0 0x0b
this command shall lead to CRC BAE3.
My Oscat Lib Block Basic.CRC_Gen with this Parameter returns this value
Same as http://www.sunshine2k.de/coding/javascript/crc/crc_js.html
With more testing, the crc calucaltions differ, and i do not know why and how,
and which one is correct.
- More testing and i recognized, the Oscat Library FB Basic.CRC_Gen
fills any Input, shorter than 4 bytes, with 0x00.
- there should be the workaround, to use addressed commands with the optional Uid.
Writing the Command with the appended CRC to Tag via CoE
- i use the Beckhoff FBs to access CoE
I can acces the different IDs with Subids and get Results,
so this works
i found the IO-Acyclic Command, which i think is the right one, to issue commands to
the tag
the docu in the AL1330 shows this
I tried a lot of different stuff, but cannot make it happen.
Problem is, i am not sure, if the CMD is correct or not, the CRC is wrong or how to make the Acyclic Command to work.
I tried for days and found no solution.
So i would be very glad for tips and hints in the right direction.
I hope i do not violate any rules

STM32CubeMX I2C code writing to reserved register bits

I'm developing an I2C driver on the STM32F74 family processors. I'm using the STM32CubeMX Low Level drivers and I can't make sense of the generated defines for I2C start and stop register values (CR2).
The code is generated in stm32f7xx_ll_i2c.h and is as follows.
/** #defgroup I2C_LL_EC_GENERATE Start And Stop Generation
* #{
/*!< Don't Generate Stop and Start condition. */
#define LL_I2C_GENERATE_STOP (uint32_t)(0x80000000U | I2C_CR2_STOP)
/*!< Generate Stop condition (Size should be set to 0). */
#define LL_I2C_GENERATE_START_READ (uint32_t)(0x80000000U | I2C_CR2_START | I2C_CR2_RD_WRN)
/*!< Generate Start for read request. */
My question is why is bit 31 included in these defines? (0x80000000U). The reference manual (RM0385) states "Bits 31:27 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.". I can't decide between modifying the generated code or keeping the 31 bit. I'll happily take recommendations simply whether its more likely that this is something needed or that I'm going to break things by writing to a reserved bit.
Thanks in advance!
I am guessing here because who knows what was on the minds of the library authors? (Not a lot if you look at the source code!). But I would guess that it is a "dirty-trick" to check that when calling LL functions you are using the specified macros.
However it is severely flawed because the "trick" is only valid for Cortex-M3/4 STM32 variants (e.g. F1xx, F2xx, F4xx) where the I2C peripheral is very different and registers such as I2C_CR2 are only 15 bits wide.
The trick is that the library functions have parameter checking asserts such as:
Where the IS_TRANSFER_REQUEST is defined thus:
This forces you to use the LL defined macros as parameters and not some self-defined or calculated mask because they all have that "unused" check bit in them.
If that truly is the the reason, it is an ill-advised practice that did not envisage the newer I2C peripheral. You might think that the bit was stripped from the parameter before being written to the register. I have checked, it is not. And if did you would be paying for that overhead on every call, which is also undesirable.
As an error detection technique if that is what it is, it is not even applied consistently; for example all the GPIO_PIN_xx macros are 16 bits wide and since they are masks not pin numbers, using bit 31 could for example guard against passing a literal pin-number 10 where the mask 1<<10 is in fact required. Passing 10 would refer to pins 3 and 1 not 10. And to be honest that mistake is far more likely than, passing an incorrect I2C transfer request type.
In the end however "Reserved" generally means "unused but may be used in future implementations", and requiring you to use the "reset value" is a way of ensuring forward binary compatibility. If you had such a device no doubt there would be a corresponding library update to support it - but it would require re-compilation of the code. The risk is low and probably only a problem if you attempt to run this binary on a newer incompatible part that used this bits.
I agree with Clifford, the ST CubeMC / HAL / LL library code is, in places, some of the worst written code imaginable. I have a particular issue with lines such as "TIMx->CCER &= ~TIM_CCER_CC1E" where TIM_CCER_CC1e is defined as 0x0001 and the CCER register contains reserved bits that should remain at 0. There are hundreds of such examples all throughout the library code. ST remain silent to my request for advice.

measuring time between two rising edges in beaglebone

I am reading sensor output as square wave(0-5 volt) via oscilloscope. Now I want to measure frequency of one period with Beaglebone. So I should measure the time between two rising edges. However, I don't have any experience with working Beaglebone. Can you give some advices or sample codes about measuring time between rising edges?
How deterministic do you need this to be? If you can tolerate some inaccuracy, you can probably do it on the main Linux OS; if you want to be fancy pants, this seems like a potential use case for the BBB's PRU's (which I unfortunately haven't used so take this with substantial amounts of salt). I would expect you'd be able to write PRU code that just sits with an infinite outerloop and then inside that loop, start looping until it sees the pin shows 0, then starts looping until the pin shows 1 (this is the first rising edge), then starts counting until either the pin shows 0 again (this would then be the falling edge) or another loop to the next rising edge... either way, you could take the counter value and you should be able to directly convert that into time (the PRU is states as having fixed frequency for each instruction, and is a 200Mhz (50ns/instruction). Assuming your loop is something like
#starting with pin low
inner loop 1:
registerX = loadPin
increment counter
jump if zero registerX to inner loop 1
# pin is now high
inner loop 2:
registerX = loadPin
increment counter
jump if one registerX to inner loop 2
# pin is now low again
That should take 3 instructions per counter increment, so you can get the time as 3 * counter * 50 ns.
As suggested by Foon in his answer, the PRUs are a good fit for this task (although depending on your requirements it may be fine to use the ARM processor and standard GPIO). Please note that (as far as I know) both the regular GPIOs and the PRU inputs are based on 3.3V logic, and connecting a 5V signal might fry your board! You will need an additional component or circuit to convert from 5V to 3.3V.
I've written a basic example that measures timing between rising edges on the header pin P8.15 for my own purpose of measuring an engine's rpm. If you decide to use it, you should check the timing results against a known reference. It's about right but I haven't checked it carefully at all. It is implemented using PRU assembly and uses the pypruss python module to simplify interfacing.

Writing .hex file to Internal FlashROM of 8051 microcontroller using SPI bus

I am doing a firmware upgrade using SPI bus on EEPROM as well as Internal ROM of 8051, basically writing a .hex file on both these memory devices.I am able to see .hex file written there.I am able to see slave and master are communicating properly, but not able to write anything on my memory devices.
If you have suggestions and if you have faced similar problems, please let me know where is the actual problem.
Any inputs would be welcomed.
I think more information will likely be required. In any case, here a few pitfalls I could see:
Hex Files are not necessarily memory images. The 8051s I've worked with usually use Intel Hex which is an ASCII format that describes the memory. The format is well documented here.
If you're having trouble writing to the EEPROM, you may not be writing the proper instructions. Typically, SPI EEPROM will be Byte addressed, but still has paging internally. You should start your writes on a Page boundary and write the whole page, then issue another write command, etc. By convention if you overrun a page, or start in the middle of a page it will loop around. So if your page is 8 bytes long, and you start writing 0-7 starting at index 4, you'll get:
Page Start: Index 0 = 4
Index 1 = 5
Index 2 = 6
Index 3 = 7
Index 4 = 0
Index 5 = 1
Index 6 = 2
Index 7 = 3
Most EEPROMs have locking mechanisms to prevent accidental writes once they are finalized. If the lock has been set, you will need to write an unlocking method (this will be detailed in the data sheet if it has it)
To further help you, please reference part numbers and better yet Data Sheets if you can.

Assembly code for optimized bitshifting of a vector

i'm trying to write a routine that will logically bitshift by n positions to the right all elements of a vector in the most efficient way possible for the following vector types: BYTE->BYTE, WORD->WORD, DWORD->DWORD and WORD->BYTE (assuming that only 8 bits are present in the result). I would like to have three routines for each type depending on the type of processor (SSE2 supported, only MMX suppported, only standard instruction se supported). Therefore i need 12 functions in total.
I have already found by myself how to backup and restore the registers that i need, how to make a loop, how to copy data into regular registers or MMX registers and how to shift by 1 position logically.
Because i'm not familiar with assembly language that's about it.
Which registers should i use for each instruction set?
How will the availability of the large vector (an image) in L1 cache be optimized?
How do i find the next element of the vector (a pointer kind of thing), i know i can make a mov by address and i assume i have to increment the address by 1, 2 or 4 depending on my type of data?
Although i have all the ideas, writing the code is a bit difficult at this point.
Thank you.
Here is what i'm trying to do for MMX for a shift by 1 on a DWORD:
__asm("push mm"); // backup register
__asm("push cx"); // backup register
__asm("mov %cx, length"); // initialize loop
__asm("loopstart_shift1:"); // start label
__asm("movd %xmm0, r/m32"); // get 32 bits data
__asm("psrlq %xmm0, 1"); // right shift 32 bits data logically (stuffs 0 on the left) by 1
__asm("mov r/m32,%xmm0"); // set 32 bits data
__asm("dec %cx"); // decrement index
__asm("cmp %cx,0");
__asm("jnz loopstart_shift1");
__asm("pop cx"); // restore register
__asm("pop mm"); // restore register
__asm("emms"); // leave MMX state
I strongly suggest you pause and take a look at using intrinsics with C or C++ instead of trying to write raw asm - that way the C/C++ compiler will take care of all the register allocation, instruction scheduling and general housekeeping tasks and you can just focus on the important parts, e.g. instead of using psrlq see _m_psrlq in mmintrin.h. (Better yet, look at using 128 bit SSE intrinsics.)
Sounds like you'd benefit from either using or looking into BitMagic's source. its entirely intrinsics based too, which makes its far more portable (though from the looks of it your using GCC, so it might have to get an MSVC to GCC intrinics mapping).