Setting custom CA cert with cloud_proxy_sql - ssl

I'm trying to use GCP's cloud_proxy_sql via one of our proxy server with custom CA signed certificates. I tried setting the cert using the config custom_ca_certs_file of gcloud config. Also double checked if the ca cert is set, using the command gcloud config list.
In spite of that, getting the below error in cloud_proxy_sql when trying to connect my SQL client via cloud_proxy_sql.
2020/08/19 11:37:36 Listening on<My local port> for <Instance_connnection_name>
2020/08/19 11:37:36 Ready for new connections 2020/08/19 11:39:11 New connection for "<Instance_connnection_name>"
2020/08/19 11:39:12 couldn't connect to "<Instance_connnection_name>": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
2020/08/19 11:40:08 Received TERM signal. Waiting up to 0s before terminating.
It seems like cloud_proxy_sql is not respecting the CA cert in gcloud config. How to configure the cert for cloud_proxy_sql?

The error message indicates that your client is not able to trust the certificate of
This can happen due to:
The client does not know what root certificates to trust.
The outbound traffic is using a proxy server that is using a different, untrusted, certificate.
The 'ca-certificates.crt' file to be on /etc/ssl/certs, which is one of the locations some languages look for certificates.
I found more about this here:
Failure to connect to proxy "Certificate signed by unknown authority"


(60) SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK

Having problems installing PayPalCommerce in OpenCart,
After installing and trying to connect to PayPal I get this error!
"(60) SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK"
As anybody else come across problem as the server certs are just fine?
As Stated Server Certificats are fine, was thinking of changing the Curl SSL Veerify to False but that would defeat the whole purpose. And as the latest Security 1.2 (whatever abrevation).
Update your certificate authority bundle so that your HTTPS connection to the PayPal API endpoint can verify the connection is trusted.
One can be downloaded here, among other places.
If your attempted connection is using a specific certificate file rather than a CA bundle, delete the old certificate and either obtain the endpoint's current one to use instead or use CA verification of it

HAPROXY ingress controller setup using mTLS with configmap with just the ingress load balancer because it's ssl offloaded. No need for backend check

I was able to achieve ssl offloading with Haproxy. So great product and appreciate that capability!
With that said, I need to doing mutual TLS but am a little confused on how that will work with the ingress controller configmap.
Going through this reference i've created a client cert, intermediate cert and root cert.
To note, I am terminating the ssl cert (which is from letsencrpt) on the load balancer currently.
However, the client cert and org CA are different than the lesencrypt tls/ssl cert that I have assigned as the SSL now; does that matter?
So, the first question I would have is does the ssl-certificate have to be set to the CA that will sign the client and server certs or can I just use the new ones I created in the instruction.
Setting up the configmap.
This is the part i'm confused on.
You can setup server-ca and server-crt but I don't think that applys here because after the ssl offloading there is nothing meant to be checked. However, I do want mTLS via the ssl termination.
So there is an configuration client-ca
Sets the client certificate authority enabling HAProxy to check clients certificate (TLS authentication), thus enabling client mTLS.
NB, ssl-offloading should be enabled for TLS authentication to work.
The client in this case being the actual client I want which is the device/frontend. Not the loadbalancer acting as a client to the backend server.
When I look at how this is setup:
frontend mysite
bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ssl.crt verify required ca-file /etc/haproxy/certs/intermediate-ca.crt ca-verify-file /etc/haproxy/certs/root-ca.crt
http-request redirect scheme https unless { ssl_fc }
default_backend apiservers
Is it possible to do the same with the controller configmap as what is listed here below? There's a lot more going on that what I am seeing as flags / configurations that are in this methodology of applying client mTLS. Is there a way to achieve this in kubernetes without configmap?
The ssl parameter enables SSL termination for this listener. The crt parameter identifies the location of the PEM-formatted SSL certificate. This certificate should contain both the public certificate and private key.
You can restrict who can access your application by giving trusted clients a certificate that they must present when connecting. HAProxy will check for this if you add a verify required parameter to the bind line, as shown:
the ssl argument enables HTTPS
the crt argument specifies the server SSL certificate, which you will typically obtain from a certificate provider like Let’s Encrypt
the verify required argument requires clients to send a client certificate
the ca-file argument specifies the intermediate certificate with which we will verify that the client’s certificate has been signed with our organization’s CA
the ca-verify-file argument (introduced in HAProxy 2.2) includes the root CA certificate, allowing HAProxy to send a shorter list of CAs to the client in the SERVER HELLO message that will be used for verification, but keeping upper level CAs, such as the root, out of that list. HAProxy requires the root CA to be set with this argument or else included in the intermediate-ca.crt file (compatibility with older versions of HAProxy).
Also, my reasoning for now wanting to use letsencrypt and rather a private CA is because I can't renew device certificates every 60 - 90 days. That would not be efficient. In this case, and please let me know otherwise, I think it better to use either a real key/cert provider or in development testing utilize the openssl certs like in the HAProxy instruction.
It's odd but you really have to think about what a "client" is with these abstractions because I would never use this for a normal web page login but rather the server to server communication and in that sense this server is a client to this server. Or in my case this device is a client to this loadbalancer.

Allow kubernetes storageclass resturl HTTPS with self-signed certificate

I'm currently trying to setup GlusterFS integration for a Kubernetes cluster. Volume provisioning is done with Heketi.
GlusterFS-cluster has a pool of 3 VMs
1st node has Heketi server and client configured. Heketi API is secured with a self-signed certificate OpenSSL and can be accessed.
e.g. curl https://heketinodeip:8080/hello -k
returns the expected response.
StorageClass definition sets the "resturl" to Heketi API https://heketinodeip:8080
When storageclass was created successfully and I try to create a PVC, this fails:
"x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
This is expected, as ususally one has to allow this insecure HTTPS-connection or explicitly import the issuer CA (e.g. a file simply containing the pem-String)
But: How is this done for Kubernetes? How do I allow this insecure connection to Heketi from Kubernetes, allowing insecure self-signed cert HTTPS or where/how do I import a CA?
It is not an DNS/IP problem, this was resolved with correct subjectAltName settings.
(seems that everybody is using Heketi, and it seems to be still a standard usecase for GlusterFS integration, but always without SSL, if connected to Kubernetes)
Thank you!
To skip verification of server cert, caller just need specify InsecureSkipVerify: true. Refer this github issue for more information (
In this page, they have specified a way to use self signed certificate. Not explained thoroughly but still can be useful (

How to configure Mosca for mqtts without the client having a certificate?

I have a Mosca MQTT broker running on a node instance and I would like to encrypt all the incoming communications with SSL/TLS (MQTTs protocol) but without the client having to link any certificate to the connexion (I guess it has to do with self-signed certificates) just as https works. I want all my clients to connect just with credentials specifying the MQTTs protocol and the communication can be encrypted. I was using Amazon MQ just before and that's how it works so I want the same.
I can't figure how to configure properly Mosca to do so, I don't know what kind of certificate I must use.
I added the secure field in the configuration as shown here
For the certificate I tried to create a self signed certificate as shown here
I also tried with certbot certificates (Let's Encrypt) registered for my domain name : .
I'm running everything on a ec2 (ubuntu 18) and my network and firewall are open for 1883 and 8883. My key and cert are at the root of my project where the deamon is running with good rights and ownership. I know my instance access them correctly.
new mosca.Server({
port: 1883,
secure: {
keyPath: "./privkey.pem",
certPath: "./cert.pem"
backend: {
type: 'redis',
redis: require('redis'),
host: "localhost",
port: 6379,
db: 0,
return_buffers: true,
persistence: {
factory: mosca.persistence.Redis
My server is running and working with simple mqtt on port 1883 but when I try to connect with ssl/tls with a client on port 8883 specifying that the server uses self-signed certificates (I tried with MQTT.fx) it fails saying : "unable to find valid certification path to requested target".
I can't make my head around this issue, I think somehow the client cannot "accept" or "verify" the certificate provided. Maybe I'm providing the wrong key or certificate to Mosca but there is only one of each resulting openssl or certbot. Maybe I created wrong but I follow many tutorials on the very same subject such as this one
What kind of certificate do I need to do ?
Is there something more to do with them ?
Thank you.
If you are using a self created certificate then the client will need a copy of certificate that signed the broker's certificate. This certificate will be added to the list of trusted sources so it can prove the broker is who it claims to be.
If you do not want to / can not distribute a certificate then you will need to use a certificate for your broker that is issued by CA (Certificate Authority) whoes signing certificate you already have (bundled into the OS/client that you are using).
The Lets Encrypt signing certificates should be bundled into most OSes by now but they are also cross signed by IdenTrust again who's certs should be bundled with most OSes. If you are having problems with the Lets Encrypt certs then I suggest you ask a new question with the exact details of how you configured mosca with those certs and more details of how you are configuring MQTT.fx and the errors you receive.

How sim800 get ssl certificate?

Sim800 supports SSL protocol. AT command "AT+CIPSSL" sets TCP to use SSL function.
In the "sim800_series_ssl_application_note_v1.01.pdf" is noted that: "Module will automatic begin SSL certificate after TCP connected."
My Problem: What is the exact meaning of the begin SSL certificate? what does sim800 do exactly? Does sim800 get SSL certificate from website? where does sim800 save SSL certificate?
As far as I know, SIM800 has some certificates in it and when you use a TCP+SSL or HTTP+SSL connection it will automatically use those certificates.
If those certificates are not ok for you, you will need to use an SD card, save there the certificates you want and use the command AT+SSLSETCERT to set the certificate you saved on your SD card. Here you can find how to use the File System.
Usually the certificates that come with the module are enough and you won't need this. But for example they didn't work for me when I tried to communicate with Azure via MQTT. I had to encrypt the data myself using wolfSSL library and send it using TCP without SSL.
Note: Not all SIM800 modules have SD card support.
There are a very few information about sim800 and ssl certificate on the web, and like you i got a lot of questions about it.
About your questions on how does sim800 get certificate and where does it save it, it seems, according to sim800_series_ssl_application_note_v1.01.pdf, that you can create (defining your own path), write and import a ssl certificate on your own with the AT+FSCREATE, AT+FSWRITE and AT+SSLSETCERT commands. An example is provided at the paragraph 3.10.
I'm sorry, i can't answer your other questions.
Anyway, if you get further informations about sim800 and ssl, i would be grateful if you share it with me.
When you use AT+CIPSSL you tell the SIM-module to use the SSL connection with TCP. When you use +CIPSTART command->
SIM module requests the TCP connection with the server through SSL.
Server sends the Server SSL certificate.
The authenticity of that certificate is checked with internal certificate authority certificate (The one that resides inside SIM-module) which is cryptographically connected with server certificate.
If the authenticity of certificate can not be confirmed SIM-module will close the connection unless you use the command AT+SSLOPT=0,0 (which forces the SIM-module to ignore invalid certificate authentication) prior to AT+CIPSSL command.
//Key exchange
SIM-module then encrypts it's master key (already inside SIM-module cannot be changed or read) with the public key (Which is part of the already sent server certificate) and sends it back to server.
Server then encrypts it's master key with SIM-module's master-key and sends it back to SIM-module. Key exchange is now complete as both (server and SIM-module) recieved master keys.
SIM-module currently doesn't support Client authentication which means that server cannot authenticate the client. That means there must be some other option of authentication (For example in MQTT that can be username and password that only client knows)
If you want your module to be able to authenticate server you will need to create the self-signed certificate for server and certificate authority certificate (for SIM-module) which is cryptographically connected to self-signed certificate and upload them to server and SIM-module (through AT+SSLSETCERT command from SD card).
If you only want to encrypt the data traffic you can ignore invalid certificate (AT+SSLOPT=0,0) as you will recieve publickey nevertheless. But if you want to be sure about server authenticity you will need to upload right certificate to module.