How to cut every nth line of file A while read value from file B? - while-loop

I would like to cut every nth line in file A by the value of file B, line by line.
File A looks like:
File B looks like:
I want to cut the fourth line from file A with the first value of file b, the 8th line with the 2nd value of file b and so on.
I am using the command below which cuts line 1, 2, 3, ... instead of 4, 8, 12.
for i in *fileA; do fileB=${i/A/B}; while IFS= read -r a && IFS= read -ru3 b; do printf %s\\n "${b:a}" & [ $( jobs | wc -l ) -ge $( sysctl -n hw.ncpu ) ] && wait; done <$i 3< $fileB > output; done
I used the last part to hurry up the command & [ $( jobs | wc -l ) -ge $( sysctl -n hw.ncpu ) ] && wait (it takes a few hours ...)

If your Linux distribution does not install Ed by default, then you will want to do that for this script. It's a very small program, so there's no reason not to have it.
#!/bin/sh -x
cp file-a.txt stack
next () {
[ -s stack ] && main
main() {
ed -s stack < file-a.ed
ed -s 4lines.txt < 4lines.ed
end() {
paste new-a.txt file-b.txt > merged-file.txt
rm -v ./*.ed
rm -v ./4lines.txt
rm -v ./stack
rm -v ./new-a.txt
exit 0
cat >> file-a.ed << EOF
1,4W 4lines.txt
cat >> 4lines.ed << EOF
1W new-a.txt


gawk `fflush()` doesn't seem to be working correctly when trying to use a multi-char RS record separator with a '[' in it

As my original question wasn't clear. Here is a better version:
When executing the following from bash on a xterm-256color terminal:
(echo -ne "[0/3] one<RS>"; sleep 2; echo -ne "[1/3] two<RS>"; sleep 2; echo -ne "[2/3] three<RS>"; sleep 2; echo -en "[3/3] The end.") | gawk 'BEGIN { RS="<RS>"; ORS="" } /\[/ { printf("X%sY\n", $0); fflush(); next }'
using a multi-character RS value "<RS>" then this does was I expect: each line, ending with <RS>, is printed immediately. Most notably the [0/3] one is printed immediately, and also between [2/3] three and [3/3] The end. there is a delay. Everything is printed one line at a time, precisely as it was generated by the bash script: immediately being flushed.
However, when putting a [ (square bracket open) in the RS sequence, each output line gets delayed until the next record was received. For example:
(echo -ne "[0/3] one<R[S>"; sleep 2; echo -ne "[1/3] two<R[S>"; sleep 2; echo -ne "[2/3] three<R[S>"; sleep 2; echo -en "[3/3] The end.") | gawk 'BEGIN { RS="<R[[]S>"; ORS="" } /\[/ { printf("X%sY\n", $0); fflush(); next }'
I tried using \0133 instead of [[], but that doesn't seem to work.
When executing the following from bash on a xterm-256color terminal:
(echo -ne "\r[0/2] hello\e[K"; sleep 2; echo -ne "\r[1/2] world\e[K"; sleep 2; echo -en "\r[2/2] The end.\n") | gawk 'BEGIN { RS="\033[[]K"; ORS="" } /^\r\[/ { printf("X%sY", $0); fflush(stdout); next }'
I see:
...2 second delay...
[0/2] helloY
...2 second delay...
[2/2] The end.
All on one line. The X[1/2] worldY is also written, but immediately overwritten by the [2/2] The end.
Apparently, upon receiving the first string, [0/2] hello\e[K, gawk is not flushing the output; either the RS is not doing what I expect it to do, or the fflush is not working. Upon receiving the second string (after a 2 second delay) the hello string is received and/or flushed - but the second string is -again- not flushed. It must have been received however, or else the /^\r\[/ would not have triggered (gawk prints something upon receiving the second (world) line).
What I'd expect is to see:
[0/2] helloY
...2 second delay...
[1/2] worldY
...2 second delay...
[2/2] The end.
all on one line (except that last Y), where the X is never visible because it is followed by a carriage return and a [ which overwrites it.
Am I doing something wrong? How can I get awk to show all the three records?
Why not try it without all the control chars first and once you have that working THEN add back the \rs, once you have that working THEN and back escape sequences (or vice-versa)?
As you can see if you just remove the \rs, the RS is behaving as it should and the fflush() is behaving as it should, and awk IS printing all 3 records:
$ (echo -ne "[0/2] hello\e[K"; sleep 2; echo -ne "[1/2] world\e[K"; sleep 2; echo -en "[2/2] The end.\n") | gawk 'BEGIN { RS="\033[[]K"; ORS="" } /\[/ { printf("X%sY\n", $0); fflush(); next }'
X[0/2] helloY
X[1/2] worldY
X[2/2] The end.
You can also see that with your original script by piping it to cat -v to print the \rs as ^M:
$ (echo -ne "\r[0/2] hello\e[K"; sleep 2; echo -ne "\r[1/2] world\e[K"; sleep 2; echo -en "\r[2/2] The end.\n") | gawk 'BEGIN { RS="\033[[]K"; ORS="" } /^\r\[/ { printf("X%sY", $0); fflush(stdout); next }' | cat -v
X^M[0/2] helloYX^M[1/2] worldYX^M[2/2] The end.
I changed fflush(stdout) to fflush() in the first script because the stdout arg you're passing is an uninitialized, and so null, variable which does nothing beyond what the default without args does - flush all open output files and pipes. If you ONLY wanted stdout flushed that'd be fflush("/dev/stdout") with gawk.
it has nothing to do with the fflush() - carriage return, \015 aka \r, does exactly what the name suggests in the terminal screen (think what it does on a typewriter)
simply "returning" the position marker to start of line, without actually moving to a new line; overwriting existing chars as new ones are being printed out
that said, \r can sometimes be leveraged to your advantage to create neatly formatted output while still being counted only as 1 single line by cat -n :
gfactor 12991671785233443057 | mawk NF=NF OFS='\f\r\t' | gcat -n
1 12991671785233443057: 3 7 17 31 67 127 257 8191 65537
1 12991671785233443057:
The backspace \b is more fun in that sense :
gfactor 12991671785233443057 | mawk NF=NF OFS='\f\b\b' | gcat -n
1 12991671785233443057:

Why double quote does not work in echo statement inside cmd in awk script?

gawk 'BEGIN { FS="|"; OFS="|" }NR ==1 {print} NR >=2 {cmd1="echo -n "$2" | base64 -w 0";cmd1 | getline d1;close(cmd1); print $1,d1 }' dummy2.txt
Expected output:
output produced by script:
I have understood that the double quote around $2 is causing the issue. It does not work hence not encoding the string properly and just stripping off the string after semi colon.Because it does work inside semicolon and gives proper output in terminal.
echo "subhashree:1;user=phn" | base64
[root#DERATVIV04 encode]# echo "subha:2;user=phn" | base64
I have tried with different variation with single and double quote inside awk but it does not work.Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Your existing cmd1 producing
echo -n subhashree:1;user=phn | base64 -w 0
^ semicolon is there
So if you execute below would produce
$ echo -n subhashree:1;user=phn | base64 -w 0
With quotes
$ echo -n 'subhashree:1;user=phn' | base64 -w 0
Solution is just to use quotes before echo -n '<your-string>' | base64 -w 0
$ cat file
$ gawk -v q="'" 'BEGIN { FS="|"; OFS="|" }NR ==1 {print} NR >=2 {cmd1="echo -n " q $2 q" | base64 -w 0"; cmd1 | getline d1;close(cmd1); print $1,d1 }' file
It can be simplified as below
gawk -v q="'" 'BEGIN {
cmd1="echo -n " q $2 q" | base64 -w 0";
print ((cmd1 | getline d1)>0)? $1 OFS d1 : $0;
' file
Based on Ed Morton recommendation
if/while ( (getline var < file) > 0)
if/while ( (command | getline var) > 0)
if/while ( (command |& getline var) > 0)
The problem is because of lack of quotes, when trying to run the echo command in shell context. What you are trying to do is basically converted into
echo -n subhashree:1;user=phn | base64 -w 0
which the shell has executed as two commands separated by ; i.e. user=phn | base64 -w 0 means an assignment followed by a pipeline, which would be empty because the assignment would not produce any result over standard input for base64 for encode. The other segment subhashree:1 is just echoed out, which is stored in your getline variable d1.
The right approach fixing your problem should be using quotes
echo -n "subhashree:1;user=phn" | base64 -w 0
When you said, you were using quotes to $2, that is not actually right, the quotes are actually used in the context of awk to concatenate the cmd string i.e. "echo -n ", $2 and " | base64 -w 0" are just joined together. The proposed double quotes need to be in the context of the shell.
SO with that and few other fixes, your awk command should be below. Added gsub() to remove trailing spaces, which were present in your input shown. Also used printf over echo.
awk -v FS="|" '
NR == 1 {
NR >= 2 {
gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, "", $2)
cmd = "printf \"%s\" \"" $2 "\" | base64 -w 0"
if ((cmd | getline result) > 0) {
$2 = result
' file
So with the command above, your command is executed as below, which would produce the right result.
printf "%s" "subhashree:1;user=phn" | base64 -w 0
You already got answers explaining how to use awk for this but you should also consider not using awk for this. The tool to sequence calls to other commands (e.g. bas64) is a shell, not awk. What you're trying to do in terms of calls is:
shell { awk { loop_on_input { shell { base64 } } } }
whereas if you call base64 directly from shell it'd just be:
shell { loop_on_input { base64 } }
Note that the awk command is spawning a new subshell once per line of input while the direct call from shell isn't.
For example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
head -n 1 "$file"
while IFS='|' read -r id dummy; do
printf '%s|%s\n' "$id" "$(base64 -w 0 <<<"$dummy")"
done < <(tail -n +2 "$file")
Here's the difference in execution speed for an input file that has each of your data lines duplicated 100 times created by awk -v n=100 'NR==1{print; next} {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print}' dummy2.txt > file100
$ ./ file100
real 0m23.247s
user 0m3.755s
sys 0m10.966s
real 0m14.512s
user 0m1.530s
sys 0m4.776s
The above timing was produced by running this command (both awk scripts posted in answers will have about the same timeing so I just picked one at random):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
doawk() {
local file="$1"
gawk -v q="'" 'BEGIN {
cmd1="echo -n " q $2 q" | base64 -w 0";
print ((cmd1 | getline d1)>0)? $1 OFS d1 : $0;
' "$file"
doshell() {
local file="$1"
head -n 1 "$file"
while IFS='|' read -r id dummy; do
printf '%s|%s\n' "$id" "$(base64 -w 0 <<<"$dummy")"
done < <(tail -n +2 "$file")
# Use 3rd-run timing to eliminate cache-ing as a factor
doawk "$1" >/dev/null
doawk "$1" >/dev/null
echo "Awk:"
time doawk "$1" >/dev/null
echo ""
doshell "$1" >/dev/null
doshell "$1" >/dev/null
echo "Shell:"
time doshell "$1" >/dev/null

Check for multi-line content in a file

I'm trying to check if a multi-line string exists in a file using common bash commands (grep, awk, ...).
I want to have a file with a few lines, plain lines, not patterns, that should exists in another file and create a command (sequence) that checks if it does. If grep could accept arbitrary multiline patterns, I'd do it with something similar to
grep "`cat contentfile`" targetfile
As with grep I'd like to be able to check the exit code from the command. I'm not really interested in the output. Actually no output would be preferred since then I don't have to pipe to /dev/null.
I've searched for hints, but can't come up with a search that gives any good hits. There's How can I search for a multiline pattern in a file?, but that is about pattern matching.
I've found pcre2grep, but need to use "standard" *nix tools.
line 3
line 4
line 5
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
line 5
line 6
This should match and return 0 since the sequence of lines in the content file is found (in the exact same order) in the target file.
EDIT: Sorry for not being clear about the "pattern" vs. "string" comparison and the "output" vs. "exit code" in the previous versions of this question.
You didn't say if you wanted a regexp match or string match and we can't tell since you named your search file "patternfile" and a "pattern" could mean anything and at one point you imply you want to do a string match (check if a multi-line _string_ exists) but then you're using grep and pcregpre with no stated args for string rather than regexp matches.
In any case, these will do whatever it is you want using any awk (which includes POSIX standard awk and you said you wanted to use standard UNIX tools) in any shell on every UNIX box:
For a regexp match:
$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR { pat = pat $0 ORS; next }
{ tgt = tgt $0 ORS }
while ( match(tgt,pat) ) {
printf "%s", substr(tgt,RSTART,RLENGTH)
tgt = substr(tgt,RSTART+RLENGTH)
$ awk -f tst.awk patternfile targetfile
line 3
line 4
line 5
For a string match:
$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR { pat = pat $0 ORS; next }
{ tgt = tgt $0 ORS }
lgth = length(pat)
while ( beg = index(tgt,pat) ) {
printf "%s", substr(tgt,beg,lgth)
tgt = substr(tgt,beg+lgth)
$ awk -f tst.awk patternfile targetfile
line 3
line 4
line 5
Having said that, with GNU awk you could do the following if you're OK with a regexp match and backslash interpretation of the patternfile contents (so \t is treated as a literal tab):
$ awk -v RS="$(cat patternfile)" 'RT!=""{print RT}' targetfile
line 3
line 4
line 5
or with GNU grep:
$ grep -zo "$(cat patternfile)" targetfile | tr '\0' '\n'
line 3
line 4
line 5
There are many other options depending on what kind of match you're really trying to do and which tools versions you have available.
EDIT: Since OP needs outcome of command in form of true or false(yes or no), so edited command in that manner now(created and tested in GNU awk).
awk -v message="yes" 'FNR==NR{a[$0];next} ($0 in a){if((FNR-1)==prev){b[++k]=$0} else {delete b;k=""}} {prev=FNR}; END{if(length(b)>0){print message}}' patternfile targetfile
Could you please try following, tested with given samples and it should print all continuous lines from pattern file if they are coming in same order in target file(count should be at least 2 for continuous lines in this code).
awk '
($0 in a){
delete b
print b[j]
}' patternfile targetfile
Explanation: Adding explanation for above code here.
awk ' ##Starting awk program here.
FNR==NR{ ##FNR==NR will be TRUE when first Input_file is being read.
a[$0] ##Creating an array a with index $0.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
($0 in a){ ##Statements from here will will be executed when 2nd Input_file is being read, checking if current line is present in array a.
if((FNR-1)==prev){ ##Checking condition if prev variable is equal to FNR-1 value then do following.
b[++k]=$0 ##Creating an array named b whose index is variable k whose value is increment by 1 each time it comes here.
else{ ##Mentioning else condition here.
delete b ##Deleting array b here.
k="" ##Nullifying k here.
prev=FNR ##Setting prev value as FNR value here.
END{ ##Starting END section of this awk program here.
for(j=1;j<=k;j++){ ##Starting a for loop here.
print b[j] ##Printing value of array b whose index is variable j here.
}' patternfile targetfile ##mentioning Input_file names here.
another solution in awk:
echo $(awk 'FNR==NR{ a[$0]; next}{ x=($0 in a)?x+1:0 }x==length(a){ print "OK" }' patternfile targetfile )
This returns "OK" if there is a match.
a one-liner:
$ if [ $(diff --left-column -y patternfile targetfile | grep '(' -A1 -B1 | tail -n +2 | head -n -1 | wc -l) == $(cat patternfile | wc -l) ]; then echo "ok"; else echo "error"; fi
first is to compare the two files using diff:
diff --left-column -y patternfile targetfile
> line 1
> line 2
line 3 (
line 4 (
line 5 (
> line 6
then filter to show only interesting lines, which are the lines the '(', plus extra 1-line before, and after match, to check if lines in patternfile match without a break.
diff --left-column -y patternfile targetfile | grep '(' -A1 -B1
> line 2
line 3 (
line 4 (
line 5 (
> line 6
Then leave out the first, and last line:
diff --left-column -y patternfile targetfile | grep '(' -A1 -B1 | tail -n +2 | head -n -1
line 3 (
line 4 (
line 5 (
add some code to check if the number of lines match the number of lines in the patternfile:
if [ $(diff --left-column -y patternfile targetfile | grep '(' -A1 -B1 | tail -n +2 | head -n -1 | grep '(' | wc -l) == $(cat patternfile | wc -l) ]; then echo "ok"; else echo "error"; fi
to use this with a return-code, a script could be created like this:
if [ $(diff --left-column -y $patternfile $targetfile | grep '(' -A1 -B1 | tail -n +2 | head -n -1 | grep '(' | wc -l) == $(cat $patternfile | wc -l) ];
exit 0;
exit 1;
The test (when above script is named comparepatterns):
$ comparepatterns patternfile targgetfile
echo $?
The easiest way to do this is to use a sliding window. First you read the pattern file, followed by file to search.
(FNR==NR) { a[FNR]=$0; n=FNR; next }
{ b[FNR]=$0 }
(FNR >= n) { for(i=1; i<=n;++i) if (a[i] != b[FNR-n+i]) { delete b[FNR-n+1]; next}}
{ print "match at", FNR-n+1}
{ r=1}
END{ exit !r}
which you call as
awk -f script.awk patternFile searchFile
Following up on a comment from Cyrus, who pointed to How to know if a text file is a subset of another, the following Python one-liner does the trick
python -c "content=open('content').read(); target=open('target').read(); exit(0 if content in target else 1);"
Unless you're talking about 10 GB+, here's an awk-based solution that's fast and clean :
mawk '{ exit NF==NR }' RS='^$' FS="${multiline_pattern}"
The pattern exists only in the file "${m2p}"
which is embedded within multi-file pipeline of 1st test,
but not 2nd one
This solution, for now, doesn't auto handle instances where regex meta-character escaping is needed. Alter it as you see fit.
Unless the pattern occurs far too often, it might even save time to do it all at once instead of having to check line-by-line, including saving lines along the way in some temp pattern space.
NR is always 1 there since RS is forced to the tail end of the input. NF is larger than 1 only when the pattern is found. By evaluating exit NF == NR, it inverts the match, thus matching structure of posix exit codes.
% echo; ( time ( \
echo "\n\n multi-line-pattern :: \n\n " \
"-------------\n${multiline_pattern}\n" \
" -----------\n\n " \
"$( nice gcat "${m2m}" "${m3m}" "${m3l}" "${m2p}" \
"${m3r}" "${m3supp}" "${m3t}" | pvE0 \
| mawk2 '{ exit NF == NR
}' RS = '^$' \
FS = "${multiline_pattern}" \
) exit code : ${?} " ) ) | ecp
in0: 3.10GiB 0:00:01 [2.89GiB/s] [2.89GiB/s] [ <=> ]
( echo ; ) 0.77s user 1.74s system 110% cpu 2.281 total
multi-line-pattern ::
exit code : 0
% echo; ( time ( \
echo "\n\n multi-line-pattern :: \n\n " \
"-------------\n${multiline_pattern}\n" \
" -----------\n\n " \
"$( nice gcat "${m2m}" "${m3m}" "${m3l}" \
"${m3r}" "${m3supp}" "${m3t}" | pvE0 \
| mawk2 '{ exit NF == NR
}' RS = '^$' \
FS = "${multiline_pattern}" \
) exit code : ${?} " ) ) | ecp
in0: 2.95GiB 0:00:01 [2.92GiB/s] [2.92GiB/s] [ <=> ]
( echo ; ) 0.64s user 1.65s system 110% cpu 2.074 total
multi-line-pattern ::
exit code : 1
If your pattern is the full file, then something like this - even when using the full file as a single gigantic 153 MB pattern, it finished in less than 2.4 secs against ~3 GB input.
( time ( nice gcat "${m2m}" "${m3m}" "${m3l}" "${m3r}" "${m3supp}" "${m3t}" | pvE0 \
| mawk2 -v pattern_file="${m2p}" '
RS = "^$"
getline FS < pattern_file
} END {
exit NF == NR }' ; echo "\n\n exit code :: $?\n\n" ))|ecp;
du -csh "${m2p}" ;
( time ( nice gcat "${m2m}" "${m3m}" "${m3l}" \
"${m2p}" "${m3r}" "${m3supp}" "${m3t}" | pvE0 \
| mawk2 -v pattern_file="${m2p}" '
RS = "^$"
getline FS < pattern_file
} END {
exit NF == NR }' ; echo "\n\n exit code :: $?\n\n" ))|ecp;
in0: 2.95GiB 0:00:01 [2.58GiB/s] [2.58GiB/s] [ <=> ]
( nice gcat "${m2m}" "${m3m}" "${m3l}" "${m3r}" "${m3supp}" "${m3t}" | pvE 0.)
0.82s user 1.71s system 111% cpu 2.260 total
exit code :: 1
153M /Users/************/m2map_main.txt
153M total
in0: 3.10GiB 0:00:01 [2.56GiB/s] [2.56GiB/s] [ <=> ]
( nice gcat "${m2m}" "${m3m}" "${m3l}" "${m2p}" "${m3r}" "${m3supp}" "${m3t}")
0.83s user 1.79s system 112% cpu 2.339 total
exit code :: 0
Found a portable solution using patch command. The idea is to create a diff/patch in remove direction and check if it could be applied to the source file. Sadly there is no option for a dry-run (in my old patch version). So we've to do the patch and remove the temporary files.
The shell part around is optimized for my ksh usage:
file_in_file() {
typeset -r vtmp=/tmp/${}.$$.tmp
typeset -r vbasefile=$1
typeset -r vcheckfile=$2
typeset -ir vlines=$(wc -l < "$vcheckfile")
{ echo "1,${vlines}d0"; sed 's/^/< /' "$vcheckfile"; } |
patch -fns -F0 -o "$vtmp" "$vbasefile" >/dev/null 2>&1
typeset -ir vrc=$?
rm -f "$vtmp"*
return $vrc
set variables for local usage (on newer bash you should use declare instead)
count lines of input file
create a patch/diff file in-memory (the line with the curly brackets)
use patch with strict settings patch -F0
cleanup (also eventually created reject files: rm -f "$vtmp"*)
return RC of patch

how to commentmultiple lines with awk or sed?

I have a perl program which I am downloading and using in a docker file.
This program is calling tbl2asn but I do not need the output and this part runs very long. Therefore, I want to comment a few lines out of this perl program.
"tbl2asn -V b -a r10k -l paired-ends -M n -N 1 -y 'Annotated using $EXE $VERSION from $URL' -Z".
" \Q$outdir/$prefix.err\E -i \Q$outdir/$prefix.fsa\E 2> /dev/null"
delfile( map { "$outdir/$prefix.$_" } qw(dr fixedproducts ecn val) );
msg("Repairing broken .GBK output that tbl2asn produces...");
runcmd("sed 's/COORDINATES: profile/COORDINATES:profile/' < \Q$outdir/$prefix.gbf\E > \Q$outdir/$prefix.gbk\E");
These are the lines I want to comment and at least this line "tbl2asn -V b -a r10k -l paired-ends -M n -N 1 -y 'Annotated using $EXE $VERSION from $URL' -Z". only occurs once in the perl program.
How can I use awk or sed to comment this line via a regex, one before and eight lines after?
Thank you.
Awk solution:
some text
"tbl2asn -V b -a r10k -l paired-ends -M n -N 1 -y 'Annotated using $EXE $VERSION from $URL' -Z".
" \Q$outdir/$prefix.err\E -i \Q$outdir/$prefix.fsa\E 2> /dev/null"
delfile( map { "$outdir/$prefix.$_" } qw(dr fixedproducts ecn val) );
msg("Repairing broken .GBK output that tbl2asn produces...");
runcmd("sed 's/COORDINATES: profile/COORDINATES:profile/' < \Q$outdir/$prefix.gbf\E > \Q$outdir/$prefix.gbk\E");
some text
awk '/"tbl2asn -V b .+ -Z"\.$/{ n = NR + 9 }NR <= n{ rec = "#"rec }
rec{ print rec }{ rec = $0 }
END{ print rec }'
The output:
some text
# "tbl2asn -V b -a r10k -l paired-ends -M n -N 1 -y 'Annotated using $EXE $VERSION from $URL' -Z".
# " \Q$outdir/$prefix.err\E -i \Q$outdir/$prefix.fsa\E 2> /dev/null"
#delfile( map { "$outdir/$prefix.$_" } qw(dr fixedproducts ecn val) );
#msg("Repairing broken .GBK output that tbl2asn produces...");
#runcmd("sed 's/COORDINATES: profile/COORDINATES:profile/' < \Q$outdir/$prefix.gbf\E > \Q$outdir/$prefix.gbk\E");
some text

awk command to run a C++ code and input several times

Say, I have a C code which I compile like:
$ gcc code.c -o f.out
$ ./f.out inputfile outputfile
Then the code asks for input
$ enter mass:
Now if I need to run this code for example 200 times and the input files have name : 0c.txt, 1c.txt, ....., 199c.txt etc and I want to use same value of mass every time (e.g. mass=6) then how do I write an "awk" command for that? Thanks for your help.
You don't specify your outputfile name. I'll assume 0c.out, 1c.out, ...
I'm also assuming that the f.out program reads the mass from stdin instead of anything more complicated.
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
mass = 6
for (i=0; i<200; i++) {
cmd = sprintf("./f.out %dc.txt %dc.out", i, i)
print mass |& cmd
close(cmd, "to")
while ((cmd |& getline out) > 0) {
do something with each line of output from ./f.out
In bash, you'd write:
for i in $(seq 0 199); do
echo 6 | ./f.out ${i}c.txt ${i}c.out