Reverse geocoding API java - reverse-geocoding

I am trying to reverse geocode latitude ans longitude coordinates to a zip code in java. Is there any simple API to do this? If you know of any good tutorials I should be able to figure it out. I have tried Opencage but cannot get it to work on JRE 1.8.0. A point in the right direction would help me out. Thank you.

Try Google reverse geocoding. Not sure if its free


Show Best three Routes between two co-ordinate points

I'm Newbie to iOS development as well as to MapKit Framework. I want to get Best three Routes between two location (for ex. New York to California).
It can be done using MapKit framework. Please if any one have any idea or tutorial. Please help me to get this done. Hope for the Best.
Thanks in Advance.!!!
You could try this libraries:
Hope this helps

Google Maps API search location and pin

I am trying to put google maps on my browser and I am having trouble with APIs. What I am trying to do is have a searchbox with a map under it, where the user can put address and it will search near restaurants and pin them on the map. What I tried is searching the hole google and it just gets more confusing. I need help with this.
I came across something similar not so long ago and stumbled upon this neat jQuery Autocomplete Plugin.
It autocompletes the location you type and searches for it, after which it focuses the map on that location. It doesn't however highlight the nearest restaurants/bars/etc., but you can easily place a marker if said location was found. Hope this helps.
If you're interested in using PHP, this library will greatly help your journey. It saved me countless hours with the Google Maps API.

IPhone Geocoding

There is absolutely no tutorials on geocoding on the iphone. Only reverse geocoding. I have an address, want to convert to coordinates, then display a streetview of that address. How can this be accomplished...
The below answer pretty much echos what I found online, but I know this can be accomplished using Googles JSON geocoding. I am working on this now, will update post when I figure out how to pull out the coordinates.
""+ address+"&key="+apiKey+"&sensor=false&output=json"
built in forward geocoding is new to iOS5. look at CLGeocoder, which includes methods like geocodeAddressString:completionHandler:. if you want to support pre-iOS5 then you'll have to use another service, e.g. google's. i haven't used it myself, but a quick search turned up: which may be of use.

Objective C twitter client help!

I'm trying to update my app (iSocialNet) to use the latest version of MGTwitterEngine without success. I've successfully got iSocialNet to work using Ben Gottlieb's Twitter+OAuth, but there are issues that come with it.
What I would like to do is make my own 'TwitterEngine' but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? I must warn you that my knowledge of ObjC is minimal, but I'm getting there. Any help is appreciated.
The problem with Twitter+OAuth is that I can't get native retweets to show in the timeline, there's no retweet feature in the MGTE supplied, I can't get all users that a person follows and that's just what I've encountered so far. This is why i need to either update MGTE which comes with OAuth or i need to implement my own engine. I know that OAuth is tricky, but there's a library that MGTE uses that I would use. It's the actuall speaking to twitter that I don't understand.
Many thanks in advance
You could try to parse the timeline directly off twitter, I have same problem and I think it may solve the retweet problem as well as parse the follower list off twitter too ;)
I'd recommend you to explain your problems with Ben Gottlieb's Twitter+OAuth here better than implementing a new OAuth engine, that's absolutely not trivial and with little Objective-C knowledgement it could be disappointing for you! We can help each other here and by reusing code.

Google suggest API does not work with Chinese locale

I have a problem with Google suggest API when using Chinese locale. I am picking Chinese hieroglyphs at random and use the REST API to retrieve suggestions. Unfortunately, Google always return an empty list of suggestions (I am completely sure, that I convert my request in utf-8, and it is working fine with other languages, ex. Russian):
Sample request:
Google answer:["速",[]])
Does anyone know how to retrieve suggestions for Chinese locale? Maybe I am missing some flags or something? Maybe there is an official document from Google, saying that Chinese is not supported? And are there any people from China, using Google toolbar? Does it really work? I'd appreciate any help!
If it matters, I am writing a simple WinAPI application, using C++... says, at the bottom, that google suggest now supports "155 domains in 51 languages." This implies a possible solution, which is that you need to use the relevant domain.
gives me["速",[["速腾","2,020,000 结果","0"] ...
A bit of experimentation shows that I'm able to get results for japanese only from, but not from I'm in Japan, YMMV.
Hmm I don't know it seems to work for me. e.g
yields["木",[["木村了","297,026 results","0z"]]])