I have just converted all of the custom teaching tips in my UWP app to use the new muxc:TeachingTip control. They are working fine when using a mouse but you can't set focus on them so that the user can dismiss them using a keyboard or Xbox controller.
The code:
bool bFocusSuccess = myTT.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic);
indicates that focus is successfully set but it is not.
Any suggestions?
Win10: 1909
Microsoft.UI.Xaml: 2.4.2
I created a modal using react-native-modalfy(because of its universal usage) that has an input field. On android everything is working as expected(i.e., modal moving up when keyboard aperars) but on the iOS, whenever I try to type something the keyboard appears on the modal UI and doesn't allow me to see anything that happens on the modal UI. Is there any workaround to get past this issue?enter image description here
I am using a custom keyboard in my app. This was working really well, but on upgrading to iOS 7 there is a background displayed behind my custom keyboard in the shape of the default keyboard - none of the keyboard keys of the default keyboard are displayed, just a transparent pale box in the shape of the default keyboard. Has anyone else had the same issue or know of a way to resolve this?
The code i am using to hide the default keyboard is:
id keyboardImpl = [objc_getClass("UIKeyboardImpl") sharedInstance];
[keyboardImpl setAlpha:0.0f];
You shouldn't do that to hide a UIKeyboard because it relies on private classes what can change in any OS release without warning
Take a look at the inputView property on UITextField: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/uikit/reference/UITextField_Class/Reference/UITextField.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/UITextField/inputView
I recently bought an Acer Iconia W510. All the touch events work fine, 1-finger click, double click etc. I have a windows application (WPF 4) that runs on a touch table (running windows 7, developed with pixelsense 2.0). I understand that there is no direct compatibility with windows 8. The application has a few buttons and a map where you are able to pan around. There are also a few clickable buttons. All these functions work with the mouse (left click) but not with a touch event. Is there a way / hack of copying the mouse movement to a touch event? In that way I am able to use touch to pan around.
The easiest way would be to recompile the application and put everything in a System.Windows Window, instead of a SurfaceWindow.
A slightly more complicated solution would be to put everything in a UserControl and add a System.Windows Window, next to the SurfaceWindow. Then in App.xaml.cs add something like this in the OnStartUp event:
if (Microsoft.Surface.SurfaceEnvironment.IsSurfaceEnvironmentAvailable)
StartupUri = new Uri("SurfaceWindow.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
StartupUri = new Uri("PlainWindow.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
I found this on the net somewhere and unfortunately can't remember the source, but for me it works like a charm.
I need to add a share button to MoviePlayer, that appear and disappear at the same time when touching the screen like and with native controls.
i found this solution:
Add Custom Controls to MoviePlayer in iPhone 3.0 SDK
But _overlayView property is not recognized with IOS5. Is it possible to achieve it with current SDK?
I am trying to write an app that uses a custom keyboard. How can I write code that prevents the iPhone keyboard from popping up. I have seen a custom keyboard that enters text in other iPhone applications, so I know that it is possible.
You're looking for the inputView property that's present on every view (inherited from UIResponder).