SampleData elm package? - elm

I'm trying to run the force directed graph from the elm visualisations examples.
However I can't identify what package the SampleData dependency is from.
import SampleData exposing (miserablesGraph)
Could I get a point in the right direction?

It seems to be something internal because examples on the Github have this data hardcoded.
I'd suggest doing the same in your code. Either define miserablesGraph function:
miserablesGraph : Graph String ()
miserablesGraph =
[ "Myriel"
, "Napoleon"
, "Mlle.Baptistine"
or create SampleData module and define the function there.
module SampleData exposing (miserablesGraph)
miserablesGraph : Graph String ()
miserablesGraph =
[ "Myriel"
, "Napoleon"
, "Mlle.Baptistine"


Using refs with Vue 3 + TypeScript + Options API

I am trying to understand the best way to use refs together with TypeScript and the Options API. In the docs they reference it like below, but that is without using TS. When it comes to TS, they only explain how to use it with Composition API.
When I use this.$refs.myRef it throws this error Object is of type 'unknown'.
I know that I can cast it and use it like this: (this.$refs.myRef as HTMLElement) but that I feel shouldn't be necessary to do for every ref every single time.
What is the correct way to use a reference with Options API + TS?
I created a shim like this:
import * as runtimeCore from '#vue/runtime-core'
declare module '#vue/runtime-core' {
interface ComponentCustomProperties {
$refs: {
[key: string]: HTMLElement|any,
// ... more stuff
And then I can access the refs like normal.

Pydot parser : reading custom attributes in a node

I have dot graph string like
I know I can use node.get_name() or node.get_label() to read name/label.
what methods in the library can I use to read the custom properties like 'schema' or 'page' in the above case?
Posted in pydot github page. No response
"Graph_ID_1" [label="My graph" schema="my_schema" page=2];
The get_attributes on nodes function will give you a dict with all the attributes.
import pydot
n = pydot.Node(my_attr="bar")
print(n.get_attributes()) # -> {'my_attr': 'bar'}

Not Found: "Navigation.Parser" and "Navigation.makeParser"

I have the following errors that I am struggling to resolve based on the latest version of elm-lang/Navigation:
-- NAMING ERROR ------------------------------------------------------- Home.elm
Cannot find variable Navigation.makeParser.
231| Navigation.makeParser parse
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Navigation does not expose makeParser.
-- NAMING ERROR ------------------------------------------------------- Home.elm
Cannot find type Navigation.Parser.
229| urlParser : Navigation.Parser Route
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Navigation does not expose Parser.
It looks like Parser and makePaser were removed from Navigation in version 2.1.0.
Is there an updated example of how to do navigation leveraging the urlParser function?
I have the following:
import Navigation exposing (..)
main : Program Never
main =
Navigation.program urlParser
{ model = model
, update = update
, urlUpdate = urlUpdate
, view = view
parse : Navigation.Location -> Route
parse { pathname } =
one =
Debug.log "path" pathname
case pathname of
"index.html" ->
_ ->
urlParser : Navigation.Parser Route
urlParser =
Navigation.makeParser parse
The Parser concept was removed during the Elm 0.18 to simplify the API. Now you just need to supply a function that takes a Location and returns a Msg as the first parameter to program function.
That function could simply be a Msg constructor that takes a Location argument, as shown in the example from the examples directory (here is live example on
type Msg
= UrlChange Navigation.Location
Your update function would then handle the UrlChange Msg and act accordingly. You can still use Location parsing packages like evancz/url-parser.

How to use scalajs-bundler with client only app

In another question I was advised to use ScalaJS bundler to import NPM dependencies.
I would like to use some Javascript NPM packages in a simple client-only web application. There is an example called static which shows this.
My changes to the example:
Add into build.sbt:
npmDependencies in Compile += "esprima" -> "3.1.3"
Add into Main.scala:
import Esprima._
import JsonToString._
val code = "answer = 42"
val tokens = tokenize(code)
val tokensStr = tokens.json
Change in Main.scala: "This is bold" into s"This is bold $tokensStr"
Facade (a bit simplified, for full a version see GitHub):
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSName
object Esprima extends js.Object {
def tokenize(input: String, config: js.Any = js.native, delegate: String => String = js.native): js.Array[js.Any] = js.native
def parse(input: String, config: js.Any = js.native): js.Dynamic = js.native
When running the html generated with fastOptJS::webpack the error is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tokenize' of undefined
Inspecting the static-fastopt-bundle.js shows esprima is used, but its js is not bundled.
What other steps are needed to add dependencies into a client-only web page?
As described in this part of the documentation, you have to use #JSImport in your facade definition:
#JSImport("esprima", JSImport.Namespace)
For reference, #JSName defines a facade bound to a global name, while #JSImport defines a facade bound to a required JavaScript module.

Issue creating a single .d.ts when using external modules

I'm developing an NPM package using typescript. Within this package the TS files are setup as external modules. The compiler won't generate a single .d.ts for external modules. I'm trying to concat all tsc generated type definitions into a single .d.ts for the entire package.
I'm having issues laying out the single .d.ts file (following a similar approach to that used in grunt-dts-bundle). The condensed example below captures my issue.
Given this external module declaration and test file:
test.d.ts :
declare module "ExternalWrapper" {
export import Foo = require("FooModule");
declare module "FooModule" {
class Foo {
name: string;
export = Foo;
import externalWrapper = require( 'ExternalWrapper' );
var t = new externalWrapper.Foo();
Running tsc test.ts test.d.ts -m commonjs produces this error: TS2083: Invalid 'new' expression.
If you change 'test.ts' to look like this, importing 'FooModule' directly:
import Foo = require( "FooModule" );
var t = new Foo();
It compiles fine.
The compiler understands the type externalWrapper.Foo however it doesn't seem to represent it as the same type FooModule.Foo. There is something I'm not getting about how the compilers handles modules that are exported via 'export import'.
Failing the above I'll probably look to manually creating the .d.ts :(
Any help appreciated.
You are probably missing a reference tag:
/// <reference path="test.d.ts"/>
It works :
You should be able to fix this by modifying your .d.ts file to resemble the following:
declare module "ExternalWrapper" {
import FooModule = require("FooModule");
export var Foo: typeof FooModule;
declare module "FooModule" {
class Foo {
name: string;
export = Foo;
With the export import syntax the compiler was assuming you were exporting an instance of Foo, not Foo itself... a little quirky.