Pydot parser : reading custom attributes in a node - pydot

I have dot graph string like
I know I can use node.get_name() or node.get_label() to read name/label.
what methods in the library can I use to read the custom properties like 'schema' or 'page' in the above case?
Posted in pydot github page. No response
"Graph_ID_1" [label="My graph" schema="my_schema" page=2];

The get_attributes on nodes function will give you a dict with all the attributes.
import pydot
n = pydot.Node(my_attr="bar")
print(n.get_attributes()) # -> {'my_attr': 'bar'}


Internationalization in Ktor based website

I'm new to Ktor and Kotlin in general, so please be patient.
I am currently trying to create a little website (mostly for learning) that uses key-value files for internationalization.
I already did something similar in PHP where I just decoded a JSON file and got the value related to the key I passed. This way, I could do something as <p><?php echo $langJson["presentation"][0];?></p> (with $langJson being my json key-value file) so that I would get the proper translation.
I'm trying to do an equivalent in Kotlin using Ktor, but I don't know how to do it. I found the aymanizz ktor-i18n plugin on GitHub that allows to use i18n for internationalization but I don't know if it is really adapted to what I want to do since it detects the language in the header instead of it being chose by the user (with _GET for instance).
Does anyone have any clue on how I could do that?
Briefly, what I want to do is having a single coded page where the content is dynamicly chosen from the accurate language file.
Thank you all! :)
The basic idea is to get a language code from a request (a query parameter, a header, etc), generate a path to an i18n resource file, read it and then deserialize JSON into a map. The resulting map could be used as-is or passed as a model to a template.
Here is an example where I use kotlinx.serialization to transform a JSON string to get a map and FreeMarker template engine to render HTML. To switch a language just use the lang GET parameter, e.g, http://localhost:8080/?lang=es.
import freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader
import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.freemarker.*
import io.ktor.request.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*
import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
install(FreeMarker) {
templateLoader = ClassTemplateLoader(, "templates")
routing {
get("/") {
call.respond(FreeMarkerContent("index.ftl", mapOf("i18n" to loadI18n(call.request))))
fun loadI18n(request: ApplicationRequest): Map<String, String> {
val language = request.queryParameters["lang"] ?: "en"
val filePath = "i18n/$language.json"
val data = object {}.javaClass.classLoader.getResource(filePath)?.readText() ?: error("Cannot load i18n from $filePath")
return Json.decodeFromString(data)
"greetings": "Hello"
"greetings": "Hola"
If you want to fully support of i18n, i recomand to use You will have ability to use plulars and other thinks from i18n standart.

How to update Resource value in ReadyAPI/SoapUI dynamically by groovy?

my resource is in this format "testing/101/getCustomer/99"
Here I need to change "101" and "99" part dynamically by groovy so that I can run for multiple values in same test case. I looked into the ReadyAPI's built in feature, but it was not that helpful.
I also found this link, but it changed the resource in the entire project. The solution I am looking for is in test case level. As my each test case will have different url.
Any help will be appreciated.
Here is what I have tried so far
def project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getProject()
String restServiceName = "Resource name" (From the Rest Request Properties)
List<RestResource> ops = project.getInterfaces()[restServiceName].getOperationList()"ops ::"+ops);"ops size ::"+ops.size());
for (RestResource restResource : ops) {
String pathStr = restResource.getFullPath();"pathStr first-->"+restResource.getFullPath());
if (pathStr.contains("101"))
restResource.setPath(pathStr.replace("testing/101/getCustomer/99", "testing/50/getCustomer/99"));
you could use a testCase level property
first set the the value of res by groovy like below
def x=101
def y=99
def res="testing/$x/getCustomer/$y"
Now the testcase level property is set. It can be used as below wherever you want

How to use scalajs-bundler with client only app

In another question I was advised to use ScalaJS bundler to import NPM dependencies.
I would like to use some Javascript NPM packages in a simple client-only web application. There is an example called static which shows this.
My changes to the example:
Add into build.sbt:
npmDependencies in Compile += "esprima" -> "3.1.3"
Add into Main.scala:
import Esprima._
import JsonToString._
val code = "answer = 42"
val tokens = tokenize(code)
val tokensStr = tokens.json
Change in Main.scala: "This is bold" into s"This is bold $tokensStr"
Facade (a bit simplified, for full a version see GitHub):
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSName
object Esprima extends js.Object {
def tokenize(input: String, config: js.Any = js.native, delegate: String => String = js.native): js.Array[js.Any] = js.native
def parse(input: String, config: js.Any = js.native): js.Dynamic = js.native
When running the html generated with fastOptJS::webpack the error is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tokenize' of undefined
Inspecting the static-fastopt-bundle.js shows esprima is used, but its js is not bundled.
What other steps are needed to add dependencies into a client-only web page?
As described in this part of the documentation, you have to use #JSImport in your facade definition:
#JSImport("esprima", JSImport.Namespace)
For reference, #JSName defines a facade bound to a global name, while #JSImport defines a facade bound to a required JavaScript module.

How do I disable built-in index for a model property for GAE?

GAE model properties can be removed from built-in index by setting "indexed" to false.
In DjangoAppEngine, I don't see an API to set model fields to not be indexed. How do I set a model field as such?
Per the excellent documentation you would use 'unindexed' as explained here:
In case you prefer not to follow the link here's a code-sample:
from myapp.models import MyContact
MyContact: {
'indexed': [...],
'unindexed': ['creation_date', 'last_modified', ...],

What is dojo equivalent of $('body')?

The following methods returns object
but we can not addClass on it (or any other operation) ?
Please see for information on using dojo/query especialy with AMD. dojo/query returns NodeList - an array just like $('.someSelector'). Note that to do something like $('body').addClass('class') you'll need to require dojo/NodeList-dom.
So basic example of adding class using dojo/query (and AMD) would be
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"], function(query){
For the full list of NodeList methods see Dojo docs. Methods could be defined in different modules so look for "Defined by dojo/NodeList-dom" below method name.
In the current versions of Dojo (see 1.9), the technology has changed. To access the body, one would now code:
require(["dojo/_base/window"], function(win) {
var myBody = win.body();
To add a class, one would code:
require(["dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-class", function(win, domClass) {
domClass.add(win.body(), "someClass");
See also: