Selecting a column such as a player only once first by a max value then by a min value - sql

So I've two tables 'AllBowlRecords' and one 'AggregateBowlRecords'
AllBowlRecords :-
Bumrah | 4 | 23
Bumrah | 2 | 7
Bumrah | 1 | 51
Bumrah | 4 | 39
Jason | 3 | 48
Jason | 3 | 29
Jason | 3 | 70
So all I want is to update AggregateBowlRecords based on AllBowlRecords where Wkts is MAX, but if there's multiple occurrences of MAX Wkts value, then whichever corresponds minimum runs should be selected. And AggregateBowlRecords should look like this:
Bumrah | 4 | 23
Jason | 3 | 29
What are the possible solutions?

You can return the results you want using a query with row_number():
select plr_fullnm, Wkts, Runs
from (select abr.*,
row_number() over (partition by plr_fullnm order by wkts desc, runs) as seqnum
from AllBowlRecords abr
) abr
where seqnum = 1;


How to order id's using subtotal from another column in PostgreSQL

I have a table returned by a select query. Example :
id | day | count |
-- | ------ | ----- |
1 | 71 | 3 |
1 | 70 | 2 |
1 |Subtotal| 5 |
2 | 70 | 5 |
2 | 71 | 2 |
2 | 69 | 2 |
2 |Subtotal| 9 |
3 | 69 | 1 |
3 | 70 | 1 |
3 |Subtotal| 2 |
the day column contains text values (so varchar)
subtotal is the sum of the counts for an id (e.g. id 2 has subtotal of 5 + 2 + 2 = 9)
I now want to order this table so the id’s with the lowest subtotal count come first, and then ordered by day with subtotal at the end (like before)
Expected output:
id | day | count |
-- | ------ | ----- |
3 | 69 | 1 |
3 | 70 | 1 |
3 |Subtotal| 2 |
1 | 70 | 2 |
1 | 71 | 3 |
1 |Subtotal| 5 |
2 | 69 | 2 |
2 | 70 | 5 |
2 | 71 | 2 |
2 |Subtotal| 9 |
I can't figure out how to order based on subtotal only ?
i've tried multiple order by (eg: ORDER BY day = 'Subtotal' & a mix of others) and using window functions but none are helping. Cheers !
Not sure if it's directly applicable to your source query (since you haven't included it) however the ordering you require on the sample data can be done with:
order by Max(count) over(partition by id), day
Note - ordering by day works with your sample data but as it's a string it will not honour numeric ordering, this should really be ordered by the source of the numerical value - again since we don't have your actual query I can't suggest anything more applicable but I'm sure you can substitute the correct column/expression.
I just crated table with 3 columns and tried to reproduce your expected result. I assume that there might be a problem ordering by day, subtotal would be always on top, but it seems as working solution.
create table test
id int,
day varchar(15),
count int
insert into test
select id, day, count
select id, day, sum(count) as count
from test
group by id, rollup(day)
) as t
order by Max(count) over(partition by id), day

Select max value from column for every value in other two columns

I'm working on a webapp that tracks tvshows, and I need to get all episodes id's that are season finales, which means, the highest episode number from all seasons, for all tvshows.
This is a simplified version of my "episodes" table.
id tvshow_id season epnum
1 | 1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 1 | 2
3 | 1 | 1 | 3
4 | 1 | 2 | 1
5 | 1 | 2 | 2
6 | 2 | 1 | 1
7 | 2 | 1 | 2
8 | 2 | 1 | 3
9 | 2 | 1 | 4
10 | 2 | 2 | 1
11 | 2 | 2 | 2
The expect output:
3 |
5 |
9 |
11 |
I've managed to get this working for the latest season but I can't make it work for all seasons.
I've also tried to take some ideas from this but I can't seem to find a way to add the tvshow_id in there.
I'm using Postgres v10
SELECT Id from
(Select *, Row_number() over (partition by tvshow_id,season order by epnum desc) as ranking from tbl)c
Where ranking=1
You can use the below SQL to get your result, using GROUP BY with sub-subquery as:
select id from tab_x
where (tvshow_id,season,epnum) in (
select tvshow_id,season,max(epnum)
from tab_x
group by tvshow_id,season)
Below is the simple query to get desired result. Below query is also good in performance with help of using distinct on() clause
distinct on (tvshow_id,season)
from your_table
order by tvshow_id,season ,epnum desc

oracle query alternating records

I have a table that looks like this:
1 AAPL 10
1 FB 10
1 IBM 10
1 CSCO 10
1 FEYE 20
1 F 20
2 JNJ 10
2 CMPQ 10
2 CYBR 10
2 PFPT 10
2 K 20
2 PANW 20
What I need is record with the same industry code, to alternate between the 1 & 2 records like this:
1 AAPL 10
2 IBM 10
1 FB 10
2 CSCO 10
1 FEYE 20
2 PANW 20
So basically, grouped by the same industry code, alternate between the 1 & 2 records.
Can't figure out how.
Use an analytic function to create a row number that starts over for each group (industry and sequence), then sort by that row number.
select seq, ticker, industry
,row_number() over (partition by industry, seq order by ticker)custom_order
from stocks
order by industry, custom_order, seq;
See this SQL Fiddle for a full example. (It doesn't perfectly match your example results but either your example results are incorrect or there's something else to this question I don't understand.)
Don't see how you arrived at the example result in your question, but this result:
| 1 | AAPL | 10 |
| 2 | CMPQ | 10 |
| 1 | CSCO | 10 |
| 2 | CYBR | 10 |
| 1 | FB | 10 |
| 2 | IBM | 10 |
| 1 | JNJ | 10 |
| 2 | PFPT | 10 |
| 1 | F | 20 |
| 2 | FEYE | 20 |
| 1 | K | 20 |
| 2 | PANW | 20 |
Was produced using this query, where (I assume) you want the SEQ column calculated for you:
1 + mod(rn,2) Seq
, ticker
, industry
from (
, industry
, 1+ row_number() over (partition by industry
order by ticker) rn
from stocks
order by industry, rn
Please note this is a derivative of the earlier answer by Jon Heller, this derivative can be found online at!4/088271/1

SQL order by highest to lowest in one table referencing another table in an UPDATE

Hey all I have the following tables that need in order to get data from one that matches the other and have it from highest to lowest depending on the int of TempVersion.
net_Users.DefaultId = b.TId
TOP 1 IndivId,
UTeams.[Active] = 1
TempVersion DESC
) AS b
net_Users.IndivId = b.IndivId
In the above I am trying to order from the highest TempVersion to the lowest.
The query above seems to just update 1 of those records with the TempVersion and stop there. I am needing it to loop to find all associated users with the same IndivId matching.
Anyone able to help me out with this?
sample data
name | DefaultId | IndivId | etc...
Bob | | 87 | etc...
Jan | | 231 | etc...
Luke | | 8 | etc...
IndivId | TempVersion | etc...
8 | 44 | etc...
17 | 18 | etc...
8 | 51 | etc...
8 | 2 | etc...
7 | 22 | etc...
8 | 125 | etc...
87 | 10 | etc...
14 | 88 | etc...
8 | 5 | etc...
15 | 54 | etc...
65 | 11 | etc...
87 | 15 | etc...
39 | 104 | etc...
And the output I would be needing is (going to choose IndivId 8):
In net_users:
Name | DefaultId | IndivId | etc...
Luke | 125 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 51 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 44 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 5 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 2 | 8 | etc...
I think this is what you were trying to do:
update net_Users
set net_Users.DefaultId = coalesce((
select top 1 TId
from UTeams
where UTeams.[Active] = 1
and net_Users.IndivId = UTeams.IndivId
order by u.TempVersion desc
another way using cross apply()
update n
set DefaultId = coalesce(x.Tid,n.DefaultId)
from net_Users as n
cross apply (
select top 1 TId
from UTeams as u
where u.[Active] = 1
and n.IndivId = u.IndivId
order by u.TempVersion desc
) as x
another way to do that with a common table expression and row_number()
with cte as (
, n.DefaultId
, u.Tid
, rn = row_number() over (
partition by n.IndivId
order by TempVersion desc
from net_users as n
inner join UTeams as u
on n.IndivId = u.IndivId
where u.[Active]=1
update cte
set DefaultId = Tid
where rn = 1

How to use previous row's column's value for calculating the next row's column's value

I have a table
Id | Aisle | OddEven | Bay | Size | Y-Axis
3 | A1 | Even | 14 | 10 | 100
1 | A1 | Even | 16 | 10 |
6 | A1 | Even | 20 | 10 |
12 | A1 | Even | 26 | 5 | 150
10 | A1 | Even | 28 | 5 |
11 | A1 | Even | 32 | 5 |
2 | A1 | Odd | 13 | 10 | 100
5 | A1 | Odd | 17 | 10 |
4 | A1 | Odd | 19 | 10 |
9 | A1 | Odd | 23 | 5 | 150
7 | A1 | Odd | 25 | 5 |
8 | A1 | Odd | 29 | 5 |
want to look like this
Id | Aisle | OddEven | Bay | Size | Y-Axis
1 | A1 | Even | 14 | 10 | 100
2 | A1 | Even | 16 | 10 | 110
3 | A1 | Even | 20 | 10 | 120
4 | A1 | Even | 26 | 5 | 150
5 | A1 | Even | 28 | 5 | 155
6 | A1 | Even | 32 | 5 | 160
7 | A1 | Odd | 13 | 10 | 100
8 | A1 | Odd | 17 | 10 | 110
9 | A1 | Odd | 19 | 10 | 120
10 | A1 | Odd | 23 | 5 | 150
11 | A1 | Odd | 25 | 5 | 155
12 | A1 | Odd | 29 | 5 | 160
I need a select query and update query. What its doing is there are already some Y-Axis Number been filled (at the start of the Odd/Even) then I need to take the previous row's Y-Axis column's value and adds to the current rows's size which = to current Y-Axis. Needs to keep doing it until it finds another Y-Axis has the value it skips the calculation and next row is using that number.
My thinking process is this:
Id will definitely be used, however, the Id is not sequence as shown my example
so I need to have
ROW_Number OVER (PARTITION BY Aisle,OddEven,Bay Order BY Aisle,OddEven,Bay)
Then some kind of JOIN the same table but the ON is T1.RN = T2.RN - 1
Where I am stuck is but the first row has not previous value it will try to update that value.
Anyone have an idea for SQL Query 2008 for Select and Update will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
You seem to want a cumulative sum. This would be easier in SQL Server 2012+. You can do this in SQL Server 2008 using outer apply:
select t.*, cume_value
from t outer apply
(select sum(size) + sum(yaxis) as cume_value
from t t2
where t2.aisle = t.aisle and t2.oddeven = t.oddeven and
t2.bay < t.bay
) t2;
A little more difficult on 2008, but I think this is what you are looking for
Declare #Table table (Id int,Aisle varchar(25),OddEven varchar(25),Bay int,Size int,[Y-Axis] int)
Insert Into #Table values
(3,'A1','Even',14,10 ,100),
(1,'A1','Even',16,10 ,0),
(6,'A1','Even',20,10 ,0),
(2,'A1','Odd',13,10 ,100),
(5,'A1','Odd',17,10 ,0),
(4,'A1','Odd',19,10 ,0),
;with cteBase as (
Select *
,IDNew=Row_Number() over (Order By Aisle,Bay)
,RowNr=Row_Number() over (Order By Aisle,OddEven,Bay)
From #Table
, cteGroup as (Select TmpRowNr=RowNr,GrpNr=Row_Number() over (Order By RowNr) from cteBase where [Y-Axis]>0)
, cteFinal as (
Select A.*
,GrpNr = (Select max(GrpNr) from cteGroup Where TmpRowNr<=RowNr)
From cteBase A
Select ID=Row_Number() over (Order By A.OddEven,A.Bay)
,[Y-Axis] = Sum(case when B.[Y-Axis]>0 then B.[Y-Axis] else B.Size end)
From cteFinal A
Join cteFinal B on (B.RowNr<=A.RowNr and A.GrpNr=B.GrpNr)
Group By
Order By A.OddEven,A.Bay
ID Aisle OddEven Bay Size Y-Axis
1 A1 Even 14 10 100
2 A1 Even 16 10 110
3 A1 Even 20 10 120
4 A1 Even 26 5 150
5 A1 Even 28 5 155
6 A1 Even 32 5 160
7 A1 Odd 13 10 100
8 A1 Odd 17 10 110
9 A1 Odd 19 10 120
10 A1 Odd 23 5 150
11 A1 Odd 25 5 155
12 A1 Odd 29 5 160
I gotta leave my computer so update query should be easy to move on from here.
Below is the select query;
select row_number() over (order by oddeven,bay) id,
max(ISNULL([Y-Axis],0)) over (partition by Aisle, OddEven,Size order by bay)
+ sum(CASE WHEN [Y-Axis] is null THEN Size ELSE 0 END) over (partition by Aisle,OddEven,size order by Bay) as [Y-Axis]
from oddseven
order by id