SQL order by highest to lowest in one table referencing another table in an UPDATE - sql

Hey all I have the following tables that need in order to get data from one that matches the other and have it from highest to lowest depending on the int of TempVersion.
net_Users.DefaultId = b.TId
TOP 1 IndivId,
UTeams.[Active] = 1
TempVersion DESC
) AS b
net_Users.IndivId = b.IndivId
In the above I am trying to order from the highest TempVersion to the lowest.
The query above seems to just update 1 of those records with the TempVersion and stop there. I am needing it to loop to find all associated users with the same IndivId matching.
Anyone able to help me out with this?
sample data
name | DefaultId | IndivId | etc...
Bob | | 87 | etc...
Jan | | 231 | etc...
Luke | | 8 | etc...
IndivId | TempVersion | etc...
8 | 44 | etc...
17 | 18 | etc...
8 | 51 | etc...
8 | 2 | etc...
7 | 22 | etc...
8 | 125 | etc...
87 | 10 | etc...
14 | 88 | etc...
8 | 5 | etc...
15 | 54 | etc...
65 | 11 | etc...
87 | 15 | etc...
39 | 104 | etc...
And the output I would be needing is (going to choose IndivId 8):
In net_users:
Name | DefaultId | IndivId | etc...
Luke | 125 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 51 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 44 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 5 | 8 | etc...
Luke | 2 | 8 | etc...

I think this is what you were trying to do:
update net_Users
set net_Users.DefaultId = coalesce((
select top 1 TId
from UTeams
where UTeams.[Active] = 1
and net_Users.IndivId = UTeams.IndivId
order by u.TempVersion desc
another way using cross apply()
update n
set DefaultId = coalesce(x.Tid,n.DefaultId)
from net_Users as n
cross apply (
select top 1 TId
from UTeams as u
where u.[Active] = 1
and n.IndivId = u.IndivId
order by u.TempVersion desc
) as x
another way to do that with a common table expression and row_number()
with cte as (
, n.DefaultId
, u.Tid
, rn = row_number() over (
partition by n.IndivId
order by TempVersion desc
from net_users as n
inner join UTeams as u
on n.IndivId = u.IndivId
where u.[Active]=1
update cte
set DefaultId = Tid
where rn = 1


Selecting a column such as a player only once first by a max value then by a min value

So I've two tables 'AllBowlRecords' and one 'AggregateBowlRecords'
AllBowlRecords :-
Bumrah | 4 | 23
Bumrah | 2 | 7
Bumrah | 1 | 51
Bumrah | 4 | 39
Jason | 3 | 48
Jason | 3 | 29
Jason | 3 | 70
So all I want is to update AggregateBowlRecords based on AllBowlRecords where Wkts is MAX, but if there's multiple occurrences of MAX Wkts value, then whichever corresponds minimum runs should be selected. And AggregateBowlRecords should look like this:
Bumrah | 4 | 23
Jason | 3 | 29
What are the possible solutions?
You can return the results you want using a query with row_number():
select plr_fullnm, Wkts, Runs
from (select abr.*,
row_number() over (partition by plr_fullnm order by wkts desc, runs) as seqnum
from AllBowlRecords abr
) abr
where seqnum = 1;

SQL server 2008: join 3 tables and select last entered record from child table against each parent record

I have following 3 tables and last entered reasoncode from Reasons table against each claimno in claims table.
Rid |chargeid| enterydate user reasoncode
1 | 210 | 04/03/2018 | john | 99
2 | 212 | 05/03/2018 | juliet | 24
5 | 212 | 26/12/2018 | umar | 55
3 | 212 | 07/03/2018 | borat | 30
4 | 211 | 03/03/2018 | Juliet | 20
6 | 213 | 03/03/2018 | borat | 50
7 | 213 | 24/12/2018 | umer | 60
8 | 214 | 01/01/2019 | john | 70
chargeid |claim# | amount
210 | 1 | 10
211 | 1 | 24.2
212 | 2 | 5.45
213 | 2 | 76.30
214 | 1 | 2.10
claimno | Code | Code
1 | AH22 | AH22
2 | BB32 | BB32
Expected result would be like this:
claimno | enterydate | user | reasoncode
1 | 01/01/2019 | john | 70
2 | 26/12/2018 | umer | 55
I have applied many solutions but no luck. Following is the latest solution I was trying using SQL Server 2008 but still got incorrect result.
With x As
select r.chargeid,r.enterydate,ch.claimno from charges ch
join (select chargeid,max(enterydate) enterydate,user from Reasons group by chargeid) r on r.chargeid = ch.chargeid
select x.*,r1.user, r1.reasoncode from x
left outer join Reasons r1 on r1.chargeid = x.chargeid and r1.enterydate = x.enterydate
--group by x.claimno
Is this what you want?
select claimno, enterydate, user, reasoncode
from (select c.claimno, r.*,
row_number() over (partition by c.claimno order by r.entrydate desc) as seqnum
from charges c join
reasons r
on c.chargeid = r.chargeid
) cr
where seqnum = 1;
You can try using row_number()
select * from
select r.chargeid,r.enterydate,ch.claimno,user,reasoncode,
row_number() over(partition by ch.claimno order by r1.enterydate desc) as rn
from charges ch left outer join Reasons r1 on r1.chargeid = ch.chargeid
)A where rn=1

select rows based on equal columns values

consider we have a table with this columns
I need to select all records with same fk_NewsGroup and fk_NewsZone
something like this
| Id | fk_NewsId | fk_NewsGroup | fk_NewsZone |
| 1 | 60 | 5 | 8 |
| 2 | 30 | 5 | 8 |
| 3 | 31 | 9 | 20 |
| 4 | 5 | 9 | 20 |
| 5 | 12 | 9 | 20 |
| 6 | 1000 | 20 | 11 |
| 7 | 21 | 20 | 11 |
| 8 | 6 | 20 | 11 |
how can do that?
I tride group by like this
but it dosnt give desired output
select fk_NewsId, fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone from tbl_test
group by fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone,fk_NewsId
You can try to use COUNT with window function, to get the count by fk_NewsGroup and fk_NewsZone columns.
then get count greater than one.
SELECT *,COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone ORDER BY fk_NewsZone) cnt
FROM tbl_test
where t1.cnt > 1
Not absolutely clear as to what you mean, but something like so:
SELECT t.Id, t.fk_NewsId, t.fk_NewsGroup, t.fk_NewsZone FROM tbl_test t
SELECT fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone, COUNT(*) AS Counted FROM tbl_test
GROUP BY fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) g
ON t.fk_NewsGroup = g.fk_NewsGroup
AND t.fk_NewsZone = g.fk_NewsZone
DBFiddle example
I would use Group by and do it like:
select max(id) as Id, Max(fk_NewsId) as fk_NewsId, fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone from #temp
group by fk_NewsGroup,fk_NewsZone

How to apply TOP statement to only 1 column while selecting multiple columns from a table?

I am trying to select multiple columns from a table, but I want to select top certain number of records based on one column. I tried this :
select roll_no ,marks as Percentage
from database
where marks in (select top (3) *
from database
where subject = ''
order by marks desc) order by percentage desc
and I am getting the error:
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the
sub-query is not introduced with EXISTS or more than specified number
of records.
I also tried :
select roll_no ,marks as Percentage
from database
where marks in (select top (3) marks
from database
where subject = ''
order by marks desc) order by percentage desc
which returns the right result for some subjects but for others..it is displaying top marks from other subjects as well.
eg :
| roll_no | marks |
|10003 | 87 |
|10006 | 72 |
|10003 | 72 |
|10002 | 67 |
|10004 | 67 |
How to frame the query correctly?
sample data :
| roll_no | marks |subject |
|10001 | 45 | Maths |
|10001 | 72 | Science |
|10001 | 64 | English |
|10002 | 52 | Maths |
|10002 | 35 | Science |
|10002 | 75 | English |
|10003 | 52 | Maths |
|10003 | 35 | Science |
|10003 | 75 | English |
|10004 | 52 | Maths |
|10004 | 35 | Science |
|10004 | 75 | English |
If I'm right and you are looking for the best 3 marks for each subject, then you can get it with the following:
DECLARE #SelectedSubject VARCHAR(50) = 'Maths'
;WITH FilteredSubjectMarks AS
MarksRanking = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY D.Marks DESC)
[Database] AS D
D.Subject = #SelectedSubject
FilteredSubjectMarks AS F
F.MarksRanking <= 3
You can use window functions to rank your marks column (specifically dense_rank, which allows duplicate rankings whilst retaining sequential numbering) and then return all rows with a rank of 3 or less:
declare #t table(roll_no int identity(1,1),marks int);
insert into #t(marks) values(2),(4),(5),(8),(6),(1),(3),(2),(1),(8);
with t as
select roll_no
,dense_rank() over (order by marks desc) as r
from #t
select *
from t
where r <= 3;
| roll_no | marks | r |
| 4 | 8 | 1 |
| 10 | 6 | 1 |
| 5 | 6 | 2 |
| 3 | 5 | 3 |

SQL: Complex query with subtraction from different cells

I have two tables and I want to combine their data.
The first table
| BusinessID | Lat | Long | Stars |
| abc123 | 32 | 74 | 4.5 |
| abd123 | 32 | 75 | 4 |
| abe123 | 33 | 76 | 3 |
The second table is:
| BusinessID | day | time | count |
| abc123 | 1 | 14 | 5 |
| abc123 | 1 | 15 | 6 |
| abc123 | 2 | 13 | 1 |
| abd123 | 4 | 12 | 4 |
| abd123 | 4 | 13 | 8 |
| abd123 | 5 | 11 | 2 |
So what I want to do is find all the Businesses that are in a specific radius and have more check ins in the next hour than the current.
So the results are
| BusinessID |
| abd123 |
| abc123 |
Because they have more check-ins in the next hour than the previous (6 > 5, 8 > 4)
What is more it would be helpful if the results where ordered by their difference in check-ins number. Ex. ( 8 - 4 > 6 - 5 )
FROM table2 t2
WHERE t2.BusinessID IN (
SELECT t1.BusinessID
FROM table1 t1
WHERE earth_box(ll_to_earth(32, 74), 4000/1.609) #> ll_to_earth(Lat, Long)
ORDER by earth_distance(ll_to_earth(32, 74), ll_to_earth(Lat, Long)), stars DESC
) AND checkin_day = 1 AND checkin_time = 14;
From the above query I can find the businesses in a radius and then find their check-ins in the specified time. Ex. 14. What I need to do now is to find the number of check-ins in the 15 hour (of the same businesses) and find if the number of the check-ins is greater than it was in the previous time.
I think you want something like this:
table1 t1
"count" - LAG("count") OVER (PARTITION BY BusinessID, "day" ORDER BY "time") "grow"
/* Some condition on table2 */) t2
ON t1.BusinessID = t2.BusinessID AND t2.grow > 0
/* Some condition on table1 */
t2.grow DESC;