Is there a way to make Google Text to Speech, speak text for a desired duration? - text-to-speech

I went through the documentation of Google Text to Speech SSML.
So there is a tag called <Prosody/> which as per the documentation of W3 Specification can accept an attribute called duration which is a value in seconds or milliseconds for the desired time to take to read the contained text.
So <speak><prosody duration='6s'>Hello, How are you?</prosody></speak> should take 3 seconds for google text to speech to speak this! But when i try it here , its not working and also I tried it in rest API.
Does google text to speech doesn't take duration attribute into account? If they don't then is there a way to achieve the same?

There are two ways I know of to solve this:
First Option: call Google's API twice: use the first call to measure the time of the spoken audio, and the second call to adjust the rate parameter accordingly.
Pros: Better audio quality? (this is subjective and depends on taste as well as the application's requirements)
Cons: Doubles the cost and processing time.
Second option:
Post-process the audio using a specialized library such as ffmpeg
Pros: Cost effective and can be fast if implemented correctly.
Cons: Some knowledge of the concepts and the usage of an audio post-processing library is required (no need to become an expert though).

As Mr Lister already mentioned, the documentation clearly says.
Used to customize the pitch, speaking rate, and volume of text
contained by the element. Currently the rate, pitch, and volume
attributes are supported.
The rate and volume attributes can be set according to the W3
Using the UI interface you can test it.
In particular you can use things like
to adjust the speed. However that is as far as you can go with Google TTS.
AWS Polly does support what you need, but only on Standard voices (not Neural).
Here is the documentation.
Setting a Maximum Duration for Synthesized Speech
Polly also has a UI to do a quick test.


On-device single-word voice recognition

Does needing just a single word voice recognition reduce the complexity of the task enough to be able to fully perform voice recognition processing offline, on an iOS or Android smartphone? (E.g., could a reasonably accurate counter for the number of times that a single, pre-programmed word was spoken while the microphone is active be developed to work offline on a standard iOS or Android smartphone?).
I've found plenty of tools and examples capturing voice and sending it to an online service (e.g., the Google cloud voice-to-text), but does the single-word focus reduce the complexity enough for the recognition to be doable offline today? If so, do you have any libraries to suggest or where would you start?
Cloud services are good for various reasons relating to your question:
It makes deployment of new versions of the algorithm (which happen much more frequently than most people realize) a lot easier
It allows the developer to collect your data and use it in future algorithm development (or whatever they please)
From a practical standpoint, most deployed models (at least the effective ones) can be quite large and take up quite a bit of space on a mobile device.
In addition to the above, I don't think that the singular word focus changes much, if anything. The model has to not just account for words, but also for the different ways those words can be said (volume, tone, accents, inflection, etc, etc).
So what you are asking can be done but there's also good reasons why it's on the cloud.

What methods to recognize sentence handwriting?

I mean posts per sentence, not per letter. Such a doctor's prescription handwriting which hard to read. Not just a normal handwriting.
In example :
I use a data mining or machine learning for doing a training from
paper handwrited.
User scanning a paper with hard to read writing.
The application doing an image processing.
And the output is some sentence from paper.
And what device to use? (Scanner or webcam)
I am newbie. If could i need some example in with emguCV/openCV and researches journals.
Any help would be appreciated.
Welcome to stack overflow! The answer to your question is twofold:
a. If you want to recognize handwriting that has already happened i.e. it is presented to you as an image you are in trouble. Computer Vision is still not good enough to provide you with reasonable accuracy.
b. If you have a chance to recognize handwriting “as it's happening” - you are in luck. Download, for example, a Gesture Search app from Android play store and you are in business.
The difference between the two scenarios is subtle but significant. In the second case you have an extra piece of information that makes handwriting recognition possible. This piece is timing of each stroke. In other words, instead of an image with handwriting you have a bunch of strokes that are all labeled with their time stamps. You can think about it as a sequence of lines and curves or as image segmentation - in any way this provides a big hint for the system. Additional help comes from the dictionary on your phone but this is typically used by any handwriting system.
Android of course has an open source library for stroke recognition (find more on your own). If you still want to go for recognizing images though, you have to first detect text (e.g. as a bounding box) and second use any of the existing engines to process detected regions. For text detection I can recommend MSER. But be careful trying to implement even text detection on your own - you are entering a world of pain here ;). Here is an article that can help.
As for learning how to recognize text from images on the Internet - this can be your plan B or C or Z when you master above mentioned stages. Don’t try to abuse learning methods and make them do hard work for you - you will hit a wall if you don’t understand what’s going on under the hood.

API to break voice into phonemes / synthesize new speech given speech samples?

You know those movies where the tech geeks record someone's voice, and their software breaks it into phonemes? Which they can then use to type in any phrase, and make it seem as if the target is saying it?
Does that software exist in an API Version? I don't even know what to Google.
There is no such software. Breaking arbitrary speech into its constituent phonemes is only a partially solved problem: speech-to-text software is still imperfect, as is text-to-speech.
The idea is to reproduce the timbre of the target's voice. Even if you were able to segment the audio perfectly, reordering the phonemes would produce audio with unnatural cadence and intonation, not to mention splicing artifacts. At that point you're getting into smoothing, time-scaling, and pitch correction, all of which are possible and well-understood in theory, but operate poorly on real-world data, especially when the audio sample in question is as short as a single phoneme, and further when the timbre needs to be preserved.
These problems are compounded on the phonetic side by allophonic variation in sounds based on accent and surrounding phonemes; in order to faithfully produce even a low-quality approximation of the audio, you'd need a detailed understanding of the target's language, accent, and speech patterns.
Furthermore, your ultimate problem is one of social engineering, and people are not easy to fool when it comes to the voices of people they know. Even with a large corpus of input data, at best you could get a short low-quality sample, hardly enough for a conversation.
So while it's certainly possible, it's difficult; even if it existed, it wouldn't always be good enough.
SRI International (the company that created Siri for iOS) has an SDK called EduSpeak, which will take audio input and break it down into individual phonemes. I know this because I sat through a demo of the product about a week ago. During the demo, the presenter showed us an application that was created using the SDK. The application gave a few lines of text for the presenter to read. After reading the text, the application displayed a bar chart where each bar represented a phoneme from his speech. The height of each bar represented a score of how well each phoneme was pronounced (the presenter was not a native English speaker, so he received lower scores on certain phonemes compared to others). The presenter could also click on each individual bar to have only that individual phoneme played back using the original audio.
So yes, software exists that divides audio up by phoneme, and it does a very good job of it. Now, whether or not those phonemes can be re-assembled into speech is an open question. If we end up getting a trial version of the SDK, I'll try it out and let you know.
If your aim is to mimic someone else's voice, then another attitude is to convert your own voice (instead of assembling phonemes). It is (surprisingly) called voice conversion, e.g
The technology is called "voice synthesis" and "voice recognition"
The java API for this can be found here Java voice JSAPI
Apple has an API for this Apple speech
Microsoft has several is discussed here Vista speech
Lyrebird is a start-up that is working on this very problem. Given samples of a person's voice and some written text, it can synthesize a spoken version of that written text in the voice of the person in the samples.
You can get interesting voice warping effects with a formant-aware pitch shift. Adobe Audition has a pretty good implementation. Antares produces some interesting vocal effects VST plugins.
These techniques use some form of linear predictive coding (LPC) to treat the voice as a source-filter model. LPC works on speech signals by estimating the resonance of the vocal tract (formant), reversing its effect with an inverse filter, and then coding the resulting residual signal. The residual signal is ideally an impulse train that represents the glottal impulse. This allows the scaling of pitch and formants independently, which leads to a much better gender conversion result than simple pitch shifting.
I dunno about a commercially available solution, but the concept isn't entirely out of the range of possibility. For example, the University of Delaware has fairly decent software for doing just that.

How should I objectively test my program results?

I have developed two differing methods in MATLAB which aim to analyse a pop song and then automatically create a 30 second audio thumbnail (a preview clip) containing part of the chorus section.
Both methods have varying results:
The first method can create a thumbnail for each track, managing to find a chorus section in 40 out of 50 tested songs
The second method only managed to work on 30 out of the 50 songs, and it found the chorus section 21 times out the 30.
Obviously I know which method is superior, but I need to describe and explain the results in a report which requires the demonstration of proper statistical testing.
Other academic papers have previously used an f-test to do this, but because their methods are vastly superior, their aims are usually involve the detection of chorus onset times with 100% accuracy.
My aim is more relaxed as I am just looking for the generated thumbnails to contain any part of the chorus, regardless of onset.
Can anyone suggest some objective tests that I could possibly explore with regards to my project? This is my first time conducting an investigation like this so my experience/knowledge is incredibly low.
Thank you!
Possibly, the way for you is formating your song track with time cuts for relevant information about type of sound(chorus, etc). In sound editor like CoolEdit, you can set time cuts and assign names for theirs like 'chorus', 'pause','music'... Then, you must extract cut information to import in Matlab. For Windows 32 can be used utility Wav2labs from; This program extract cuts to text file and you can read with Matlab textscan function.
After all, only segmentation accuracy must be proceed, like percent time when signal type(chorus/not chorus) was recognized correctly
Or specify your question more exactly

Creating simple waveforms with CoreAudio

I am new to CoreAudio, and I would like to output a simple sine wave and square wave with a given frequency and amplitude through the speakers using CA. I don't want to use sound files as I want to synthesize the sound.
What do I need to do this? And can you give me an example or tutorial? Thanks.
There are a number of errors in the previous answer. I, the legendary :-) James McCartney, not James Harkins wrote the sinewavedemo, I also wrote SuperCollider which is what the website is about. I also now work at Apple on CoreAudio. The sinewavedemo DOES use CoreAudio, since it uses AudioHardware.h from CoreAudio.framework as its way to play the sound.
You should not use the sinewavedemo. It is very old code and it makes dangerous assumptions about the buffer layout of the audio hardware. The easiest way nowadays to play a sound that you are generating is to use the AudioQueue, or to use an output audio unit with a render callback set.
The best and easiest way to do that without files is to prepare a single cycle buffer, containing one cycle of the wave (this is called technically a wavetable)
In the playback function called by CoreAudio thread, fill the output buffer with samples read from the wave buffer.
Note however that you will face two problems very quickly :
- for the sine wave, if the playback frequency is not an integer multiple of the desired sine frequency, you will probably need to implement an interpolator if you want to have a good quality. Using only integer pointers will generate a significant level of harmonic noise.
for the square wave, avoid to just program an array with +1 / -1 values. Such a signal is not bandlimited and will alias a lot. Do not forget that the spectrum of a square wave is virtually infinite!
To get good algorithms for signal generation, take a look to, that's probably one of the best resource for that
Are you new to audio programming in general? As a starting point i would check out
This is a minimum osx sinewave implementation by the legendary James Harkins. Note, it doesn't use CoreAudio at all.
If you specifically want to use CoreAudio for your sinewave you need to create an output unit (RemoteIO on the iphone, AUHAL on osx) and supply an input callback, where you can pretty much use the code from the above example. Check out
The benefits of CoreAudio are chiefly, chain other effects with your sinewave, write plugins for hosts like Logic & provide the interfaces for them, write a host (like Logic) for plugins that can be chained together.
If you don't wont to write a plugin, or host plugins then CoreAudio might not actually be for you. But one of the best things about using CoreAudio is that once you get your sinewave callback working it is easy to add effects, or mix multiple sines together
To do this you need to put your output unit in a graph, to which you can effects, mixers, etc.
Here is some help on setting up graphs
It isn't as difficult as it looks. Apple provides C++ helper classes for many things (/Developer/Examples/CoreAudio/PublicUtility) and even if you don't want to use C++ (you don't have to!) they can be a useful guide to the CoreAudio API.
If you are not doing this realtime, using the sin() function from math.h is not a bad idea. Just fill however many samples you need with sin() beforehand when it is time to play it, just send it to the audio buffer. sin() can be quite slow to call once every sample if you are doing this realtime, using an interpolated wavetable lookup method is much faster, but the resulting sound will not be as spectrally pure.
There is a good and well documented sine wave player code example in Chapter 7 of the Adamson/Avila "Learning Core Audio" book, published by Addison-Wesley Professional (ISBN-10: 0-321-63684-8 ):
It is a rather new publication (2012) and addresses precisely the issue of this question. It's only a starting point, but it's a valuable starting point.
BTW. Don't jump to graphs before having this basic lesson (which involves some math) behind.
Concerning example code, a quick and efficient method I often use deals with a pre-filled sinewave lookup table which has as many members as sample rate, for 44100 Hz the table has size of 44100. In other words, cycle length equals sample rate. This gives an acceptable trade-off between speed and quality in many cases. You can initialize it with the program.
If you generate floating point samples (which is default in OSX), and use math functions, use sinf() rather than (float)sin(). Promotions in inner loop cycles of a render callback are always resource-expensive. So are repetitive multiplications of constants, such as 2.0*M_PI, which can too often be found in code examples.