Run sql-lint on more than one file - sql

Is there a way to run sql-lint on a bunch of files? All examples show how to run sql-lint on one file only (sql-lint -f ).

Author of sql-lint here. There's some upcoming work to make it recurse down and lint every SQL file. In the meantime you can use this:
find . -iname "*.sql" | xargs -L1 sql-lint -f
Hope that helps!


--immediate-submit {dependencies} string contains script paths, not job IDs?

I'm trying to use the --immediate-submit on a PBSPro cluster. I tried using an in-place modification of the dependencies string to adapt it to PBSPro, similar to what is done here.
snakemake --cluster "qsub -l wd -l mem={cluster.mem}GB -l ncpus={threads} -e {cluster.stderr} -q {cluster.queue} -l walltime={cluster.walltime} -o {cluster.stdout} -S /bin/bash -W $(echo '{dependencies}' | sed 's/^/depend=afterok:/g' | sed 's/ /:/g')"
This last part gets converted into, for example:
-W depend=afterok: /g/data1a/va1/dk0741/analysis/2018-03-25_marmo_test/.snakemake/tmp.cyrhf51c/
There are two problems here:
How can I get the dependencies string to output job ID instead of the script path? The qsub command normally outputs the job ID to stdout, so I'm not sure why it's not doing so here.
How do I get rid of the space after afterok:? I've tried everything!
As an aside, it would be helpful if there were some option to debug the submission or not to delete the tmp.cyrhf51c directory in .snakemake -- is there some way to do this?
I suggest to use a profile for this, instead of trying to find an ad-hoc solution. This will also help with debugging. E.g., there is already a pbs-torque profile available (, probably there is not much to change towards pbspro?

Issue with genstrings for Swift file

genstrings works well to extract localizable content from .m file as,
find . -name \*.m | xargs genstrings -o en.lproj
But, not working for .swift file as,
find . -name \*.swift | xargs genstrings -o en.lproj
The genstrings tool works fine with swift as far as I am concerned. Here is my test:
// MyClass.swift
let message = NSLocalizedString("This is the test message.", comment: "Test")
then, in the folder with the class
# generate strings for all swift files (even in nested directories)
$ find . -name \*.swift | xargs genstrings -o .
# See results
$ cat Localizable.strings
/* Test */
"This is the test message." = "This is the test message.";
I believe genstrings works as intended, however Apple's xargs approach to generate strings from all your project's files is flawed and does not properly parse paths containing spaces.
That might be the reason why it's not working for you.
Try using the following:
find . -name \*.swift | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 genstrings -o .
We wrote a command line tool that works for Swift files and merges the result of apples genstrings tool.
It allows for key and value in NSLocalizedString
There's an alternative tool called SwiftGenStrings
NSLocalizedString("hello", value: "world", comment: "Hi!")
$ SwiftGenStrings Hello.swift
/* Hi! */
"hello" = "world";
Apple genstrings:
$ genstrings Hello.swift
Bad entry in file Hello.swift (line = 1): Argument is not a literal string.
Disclaimer: I worked on SwiftGenStrings.
There is a similar question here:
How to use genstrings across multiple directories?
find ./ -name "*.m" -print0 | xargs -0 genstrings -o en.lproj
The issue I was having with find/genstrings was twofold:
When it reached folder names with spaces (generated by the output of find), it would exit with an error
When it reached the file where I had my custom routine defined, it was giving me an error when trying to parse my actual function definition
To fix both those problems I'm using the following:
find Some/Path/ \( -name "*.swift" ! -name "MyExcludedFile.swift" \) | sed "s/^/'/;s/$/'/" | xargs genstrings -o . -s MyCustomLocalizedStringRoutine
To summarize, we use the find command to both find and exclude your Swift files, then pipe the results into the sed command which will wrap each file path in quotes, then finally pipe that result into the genstrings command
Xcode now includes a powerful tool for extracting localizations.
Just select your project on the left then Editor menu >> Export localizations.
You'll get a folder with all the text in your files as well as the Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings
More details here:

How can I find ".dat" within all *.mk files?

I am trying to grep for the .dat string in all my *.mk files using the below command. I am wondering if this is right, because it doesn't give me any output.
find . -name "*.mk" | grep *.dat
No it's not right, there are a couple of issues: 1) you seem to be supplying grep with a glob pattern, 2) the pattern is not quoted and will be expanded by the shell before grep ever sees it, 3) you're grep'ing through filenames, not file contents.
To address 1), use Basic Regular Expression, the equivalent here would be .*\.dat or just .dat. 2) is a matter of using single or double-quotes. 3) find returns filenames, so if you want grep to operate on each of those files either use the -exec flag for find or use xargs. All these taken together:
find . -name '*.mk' | xargs grep '.dat'
Use Find's Exec Flag
You don't really need a pipeline here, and can bypass the need for xargs. Use the following invocation to perform a fixed-string search (which is generally faster than a regex match) on each file found by the standard find command:
find . -name '*.mk' -exec grep -F .dat {} \;
If you're using GNU find, you can use this syntax instead to avoid the process overhead of multiple calls to grep:
find . -name '*.mk' -exec grep -F .dat {} +
Use xargs:
find . -name "*.mk"| xargs grep '\.dat'
Using exec option in find command this way:
find . -name "*.mk" -exec grep ".dat" \{\} \;

How to detect code change frequency?

I am working on a program written by several folks with largely varying skill level. There are files in there that have never changed (and probably never will, as we're afraid to touch them) and others that are changing constantly.
I wonder, are there any tools out there that would look at the entire repo history (git) and produce analysis on how frequently a given file changes? Or package? Or project?
It would be of value to recognize that (for example) we spent 25% of our time working on a set of packages, which would be indicative or code's fragility, as compared with code that "just works".
If you're looking for an OS solution, I'd probably consider starting with gitstats and look at extending it by grabbing file logs and aggregating that data.
I'd have a look at NChurn:
NChurn is a utility that helps asses the churn level of your files in
your repository. Churn can help you detect which files are changed the
most in their life time. This helps identify potential bug hives, and
improper design.The best thing to do is to plug NChurn into your build
process and store history of each run. Then, you can plot the
evolution of your repository's churn.
I wrote something that we use to visualize this information successfully.
Take a look at the project and you can see what the output looks like in the readme.
You can do what you need by first getting a list of files that have changed in each commit from Git.
~ $ git log --pretty="format:" --name-only | grep -v ^$ > file-changes.txt
~ $ for i in `cat file-changes.txt | cut -d"." -f1,2 | uniq`; do num=`cat file-changes.txt | grep $i | wc -l`; if (( $num > 1 )); then echo $num,0,$i; fi; done | heatmap > results.html
This will give you a tag cloud with files that churn more will show up larger.
I suggest using a command like
git log --follow -p file
That will give you all the changes that happened to the file in the history (including renames). If you want to get the number of commits that changed the file then you can do on a UNIX-based OS :
git log --follow --format=oneline Gemfile | wc -l
You can then create a bash script to apply this to multiple files with the name aside.
Hope it helped !
Building on a previous answer I suggest the following script to parse all project files
cd $1
find . -path ./.git -prune -o -name "*" -exec sh -c 'git log --follow --format=oneline $1 | wc -l | awk "{ print \$1,\"\\t\",\"$1\" }" ' {} {} \; | sort -nr
cd ..
If you call the script as you can parse your git project directory calling
> ./ project_dir
Hope it helps.

Plugin for Task Management in xcode

Is there any plugin for task management ( bug tracking, issues) to use with xcode? Or there's any plugin api that one can create plugins for it?
There really isnt anything that I know of that is as good as mylyn to intergrate with bugzilla or trac. If you found anything, please let me know!
The best way I know of to document issues or things is to put a //TODO: or //FIXME: in your code. Then when Xcode compiles you can run a local shell script to post warnings for you
Its here: (Targets --> --> BUILD PHASES --> Run Scripts (See Screenshot)
Put this script at the end of your Build Phases :
find ${SRCROOT} \( -name "*.h" -or -name "*.m" \) -print0 | \
xargs -0 egrep --with-filename --line-number --only-matching "($KEYWORDS).*\$" | \
perl -p -e "s/($KEYWORDS)/ warning: \$1/"
Lastly there is the infamous
#pragma mark YOURTEXTHERE
Good Luck!
Here is a wishlist of things people want:
I've been using the Run Script build phase for a while now and modified it so the generated build warnings directly link to the file and line where the keyword has been found.
The solution is just to print a line which matches the ones Xcode knows how to parse:
{filename}:{line}:{character}: warning: {The content of the warning}.
So the script looks like that:
find "${SRCROOT}" \( -name "*.h" -or -name "*.m" \) -exec egrep -Hno "($KEYWORDS).*\$" {} \; | \
sed -e 's/^\([^:]\{1,\}\):\([0-9]\{1,\}\):\(.*\)$/\1:\2:1: warning: \3/'
Note that I also included #todo and #warning in the keywords as I often use javadoc/doxygen comments.
I made a Xcode plugin for this -->