I have to face with problem in my vuejs experiments.
I have two arrays in my data, for example:
columns: [
{ name: "col1" },
{ name: "col2" },
{ name: "col3" },
{ name: "col4" }
items: [
name: "col1-i1",
id: 1241,
column: "col1"
name: "col1-i2",
id: 1241242,
column: "col1"
name: "col2-i1",
id: 1242421,
column: "col2"
Then I build object which consist of both this arrays so:
computed: {
list() {
return this.columns.map(col => {
return {
column: col,
items: this.items.filter(item => item.column === col.name)
After this in my list object I have this structure:
"column": {
"name": "col1"
"items": [
"name": "col1-i1",
"id": 1241,
"column": "col1"
"name": "col1-i2",
"id": 1241242,
"column": "col1"
"column": {
"name": "col2"
"items": [
"name": "col2-i1",
"id": 1242421,
"column": "col2"
"column": {
"name": "col3"
"items": []},{
"column": {
"name": "col4"
"items": []}]
I try to make draggable items in 4 columns, so:
<div class="column" v-for="(column, index) in list" :key="index">
<draggable group="a" :list="column.items">
<div class="item" v-for="item in column.items" :key="item.id">{{item.name}}</div>
but its not dragged into other column.
How to make it move right.
Example is here https://codesandbox.io/s/elated-aryabhata-uslwb?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark
The issue is caused by the fact that the list object gets recomputed on change and you end up with the initial object, since the data used to generate it (columns and items) has not changed.
Computed properties by default are getter only, and they only return the computed value. If you want to set the computed value, you will have to define a setter, and change the initial values of columns and items.
But, for this use case, you should generate the list object in mounted hook, and then feed it to draggable component.
data: () => ({
list: [],
columns: [...], // your columns
items: [...] // your items
this.list = this.columns.map(col => {
return {
column: col,
items: this.items.filter(item => item.column === col.name)
If you plan to update columns and items dynamically, then you should define a watcher for these properties, and recompute the list.
I have a table with some filters in each column but when I type anything all the items disappear. The console does not return any error.
Here’s the code:
<template slot="top-row" slot-scope="{ fields }">
<td v-for="field in fields" :key="field.key">
<input v-model="filters[field.key]" :placeholder="field.label" />
<b-pagination v-model="currentPage" :total-rows="rows" :per-page="perPage" aria-controls="the-table"></b-pagination>
import axios from "axios";
export default {
data() {
return {
filters: {
option: "",
style: "",
stock: "",
items: [],
fields: [
{ key: "options", label: "Options", sortable: true },
{ key: "style", label: "Style", sortable: true },
{ key: "stock", label: "Stock", sortable: true },
{ key: "type", label: "Type", sortable: true },
{ key: "class", label: "Class.", sortable: true },
perPage: 15,
currentPage: 1,
created() {
methods: {
getTable() {
.then((res) => (this.items = res.data))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
computed: {
rows() {
return this.items.length;
filteredItems() {
return this.items.filter((d) => {
return Object.keys(this.filters).every((f) => {
return this.filters[f].length < 1 || this.filters[f].includes(d[f]);
I am trying to filter an array of objects like this:
[{"option": "ABEVH160", "style": "American", "stock": "ABEV3", "type": "CALL", "class": "ITM"},
{"option": "BBAS230", "style": "European", "stock": "BBAS3", "type": "PUT", "class": "ATM"},
{"option": "BBDC180", "style": "American", "stock": "BBDC4", "type": "CALL", "class": "OTM"}]
My goal is to be able to filter each of the columns individually:
Does anyone know what I’m missing?
The problem is with the condition:
return this.filters[f].length < 1 || this.filters[f].includes(d[f]);
d[f] is the full value and this.filters[f] is the search string. Obviously this does not work since it checks if the full word is contained in a substring. Simply invert the condition:
return this.filters[f].length < 1 || d[f].includes(this.filters[f]);
You can see it working here.
What you want seems to be something like DataTable Filter | Filter Row in PrimeVue. I tried to find something similar in the documentation of bootstrap-vue (documentation), but couldn´t find anything like that.
Maybe you are in a stage where you can still implement PrimeVue in your project. I´m using Filter Row from PrimeVue by myself and can recommend it.
I use Axios to display a JSON data and I have succeeded. But I want to show an object based on date and time, it shows now all data and I need to filter it.
So I want to look at today's date and show the object based on that, so I want to show the next upcoming event. (24/05/2020)
What I currently have:
"doc": [
"data": {
"events": {
"18807612": {
"_dt": {
"_doc": "time",
"time": "18:45",
"date": "14/05/20",
"tz": "UTC",
"tzoffset": 0,
"uts": 1566067500
"week": 33,
"teams": {
"home": {
"name": "name 1",
"mediumname": "name1",
"uid": 3014
"away": {
"name": "name 2",
"mediumname": "name 2",
"uid": 3020
"18807618": {
"_dt": {
"_doc": "time",
"time": "18:45",
"date": "24/05/20",
"tz": "UTC",
"tzoffset": 0,
"uts": 1566067500
"week": 33,
"teams": {
"home": {
"name": "name 1",
"mediumname": "name1",
"uid": 3014
"away": {
"name": "name 2",
"mediumname": "name2",
"uid": 3020
async loadPosts({ commit }) {
// Define urls pages
const urlEvents = 'http://api.example.com/302020';
// Set pages
const [
] = await Promise.all([
// Responses pages
// variables pages
this.events = responseEvents.data.doc[0].data.events
// mutations pages
commit('SET_EVENTS', this.events)
mutations: {
SET_EVENTS (state, events) {
state.events = events;
And to show the data I use this:
import {mapState} from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'NextMatch',
mounted() {
computed: {
But this shows all data, and what I try to get is the first upcoming event for the object with the "uid": 3014.
So I want to show the date, time and names of the home and away team.
How can I get the correct data by filtering the data?
Something like this or similar to this should work:
In your Vue component's <template>:
In your Vue component's <script>:
props: {
eventID: {
type: Number,
default: 3014
computed: {
if (!this.events) return {} //make sure Object.entries gets object.
return Object.entries(this.events)
const selectedArr = this.eventsArr.find(([eID, e]) => e.teams.home.uid === this.eventID)
return selectedArr[1]
I am using Element UI. I have nested data that I need to display in table. The problem that I can't understand how to display nested data.
Here is my code:
<el-table :data="tableData" stripe border>
<el-table-column width="170" prop="id"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column width="170">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<!-- -->
data section:
tableData: [
"nested": [{"name": "mike"}, {"name": "piter"}]
"nested": [{"name": "maria"}, {"name": "anna"}]
I want to display it's like:
One solution is using span-method in Element UI Table
First, flat your data structure by using computed method:
computed: {
expandData() {
return this.tableData.reduce((a, c) => {
const arr = c.nested.map(item => ({
id: c.id,
name: item.name
a = a.concat(arr)
return a
}, [])
then your data will become:
"id": 1,
"name": "mike"
"id": 1,
"name": "piter"
"id": 2,
"name": "maria"
"id": 2,
"name": "anna"
After that define objectSpanMethod and use it in el-table
objectSpanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
if (columnIndex === 0) {
if (rowIndex % 2 === 0) {
return {
rowspan: 2,
colspan: 1
} else {
return {
rowspan: 0,
colspan: 0
Demo on jsfiddle
Here is an example of my JSON data :
I would like to filter this level by level. I have made this method :
computed: {
filteredData: function () {
let filterData = this.filter.toLowerCase()
return _.pickBy(this.data, (value, key) => {
return _.startsWith(value.name.toLowerCase(), filterData)
This work for only the first "level" and I tried several solutions but none worked for children.
So, I would like to be able to filter by several levels.
If you have an idea!
Thank you
A recursive function could come in handy for this particular purpose.
Try the following approach, and for better view, click on Full page link next to the Run code snippet button down below.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
filter: '',
maintainStructure: false,
data: [{
"id": 01,
"name": "test",
"parent_id": null,
"children": [{
"id": 15,
"name": "subChild",
"parent_id": 21,
"children": [
"id": 148,
"name": "subSubChild",
"parent_id": 22,
"children": []
"id": 150,
"name": "subSubChild3",
"parent_id": 24,
"children": []
methods: {
$_find(items, predicate) {
let matches = [];
for (let item of items) {
if (predicate(item)) {
else if (item.children.length) {
let subMatches = this.$_find(item.children, predicate);
if (subMatches.length) {
if (this.maintainStructure) {
children: subMatches
else {
return matches;
filterBy(item) {
return item.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(this.filter.toLowerCase());
computed: {
filteredData() {
return this.$_find(this.data, this.filterBy);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<label>Filter by <code>item.name</code>:</label>
<input v-model.trim="filter" placeholder="e.g. subsub" />
<input type="checkbox" v-model="maintainStructure" /> Maintain structure
<hr />
Note that I'm prefixing the function with $_ to sort of mark it as private function (as recommended in this Style Guide) since we're not going to invoke it anywhere else.
I've been messing with this for like 2 days and I just don't get it how to make KendoUI's Grid work with Durandal ie what has to be in the view and what in the viewmodel. I need to fetch the data from a service via Web API but I haven't even got it rendering.
Can anybody please help?
What I did this far:
function viewAttached(view) {
var vw = $(view),
grid = $('#pgGrid', vw);
var sampledata = [
{ "ID": 1, "firstName": 'Andrew', "lastName": 'Test' },
{ "ID": 2, "firstName": 'Aidi', "lastName": 'Test' },
{ "ID": 3, "firstName": 'Aiko', "lastName": 'Test' }
var pgtemplate = kendo.template($('#pgtemplate', vw).html());
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: sampledata,
change: function () { // subscribe to the CHANGE event of the data source
$("#pgGrid tbody").html(kendo.render(pgtemplate, this.view())); // populate the table
columns: [
{ title: 'ID', field: 'id', width: 40, template: pgtemplate },
{ title: 'First name', field: 'firstName', width: 40, template: pgtemplate },
{ title: 'Last name', field: 'lastName', width: 40, template: pgtemplate }
dataSource: dataSource,
editable: false,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
previousNext: false,
numeric: false
scrollable: {
virtual: true
sortable: false
And the view:
<div id="pgGrid"
data-kendo-bind="source: gridSource"
{ "field": "firstName", "width": "150px" },
{ "field": "lastName", "width": "100px" }]'
<script id="pgtemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<td>#= id #</td>
<td>#= firstName #</td>
<td>#= lastName #</td>
And I also have set up kendo binding in main.js:
kendo.ns = 'kendo-';
binder.beforeBind = function (obj, view) { kendo.bind(view, obj.viewModel); };
Can anyone please help
Since you are trying to use kendo mvvm to bind the kendo grid (kendo.ns = 'kendo-') you don't have to use jquery to select the grid and render it( grid.kendoGrid({ ) . In your view model just make a property call gridDatasource,
define(function (require) {
return {
var sampledata = [
{ "ID": 1, "firstName": 'Andrew', "lastName": 'Test' },
{ "ID": 2, "firstName": 'Aidi', "lastName": 'Test' },
{ "ID": 3, "firstName": 'Aiko', "lastName": 'Test' }
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: sampledata,
change: function () { // subscribe to the CHANGE event of the data source
$("#pgGrid tbody").html(kendo.render(pgtemplate, this.view())); // populate the table
return dataSource;
And just remove the viewAttached function you don't have to define grid in javascript again since you have defined it in the HTML.
And you can give the row template like this,
<div id="pgGrid"
data-kendo-bind="source: gridSource"
{ "field": "firstName", "width": "150px" },
{ "field": "lastName", "width": "100px" }]'
Knockout Kendo library simplifies this , have a look at this link , also if you use knockout external template you can define the rowTemplate in external file and load it dynamically. Refer this answer about fix for knockout external template when used with durandal