Is there any solution for unreadable Arabic characters in PDF - pdf

please I need help with PDF file that have Arabic characters ,it is old document exported from old version from oracle , when i open the document all characters are unreadable , I tried to add many Arabic fonts in windows fonts and also in adobe fonts, the same result still view unreadable,
can anyone help please.
Document properties:
Application:Oracle 9 i a s Report services
PDF producer: Oracle PDF Driver
PDF Version:1.4(Acrobat 5.x)
Thank you


Cairo Arabic font issue in Aspose.pdf

I am using Aspose.pdf for to convert my data to .pdf file.
File contains Arabic Characters and is using Cairo font.
The generated pdf file not display any Arabic words!
How can I solve this issue?

Wrong Unicode mapping when exporting .docx to PDF with LibreOffice

When converting a .docx file to a PDF/A-1a file with LibreOffice, the file created is not compliant with the PDF/A-1a standard.
When I try to validate the file using Preflight in Adobe Acrobat the following error shows ups:
Text cannot be mapped to unicode (154 matches on 2 pages)
And when I copy text from the PDF in all accented characters are missing or mess up.
From my research I understand that LibreOffice is not building the /ToUnicode mapping correctly for accented characters because those characters are built for more then one glyph and LibreOffice is just dealing with the first glyph. Ref: Can't copy text from PDF exported from OOo
Is there's a workaround? How can I convert .docx to valid PDF/A programmatically on Linux?
For info here's the command I use to convert the file:
unoconv -f pdf -eSelectPdfVersion=1 source-file.docx
This other command does not give a PDF/A compliant file as expected but it have the same Unicode mapping problem:
libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf source-file.docx
The problem is present with LibreOffice that I was using. The problem is not present with LibreOffice and
So downgrading to fix my problem.
I added more information to an existing bug report.

Which Chinese font is commonly supported by PDF readers of Chinese people?

I am generating PDF files which contain English and Chinese characters (using the Ruby Prawn library). I don't want to embed a Chinese font file in the generated PDF files, because these files need to stay small. So I'm wondering if I could just mentioning a Chinese font name in my PDF files, and have the PDF readers correctly rendering the Chinese characters because the PDF readers would already have the Chinese font file.
Is that something sensible? If so is there any commonly used Chinese font that one can expect to be installed in most of the PDF readers used by Chinese people?
The best way to ensure that a PDF file can be displayed on a any reader, is to use partially embedded fonts (also known as font subset). In PDF, you don't need to include the whole font with your document, having a subset with just the glyphs that were used in the file is enough for the file to be portable.

itextsharp joined pdf size too large

I have an (c#) web application.
I joined together some pdf files on serverside with itextsharp.
The result pdf is too large (>1M) to be downloaded in our environment.
I checked fonts list in Adobe Reader and Verdana font embedded 10 times. It could be a problem. I don't know why? I use iTextSharp PDFCopy for merging.
If I capture the file by fiddler and than print it out by bullzip pdf printer the size become the half (500KB)!!!
I can't figure out what bullzip pdf printer does to reduce the size???
All the joined pdfs are mosty text only a couple of small images.
Interesting when I try to copy/paste text from the original pdf I can, but I can't from the bullzip printed version (i get only rectangles when paste). That is no problem by the way because I don't need to edit or search by text, I only need to print it from the browser.
I need some .net library to do the same with the pdf before I send it to the browser.
Can anyone help me?

Tinymce html2pdf

I have been searching for this but i can't start coding or change configuration because i can't quite understand the concept. Can you help me know where to start?
i have a tinymce editor with different fonts. When i saved it the the text(with its font) was saved in html format. I am converting the html format to pdf by using html2pdf plug in but there was an "TCDPF Error: can not include ''". I have tested all the fonts in my tinymce editor but only Arial works with the html2pdf. I know that you can set the font in html2pdf by using
but this means the text will be saved in one font only. Here comes my problem because in my text each word has different fonts. What should i do? i appreciate any help. :) please understand, i am just a novice
I would use some other tool to create a pdf, what about a ghostscript solution?